OB Seminar

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R A J A R S H I R O Y C H O U D H U RY ( 2 0 3 5 2 0 0 1 9 )
BRAJESH KUMAR (203520009)
SAI MAHESH(203520029)
Table of contents:
• Organization Development
• OD objectives.
• OD techniques.
• OD process.
• OD case study.
OD is a systematic effort, using behavioural science knowledge and skill, to change or transform the
organization to a new state.
Organizational development is a set of behavioural science based theories, principles or values, strategies and
techniques that aims to enhance individual development by bringing about a planned change of the
organizational work setting that translates into improved organizational performance, by change in behaviour
of the employees performing in their job
It is a critical and scientific based process that helps organizations to build their capacity to change and
achieve greater effectiveness by developing, improving, and reinforcing strategies, structures and processes.
It is not about trying something out and seeing what happens. It is about creating a structured and controlled
process in which assumptions are tested. And it is about testing if the outcomes reflect the intention of the
Organizational effectiveness is it’s main objective. It has a number of outcomes. These can differ between
organizations, but usually, they do include financial performance, customer satisfaction, organizational
member engagement, and an increased capacity to adapt and renew the organization
This follows a system-approach, where focus is on entire organizational system. This includes the full
organization, one or more locations, or a single department.
Globalization leads to a much greater interconnectedness and opens up organizations to world-wide
opportunities and threats.
It integrates a collection of planned change interventions which depends on humanistic and democratic
values, that aims to increase the effectiveness of the organization and the well-being of the employees.
OD Objectives:
• Development of Individuals and groups
• Organization culture development and process development through continuous interaction between
different stakeholders irrespective of the hierarchical levels
• Development of team spirit as a culture and behavioural change
• Socially empowering employees
• Focus on value creation.
• Create an organization of self-managed teams through behaviour modification
• Encourage employee interaction and involvement, developing an analytical mindset and take proactive
decisions at various levels
• Introspect and assess existing systems and introduce new systems that includes complete transformational
change if required
• Transform the organization so that it achieves its competitive edge
• Exploit Human talent and inputs through creativity, innovations, research and development thereby achieve
organization growth
Intervention means the act of interfering with the outcome or course especially of a condition or process (as
to prevent harm or improve functioning)
Based on the work of Cummings and Worley, there are 18 total organizational development interventions
Human process

Techno structural
Human resource
management interventions.

Strategic change
1. Individual interventions: aims at improving communication
2. Group interventions: aims at group’s process, content and structure
3. Third party interventions: aims at resolving conflicts
4. Team building: it includes some activities that help the group to accomplish tasks.
5. Confrontation meeting: aims at identifying problems, setting priorities and solving those.
6. Intergroup relations: aims at understanding the relation between groups .
1. Organizational design: This involves rethinking the way work is done, preparing the organization, and
restructuring it around the new business processes.
2. Total quality management: It is also known as continuous process and improvement and mainly based
on quality control.
3. Work design: work is designed in a way which provides optimum productivity based on different
approaches chosen.
4. Job enrichment: goal is to create a job that is interesting and challenging for the person doing it.
1. Performance management : It includes techniques such as goal setting, reward systems and performance
2. Developing talent: includes practices like coaching & mentoring, career planning, development
3. Diversity interventions : It includes age, gender, race, sexual orientation, disabilities, and culture .These
interventions are aimed at increasing diversity.
4. Wellness interventions : include stress management programs, and employee assistance programs. They
aim for a healthy work-life balance
1. Transformational change: It involves changing the basic character of the organization, including how it
is structured and the way it operates.
2. Continuous change: Continuous change is an intervention that enables organizations to change
themselves continually.
3. Trans-organizational change: It involves change interventions that move beyond a single organization.
This includes mergers, allying, acquisitions, and strategic networking
There are 7 steps in the OD process:
1. Entering and contracting:
• The first step starts when a manager or administrator spots an opportunity for improvement
• There are some events like internal conflicts, complaining customers, loss of profit, a lack of innovation, or high
• This stage is about scoping the problem. This is usually done through a meeting between the manager and the OD
• In the case of external OD consultants, this stage is more formal.
2. Diagnostics:
• Information is collected to accurately interpret the problem, through surveys, interviews or on observing the data
to found the cause for problem.
• Effective diagnosis provides the systematic knowledge of the organization needed to design appropriate

3.Data collection and analyzing:

• Data collection is often time-consuming and critical for the success of a project.
• Important factors to keep in mind are confidentiality, a clear purpose, observer-expectancy bias, and a
Hawthorne effect.
• The Hawthorne effect refers to the famous Hawthorne studies where subjects behaved differently purely because
they were being observed.
• This is the key for the OD consultant to give information back to the client in a way that’s understandable
and action-driven.
• Information needs to be relevant, understandable, descriptive, significant, comparative.

