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Capital Budgeting Techniques

Dr. Vijay Shankar Pandey
Asst. Professor
IMS, New Campus,
University of Lucknow,
Learning Objective:

1. Understand the concept of the capital budgeting.

2. Techniques of capita budgeting.
3. Non- discounting Technique: Payback period and
accounting rate of return,
interpretation. and
4. Discounting Technique: Net value
(NPV), Internal Rate (IRR),
Profitability Index (PI), present of
Calculation and
interpretation. , return
5. Comparing NPV and IRR techniques,
conflict in rankings and strengths of each
Capital Budgeting an overview:
• Capital budgeting is the process of evaluating and
selecting long-term investments projects that
will ultimately maximize the firm’s goal of
maximizing owner wealth.
• A capital expenditure is an outlay of funds by the firm
that is expected to generate benefits over a period of
time which is more than one year.
• Capital expenditure is different from operating
expenditure under this fund expenses made by the
firm resulting benefits received in same accounting
Capital Budgeting Process
The capital budgeting process consists of five steps:
1. Proposal for projects: Proposals for new investment projects are made
at all levels within a business organization and are reviewed by finance
personnel and key management body.
2. Review and analysis of projects: Financial managers including key
management body perform formal review and analysis to
assess the merits and de merits of investment proposals
3. Decision making about proposals: Firms typically delegate capital
expenditure decision making on the basis of capital availability
and limits.
4. Selection and implementation: Following approval and
selection, expenditures are made and projects implemented.
5. Follow-up and review process: Results are monitored and actual costs
and benefits are compared with those that were expected. Action may
be required if actual outcomes differ from projected ones.
Types and Nature of Projects

Independent versus Mutually Exclusive

 Independent projects are those whose cash flows are
unrelated to (or independent of) one another; the acceptance
or rejection of one does not eliminate the others from further
 Mutually exclusive projects are those that compete with one
another, so that the acceptance of one eliminates further
consideration all other projects that serve a similar function.
Basic concept :

Unlimited Funds versus Capital

 Unlimited funds is the situation in which a firm is
able to accept all projects that provide an
acceptable return.
 Capital rationing is the situation in which a firm has
only a limited availability of fund for capital
expenditures, and have numerous projects compete for
Calculation of Cash Outflow

Particulars Amount (Rs.)

Cost of Machine/Assets ****
Transportation and installation charges ****
Working capital ****
Total cost of the project ****
Calculation of Cash Inflow
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Sales ****
Less: Expenses ****
PBDT ****
Less: Depreciation ****
PBT ****
Less: Tax ****
Profit after tax ****
Add: Depreciation ****
Cash inflow per annum ****
Basic of capital budgeting:

Accept-Reject versus Ranking of projects:

 An accept–reject approach is the evaluation of capital
expenditure proposals to determine whether they meet the
firm’s minimum acceptance criterion or not.
 A ranking approach is the process of ranking of capital
expenditure projects on the basis of some predetermined
measure, such as the rate of return.
Capital Budgeting Techniques

ABC Ltd. is a medium sized metal fabricator that is

currently contemplating two projects: Project A requires an
initial investment of Rs. 42,000, project B an initial
investment of Rs. 45,000. The relevant operating cash
flows for the two projects are presented in Table 1 and
depicted on the time lines in Figure 1.
Table 1 Capital Expenditure Data for ABC
Table 1: Capital Expenditure of ABC Ltd.
Project A Project B
Initial investment Rs. 42,000 Rs. 45, 000
(outflow of cash)
Year Operating cash inflows
1 Rs. 14,000 Rs. 28,000
2 Rs. 14,000 Rs. 12,000
3 Rs. 14,000 Rs. 10,000
4 Rs. 14,000 Rs. 10,000
5 Rs. 14,000 Rs. 10,000
Figure 1 ABC Ltd. Projects A and B Cash
Payback Period

The payback method is the amount of time required for a

firm to recover its initial investment in a project, as
calculated from cash inflows.
Decision criteria:
 Determination of the length of the maximum acceptable
payback period.
 If the calculated payback period of a project is less than
the maximum acceptable payback period, accept the
 If the payback period of the project is greater than the
maximum acceptable payback period, reject the project.
Payback Period (cont.)

