22 Electromagnetism Orig

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Electromagnetism 1

Force on a current-carrying conductor
The d.c. motor
State the relative directions of force, field and current.
Electromagnetism 3

Fleming’s Left-Hand
When a wire carrying an electric current passes through a
magnetic field, with the field at right-angles to the wire, the
wire will experience a force at right-angles both to wire
and to the magnetic field.

The direction in which the

conductor moves can be
deduced using Fleming’s
left-hand rule (or motor
Describe experiments to show the force on a current-
carrying conductor, and on a beam of charged particles,
in a magnetic field, including the effect of reversing (1)
the current, (2) the direction of the field.
Electromagnetism 5

Force on a Current-Carrying
Electromagnetism 6
Electromagnetism 7

• The force exerted on the conductor can be explained by

considering the combined fields due to current flowing
through the straight conductor and the magnet.

magnetics field between 2 magnets magnetic effect due to current in the wire
Electromagnetism 8

• The field shows that on

one side of the
conductor, the two fields
are acting in the same
direction and they
will to
combine field.
stronger give
• On the other side aof the
conductor, the two fields
oppose each other and
give a weaker field.
Electromagnetism 9

• The unbalanced fields

on both sides of the
conductor produce the
force that is exerted
on the conductor.
Electromagnetism 10

Force on Beam of Charge

Particles • In the deflection tube,
the electron gun shoots
out a beam of
electrons across an
evacuated tube.
• It hits a fluorescent
screen placed in its path
and when it does the
screen glows.
• If a bar magnet is held at
the side of the tube, the
beam of electrons is
seen to be deflected up
or down.
Electromagnetism 11
Electromagnetism 12
Describe the field patterns between currents in parallel
conductors and relate these to the forces which exist
between the conductors (excluding the Earth’s field).
Electromagnetism 14

Force Between Two Parallel,

Current- carrying Conductors
• When a current is set
to flow on two parallel
strips of aluminum, the
magnetic fields due to
each wire will interact
and a force will act on
each of the wires
Electromagnetism 15

Conductors with
currents flowing in the
same direction
Electromagnetism 16

Conductors with
currents flowing in the
opposite direction repel
Explain how a current-carrying coil in a magnetic field
experiences a turning effect and that the effect is
increased by increasing (1) the number of turns on the
coil, (2) the current.
Electromagnetism 18

Turning Effect on a Current-

Carrying Conductor

• If a current carrying coil

is placed in a magnetic
field, a pair of forrces will
be produced on the coil.
• This is due to the
interaction of the
magnetic filed of the
permanent magnet and
the magnetic field of the
current carrying coil.
Electromagnetism 19

• The field of a coil superimposed on the field of a

horseshoe magnet
Electromagnetism 20

• Combined field results in a pair of equal and opposite

forces F
Electromagnetism 21
Discuss how this turning effect is used in the action of
an electric motor.
Electromagnetism 23

A simple electric motor can be built using a coil of wire
that is free to rotate between two opposite magnetic
poles. When an electric current flows through the coil, the
coil experiences a force and moves.
Electromagnetism 24
Electromagnetism 25
Electromagnetism 26
Electromagnetism 27
Electromagnetism 28

Describe the action of a split-ring commutator in a two-

pole, single-coil motor and the effect of winding the
coil onto a soft iron cylinder.
Electromagnetism 29

Action of
A split-ring commutator is a device for reversing the
current direction every half turn.
Electromagnetism 30

• As the motor rotates, first one piece of copper, then the

next connects with the brush every half turn. The wire on
the left side of the armature always has current flowing in
the same direction, and so the armature will keep
turning in the same direction
Electromagnetism 31

Soft Iron

• The coils are wound on a iron core called armature makes

the magnetic field stronger because it becomes a magnet itself
when the current is flowing.
• It is used because it loses its magnetism as soon as the current
stops flowing. In this way, the electromagnet can be switched
on and off by turning the electricity on and off.
Electromagnetism 32

1. When the electric current in wire XY is in the direction

shown, there is an upward force on the wire.
Electromagnetism 33

If the north and south poles of the magnet exchange

positions, in which direction will the force on the
wire act?
A. downwards
B. upwards
C. to the left
D. to the right
Electromagnetism 34

2. A copper wire is held between the poles of a magnet.

Electromagnetism 35

The current in the wire can be reversed. The poles of

the magnet can also be changed over.
In how many of the four directions shown can the force
act on the wire?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Electromagnetism 36

3. An a.c. supply is connected to a wire stretched between

the poles of a magnet.
Electromagnetism 37

Which way will the wire move?

