0-1air Theory

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Air Theory

Objectives & Contents

 Course Objectives :

 At the end of the courses students will be able to:

1. Understand the basic Fundamentals of compressed air.

2. Understand the working principals of main types of compressors.
3. Understand air drying and the drying methods.
4. Understand air filtration.

Objectives & Contents

 Table of Contents :
 Chapter 1 : Introduction

 Chapter 2 : Basic Definitions

 Chapter 3 : Applications of compressed air

 Chapter 4 : Types of Compressors

 Chapter 5 : Working Principals

 Chapter 6 : Air Drying

 Chapter 7 : Air Filtration

 Chapter 8 : Compressed Air System Arrangement

Basics of Air Compressors

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
1.1 What is Air ?

 We live at the bottom of a sea called

 Atmosphere is a layer
of gases surrounding a planet or
other material body, that is held in place
by the gravity of that body

 Atmosphere is made up of Air

1. Introduction
1.1 What is Air ?

 Air is a colorless, odorless and tasteless


It contains: N2:78%
78% nitrogen
– 21% oxygen
– 1% others
This composition is relatively constant, from sea
level up to an altitude of 25 kilometers.
 Atmospheric air is always more or less contaminated
with solid particles, for example, dust, sand, soot and
salt crystals and also includes water vapor.

Other gases H2O up to 4% at 40°C; atm

1. Introduction
1.1 What is Air ?

 Air is a gaseous envelope that surrounds

the earth exerting pressure on everything

 Actual air pressure depends on your

location relative to sea level

1. Introduction
1.1 What is Air ?

 Air press on the earth = Atmospheric

– The air pressure depends on the
relative location from the sea
 At sea level: 1 bar
 Above sea level: <1 bar
 Below sea level: >1 bar

 Height ↑ 1000m => pressure

↓0,1 bar (psi)
Sea Level
The force on a square centimeter area of an air column which
runs from sea level to the edge of the atmosphere, is about
10.13 N 8
1. Introduction
1.2 What is Compressed Air ?

 Compress: To press together or force

into a smaller space; condense

 When controlled, this compressed air

can be used to perform work

1. Introduction
1.2 What is Compressed Air ?

 If the volume of a given amount of

air decreases, the pressure will

Volume ↓ => Pressure ↑

Final volume
 The pressure in the balloon is of the balloon
increased due to decrease in the Initial Volume
volume. of the balloon

1. Introduction
1.3 Effective Pressure .

Pressure in the ball Pressure in the ball Pressure in the ball

= 0 bar = Atmospheric pressure > Atmospheric pressure
= 1 bar = 2 bar

i.e. Absolute pressure

= 0 bar (perfect vacuum)
i.e. Absolute pressure i.e. Absolute pressure
= 1 bar = 2 bar Atmospheric
pressure 1 bar

Atmospheric Atmospheric Atmospheric

Plastic ball pressure 1 bar Plastic ball pressure 1 bar Pump Plastic ball pressure 1 bar

 Absolute pressure is the total pressure measured from zero (perfect vacuum )

1. Introduction
1.3 Effective Pressure .

Pressure in the ball = 2 bar

Pressure in the ball
> Atmospheric pressure
= 2 bar

Pressure ( in bar)
Plastic ball pressure 1 bar

 Absolute pressure is the total pressure measured from zero (perfect vacuum)
 Effective pressure is the total pressure measured from the atmosheric pressure.
 The effective pressure is the difference between absolute pressure and
atmospheric pressure
 Effective pressure = Absolute pressure – Atmospheric pressure

1. Introduction
1.3 Effective Pressure .

 The pressure in the ball is equal to

Absolute pressure = 1 bar the atmospheric pressure

0 bar  The effective pressure is 0.

Effective pressure
 The fan does not rotate

Plastic ball pressure 1 bar

1. Introduction
1.3 Effective Pressure .
 The absolute pressure in the ball is 2 bar
 The effective pressure is 1 bar.
Absolute pressure = 2 bar
1 bar
 The fan is rotating
Effective pressure

 The absolute pressure in the ball is 3 bar

Pump Plastic ball pressure 1 bar
 The effective pressure is 2 bar.
 The fan is rotating even faster

Absolute pressure = 3 bar

 The effective pressure is the pressure
2 bar
available to deliver work.
Effective pressure

Pump Plastic ball pressure 1 bar

Basics of Air Compressors

2. Basic Definitions
2. Basic Definitions

 2.1 Absolute Pressure

The sum of the gauge and atmospheric pressures
(7 bar(g) + 1 bar(atm.) = 8 bar(a) “absolute”)

 2.2 Pressure Ratio

The ratio of the absolute discharge pressure to the absolute
inlet pressure (7 bar(g) + 1 bar(atm.) / 1 bar(atm.) = 8 ratios

2. Basic Definitions

 2.3 Relative Humidity

RH is defined as the ratio between the actual water content to the
amount of water the air can possibly hold at the same temperature

 2.4 Dew Point

The temperature of a gas at a given pressure at which vapor
will start to condense.
- Atmospheric Dew Point “ ADP “
- Pressure Dew Point “ PDP “

2. Basic Definitions
 2.5 Capacity
Quantity of gas actually delivered, typically referred back to
inlet conditions at pressure, temperature and moisture Nm3/hr,

Sm3/hr, Im3/hr, Free air m3/min, FAD

 Free Air Delivery (FAD m3/min or L/s or cfm)

The compressor’s output flow rate is recalculated to a free air volume rate at the standard inlet condition (inlet pressure 1 bar(a) and inlet temperature 20°C).