We can calculate the payback period for ABC Ltd. projects A and
B using the data in Table 1.
– For project A, which is an annuity, the payback period is 3.0
years (Rs.42,000 initial investment ÷ Rs.14,000 annual cash
– Because project B generates a unequal stream of cash inflows,
• In year 1, the firm will recover Rs.28,000 of its Rs.45,000 initial investment.
calculation of its payback period is not as clear-cut as of project
• By the end of year 2, Rs.40,000 (Rs.28,000 from year 1 + Rs.12,000 from
2) will have been recovered.
• At the end of year 3, Rs.50,000 will have been recovered.
• Only 50% of the year-3 cash inflow of Rs.10,000 is needed to
– Thecomplete
paybackthe payback
period of the initial
for project B is Rs.45,000.
therefore 2.5 years (2 years + 50%
of year 3).
Payback Period: Pros and Cons of Payback

• The payback method is widely used by firms to

evaluate most of the projects.
• Its popularity due to its computational simplicity and
intuitive appeal.
• By measuring how much time required by the firm to recovers its
initial investment, the payback period also gives implicit
consideration to the timing of cash flows and therefore to the
• time value of money.
It can be widely viewed as a measure of risk exposure, many firms
use the payback period as a decision criterion or as a supplement to
other decision techniques of capital budgeting.
Payback Period: Pros and Cons of Payback
Analysis (cont.)
• The major drawback of the payback period is that the
appropriate payback period is merely a subjective determined
– It cannot one to be specified in light of the wealth maximization goal of
the firm because it is not based on discounting cash flows to determine
• whether they add to the firm’s value or deteriorated.
A second weakness is that this approach completely ignore the
• time factor in the value of money.
A third weakness of payback is its failure to recognize cash flows
that occur after the payback period.
Limits on Payback Analysis
 Though it has some drawbacks but easy to compute and
easy to understand, the payback period simplicity
brings it in the center of capital budgeting techniques.
 Whatever the weaknesses of the payback period method of
evaluating capital projects, the simplicity of the method
does allow it to be used in conjunction with other, more
sophisticated measures.
 In our view, if the payback period method is used in
conjunction with the NPV method, should it be
more appealing for the analyst.
Table 2 Relevant Cash Flows and Payback Periods for
DY Enterprises’ Projects

Table 2 Relevance of cash flows and Payback period for DY

Enterprises’s Projects
Project Gold Project Silver
Initial Investment Rs. 50,000 Rs. 50,000
Year Operating cash inflows
1 Rs. 5,000 Rs. 40,000
2 Rs. 5,000 Rs.2,000
3 Rs. 40,000 Rs. 8,000
4 Rs. 10,000 Rs.10,000
5 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 10,000
Payback period 3 year 3 year
Table 3 Calculation of the Payback Period for R Company’s
Two Alternative Investment Projects
Table 3 Calculation of the payback period for R company’s
two alternative investment projects
Project X Project y
Initial investment Rs. 10,000 Rs. 10,000
Year Operating cash inflows
1 Rs. 5,000 Rs. 3,000
2 Rs. 5,000 Rs. 4,000
3 Rs. 1,000 Rs. 3,000
4 Rs. 100 Rs. 4,000
5 Rs. 100 Rs. 3,000
Payback period 2 year 3 year
Conclusion for payback period:

Table 2 and 3 both are showing the payback time period for
respective projects for their companies.
In table 2 payback period is same but cash flow in various year is
different put a question mark in the selection of the project. As
per the cash flow of in table 2, silver project is better than the
gold project because it provide earliest recovery of cash that
affect the time value of money. In table 3 project x has earliest
recovery of cash but after 2 year its cash inflow drastically
reduced give edge to project y.
Therefore under this method instead of numerical value manager
rationality is important for the selection of the project.
Accounting Rate of Return method
IT considers the earnings of the project of the economic life. This
method is based on conventional accounting concepts. The rate of
return is expressed as percentage of the earnings of the investment
in a particular project. This method has been introduced to
overcome the disadvantage of pay back period. The profits under
this method is calculated as profit after depreciation and tax of the
entire life of the project.
The formula is as:
ARR = Average Profits after tax/ Net investment x 100