•5.Designing interventions:
• After providing the client with feedback, an intervention needs to be created.
• This intervention should fit the needs of the organization and should be based on causal knowledge of
• In addition, the organization needs to be able to absorb the changes effectively
6.Leading and managing change:
• This phase is about executing the new intervention.
• Effective change management revolves around motivating change, creating a vision, developing support, managing
the transition.

7. Evaluation and establishment of change:

• Once a system has been implemented, opportunities for improvement start to show.
• These incremental changes characterize the rapid evolution of technology.
• Change is becoming a constant factor, which means that it is near impossible to just implement technology and be
done with it.
• Systems evolve and this requires a constant implementation
This involves interventions at the organizational, group and individual levels.
The scope of OD is so broad that it encompasses the whole organization (socio-technical systems).
The primary objective of OD intervention is to improve the organizations’ performance but at the same time
ensure the employees’ well-being.
Lean Manufacturing is one of the strategies adopted by organizations to improve and innovate their business
operations. It is widely used in manufacturing companies across the world.
The objective of lean is the elimination of waste by adopting a systematic method within a manufacturing
The focus of lean is to understand what adds value to the product by reducing all other things. Lean
manufacturing is a management philosophy obtained mostly from the Toyota Production System
About the organization
The vision of the company is to become one of the most successful component suppliers and solution
providers in the industry by 2018.
They continuously upgrade Quality of their product and ensure continuous Improvement in productivity by
training and motivating at all levels in the organization.
They train their employees and suppliers to create an environment to achieve continual improvement in
quality, cost & delivery.
They have been following Kaizen philosophy since year 2013.
Kaizen can be defined based on the original Japanese name it is frequently referred to -meaning “change for
the better”.
It is a continuous process that evolves between different groups / networks of participants through
interactions within and around the organization.
Training facilitates a generic methodology to articulate common issues and difficulties, creates awareness of
the gaps that exist in the systems, and increases the consciousness of participants thereby creating a greater
need and energy for change.
To compete with other organizations, Lean manufacturing has led the way to keep innovating and come up
with processes that adds value to the system and eliminate waste.
Lean manufacturing focuses on manufacturing without waste.
The waste comprises non added value activities / processes .
There are seven type of waste overproduction in the manufacturing process.
They are waiting time, improper processing and inventory storing, inappropriate transportation, excess
motion in the production system and defects in the product.
The value and non-value added activities in most production environment / operations were alarmingly
highlighted by the Lean Enterprise Research Centre (LERC 2004) of the Cardiff Business School in UK
• Value added activities is only approximately 5%
• Non value added activities but necessary as part of production is approximately 35%
• The remaining 60% of the activities doesn’t add any value
The Main problem:
Innova Plastic launched a new HTL (Heat transfer printing) printing service for their client EXIDE in
October 2015.
Soon after the launch they noticed a quality problem due to which suffered a high volume of rejection from
The problem was, the HTL failed during the acid and tape testing. The print would peel of when in contact
with acid used in the battery. A lot of 12500 containers was rejected due to this problem.
The process:
The company took an action to address this problem. They informed the client about their plan of action and
kept them informed throughout. The production for this particular component was stopped temporarily.
The team started working on the problem using Kaizen. They did Pareto Analysis, Fishbone diagrams, Why-
why analysis and brainstorming.
The team also had to experiment with various parameters on the shop-floor. The experimented with
different temperatures, pressures, length of labels, winding speeds, sensor alignment, etc. to come up with
the optimum value of these parameters.
After a relentless work for three weeks and numerous meetings, brainstorming, documentation and
experiments, the team came up with new process that would lead to almost zero rejection.
Pareto diagram and root cause analysis:
Brain storming and root cause analysis:
It requires a new process such as process Flow Diagram, Control Plan, FMEA, Standard Operating
Procedure, HTL Machine Daily Validation Report, HTL Daily Weekly Preventive Maintenance Checklist,
List Of Machines, etc.
They were also required to conduct the training for operators, supervisors and engineers .
For example, one point lessons for work instructions of process parameters, printing tape testing, etc. The
unit also had to introduce new audits and checks like checks for HTL printing, Location & aesthetic
checking, surface finish checks, oil & dust checks, etc.
Due to this process improvement, the company achieved a cost saving of INR 23,19,552.

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