Teaching Science in Elementary Grades

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Teaching Science in

Elementary Grades
(Biology and Chemistry)
Module Review
This course will develop the knowledge and skills teachers need
to implement inquiry based biology instruction: rich, conceptual
knowledge of biology and mastery of inquiry instructional methods.
Students will participate in design and implement inquiry based biology
lessons while examining the support for inquiry in cognitive science and
learning theory. Student’s biology learning and teaching experiences will
prompt them to reconstruct their knowledge of biology in ways that
make it more conceptually and contextually focused while developing
their mastery of project-based and inquiry based instructions. This
course is intended for biology students interested in learning about
innovative teaching methods, developing their conceptual knowledge of
biology and exploring science teaching as a potential career.
Specific Instrumental Objectives
Specific objectives are related to a particular topic in a particular period of time. These
objectives can further divided into the following categories:

1. Knowledge- The pupil acquires knowledge of terms, concepts, symbols, definitions,

principles, processes and formula of science.

2. Understanding- The pupil develops understanding of terms, concepts, symbols,

definitions, principles, process, formula, reactions, mechanisms etc.

3. Application- The pupil applies his knowledge and understanding of science to

unfamiliar situations (or new problem).

4. Skills- The pupil acquire skill in experimentation, construction, observation, drawing

and problem-solving
Organization of Science Curriculum
The main purpose of every school is- “To make the child a complete and perfect man.”
The major issue in the field of educations today is organizing science curriculum in an
effective manner.
Two Major Approaches regarding organization of science curriculum:

DISCIPLINARY APPROACH- Also known as the subject approach or the

traditional approach as each subject is separately taught by the teacher in
the area of the particular subject in question.

Characteristics of Disciplinary Approach

a. In-depth Conceptual Knowledge- Every subject has detailed and in-
depth conceptual knowledge
b. Disciplinary based teaching- Each subject is taught as a separate
c. Content based teaching- The teaching of disciplinary
based curriculum largely based on content.
d. Source of Knowledge/Information- In disciplinary
approach the teacher is the main source of
e. Mastery of the Subject- The learner is expected to master
the subject matter.
f. Chalk and talk based teaching- This approach mostly
leads to chalk and talk based teaching
g. Textbook is main authority- This approach restrains
student observations, value or conclusion different from the
text book which is the main authority in disciplinary approach
h. Expert in the subject- This approach develops expertise in
particular subject
i. Subject Growth- The disciplinary approach foster the
growth of the subject.
j. Time Saving Disciplinary Approach is very time saving
in terms of course completion
k. Detailed Conceptual Understanding- The disciplinary
approach of organizing science curriculum provides
detailed conceptual understanding of the subject.
l. Theory Building- The disciplinary approach is very useful
in building theory in particular subject/discipline.
m. Higher Level Thinking- As in disciplinary approach the
subject is store house of theories, concepts,
generalizations etc. This lead to higher level thinking.

• Less opportunity for creativity
• Dropout Disinterest in particular subject
• Requires expert teachers
• Less Scope of socialization and social skills
INTEGRATED APPROACH- allows learners to explore, gather, process, refine
and present information about the topics they want to investigate without the
constraints imposed by traditional subject barriers.

Ways of Integration
a. Cross disciplinary approach- examine an issue typically relevant to one
discipline through the lens of another discipline
b. Multi disciplinary approach- examines an issue from multiple
perspectives, without making a concrete effort to systematically integrate
various disciplines.
c. Inter-disciplinary approach- examines as issue from multiple
perspectives, leading to a systematic effort to integrate the alternative
perspectives into a unified or coherent framework of analysis.
Characteristics of Integrated Approach

1. Wide conceptual knowledge- provides an opportunity for broader and

wider conceptual knowledge
2. Child-centered teaching- promotes child centered teaching
3. Integration of skills with contents Integrated approach of
curriculum organization- promote integration of skills with contents
4. Teacher as a mediator- the teacher role is mediator between
knowledge and child
5. Teacher modern method- requires use of modern methods of
teaching such as inquiry based teaching
6. Flexibility- No rigid disciplines exist. Integrated approach is flexible
7. Preparation of future citizens– prepare the future citizens of a society
8. Openness- open too new ideas and procedures
9. Multi learning Environment- requires multi learning environment such
as classroom, lab, outdoor, computer, internet etc.
Merits of Integrated Approach

1. Detailed Conceptual Understanding

2. Choice based selection of discipline/subject
3. Promotion of modern Methods
4. Development of self concepts and socialization
5. Realistic Application

Limitations of Integrated Approach

a. Time Consuming
b. Need of well equipped and expert teachers
c. Create confusion
d. Proper selection and organization of various disciplines
Methods of Teaching
Science in Elementary
Principles for selecting methods
1. Principle of sense of achievement through interest and purpose
2. Principle of active cooperation
3. Principle of capability of students of particular class
4. Principle of realization of meaning of education i.e., “bring up”, “I
nourish”, “Drawing art”.
5. Psychological principle i.e., need, interest, of students
6. Principe of individual difference i.e., different potentialities of
Methods of Teaching General

This type of teaching

methods focus on
telling, memorizing,
recalling information.
The student’s
participation is very
limited wherein they
only ask questions or
answers questions

This process emphasizes

on need, requirement,
interest and capability of
students. The students
are active participants
where in their skills and
abilities are developed.
Lecture-Cum-Discussion Method