This method of ARR is not commonly accepted in assessing the

profitability of capital expenditure. Because the method does to
consider the heavy cash inflow during the project period as the
earnings will be averaged. The cash flow advantage derived by
adopting different kinds of depreciation is also not considered in this
Accept or Reject Criterion:
Under the method, all project, having Accounting Rate of return higher than the
minimum rate establishment by management will be considered and those having
ARR less than the pre-determined rate. This method ranks a Project as number one,
if it has highest ARR, and lowest rank is assigned to the project with the lowest

 It is very simple to understand and use.
 This method takes into account saving over the
entire economic life of the project.
 Therefore, it provides a better means of comparison of project than the pay back
period. This method through the concept of "net earnings" ensures a
compensation of expected profitability of the projects and It can readily be
calculated by using the accounting data.
1. It ignores time value of money.
2. It does not consider the length of life of the projects.
3. It is not consistent with the firm's objective of maximizing the market value of
4. It ignores the fact that the profits earned can be reinvested. -
Net Present Value (NPV)
Net present value (NPV) is a modern capital budgeting
technique used by project managers in their analysis; found
by subtracting a project’s initial investment from the
present value of its cash inflows discounted at a rate equal
to the firm’s cost of capital or required rate of return or
hurdle rate which one is preferred by the project manager.
Formula is as;
NPV = Present value of cash inflows – Initial investment
Net Present Value (NPV) (cont.)
Decision criteria:
 If the NPV is greater than Rs. 0 (Zero), accept the project.
 If the NPV is less than Rs. 0 (Zero), reject the project.

If the NPV is greater than Rs.0, the firm will earn a return
greater than its cost of capital or required rate of return or
hurdle rate which one is preferred by the project manager.
Such action should increase the market value of the firm,
and therefore the wealth of its owners by an amount equal
to the NPV.
P r o j e c t A a n d P r o j e c t B U s i n g N P V Te c h n i q u e s
Ye a r 0 1 2 3 4 5

C a s h F l o w P ro j e c t A -42,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000

P r e s e n t Va l u e F a c t o r at 1 0 % 1 0.909091 0.826446 0.751315 0.683013 0.620921
P r e s e n t Va l u e o f C a s h f l o w -42000 12727.27 11570.25 10518.41 9562.188 8692.899
To t a l P r e s e n t Va l u e o f C a s h
Inflow 53071.01
NPV 11071.01

Ye a r 0 1 2 3 4 5

C a s h F l o w P ro j e c t B -45000 28,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

P r e s e n t Va l u e F a c t o r at 1 0 % 1 0.909091 0.826446 0.751315 0.683013 0.620921
P r e s e n t Va l u e o f C a s h f l o w -45000 25454.55 9917.355 7513.148 6830.135 6209.213
To t a l P r e s e n t Va l u e o f C a s h I 55924.4
NPV 10924.4

Under the Choice of the project, Project A has more NPV than the
Project B show Project A will be selected
Net Present Value (NPV):
NPV and the Profitability Index
For a project that has an initial cash outflow followed by a
series of cash inflows, the profitability index (PI) is
simply equal to the present value of cash
inflows divided by the present value of initial cash

When companies evaluate investment opportunities

using the PI, the decision rule they follow is to invest in
the project when the index is greater or equal to 1.
Net Present Value (NPV): NPV and
the Profitability Index (cont.)
We can refer back to NPV method, which shows the present value
of cash inflows for projects A and B, to calculate the PI for each of
ABC Ltd. options:
PIA = Rs. 53,071 ÷ Rs.42,000 = 1.26

PIB = Rs. 55,924 ÷ Rs. 45,000 = 1.24

Under the Choice of the project, Project A has PI index more

than the Project B show Project A will be selected.
Therefore we found that under NPV and PI method results are
same so there is no choice over other. Though we can say that PI
method is next level of NPV method.
Net Present Value (NPV): NPV and
Economic Value Added
• Economic Value Added (or EVA), a registered trademark
of the consulting firm, Stern Stewart & Co., is another
close cousin of the NPV method.
• The EVA method begins the same way that NPV does—
by calculating a project’s net cash flows.
• However, the EVA approach subtracts from those cash
flows a charge that is designed to capture the return
that the firm’s investors demand on the project.
• EVA determines whether a project earns a pure
economic profit–a profit above and beyond the normal
competitive rate of return in a line of business.
Net Present Value (NPV): NPV and Economic
Value Added

