Group-1 PPT 12-Integrity

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Feasibility of Shredded Paper and

Saw Dust With Minwax Wood

Hardener as Indoor Wall Insulator
to Aid in Heat Regulation

• The increasing global temperatures and the escalating threat of climate

change have forced humanity to critically evaluate and examine the
different construction materials that are industrially used and its
environmental impacts. This study is conducted in light to examine the
feasibility of shredded bondpaper and saw dust bonded by Minmax Wood
Hardener as insulated roof tiles to aid in the heat regulation of today’s
Research Questions

1. What is the thermal conductivity coefficient of shredded paper and sawdust indoor wall insulation
solidified by Minwax Wood Hardener?
2. Is there a significant difference in the heat conductivity of shredded paper, sawdust, and Minwax Wood
Hardener respectively in the different ratios?
3. Which among the different ratios/concentrations of the shredded paper and saw dust indoor wall insulation
is best acceptable to be mass produced to aid in heat regulation?
3.1 2: 2: 2
3.2 1: 3: 2
3.3 3: 1: 2
4. What is the flammability of the three variations of the indoor wall insulation?
Statement of Hypotheses (null)

Ho1: It is not possible to know the thermal conductivity coefficient of shredded paper and
sawdust indoor wall insulation solidified by Minwax Wood Hardener
Ho2: There is no significant difference in the heat conductivity of shredded paper, sawdust,
and Minwax Wood Hardener, respectively, in the different ratios
2.1 - 2: 2: 2
2.2 - 1: 3: 2
2.3 - 3: 1: 2
Ho3: None of the different ratios/concentrations of the shredded paper and sawdust indoor
wall insulation is best acceptable to be mass produced to aid in heat regulation.
Ho4: The Flammability of the three variations of the indoor wall insulation does not vary.
Statement of the Problem
1. To know the thermal conductivity coefficient of shredded paper and sawdust indoor wall
insulation solidified by Minwax Wood Hardener
2. To know if there is a significant difference in the heat conductivity of shredded paper, sawdust,
and Minwax Wood Hardener respectively in the different ratios
3.1 2: 2: 2
3.2 1: 3: 2
3.3 3: 1: 2
3. To know which among the different ratios/concentrations of the shredded paper and saw dust
indoor wall insulation is best acceptable to be mass produced to aid in heat regulation
4. To know what is the flammability of the three variations of the indoor wall insulation
Scope and Delimitation

• The study only focuses on the Three previously mentioned research questions. The study
does not take into account the other types of shredded paper as the researchers only focus on
bond papers. The sawdust used will come from wood materials found within Mandaue City,
Cebu alone. The different variations would utilize the same wood to adhere to its
consistency. The study’s scope does not include the other types of wood hardener. Moreover,
the thermal conductivity coefficient result that is under this study would only be measured
by one instrument, the INGCO Digital Thermometer Thermal Surface Scanner HIT0155026
IPT. The flammability test result will only come from “the standard testing method used to
classify a material as a flammable solid from Part III of the United Nations (UN) Manual of
Tests and Criteria. The testing method is Section 33.2.4 – Test N.1: Test Method for
Flammable Solids. The N.1 Test Method includes two procedures: a preliminary screening
test, and a burning rate test.
Review of Related Literature and Studies