This method is a combination of lecture method and

discussion method. This is very helpful in building an active
verbal interaction between the teachers and students. It is a
process in which interaction goes on in between teacher
and students, where in question and answer are asked and
given by both the teacher and students making the process
interactive, and effective.
Principles of Lecture-Cum-Discussion Method
1. The teacher should be aware of needs of learners
2. The teacher must arouse interest in the subject and sustain in the mind of students
3. Teacher must use visual aids and use ICT
4. The teacher must take enough time to build mental pictures, with new concepts,
previous knowledge, moving from simple to difficult ideas, for better conceptual

Role of Teacher
5. Encourage students to participate in discussion
6. Ensure, student’s attention span is maintained
7. Pre plan and prepare properly for discussion and support ideas with factual
evidence and examples
8. Encourage students taking than teacher talking
9. If possible, give time before hand so that, the discussion becomes productive
10. Do not dominate rather get the discussion started set goals, summarize, mediate
and clarify
Merit of lecture-Cum-Discussion Method
1. It creates democratic environment in the class
2. Develops and improves communication skills of students.
3. It brings about attitudinal charge among students
4. It helps in assessing the factual knowledge of the students

Limitations of Lecture-Cum-Discussion Method

5. It is helpful for mature students
6. If it is not properly used, then the principle of learning by participating is not achieved
7. If teacher does not handle students effectively then the students may be in disciplined rather than
8. If not managed properly, it will not help all types of students in the class
9. Teacher must control his emotions else this may result in wrong output

Suggestion for Improvement

10. The teacher must maintain good eye contact with students in order to make the process meaningful
11. The teacher must actively involve students
12. The teacher must instruct clearly
13. Must keep the group focused on the task
14. Teacher should use good time management techniques and evaluate students as they learn in the class
15. Teacher should not read extensively from lecture notes or text books
16. Teacher must not ignore participant’s comments and feedback.
Laboratory Method

This method is a commonly thought of as a hands on and

minds on approach to teach science where in students
have the opportunity to gain some experience with
phenomena associated with their course of study. This
method broadens interest of the students. The sense of
excitement and challenges help them to achieve some
tangible experiences.
Role of Teacher
Principles of Laboratory Method
1. Teacher must be a facilitator of the
process of doing experiments by
1. It follows the principle of learning by doing
2. It follows psychological principle, where
2. Teacher must check the apparatus
students age and interest is taken into
previously, so that it goes on
3. The work should be Pre-organized and Pre-
3. The practical work must be Pre-
organized and Pre-selected
4. Teacher must see that, students are allowed
4. The skills of handling apparatus,
to work independently without much
drawing, diagrams, careful
observations taking necessary
5. The teacher must ensure that apparatus and
precautions must be developed
equipment should be checked pair hand.
among students
6. Teacher must see that students are able to
5. The teacher must be that, the
follow in instruction and record their
student is doing experiment properly
observation properly.
by following proper procedure.
Merits of Laboratory Method
1. This method follows child-centered approach
2. It makes students active and alert
3. It gives scope for learning by doing and students do a lot of thinking themselves
4. Different skills are developed
5. It paves way for exploration experimentation and verification of scientific facts and principles
6. It inculcates good virtues like honesty, truthfulness, dignity of labor, et.
7. It helps in developing spirit of enquiring
8. It helps in developing higher order thinking capacities like reasoning, analyzing, synthesizing, etc.

Limitations of Laboratory Method

9. It is expensive and uneconomical
10. It is time consuming as it takes much time in some experiments to come to conclusion
11. It expects a lot from students and teachers
12. It does not guarantee that, students would be equally efficient in solving problems outside laboratory
13. All students cannot be expected to be skilled workers
14. Most of the students are either not ready or lack to ability to undertake original work

Suggestions to Improve
15. This method should not be considered independently but should form a part of the total science
16. The practical work must be pre-planned
17. It is imperative that same individual laboratory work must be done by every student
18. Instead of performing the experiments started in the book should be little modified for better result
19. Before experiment in performed the purpose must be clarified to the students.
Observation Method

In this method, the student observes and acquires

knowledge. Though we cannot call this as a specific method
of science teaching but as a matter of fact almost all
science begins with observation the students observe
nature, groups, in lab, at school, at home or in gardens. The
result of this process information of a concept of nature
which in permanent in mind..
Principles of Lecture-Cum-Discussion Method
Principle of freedom
Principle of experience
Principle of play-way
Principle of individual effort
Principle of activity
Principle of logical thinking
Principle of purposefulness
Role of Teacher
1. He must be man of knowledge and give adequate references for further observation
2. He should possess curiosity, scientific attitude and interest, spirit of investigation so
as to inculcate such qualities among students who in term observe and discover
many things
3. He must provide an atmosphere for freedom in the classroom in order to encourage
students to make observations
4. He must be a guide, a working partner and friend of the students
5. He should devise and plan different activities according to the age, ability and
interest of the students
Merits of Laboratory Method
1. The work of the teacher becomes interesting
2. The students see think give logic and thoughtful answers
3. The students learn the similarities ad dissimilarities of objects clearly and easily
4. The knowledge acquired in permanent
5. Students develop interest in subject
6. Students become self-dependent, self-reliant and self-confident

Limitations of Laboratory Method

7. It is too much to expect children observe and retain knowledge. The students are in nature sometimes and
their knowledge and thinking power in limited
8. It is not suitable for all the topic of science
9. This method is information. The practical part of it remains under developed.
10. It is not economical from time point of view
11. This method is also not economical as it requires a lot of preparation and maintenance from school point of
view where students can observe many things.

Suggestions to Improve
12. The students must be given full freedom during observation
13. Interest and curiosity must be developed in students prior to making observations
14. The teacher must check and observe things before hand
15. The teacher must put questions and pinpoint observation as and when required
16. The school must have science corner where in students observation and activity goes on continuously.

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