Suppose a certain project costs Rs.1,000,000 up front,

but after that it will generate net cash inflows each year
(in perpetuity) of Rs.120,000. If the firm’s cost of capital
is 10%, then the project’s NPV and EVA are:
NPV = –Rs.1,000,000 + (Rs.120,000 ÷ 0.10) =
Rs.200,000 EVA = Rs.120,000 – $100,000 =
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a sophisticated
capital budgeting technique; the discount rate that
equates the NPV of an investment opportunity with Rs.0
(Zero) (because the present value of cash inflows equals
the initial investment); it is the rate of return that the
firm will earn if it invests in the project and receives the
given cash inflows.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

Decision criteria:
 If the IRR is greater than the cost of capital or required rate
of return, accept the project.
 If the IRR is less than the cost of capital or required rate
of return, reject the project.

This criteria guarantee that the firm will earn at least its
required return. Such an outcome should increase the
market value of the firm and, therefore, the wealth of its
Project A and Project B Using IRR Techniques
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Cash Flow Project A -42,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000

IRR of the Project A 19.90%
PV factoe at 19.9% 1 0.834028 0.695603 0.580153 0.483864 0.403556
Present value of cash inflow -42000 11676.4 9738.446 8122.14 6774.095 5649.788
Net Present Value -39.1336 Approx.

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5

Cash Flow Project B -45000 28,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

IRR of the Project B 21.70%
Pv facto at 21.7% 1 0.821693 0.675179 0.55479 0.455867 0.374582
Present value of cash inflow -45000 23007.4 8102.146 5547.895 4558.665 3745.822
Net Present Value -38.076 Approx.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR): Calculating the IRR
• To find the IRR using the excel sheet results are shown in previous ppt
for both the projects.
• To find the IRR manually first calculate the present using two
discounting rates from one you get present value of inflow more and
from other it is less. After this you use
𝑃𝑣 𝑎𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒−𝑐𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤
• 𝐼𝑅𝑅 = 𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 + 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 − 𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 ( )
𝑃𝑣 𝑎𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒−𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒

• Comparing the IRRs of projects A and B given ABC ltd. 10% cost of
capital, we can see that both projects are acceptable because
 IRRA = 19.9% > 10.0% cost of
= 21.7% > 10.0% cost of
• Comparing capital
the two projects’ IRRs, we would prefer project B
over project A because IRRB = 21.7% > IRRA = 19.9%.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR): Calculating the IRR
• It is interesting to note in the preceding example that the
IRR suggests that project B, which has an IRR of 21.7%, is
preferable to project A, which has an IRR of 19.9%.
• This conflicts with the NPV rankings obtained in an
earlier example.
• Such conflicts are not unusual.
• There is no guarantee that NPV and IRR will rank projects in
the same order. However, both methods should reach the
same conclusion about the acceptability or nonacceptability
of projects.
Personal Finance Example

Mr. X is evaluating an investment opportunity. He feels

that this investment must earn a minimum compound
annual after-tax return of 9% in order to beacceptable. Mr.
X initial investment would be Rs.7,500, and he expects to
receive annual after-tax cash flows of Rs.500 per year in
each of the first 4 years, followed by Rs.700 per year at the
end of years 5 through 8. He plans to sell the investment at
the end of year 8 and net Rs.9,000, after taxes.
– Mr. X finds the investment’s IRR of 9.54%.
– Given that the expected IRR of 9.54% exceeds Mr. X required
minimum IRR of 9%, the investment is acceptable.
Comparing NPV and IRR Techniques:
Net Present Value Profiles

Net present value profiles are graphs that depict a

project’s NPVs for various discount rates.
To prepare NPV profiles for ABC Ltd. projects A and B,
the first step is to develop a number of discount rate- NPV
coordinates and then graph them as shown in the following
table and figure.
Discount Rate–NPV Coordinates for
Projects A and B
Discount Rate–NPV Coordinates for Projects A and B
Net Present Value
Discount rate Project A Project B
0% 28,000 25,000
10% 11,071 10,924
19.9% 0 ---
21.7% --- 0
NPV Profiles using 0%, 10%,10.9% and 21.7% rate
of discounting



Project A
Project B


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Comparing NPV and IRR Techniques: Conflicting Rankings

• Conflicting rankings are conflicts in the ranking given a project

by NPV and IRR, resulting from differences in the magnitude and
timing of cash flows.
• One underlying cause of conflicting rankings is the implicit
assumption concerning the reinvestment of intermediate cash
inflows—cash inflows received prior to the termination of the
• NPV assumes intermediate cash flows are reinvested at the cost
of capital, while IRR assumes that they are reinvested at the
Comparing NPV and IRR Techniques:
Conflicting Rankings (cont.)

A project requiring a Rs.170,000 initial investment is

expected to provide cash inflows of Rs.52,000, Rs.78,000
and Rs.100,000.
The NPV of the project at 10% is Rs.16,867 and it’s IRR
is 15%. Table on the following slide demonstrates the
calculation of the project’s future value at the end of it’s
3- year life, assuming both a 10% (cost of capital) and
15% (IRR) interest rate.
Table: Reinvestment Rate Comparisons for a Project
Year Opening Number of Reinvestment rate
cash inflows year earning
interest Future value Future value

1 52,000 2 62,920 68,770

2 78,000 1 85,800 89,700
3 100,000 0 100,00 100,000
Future value end of year 3 248,720 258,470

NPV at 10%=16,847
Comparing NPV and IRR Techniques: Conflicting Rankings
If the future value in each case in Table were viewed as the return
received 3 years from today from the Rs.170,000 investment, then
the cash flows would be those given in nest Table on the
following slide.
Table: Project cash flows after reinvestment

Investment rate
10% 15%
Initial investment Rs. 170,000

Year Operating cash inflows

1 00 00

2 00 00
3 148,720 258,470
NPV at 10% 16,867 24,418
IRR 13.5% 15%
Comparing NPV and IRR Techniques: Timing of the
Cash Flow

Another reason why the IRR and NPV methods may provide different
rankings for investment options due to differences in the timing of
cash flows.
 When much of a project’s cash flows arrive early in its
life, the project’s NPV will not be more sensitive to the
discount rate.
 On the other hand, the NPV of projects with cash flows
that arrive later will more sensitive to the discount rate
 The differences in the timing of cash flows between the
two projects does not affect the ranking provided by the
IRR method.
Comparing NPV and IRR Techniques: Magnitude of
the Initial Investment

The scale problem occurs when two projects are very

different in terms of amount of money required to invest
in each project.
 In these cases, the IRR and NPV methods
may rank projects differently.
 The IRR approach (and the PI method) may
favor small
projects with high returns as Rs. 2 investment yield
 The NPV approach favors the investment that makes the
investor the most money (like the Rs1,000 investment that
yields Rs.1,100 in one day).
Comparing NPV and IRR Techniques: Which Approach
is Better?

On a purely theoretical basis, NPV is the better approach because:

 NPV measures how much wealth a project creates (or looses if the NPV is
negative) for its shareholders.
 Certain mathematical properties may provide a project to have multiple
IRRs—more than one IRR resulting from a capital budgeting project with
a nonconventional cash flow pattern; the maximum number of IRRs for
a project is equal to the number of sign changes in its cash flows.
Though NPV method is theoretically superiority to IRR method, however, financial
managers prefer to use the IRR approach as often as the NPV method because of
the preference to know the rates of return.
Focus on Ethics

Nonfinancial Considerations in Project Selection

 For most companies ethical considerations are primarily concerned with the reduction
of potential risks associated with a project.

– However, The Kuwait Fund was established as the first institution in the Middle
East that took an active role in international development efforts. The fund
finances development projects and their feasibility studies in developing countries.
 One of the major objectives of the Kuwait Fund is to build a solid bridge of
– Thesolidarity
and success ofbetween
the Kuwait FundofinKuwait
the state achieving
the objective
developinghelped the state of Kuwait
– to get the necessary votes in the United Nations and the U.N. Security Council for the
war against Iraq to liberate Kuwait in
 The
1991.Kuwait Fund offers many forms of assistance, including direct loans or the
provision of guarantees, and grants-in-aid to

finance technical, economic, and financial studies.
 What are the potential benefits to the state of Kuwait of the ethical behavior of the
Kuwait Fund?


 Financial Management: Principles and Applications, by Keown, J.

Martin, John D., Published by Pearson, 13th edition, Copyright © 2018.
 Financial management, by I.M. Pandey, Vikas Publication..
 Financial management, by M.Y. Khan and P.K. Jain, TMH.
 Financial management, theory and practice, by Prasanna Chandra, TMH.
 Financial management and policy, by J.C. Vanhorne, PTH

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