A. left and right
B. right only
C. up and down
D. up only
Electromagnetism 38

4. The diagram shows a beam of electrons entering a

magnetic field. The direction of the field is into the page.
Electromagnetism 39

In which direction are the electrons deflected?

A. into the page
B. out of the page
C. towards the bottom of the page
D. towards the top of the page
Electromagnetism 40

5. The diagram shows a beam of electrons entering a

magnetic field.
Electromagnetism 41

What is the effect of the magnetic field on the electrons?

A. They are deflected into the plane of the diagram.
B. They are deflected out of the plane of the diagram.
C. They are deflected towards the bottom of the
D. They are deflected towards the top of the diagram.
Electromagnetism 42

6. Each diagram shows a cross-section through two

parallel conductors, each carrying an electric current.
In the conductor on the left, the current is into the page;
on the right, it is out of the page.
Which diagram shows the directions of the forces on the
two conductors?

Electromagnetism 43

7. Each of the diagrams is a cross-section through two

parallel, current-carrying conductors.
Which diagram shows correctly the magnetic field
pattern and the directions of the forces on the
two conductors?
Electromagnetism 44

Electromagnetism 45

8. Two parallel vertical wires P and Q are a small distance

apart in air. There is a downwards electric current in
both wires. A force acts on Q owing to the current in P.
This force is perpendicular to the wire Q.
What is the direction of the force on Q?

Electromagnetism 46

9. X and Y are wires carrying electric currents at right

angles to the page. P, Q and R are plotting
compasses. Any effect of the Earth’s magnetic field has
been ignored.
Electromagnetism 47

What is true about the direction and size of the


Electromagnetism 48

10. A long flexible wire is wrapped round two wooden pegs.

A large current is passed in the direction shown.
Electromagnetism 49

Which two pairs of lengths of wire attract each other?

Electromagnetism 50

11. A coil, carrying a current, is arranged within a magnetic

field. The coil experiences forces that can make it move.
Electromagnetism 51

In which direction does the coil move?

A. along the magnetic field
B. from X to Y
C. out of the paper
D. turns about the axis XY
Electromagnetism 52

12. A d.c. motor consists of a coil of many turns rotating in a

fixed magnetic field. The coil is connected to a d.c.
supply through a split-ring commutator.
Electromagnetism 53

Some changes are made, one at a time.

• The d.c. supply is reversed.
• The coil is turned before switching on, so that P starts on the
right and Q on the left.
• The poles of the magnet are reversed.
• The turns on the coil are increased in number.

How many of these changes make the coil rotate in the

opposite direction?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Electromagnetism 54

13. What does not alter the size of the turning effect on the
coil of an electric motor?
A. the direction of the current in the coil
B. the number of turns in the coil
C. the size of the current in the coil
D. the strength of the magnetic field
Electromagnetism 55

14. A simple model of a d.c. motor is made. By mistake, the

split-ring commutator is left out. The coil can turn, but
is always connected to the battery in the same way.
Electromagnetism 56

The coil starts in the horizontal position.

What happens to the coil when the circuit is switched
A. It does not move at all.
B. It moves upwards, out of the magnetic field.
C. It turns to the vertical position and eventually stops there.
D. It turns to the vertical position then comes back to the
horizontal position.
Electromagnetism 57

15. The diagram shows a coil in a magnetic field.

Electromagnetism 58

When the coil is part of a d.c. motor, what must be

connected directly to X and Y?
A. d.c. supply
B. slip rings
C. soft-iron core
D. split-ring commutator
Electromagnetism 59

16. The diagram shows a d.c. motor.

Electromagnetism 60

Why is a split-ring commutator used?

A. to change the current direction in the coil as the coil passes
the horizontal position
B. to change the current direction in the coil as the coil passes
the vertical position
C. to change the current direction in the d.c. supply as the coil
passes the horizontal position
D. to change the current direction in the d.c. supply as the
coil passes the vertical position
Electromagnetism 61

17. In a d.c. motor, the coil is wound on a soft iron cylinder.

Why is soft iron used?
A. to increase the strength of the magnetic
B. to increase the weight of the coil
C. to insulate the coil from the magnet
D. to prevent the coil from spinning too quickly

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