Chapter 5 C++ Array

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 An array allows you to store and work with mul-
tiple values of the same data type.
 An array works like a variable that can store a
group of values, all of the same type.
 An array must be declared before it is used.
 A typical declaration for an array in C++ is:
type name [Size];
 where type is a valid object type (int, float...),
 name is a valid variable identifier and the
 Size field, that is enclosed within brackets [ ], speci-
fies how many of these elements the array contains.
 Here is an example of an array of integers:
int hours[6];
 The name of this array is hours.
 The number inside the brackets is the array’s size
 It indicates the number of elements, or values, the array can
 The hours array can store six integer elements.
 This is depicted in the following figure.
 An array’s size declarator must be a constant in-
teger expression with a value greater than zero.
const int SIZE = 6;
int hours[SIZE];
 Arrays of any data type can be defined.
 The following are all valid array definitions:
float temperature[100]; // Array of 100 floats
char letter[26]; // Array of 26 characters
long unit[50]; // Array of 50 long integers
double size[1200]; // Array of 1200 doubles
Accessing Array Elements
 The format is the following:
 The individual elements of an array are assigned unique
 Subscript numbering in C++ always starts at zero.
 The subscript of the last element in an array is array size
minus one.
 This means that in the array int hours[6];
 the element hours[6] does not exist.
 The last element in the array is hours[5].
… Accessing Array Elements
 Assume the following two arrays have been defined.
int doctorA[5]; // Holds the number of patients seen by Dr. A on each of 5
int doctorB[5]; // Holds the number of patients seen by Dr. B on each of 5
 The following are all legal assignment statements.
doctorA[0] = 31; // doctorA[0] now holds 31.
doctorA[1] = 40; // doctorA[1] now holds 40.
doctorA[2] = doctorA[0]; // doctorA[2] now also holds
doctorB[0] = doctorA[1]; // doctorB[0] now holds 40.
 However, the following statements are not legal.
doctorA = 152; // Illegal!
doctorB = doctorA; // Illegal!
… Accessing Array Elements
 For example, consider the following array:
int billy [] = { 16, 2, 1, 40, 12 };
 To store the value 5 in the third element of billy:
billy[2] = 5;
 To pass the value of the third element of billy to the variable a, we
could write:
a = billy[2];
 The following are valid operations with arrays:
// declaration of a new Array (begins with a type name)
int billy[5];
// access to an element of the Array.
billy[2] = 5;
billy[0] = a;
billy[a] = 75;
b = billy [a+2];
billy[billy[a]] = billy[2] + 5;
… Accessing Array Elements
 The following program demonstrates how we can access array ele-
ments and perform operations using those elements.
#include <iostream.h>
int billy [ ] = {10, 20, 30, 400, 12000};
int n, result = 0;
int main ()
for ( n=0 ; n<5 ; n++ )
result += billy[n];
cout << result;
return 0;
 Output:
Array Initialization
 Arrays may be initialized when they are defined or with separate as-
signment statements.
 By writing separate assignment statements for the individual ele-
ments of an array:
const int NUM_MON = 12;
int days[NUM_MON];
days[0] = 31; // January
days[1] = 28; // February
days[9] = 31; // October
days[10] = 30; // November
days[11] = 31; // December
 By using an initialization list, all the elements of the array can be
easily initialized when the array is created.
 For example: the following statement defines the days array and ini-
tializes it with the values:
int days[NUM_MON] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
… Array Initialization
 For example, consider the following pro-
gram segment.
const int NUM_MON = 12;
int days[NUM_MON] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
for (int month = 0; month < NUM_MON; month++)
cout << "Month " << (month + 1) << " has ";
cout << days[month] << " days.\n";
Partial Array Initialization
 An initialization list cannot have more values than the ar-
ray has elements, but it may have fewer values than
there are elements.
 i.e. C++ does not require a value for every element.
 It’s possible to only initialize some part of an array, such
int numbers[7] = {1, 2, 4, 8};
 This definition only initializes the first four elements of a seven
element array:
… Partial Array Initialization
 If an array is partially initialized, the uninitialized elements will be set
to zero for numeric arrays or to the null character for character ar-
 The following program segment shows the contents of the numbers
array after it is partially initialized.
const int SIZE = 7;
int numbers[SIZE] = {1, 2, 4, 8}; // Initialize the first 4 elements.
for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++)
cout << numbers[index] << " “ << endl;
 This fragment displays the contents of the array as follows:
 If you leave an element uninitialized, you must leave all the ele-
ments that follow it uninitialized as well.
 For example, the following is not legal:
int array[6] = {2, 4, , 8, , 12}; // NOT Legal!
Implicit Array Sizing
 It’s possible to define an array without specifying its size,
providing an initialization list that includes a value for ev-
ery element.
 C++ automatically makes the array large enough to hold
all the initialization values.
 For example, the following definition creates an array
with five elements:
double ratings[] = {1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0};
 Because the size declarator is omitted, C++ counts the
number of items in the initialization list and gives the ar-
ray that many elements.
 Note: You must specify an initialization list if you leave
out the size declarator. Otherwise, C++ doesn’t know
how large to make the array.
Processing Array Contents
 For example, the following statement multiplies hours[3] by the vari-
able rate:
pay = hours[3] * rate;
 The following are examples of pre-increment and post-increment
operations on array elements:
int score[5] = {7, 8, 9, 10, 11};
++score[2]; // Pre-increment operation on the value in score[2]
score[4]++; // Post-increment operation on the value in score[4]
 Array elements can also be used in relational expressions.
 For example, the following if statement tests cost[20] to deter-
mine if it is less than cost[0]:
if (cost[20] < cost[0])
 And the following statement sets up a while loop to iterate as
long as value[place] does not equal 0:
while (value[place] != 0)
Processing Strings
 Strings are internally stored as arrays of characters.
 They are different from other arrays in that the elements can either be
 treated as a set of individual characters or
 can be used as a single entity.
 The following sample code defines a character object and treats it as a sin-
gle entity, inputting it and displaying it as a single unit.
char name[10];
cout << "Enter your name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << "Hello, " << name << endl;
 We can process the string character by character.
 If "Warren" were entered, for example, the statement
cout << name[0]; would print the letter W,
cout << name[1]; would print the letter a, and so forth.
Two-Dimensional Arrays
 An array is useful for storing and working with a set of
 A 2D-array is useful for storing multiple sets of data.
 It’s best to think of a two-dimensional array as a table
having rows and columns of elements.
 To define a 2D-array, two size declarators are required:
 the first one is for the number of rows and
 the second one is for the number of columns.
 For processing the information in a two-dimensional ar-
ray, each element has two subscripts:
 one for its row and
 another for its column.
… Two-Dimensional Arrays
 In the score array, the elements in row 0 are referenced as:
 The elements in row 1 are
 And the elements in row 2 are
… Two-Dimensional Arrays
 For example, the following statement assigns the value 92.25 to the element at row 2,
column 1 of the score array:
score[2][1] = 92.25;
 And the following statement displays the element at row 0, column 2:
cout << score[0][2];
 When initializing a two-dimensional array, it helps to enclose each row’s initialization list in a set
of braces. Here is an example:
int hours[3][2] = {{8, 5}, {7, 9}, {6, 3}};
 The same statement could also be written as
int hours[3][2] = {{8, 5},
{7, 9},
{6, 3}};
 In either case, the values are assigned to hours in the following manner:
hours[0][0] is set to 8
hours[0][1] is set to 5
hours[1][0] is set to 7
hours[1][1] is set to 9
hours[2][0] is set to 6
hours[2][1] is set to 3
… Two-Dimensional Arrays
 The extra braces that enclose each row’s initialization list
are optional.
 Both of the following statements perform the same initial-
int hours[3][2] = {{8, 5}, {7, 9}, {6, 3}};
int hours[3][2] = {8, 5, 7, 9, 6, 3};
 The braces give you the ability to leave out initializers:
int table[3][2] = {{1}, {3, 4}, {5}};
 In the above array definition:
table[0][0] is initialized to 1,
table[1][0] is initialized to 3,
table[1][1] is initialized to 4, and
table[2][0] is initialized to 5.
 The uninitialized elements, table[0][1] and table[2][1], are
automatically set to zero.
Address (dereference) operator (&)
 The address operator (&) returns the memory address of
a variable.
 Suppose the following variable declaration:
float amount;
 When the address operator (&) is placed in front of a
variable name, it returns the address of that variable.
 Here is an expression that returns the address of the
variable amount:
 Here is a statement that displays the variable’s ad-
dress on the screen:
cout << &amount;
… Address (dereference) operator (&)
 For example the statement:
ted = &andy;
would assign to variable ted the address of variable andy,
 When preceding the name of the variable andy with the
ampersand (&) character we are talking about its ad-
dress in memory not its content.
 We are going to suppose that andy has been placed in
the memory address 1776 and that we write the follow-
andy = 25;
fred = andy;
ted = &andy;
… Address (dereference) operator (&)
andy = 25;
fred = andy;
ted = &andy;
 We have assigned:
 to fred the content of variable andy, but
 to ted the address in memory where the value of andy is stored
 The reason is that in the allocation of ted we have pre-
ceded andy with an ampersand (&) character.
 The variable that stores the address of another variable
(like ted in the previous example) is what we call a
Pointer Variables
 Pointer variables are often called pointers
 They are designed to hold memory addresses.
 Pointers are special variables that C++ provides
for working with memory addresses.
 Just like int variables are designed to hold and
work with integers, pointer variables are de-
signed to hold and work with addresses.
… