1,2 3 - Intro To Multimedia Instructional Design

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MM Instructional Design

Credit Value : 3


Email : [email protected]

 Coursework (100%)
 Test (20%)
 Test 1 (Week 7)
 Test (Week 11)
 Assignments – Multimedia-Based Analysis (40%)
 Assignment 1 (15%)
 Assignment 2 (25%)
 Final Project (40%)
Main Reference

 William Lee, Multimedia-

Based Instructional
Design: Computer Based
Training, Web Based
Training, and Distance
Broadcast Training and
William W. Lee & Diana L.
Owens, 2nd Edition 2004
Course Content

 Part 1 : Multimedia Needs Assessment and


1. Introduction to Multimedia Needs

and Front-End Analysis
2. Audience Analysis
3. Technology Analysis
Course Content (..cont)

4. Situational Analysis
5. Task Analysis
6. Critical Incident Analysis
7. Issue Analysis
8. Objective Analysis
9. Media Analysis
10. Extant Data Analysis
11. Cost Analysis
12. Rapid Analysis Method
Course Content (..cont)

 Part 2 : Multimedia Instructional Design

1. Introduction to Multimedia Instructional

2. Project Schedule
3. Project Team
4. Media Specifications
Course Content (..cont)

 Part 3 : Multimedia Development and Implementation

1. Introduction to Multimedia Development

2. Developing Computer Based Learning Environments
3. Developing Internet, Intranet, Web-based, and
Performance Support Learning Environments
Course Content (..cont)

 Part 4 : Multimedia Evaluation

1. Introduction to Multimedia Evaluation

2. Purpose of Evaluation
3. Measures of Validity
Part 1
Multimedia Need
Assessment and Analysis
Introduction to Multimedia Needs
Assessment and Front-End Analysis

 Analysis phase consist of 2 parts :

 Need Assessments (6 procedure)

 Front-End Analysis (10 types)
Multimedia Instructional
Design Process


Needs Assessment Front-End Analysis

Evaluation Design

Implementation Development

Figure 1: ADDIE Model

Introduction to Multimedia Needs
Assessment and Front-End Analysis

 Need Assessment
 A systematic process of determining goals, identifying
discrepancies between actual and desired condition.
 Provides input into front-end analysis.

 Front-End Analysis
 A collection of techniques that can be used in various
 Help developer to narrow the type and level of solution
that will be required
Need Assessment

 Need assessment is the systematic process of

determining goals, identifying discrepancies
(disagreements) between actual and desired
conditions, and establishing priorities for action
(Lee and Roadman, 1991)
Need Assessment Procedure

 There are six activities in the process of

conducting a needs assessment :
1. Determine the present condition
2. Define the job
3. Rank the goals in order of importance
4. Identify discrepancies
5. Determine positive areas
6. Set priorities for action
Data Collection Techniques
 Interviews (In person, phone)
 Questionnaire (Paper questionnaire, email)
 Observation (Video Camera, Observer)
 Simulation (Inexpensive mock-up or talk-through, actual
equipment or software)

For more information, see Table 2.2 : Data Collection

Techniques in the text book pg. 11
Front-End Analysis

 Types of Front-End Analysis :

 Audience analysis
 Background, learning characteristics, prerequisite
 Technology analysis
 Existing technology capabilities
 Task analysis
 Describe the job-related tasks performed as a result
of the training or performance support
 Critical-incident analysis
 Determine what skills and knowledge that should be
targeted in the multimedia involvement or training
Front-End Analysis (..cont)

 Issue analysis
 Interdependent of Organization, performance and
training issues related need to be analyzed
 Situational analysis
 Identifyenvironmental or organizational constraints
that may have an impact on goals and multimedia
 Objective analysis
 Write objectives for the job tasks to be addressesed
 Media analysis
 Select the appropriate media delivery strategy
Front-End Analysis (..cont)

 Extant-data analysis
 Collect& compare information, existing training
materials, manuals, and evaluate solutions.
 Cost-benefit analysis
 Identify cost and benefit, & return on investment.
Front-End Analysis (..cont)

 At the end of front-end analysis, use Analysis Report Tool

in the Assessment and Front-End Analysis Tools of
Appendix E (in the text book) to organize your findings.

Figure 2:
Instructional Design Phases and Time Ratio

Analysis Design Development Implementation,

evaluation & maintenance
33% 10% 23%

Project start Project end


 Determining whether or not there is a gap between

the desired performance and the current state of a
multimedia job
 Aware that the analysis phases time ratio is
equivalent to a quarter of the entire project time
 Ability to know the characteristics of the target
audience, technology considerations and situational
factors contributed in a multimedia-based design
Next week in the Lab

 Update on Assignment 1 Progress


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