IPSAS 4 The Effect of Changes in Foreign Exchange Difference
IPSAS 4 The Effect of Changes in Foreign Exchange Difference
Understand the concept of a functional currency in
general purpose financial information;
Understand how to determine the functional currency;
Understand some of the main judgements made setting
in determining the functional currency.
Describe how a foreign currency transaction shall be
recorded initially and subsequently.
Describe the disclosure requirements according to IPSAS 4
Foreign currency. A currency other than the functional
currency of the entity.
Functional currency. The currency of the primary
economic environment in which the entity operates.
Presentation currency. The currency in which the
financial statements are presented.
Exchange rate. The ratio of exchange for two
Exchange difference. The difference resulting from
translating a given number of units of one currency
into another currency at different exchange rates.
Closing rate. The spot exchange rate at the year end date.
Spot exchange rate. The exchange rate for immediate
Each entity –should determine its functional currency and
measure its results and financial position in that currency.
Functional Currency
A foreign currency transaction shall be recorded, on initial
recognition in the functional currency, by applying to the
foreign currency amount the spot exchange rate between
the functional currency and the foreign currency at the date
of the transaction.
The following factors may also provide evidence of an entity’s functional currency:
(a) The currency in which funds from financing activities (i.e., issuing debt and equity
instruments) are generated.
(b) The currency in which receipts from operating activities are usually retained.
When indicators are mixed and the functional currency is not obvious,
management uses its judgment to determine the functional currency that most
faithfully represents the economic effects of the underlying transactions, events,
and conditions.
As part of this approach, management gives priority to the primary indicators in
paragraph 11 before considering other indicators, which are designed to provide
additional supporting evidence to determine an entity’s functional currency.
Once determined, the functional currency is not changed unless there is a change
in those underlying transactions, events, and conditions.
Functional currency
Functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the
entity operates
The primary economic environment is normally the environment in which the entity
primarily generates and expends cash
Functional currency
Primary indicators identify a functional currency
This is the functional currency
Considering the secondary indicators, together with the This is the functional currency
primary indicators, identify a functional currency
Understand the concept of a functional currency in
general purpose financial information;
Understand how to determine the functional currency;
Understand some of the main judgements made setting
in determining the functional currency.
Describe how a foreign currency transaction shall be
recorded initially and subsequently.
Describe the disclosure requirements according to IPSAS 4