 Inlet Air Delivery (I m3/min, ICFM or I l/s)

The air flow in as it enters the air compressor intake.

 Actual Air delivery (m3/min) (Site Conditions)

The actual air flow rate according to the site conditions , This is the actual volume flow rate in the pipework after the compressor

 Standard Air Delivery (Sm3/min or SCFM)

The air flow rate is recalculated to “the standard state”, i.e. conventionally chosen as 1.013 bar(a) , 0% RH and 20 °C.

 Normal Air Delivery (Nm3/hr)

The air flow rate is recalculated to “the normal state”, i.e. conventionally chosen as 1.013 bar(a) , 0% RH and 0°C.

2. Basic Definitions

 2.6 Normal Air Conditions :(e.g. Nm3/hr)

A given volume of air defined at “normal” condition.
Normal Condition is referred as: 1 bar(a), 0 deg C, 0% RH

 2.7 Standard Air Conditions :

20°C (68°F) , 0% RH, & Ambient Pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi)

2. Basic Definitions

 2.8 Power
Is the total mechanical input required including, compression power
and all frictional losses

 2.9 Specific Energy Requirement (joules/liter)

Shaft input per unit of compressor capacity (e.g. power/flow)

2. Basic Definitions

 2.10 Intercooling*
Cooling of the gas between stages of compression
1. Reducing the temperature
2. Reducing the volume to the succeeding stage
3. Liquefy condensable vapors to reduce power
(all of the above in order to reduce power)

*This is significant for a multi stage compressor

Basics of Air Compressors

3. Applications of compressed air

3. Applications of compressed air
3.1 Industrial Applications .

Food & Beverage

Food conservation and production

Medical and dental applications

3. Applications of compressed air
3.1 Industrial Applications .

Chemical and Petrochemical plants Gas separation and nitrogen production

Construction and other industries Water treatment and fish farming

3. Applications of compressed air
3.1 Industrial Applications .
Automobile and other manufacturing


3. Applications of compressed air
3.1 Industrial Applications .
Textile Mining

And many other applications

3. Applications of compressed air
3.1 Industrial Applications .
Blowing Vacum

Air Motors Pumps Tools Sensing

Pneumatically operated machinery

3. Applications of compressed air
3.3 Compressed Air requirements .

 Compressed air is used in different applications in different industies.

They all have their proper demands and requirements on:

– Pressure
– Flow
– Quality of the air
 Oil
 Water
 Solid particles
– Noise

Basics of Air Compressors

4. Types of Compressors
What is an Air Compressor ?
 Air compressor is a machine that delivers a certain flow of air to a certain application and converts power ( usually
from an electric motor or a diesel engine) into kinetic energy by compressing and pressurizing air into the application air
 A compressor can withstand working against pressure/compression.
Types of air compressors
 Based on the operating principle
- Positive-displacement compressor - Dynamic compressor

 Based on the number of compression elements/stages

- Single stage compressor - Multi stage compressor

 Based on the operating pressure

–Low pressure compressors , up to 3.5 bar
–Medium pressure compressors , 4 to 13 bar
–High pressure compressors , 20-100 bar
–Super high pressure compressors , above 100 bar

 Based on the flow rate

–Low capacity compressors (ex. scroll, piston ,)
–Medium capacity compressors (ex. Tooth ,screw)
–High capacity compressors (ex. Centrifugal )

 Based on the cooling method

–Air cooled compressor
–Water cooled compressor
4. Types of Compressors


Positive Displacement Dynamic

Compressors Compressors

4. Types of Compressors

There are two basic types of compressors

Displacement compressors work on the
principle of reducing a volume to create

Dynamic compressors work on the
principle of using kinetic energy of the air
mass to create compression.
4. Types of Compressors
4. Types of Compressors
4.1 Dynamic Compressors

 Kinetic energy is converted to pressure

– In dynamic compression air is drawn into a rapid Suction

rotating compression impeller and accelerates to
a high speed. The gas is then discharged
through a diffuser and the speed is forced to
decelerate, where the kinetic energy is
transformed to static pressure. Diffusor
– Depending on the main direction of the gas flow
used, these compressors are called radial or
axial compressors.

4. Types of Compressors
4.1 Dynamic Compressors

Dynamic compressors are available in:

 Axial design: turbo compressors
 Radial design: centrifugal compressors

A dynamic compressor works with a constant pressure.

The performance of a dynamic compressor is affected by external conditions.
– Example: A small change in the inlet pressure results in a large change in the

4. Types of Compressors
4.1 Dynamic Compressors

 Types of dynamic compressors:

Ejector Radial ( Centrifugal ) Axial

4. Types of Compressors
4.2 Positive Displacement Compressors

 Reducing the volume of the gas increases its pressure

– In displacement compressors air is drawn into a compression chamber. By

reducing the volume of this chamber, the pressure of the air will increase.

Inlet valve

Outlet valve

Inlet valve
Outlet valve

Inlet valve
Outlet valve

4. Types of Compressors
4.2 Positive Displacement Compressors

 Compression principle: Inlet valve

Outlet valve

– At point 1, the inlet valve and the

outlet valve are closed. Piston


4. Types of Compressors
4.2 Positive Displacement Compressors

Inlet valve

Outlet valve
 Compression principle: Inlet valve
Outlet valve

– As the piston moves from point 1 Inlet valve

to point 2, the volume reduces Outlet valve

and the pressure increases.

