Asset Management System

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Asset Management

Presenting By: M R Khan Dipu
ID: 191-35-393
ERD stands for Entity Relationship Diagram. An
ERD diagram represents the model of a system
entity. It shows all the visual instrument of
databases table and the relationships between
entities. In a word, an entity diagram is a data
modeling technique that graphically illustrates an
information system’ entities and the
relationships between those entities.
Symbols used in the ER Diagram
Entity is represented by the rectangle shape. The
entity will be our database table of Asset
Management System later on. Entity

Attribute is represented by the oval shape. This

will be the columns or fields of each table in the
Asset Management System. Attribute

Relationship is represented by diamond shape.

This will determine the relationships among
entities. This is usually in a form of primary
to foreign key connection. ship
We will follow the 3 basic rules in creating the
ER Diagram.
Identify all the entities.
Identify the relationship between entities and
Add meaningful attributes to our entities.
In the Asset Management System we have the following
Transfer History
Employee Assignment
Item Image
Category or Item Category
We will now draw the entities and it will be represented
by a rectangle shape:

User Item

Employee Assignment
Item Image

Department Branch Category

After we have specified our entities, it is time now
to connect or establish relationship among the
. cont

Transfer recor User enco Item

History ds des

man ns
des has
ages enco
des Employee Item Image

belo belo
ngs ngs

Department Branch Category
Explain of Step-2
 user encodes office branch location (1 to many relationship)
 user encodes all the departments (1 to many relationship)
 user encodes employee information (1 to many relationship)
 user encodes item categories (1 to many relationship)
 user encodes item information (1 to many relationship)
 an item belongs to 1 category (1 to 1 relationship)
 an item has multiple images (1 to many relationship)
 an employee belongs to a certain department (1 to 1 relationship)
 an employee is assigned to a specific branch (1 to 1 relationship)
 the user manages the item to employee assignment (1 to many relationship)
 the employee can be assigned with multiple items (1 to many relationship)
 the user records the transfer of an item from an employee to another employee (1
to many relationship)
 and lastly the transfer history contains multiple items (1 to many relationship)
This is the last part of the ERD process is to add attributes to our
As it is difficult to art the diagram on power point for its big length. I
have drawn it on ms word and take screenshot and crop it and insert
it in below slide.
Transfer History entity has the following attributes:
History id – primary key represented with
Transferred from
Transferred to
Item id – foreign key
date transfer
user id – foreign key
User entity has the following attributes:
User id – primary key represented with underline
Item Entity has the following attributes:
Item id – primary key represented with underline
Item tag
Item name
Serial no
Date purchased
Category id – foreign key
User id – foreign key
Employee Entity has the following attributes:
Employee id – primary key represented with
Department id – foreign key
branch_id – foreign key
user_id – foreign key
Employee Assignment entity has the following attributes:
Assignment id – primary key represented with
Item id – foreign key
Employee id – foreign key
Branch id – foreign key
Date assigned
User id – foreign key
Item Image entity has the following attributes:
Image id – primary key represented with
Image name
item id – foreign key
Department Entity has the following attributes:
Department id – primary key represented with
User id
Branch Entity has the following attributes:
Branch id – primary key represented with
User id – foreign key
Category Entity has the following attributes:
Category id – primary key represented with
Category name
User id – foreign key
Thank You

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