• An estimated 25 million trees might be saved annually if we could recycle only 10% of those old
newspapers. Of course, used newspapers may be recycled to make new paper goods. Alternatively,
though, they may be shred and made into high-performance cellulose insulation materials that will
shield our houses from the elements for decades to come (Roberts, 2020).
• Sawdust is a byproduct of the timber industry and may be used as a sustainable resource, its usage
in building is significant. It enhances insulation as sawdust composites are perfect for use in walls,
floors, and roofs because of their low thermal conductivity, which gives them great insulation
qualities. (Olaiya, 2023).
• Pasztory and Horvath (2019) presents a wood-and-paper-based insulating system that makes use of
the poor heat conductivity of motionless air. The insulation, known as the Mirrorpanel, is made up
of layers of coated paper that are tightly spaced and supported by a fiberboard or wood frame.
Research Methodology
Research Design
• Experimental research is a study conducted with a scientific approach using two sets of variables. Independent variables are the
saw dust, shredded paper, and Minwax. These independent variables’ ratio or concentration in the mixture as an indoor wall
insulator would affect the heat regulation (dependent variable) it is capable of producing.
Research Instrument
• The sawdust, shredded paper and Minwax mixture would be observed in adherence to a checklist heat regulation and its ability
to regulate heat will be measured using a Trident's primary sensor which employs the Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS)
Research Environment
• The study will be conducted in the residence of one of the researchers located in P. Sanchez, Block 3 Lot 2, Pereville
Subdivision Pagsabungan, Mandaue City, Cebu (product generation). The observation and testing will be done inside the
premises of Saint Louis College-Cebu.
Research Subject
• Experimental research contains dependent and independent variables. The dependent variables are the variables being treated or
manipulated and are sometimes called the subject of the research (Heat Regulation). The independent variables (wall insulation
made of sawdust, shredded paper and Minwax) are the experimental treatment being exerted on the dependent variables.
Statistical Treatment
• Correlation analysis is used to quantify the degree to which two variables are related. Through the correlation analysis, the
researchers evaluate the correlation coefficient that tells how much one variable changes (heat regulation) when the other does
(amount of shredded paper and saw dust in a wall insulation).
Shredded Bond paper and Sawdust Treatment
Research Methodology
1. Pre Shred the bondpapers
2. Make sure that the sawdust have no foreign materials included.
3. Prepare 3 pails of 1 gallon of water.
4. Label each pail with variation A, B and C in accordance with the three variations of shredded bondpaper and sawdust indoor wall insulation.
5. Add the corresponding amount of sawdust and shredded bondpaper in adherence to the ratio of the variations. Do not include the Minwax yet. ( A - 2: 2:
2 , B - 1: 3: 2, C - 3: 1: 2)
6. Mix the Shredded Paper and Sawdust with the water thoroughly.
7. Press the shredded paper and sawdust and strain it to extract the water.
8. Prepare a square mold (12 by 12 inches) and label each mold as A, B and C.
9. Each shredded paper and sawdust mixture extracted from pale A, B and C must be carefully placed on the mold A, B, and C. Make sure that their labels
are parallel.
10.Let the mold dry outdoor for 30 days. Note that the molds must be placed indoor if it is raining or drizzling. Do not include in the 30-day countdown
those days that the weather involves drizzling or raining.
11.After the 30-day countdown of drying, remove the shredded paper and sawdust from the mold and apply Minwax Wood Hardener as the coating to
preserve its lifespan and make it durable.
12.Make a three mini houses with a square-based body with the measurement of 48 by 48 inches. The roof is not part of this measurement.
13.Make sure to label the mini houses as A, B and C in accordance to the three variations.
14.Place the indoor shredded paper and sawdust wall insulation inside these mini houses.
15.The indoor shredded paper and sawdust wall insulation is now ready to be tested.
•Thermal Conductivity Testing
1. To test the Thermal conductivity of each variation, use the INGCO Digital Thermometer Thermal Surface Scanner HIT0155026 IPT tester. The
standard testing method used to classify a material as a flammable solid comes from Part III of the United Nations (UN) Manual of Tests and
Criteria. The testing method is Section 33.2.4 - Test N.1: Test Method for flammable Solids. The N.1 Test Method includes two Procedures: a
preliminary screening test, and a burning rate test.
2. Check the tester if it is functional.
3. Make sure that there are three researchers recording, one will record for each type of variation to avoid lapses and misinformation.
4. Point the tester inside the mini houses, 1 inch distant to a side with the indoor wall insulation.
5. Repeat on a daily basis for 30 days and record the results to have consistency.
•Flammability Testing
The standard testing method used to classify a material as a flammable solid comes from Part III of the United Nations (UN) Manual of Tests and
Criteria. The testing method is Section 33.2.4 – Test N.1: Test Method for Flammable Solids. The N.1 Test Method includes two procedures: a
preliminary screening test, and a burning rate test.
1. The preliminary screening test is carried out by igniting the sample in its commercial form.
2. Cut the indoor wall insulation to specified dimensions (5 by 5 inches square)
3. Observe and record the burning time in seconds and milliseconds
4. Observe and record the distance of the ignited substance. The result of this test determines if the additional testing is required.
5. If the substance does not ignite and flame propagation is present beyond 200mm within 2 minutes in this first test, then the substance will not be
classified as a flammable solid and no further testing is required.
6. For substances that do propagate burning in the preliminary screening test, the burning rate test will be completed to determine whether the
material tested falls into one of three groups: Flammable solids, packing group II/Category 1, Flammable solids, packing group III/Category 2 ,
Non flammable solid
7. Make sure to record the data carefully to observe consistency and avoid incorrect information.

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