= compressing
As the piston moves forward the
– During compressing the inlet air gets compressed and reaches
point 2

valve and the outlet valve are


Volume of the air reduces and the

pressure increases


4. Types of Compressors
4.2 Positive Displacement Compressors

Inlet valve

 Compression principle: Outlet valve


Inlet valve

– At point 2 the outlet valve gets open. Discharging

Outlet valve Piston

– The piston moves from point 2 to

point 3. Discharging

– During this movement, the air gets

discharged at constant pressure.


4. Types of Compressors
4.2 Positive Displacement Compressors

Inlet valve
 Compression principle: Discharging
Outlet valve Piston

– At point 3 the outlet valve gets closed Inlet valve

Pressure reduction
– The piston moves back from point 3 Outlet valve Piston

to point 4.

– During this movement, the volume Discharging

gets increased and the pressure gets



4. Types of Compressors
4.2 Positive Displacement Compressors

 Compression principle: Inlet valve

Outlet valve
Pressure reduction

– At point 4 the inlet valve gets Inlet valve

open. Outlet valve Piston

– The piston moves back from point

4 to point 1. Discharging

– During this movement, the

volume increase and gets filled
with air at atmospheric pressure. Pressure
– At point 1 the inlet valve gets
closed and the process will
continuously repeate.

4. Types of Compressors
4.2 Positive Displacement Compressors

Types of displacement compressors:

 Single rotor:

Vane Liquid ring Scroll

 Double rotor:

Screw Tooth Blower

4. Types of Compressors
4.2 Positive Displacement Compressors

Types of displacement compressors:

 Piston compressors:

Single acting Double acting Diaphragm Labyrinth sealed

4. Types of Compressors
4.3 Comparaison

 A Centrifugal compressor is

a machine with:
– variable capacity.
– constant pressure.

 A displacement compressor
is a machine with:
– constant capacity.
Displacement Compressor
– variable pressure.


4. Types of Compressors
4.4 Oil Injected Compressors

 At Oil Injected Compressors:

– Oil is injected with Air inside the compression chambers.

– In order to separate oil from air at discharge there is an Oil Separator unit.

– The functions of oil are:

– Cooling:
compression heat is absorbed by the oil.
– Lubrication:
Lubrication of gears, rotors and bearings
– Sealing:
Sealing between rotors and rotor housing
– Corrosion protection:
Corrosion protection of the internal metal parts

4. Types of Compressors
4.5 Oil Free Compressors

 At Oil Free Compressors:

– No oil is injected inside the compression chambers.

– No need for Oil separator.

4. Types of Compressors
4.6 Water Injected Compressors

 At Water Injected Compressors:

– Water is injected with Air inside the compression chambers.

– In order to separate water from air at discharge there is an Water
Separator unit.

Basics of Air Compressors

5. Working Principals
5. Working Principals
5.1 Screw Compressors
Female rotor

The screw element’s main parts are the male and Male rotor
the female rotors, wich move towards each other
while the volume between them and the housing
5. Working Principals
5.1 Screw Compressors

Suction: Compression Compression Delivery:

starts: progresses:
As the rotors turn,
the compartment Compressed air
The ends of the The air is leaves through
rotors uncover entrapped in the the outlet port.
the inlet: air “compartment”
enters the formed by a
compressing the
compression male lobe and a
entrapped air.
chamber. female flute.

The volume of the air or gas is progressively reduced

along the length of the screw, causing a pressure increase
5. Working Principals
5.2 Tooth Compressors

 The compression element in a tooth compressor

consists of two rotors that rotate towards each
other in a compression chamber.

5. Working Principals
5.2 Tooth Compressors

 The compression process consists of intake, compression and outlet.

– intake : air is drawn into the compression chamber until the rotors block the inlet.

– compression : the drawn in air is in the compression chamber, which gets smaller and
smaller as the rotors move.
 Outlet = closed; inlet = open.

– Outlet: (discharge) when one of the rotors opens the channel

 Compressed air is forced out of compressor chamber

5. Working Principals
5.3 Scroll Compressors

 The compressor element consists of a fixed

spiral in an element housing and a motor
powered eccentric, moveable spiral.

5. Working Principals
5.3 Scroll Compressors

 Compression process:

– The moving spiral is driven by a short stroke crankshaft and runs eccentrically around
the centre of the fixed spiral.
– Intake: at the top of the element housing.
– When the moving spiral runs clockwise, air is drawn in, captured in one of the air
pockets and compressed variably in towards the centre
– where the outlet and a non-return valve are situated.

5. Working Principals
5.4 Piston Compressons
 Compression process:

Compression in a Piston compressor is characterized by enclosing a volume of gas or air and then increasing the pressure by reducing the area of the enclosed

Lubricated Oil Free

5. Working Principals

5.5 Booster Compressors

 A booster compressor is a compressor that works with
air that has been compressed and compresses it to a
higher pressure. It is used to compensate the pressure
drop in long pipelines or in applications where a higher
pressure is required for a sub-process.

 Compression may be single or multi-staged and the

compressor can be of a dynamic or displacement type,
but piston compressors are the most common.

 The power requirement for a booster compressor

increases with a rising pressure ratio, while the mass
flow drops. The curve for power requirement as a
function of the intake pressure has the same general
form as the curve for a vacuum pump.
5. Working Principals
5.6 Pressure Intensifiers
 Pressure intensifiers increase the pressure in a
medium, for example, for laboratory tests of valve, pipes
and hoses. A pressure of 7 bar can be amplified in a
single stage to 200 bar or up to 1700 bar in multi-staged

 The pressure intensifier is only available for very small

flows. When the high pressure chamber is filled, the low
pressure piston is lifted. When the propellant flows in, the
piston is pressed downwards and forces the medium out
under high pressure.

 The intensifier can work in a cycling process, up until a

preset pressure level. All inert gases can be compressed
in this way. Air can also be compressed in a pressure
intensifier, but must be completely oil-free to avoid
5. Working Principals
5.7 Axial Compressors
 An axial compressor has axial flow, the air or gas
passes along the compressor shaft through rows of
rotating and stationary impellers. In this way the velocity
of the air is gradually increased at the same time as the
stationary blades convert the kinetic energy to pressure.
The lowest volume flow rate through such a compressor
is about 15 m3/s.

 A balancing drum is usually built into the compressor to

counterbalance axial thrust. Axial compressors are
generally smaller than equivalent centrifugal
compressors and work ordinarily with about a 25% higher
speed. They are used for constant high volume rate of
flow at a relatively moderate pressure. With the
exception of gas turbine applications the pressure ratio is
seldom higher than 6. The normal flow is approx. 65
m3/s and effective pressure up to approx. 14 bar(e).
(Picture right; Axial compressor example)
5. Working Principals

5.8 Centrifugal Compressors

 The centrifugal compressor is characterised by the radial discharge flow. Air is drawn into the centre of a rotating
impeller with radial blades and is thrown out towards the periphery of the impeller by centrifugal forces. Before the air
is led to the centre of the next impeller, it passes a diffuser and a volute where the kinetic energy is converted to
pressure. The pressure ratio across each stage is determined by the compressors final pressure. This also gives a
suitable velocity increase for the air after each impeller. The air temperature at the inlet of each stage has a decisive
significance for the compressors power requirement, which is why cooling between stages is needed. Centrifugal
compressors with up to six stages and pressure up to 25 bar are not uncommon.
 The impeller can have either an open or closed design. Open is the most common with air applications. The impeller
is normally made of special stainless steel alloy or aluminium. The speed is very high compared with other types of
compressor, 15,000-100,000 r/min are common. This means that journalling on the compressor shaft takes place
using plain bearings instead of rolling bearings. Rolling bearings are used on single stage compressors with a low
pressure ratio. Often multi-stage compressors have two impellers mounted on each end of the same shaft to
counteract the axial loads caused by the pressure differences.
 The lowest volume flow rate through a centrifugal compressor is primarily determined by the flow through the last
stage. A practical limit value of 160 l/s in the outlet from a horizontal split machine is often a rule-of-thumb.
 Each centrifugal compressor must be sealed in a suitable manner to reduce leakage along the shaft where it passes
through the compressor housing. Many types of seal are used and the most advanced can be found on compressors
with a high speed intended for high pressures. The four most common types are labyrinth seals, ring seals, (usually
graphic seals that work dry, but even sealing liquids are used), mechanical seals and hydrostatic seals.
5. Working Principals
5.8 Centrifugal Compressors
5. Working Principals

5.9 Diaphragm Compressors

 Diaphragm compressors form another group. The
diaphragm is actuated mechanically or hydraulically.

 The mechanical diaphragm compressors are used

with a small flow and low pressure or as vacuum pumps.

 The hydraulic diaphragm compressors are used for

high pressure.
5. Working Principals
5.10 Liquid Ring Compressors
 The liquid ring compressor is a displacement compressor with
built-in pressure ratio.
 The rotor has fixed blades and is eccentrically mounted in a
housing, which is partly filled with a liquid. The blade wheel
transports the liquid around in the compressor housing and a ring of
liquid is formed around the compressor housing wall by means of
centrifugal force. The liquid ring lies eccentrically to the rotor as the
compressor housing has an oval form. The volume between the
blade wheel varies cyclically.
 The compressor is usually designed with two symmetrical, opposite
compression chambers to avoid radial thrust on the bearings.
 Cooling in a liquid ring compressor is direct, due to the contact
between the liquid and the air, and means the temperature increase
on the compressed air is very little. However, losses through viscous
friction between the housing and the blades are high.
 The air becomes saturated with compressor liquid, which normally
is water. Other liquids can also be used, for example, to absorb a
specific constituent part of the gas to be compressed or to protect
the compressor against corrosion when aggressive gases are
5. Working Principals

5.11 Vane Compressors

 The operating principle for a vane compressor is the
same as for many compressed air motors. The vanes are
usually manufactured of special cast alloys and most
compressors are oil lubricated. A rotor with radially
movable blades is eccentrically mounted in a stator
housing. When it rotates the vanes are pressed against
the stator walls by centrifugal force. Air is drawn in when
the distance between the rotor and stator is increasing.
The air is captured in different compressor pockets,
which decrease in volume with rotation. The air is
discharged when the vanes pass the outlet port.
5. Working Principals
Roots Blowers
 A blower is not a displacement compressor as it works
without internal compression.
 When the compression chamber comes into contact with
the outlet, compressed air floods in from the pressure side.
It is first here that compression takes place, when the
volume of the compression chamber decreases with
continued rotation. Accordingly, compression takes place
against full counter-pressure, which results in low efficiency
and a high noise level. Two identical, normally symmetrical,
counter-rotating rotors work in a housing with flat ends and
a cylindrical casing. The rotors are synchronised by means
of a gear wheel.

 Blowers are usually air cooled and oil-free . The low

efficiency limits the blowers to low pressure applications
and compression in a single stage, even if two and three
stage versions are available.
 Blowers are frequently used as vacuum pumps and for
pneumatic conveyance.
5. Working Principals
Roots Blowers
5. Working Principals
Vacuum Pumps
 A vacuum means a lower pressure than atmospheric pressure. A vacuum pump is a compressor
that works in this pressure range.

 A typical characteristic of a vacuum pump is that they work with a very high pressure ratio,
however despite this, multi-stage machines are common. Multi-stage compressed air compressors
can also be used for vacuums within the pressure range 1 bar(a) and 0.1 bar(a).
5. Working Principals
Fixed Speed Compressors

 The Compressor element is driven by an electric motor.

 The Electric motor control is either Star / Delta or Direct On Line “DOL”
 The Pressure regulation is set up that we have :
NO- Load Pressure & Loading Pressure
 The Operation of the compressor depends on these two setting which activates the loading
soleniods allowing air to enter the compressor element or not.

5. Working Principals
Variable Speed Drive « VSD » Compressors

 The Compressor element is driven by an electric motor.

 The Electric motor is controlled via a frequency convertor.
 The Pressure regulation is set up that we have only Loading Pressure
 The Air delivery is proportional to the load demand.

5. Working Principals
Variable Speed Drive « VSD » Compressors

Frequency Converter

Set Point

Free Air Delivery

Compressor Screw Element VSD Main Motor

5. Working Principals
Variable Speed Drive « VSD » Compressors

0.6 BAR



VSD 0.2 bar

5. Working Principals
Atlas Copco Offers the Best Technology For the Right Application

scroll 1-15KW

tooth 15-45KW

screw OIS 5-500KW

OFS 55-900KW


5. Working Principals

Conditions Screw Dynamic

< 1000 l/s ++ --
1000-1500 l/s + -
1500 – 2200 l/s = =
> 2200l/s -- ++
Low + -
High = +

Base = =
Fluctuating = (VSD ++) -

Constant - (VSD ++) + (only for CPC)

(negative frequency) - (VSD =) ---

Oil Free Compressors Models :
Oil Free compressors :
1- ZT <50 kw : oil free tooth compressor – air cooled – double stage
2- ZT>50kw : oil free screw compressor – air cooled – double stage
3- ZR : oil free screw compressor – water cooled – double stage
4- ZH : oil free centrifugal compressor – water cooled – double/three stage
5- SF : oil free scroll compressor – air cooled – single stage
6- AQ : oil free screw compressor – water Injected-water cooled – single stage
7- ZE : oil free screw low press. compressor – air cooled – single stage
8- ZA : oil free screw low press. compressor – water cooled – single stage
9- LF,LFX : oil free piston compressor – air cooled
10- Crepplle “P,S” : oil-free piston High pres. Compressors up to 40 bar – water cooled.
11- Crepplle “ZD” : oil-free piston High pres. Compressors – water cooled – it consists of ZR
screw compressor and D booster for 40 bar applications.
12- ZG : single-stage , water-cooled screw compressor, booster oil-free Nitrogen.
Oil Free Blowers Models :
Oil Free Blowers :
1- ZL : oil free roots blower
2- ZS : oil free screw blower
3- ZB : oil free centrifugal blower
Oil Injected Compressors Models :
Oil Injected compressors :
1- GA : oil Injected screw compressor – air cooled – single stage
2- GA “W” : oil Injected screw compressor – water cooled – single stage
3- GX : oil Injected screw compressor – air cooled – single stage
4- GR : oil Injected screw high press. Compressor up to 25 bar – air cooled – double
4- GR “W”: oil Injected screw high press. Compressor up to 25 bar – water cooled
double stage
5- GN : oil Injected screw compressor – air cooled with Dual air & nitrogen outlet –
single stage
6- LE,LT : oil Injected piston compressor – air cooled
Basics of Air Compressors

6. Air Drying
Composition of air
 Air, the medium which we are using in
our products is almost perfect, always
available, not aggressive nor explosive,
at no cost etc.
 There is however one disadvantage
with air in the way we use it: it always
contains water.
 And water is not wanted in the
compressed air system.

 Composition

 Atmospheric air is a mixture of different

gasses of which the composition is the

 Nitrogen: 78%
 Oxygen: 21%
 Others: 1%

 “Others” consists mainly of Argon.

Composition of air

Air contains water...

Composition of air



 What is humidity ? 1200



Pws (mbar)
 Humidity = the presence of water
vapour in air

 Air has the capacity to adsorb water
vapour 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Temperature (°C)

 This capacity depends mainly on

the temperature
Water vapour table
At any particular temperature,
air that contains its full capacity of water vapour
is said to be Saturated

The Relative Humidity of the air expresses

how fully saturated the air is with water vapour





-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

The Relative Humidity

At any particular temperature,

air that contains its full capacity of water vapour
is said to be Saturated

The Relative Humidity

The Relative Humidity of the air expresses

how fully saturated the air is with water vapour

 R.H. is defined as the ratio between the water content to the amount of water the air can
possibly hold at the same temperature .
Relative humidity is what really matters:
PDP has to be related to ambient temperature to be meaningful

Consistent Air Quality - PDP vs. Ambient


PDP (°C)

RH = 26%
15 25 35 45 55
Ambient Temperature (°C)

Air with a PDP of 3°C in a 25°C ambient has same

quality with a PDP of 20°C in a 45°C ambient.
Relative humidity is what really matters:

Provided the air quality is in the green zone, corrosion is not possible.

 What is dewpoint ?

 Dewpoint
= The temperature of the air below which
condensation starts
= The temperature of the air where the air is
Influence of pressure

 What happens during Compression

Volume reduces - gm/m3 water vapour

increases in relation
to pressure ratio.
Influence of pressure

 Atmospheric Dewpoint (ADP)

= Dewpoint of air at atmospheric pressure

 Pressure Dewpoint (PDP)

= Dewpoint of air at given pressure

 The term pressure dew point (PDP) is used to describe the water content in the compressed air. It is the temperature at which
water vapour transforms into water at the current working pressure.
 Low PDP values indicate small amounts of water vapour in the compressed air. It is important to remember that atmospheric dew
point can not be compared with PDP when comparing different dryers.
 Example, a PDP of +2°C at 7 bar is equivalent to -23°C at atmospheric pressure.
 You can select the main type of drying equipment based on the pressure dew point. Seen from a cost point of view, the lower
the dew point required the higher operating costs for air drying.
 In principle, there are five methods to remove the moisture from compressed air: Cooling,
overcompression ,combinations ,absorption and adsorption. There is equipment available, based on these methods for different
types of compressed air systems.
Influence of pressure

 Calculation example: EXERCISE

– Compressed air pressure = 9 bar(g)

– PDP = +3°C

– Expansion to atmospheric pressure

ADP = ?

– PDP = +3°C  water content = 5,95 g/m³

– Expansion  volume *10  water content /10
– Water content  at atmospheric pressure = 0,60 g/m³
– ADP = -24°C
Why do we need dryers?

Do we have water at outlet of compressor ?

200 l/s 200 l/s 200 l/s

25 ° C 150 ° C 35 ° C
0 bar 7 bar 7 bar
RH : 60 % RH : 100 %

 Air in : at 25 ° C : Air can hold 23,05 g/m³

 Air in : RH = 60 % => actual water = 23,05 * 0,6 = 13,83 g/m³
 Air out of element : 7 bar(g) : water content is 13,83 * 8 = 110,64 g/m³
 Air out of cooler : 35 ° C : Air can hold 39,63 g/m³
 => condensate : 110,64-39,63 = 71 g/m³
Why do we need dryers?

Do we have water at outlet of compressor ?

200 l/s 200 l/s 200 l/s

25 ° C 150 ° C 153,36 l/day 35 ° C
0 bar 7 bar 7 bar
RH : 60 % RH : 100 %
85,6 l /day
 FAD : 200 l/s = 720 m³/h
 actual air flow = 720/8 = 90 m³/h
=> condensate : = 71 g/m³
 71 * 90 * 24 = 153,36 l / day seperated in aftercooler

 water in outlet air at 35 C = 39,63 * 90 * 24 = 85,6 l / day in air net !

Why do we need dryers?

Water in the air …

– Special design of compr. air net

– Rust particles
– Sludge
– Air leakages
– Freezing
– Bad finish
– Blocked orifices
– Shorter tool life
– Influences final product quality
Principles of air drying

– Cooling

– Overcompression

– Absorption

– Adsorption

– Combinations

– Osmosis / membrane dryers

Principle: cooling
Cooling water

Hot air Cooled air


Dewpoint = limited
= directly related to CW temp.
Air leaving aftercooler is always 100% saturated
Principle: cooling

Principle: cooling

 How much water remains after FD? EXERCISE

Aftercooler FD
Air Net
200 l/s 200 l/s 200 l/s
25 ° C 150 ° C 153,36 l/day 35 ° C
0 bar 7 bar 7 bar
RH : 60 % RH : 100 %
PDP : +3°C
Principle: cooling

 How much water remains after FD? EXERCISE

Aftercooler FD
Air Net
200 l/s 200 l/s 200 l/s
25 ° C 150 ° C 151,8 l/day 35 ° C
0 bar 7 bar 7 bar
RH : 60 % RH : 100 %
PDP : +3°C

actual air flow = 720/8 = 90 m³/h

Water in air net = 85,6 l / day

 FD dryer : dewpoint : 3 °C => 5,9 g/m³

 water after FD dryer = 90 m³/h * 5,9 g/m³ = 0,53 l/h = 12,7 l / day
 So FD seperates : 85,6 – 12,7 = 72,9 l /day
Principle: overcompression
Principle: overcompression


outlet compressor = +26°C; 100% RH

required: PDP = +3°C

+26°C  24 g/m³
+3°C  6 g/m³ ratio = 24/6 = 4/1

 req. working pressure = 2 bar(a)  overcompression: 8 bar(a)

 req. working pressure = 10 bar(a)  overcompression: 40 bar(a)

Atlas Copco does not implement this method of drying

As it is not energy friendly.
Principle: absorption

 Chemical reaction links the water to the absorbant

 Absorbant cannot be regenerated => high operation cost
 Dewpoint reduction max -15 ° C
 Seperated water is corrosive
 Examples : NaCl, LiCl, ...
Principle: absorption

 Drying by absorption is a chemical process where the water vapour is bound to the absorption
material by chemical reaction.
 Absorption of water vapour can be made with both solid and liquid absorbents. The liquid
absorbents (sulphuric acids, glycerine glycol, etc.) are mostly used for air conditioning.
 Absorption by means of solid absorbents is used for compressed air drying. The most common types
of solid absorbents are of the deliquescent type which becomes liquid at the chemical reaction with
the water vapour.
 Exchange of absorbent must thus be made periodically.
 The continuous consumption of the absorbent results in quite high operating costs for this type of air
Principle: adsorption

Adsorption = a physical process

= done by molecular adhesion forces

 Drying by adsorption is a physical process where the water vapour is bound to the adsorption
material by molecular adhesion forces. The water is thus adsorbed on the surface of a solid
adsorption material (desiccant) which does not react chemically with the water.
 There is no need for exchange of desiccant, but it must be dried or regenerated periodically.
 This method of drying gives the lowest dewpoint of the compressed air.
Principle: adsorption

 Required properties of material:

– High water adsorption capacity

– High mechanical strength
– Long service life
– Low dewpoint
– Resistant to free water drops
– Maintain low pressure drop

– The most common desiccants are silicagel and activated alumina used for dewpoints down to -50°C to -
– If even lower dewpoints are required, molecular sieves can be used.
Principle: adsorption
Activated Alumina

+ Low price
+ Resistant to free water
+ Robust
Silical Gel
- Requires higher reactivation
(regeneration) temperature
+ Low regeneration temp (50 °C
- Less adsorption capacity than lower than Alumina)
Silica gel
+ Better adsorption capacity
(approx +30% than Alumina)

+/- Some types are resistant to

Molecular Sieves free water

+ Good for high inlet temp - More expensive (approx. +70 to

+ Very low dew points 80 % than Alumina)
+ Resistant to free water

- Expensive.
- Requires much energy for reactivation
Principle: adsorption
Water vapour transfers to This means:
the desiccant
That, the amount of water
being taken out of the air is
because… stable, and therefore a dew
point -40°C is constant from
desiccant has a greater the beginning to the end of
attraction for water than air. the cycle.

If the dryer vessel continues
The attraction slowly decreases to accept air, the PDP would
as the desiccant gets wet slowly decay. After about 90
minutes it would be around -
20°C. If the PDP becomes
Meaning : positive, the desiccant is
that the wet layer slowly rises
up the tower, as dry desiccant
is more attractive than wet
For a -70°C PDP, more water
desiccant. After the half cycle
attractive desiccant is
time, the wet layer is almost at
the top of the dryer.
Principle: adsorption
Things To Remember: Crucial Parameters

The more desiccant used, If the air temperature increases,

the longer the vessel can the wet layer reaches the top
more quickly.
keep the desire dew point.

Inlet pressure effecs the dryer

The dryer gives the most performance.
optimum performance when
the desiccant is suited to the Because:
PDP required
A desiccant bed is sized for a fixed
actual volume of inlet gas,
In order that the dryer
meaning the higher the pressure
performance to reliable and
the more FAD can be dried
stable, we add much more
desiccant than the minimum
Principle: adsorption


Tower dryers:

Heatless (cold) regenerated: CD dryer

Heat regenerated : BD dryer,

AD dryer
XD dryer

Rotative dryers: MD dryer

Principle: combinations

Principle: osmosis




 Atlas Copco dryer families

 FD range: Refrigeration dryer

 FX range : Refrigeration dryer
 CD range: Cold regenerated two-tower adsorption dryer (no heater, no blower)
 AD range: Heat regenerated two-tower adsorption dryer (heater, no blower)
 BD range:Heat regenerated two-tower adsorption dryer (heater & blower)
 MD range: Rotary adsorption dryer for Z-compressors (regenerated by hot
compressed air)
 XD range: Heat regenerated two-tower adsorption dryer ( for very high flows (ZH))
 SD range : Membrane dryer .
Dewpoint measurements

 Temperature Measuring :  Dew point direct Measuring :

 Normally used in Cooling  Here we measure the real
operated dryers where we dewpoint of the air using special
measure the LAT (lowest air sensors that can measure the
temperature) which is the air water content in the air and gives
temp. after heat exchange with the equivalent temp.
 Like in CD,BD,MD,XD dryers
 Like in FD,FX dryers
Basics of Air Compressors

7- Air Filtration
What is A line Filter ??

A filter is...
A product which removes contaminants from the air, like solids, liquids
and vapors.

Why filtration?
When the compressed air is not filtered, and led as such to for example construction equipment,

industrial end-products, medical applications, etc., the contaminants may damage the customer’s instruments,

contaminate the end product, and even endanger a patient’s health .

–Equipment damage
–Contamination of end product
–Endanger patient’s health

Filtration of compressed air
oil vapor dust


Major contaminants in compressed
oil aerosol oilair

– Oil is present in case of oil-injected compressor

 Removed by DD, PD, QD/QDT QD DDp

oil vapor dust
– Dust is introduced by intake air and released by compressor installation itself

 Removed by DDp, PDp (dry conditions)

 Removed by DD, PD (wet conditions)

ISO 8573-1:2010
Purity classes

For example:
class 1.4.1 means
Dirt: max 20.000 particles in the range of 0.1-0.5 µm, 400 particles of 0.5-1 µm and 10 of 1-5 µm
Water: max 3°C PDP
Oil: max 0,01 mg/m³
class 2.4.2 means
Dirt: max 400.000 particles in the range of 0.1-0.5 µm, 6.000 particles of 0.5-1 µm and 100 of 1-5 µm
Water: max 3°C PDP
Oil: max 0,1 mg/m³

ISO 8573-1:2010
Typical installations

2:-:3 1:4:1



and WSD


DD filter:
• The DD filter is a general-purpose protection and liquid removal filter, the IDD filter is a DD filter modified
to be integrated in a compressor. The filters are equipped with an electronic water drain.

•The filter element removes liquid water and oil,

leaving a maximum remaining liquid content in the outgoing compressed air of 0.1 mg/m3 when the
compressed air temperature is 20 ˚C (68 ˚F),

•the operating pressure is 7 bar(e) (100 psig) and the oil concentration at the inlet of the filter is below 3
mg/m3. The maximum inlet temperature is 66 ˚C (150 ˚F).

DDp filter:
•The DDp filter is a dust filter.

•The element traps the solid particles down to 1 micrometer for 100 %, down to 0.01
micrometer for 99.9 %.The maximum inlet temperature is 66 ˚C (150 ˚F).

PD filter:
•The PD filter is a high-efficiency dust, liquid and aerosol removal filter for compressed air. The filters are
equipped with an electronic water drain.

•The filter element traps the solid particles down to 0.01 micrometer. The oil/water aerosols liquefy and the
so-formed drops collect and are removed by the automatic drain. The maximum remaining oil content in the
outgoing compressed air is 0.01 mg/m3 at a compressed air temperature of 20 ˚C (68 ˚F) and an operating
pressure of 7 bar(e) (100 psig). The maximum inlet temperature is 66 ˚C (150 ˚F).

PDp filter:
•The PDp filter is a high-efficiency dust filter.

•The filter element traps the solid particles down to 0.01 micrometer. The element traps the solid particles
down to 1 micrometer for 100 %, down to 0.01 micrometer for 99.9 %. The maximum inlet temperature is
66 ˚C (150 ˚F).

QD filter:
•The QD filter is an oil vapour and odour removal filter up to a remaining oil content of maximum 0.003
mg/m3 at a compressed air temperature of 20 ˚C (68 ˚F) and an operating pressure of 7 bar(e) (100
psig).The air flows through the activated carbon, which is contained in the filter element. The maximum
inlet temperature is 35 ˚C (95 ˚F).


• The oil particles are removed by DD, PD, QD filters.

• The dust particles are removed by DDp and PDp filters (in case of dry
conditions, i.e. no oil) or by DD and PD filters (in case of wet
conditions, i.e. oil-injected compressors)



• Air enters the element from inside

• Oil aerosols are coalecsing/creating drops in the filter paper.
• Drops are separated/drained in the outer filter foam


• Dust particles enters the element from out side, particles can easily be drained via the bottom valve
•all DDp filters are as standard equipped with a manual drain valve at the bottom of the filter housing.


Purpose: High performance oil filtration PDp
Performance:Oil aerosol down to Purpose: High performance particle filtration
0,01mg/m3 (and particles down to 0,01 Performance: Particles down to 0,01 micron.
Pressure drop: 0,08 bar
Pressure drop (wet): 0,2 bar in

Purpose: General performance oil
Purpose: General performance particle
Performance:Oil aerosol down to
Performance: Particles down to 1 micron.
0,1mg/m3 (and particles down to 1
micron. Pressure drop: 0,05 bar
Pressure drop (wet): 0,12 bar

The Nautilus Filter Technology is the heart of the UD+ filter

DD+ + PD+ > UD+

180 mbar 215 mbar 245 mbar

395 mbar 40% pressure drop reduction

+ =

Best-in-class efficiency
Line Filter Cartridge Service Interval: No compromise on performance
Coalescing filters: 4000 running hours Or 1 year of

Service intervals
new filter elements
 Replace DD+ and PD+ after … (whatever comes first)
– 4000 operating hours
– one year

 Replace DDp+ and PDp+ after … (whatever comes first)

– 4000 operating hours
– one year
– pressure drop reaches 350 mbar

 Replace QD+ after … (whatever comes first)

– 1000 operating hours (at 20ºC)
– one year

 Replace QDT after … (whatever comes first)

– 4000 operating hours (at 35ºC)
– one year
Basics of Air Compressors

8- Compressed Air System Arrangement

8. Compressed Air System Arrangement

Complete Compressed Air System Installation design

8. Compressed Air System Arrangement
Compressor room ventilation
• The heat must be removed to maintain the
temperature in the compressor room at an
acceptable level.
• The required ventilation flow can be calculated
according to the following:

• Ventilation air should be taken from outdoors, preferably without using long ducting.
• The intake should be placed as low as possible.
• The ventilation fan/fans should be placed high up on one of the room’s end walls.
• the air intake placed on the opposite wall.
• The air velocity at the ventilation inlet opening should not exceed 4 m/s.
• The quantity of ventilation air must be sufficient to limit the temperature increase in the room to 7–

Committed to sustainable

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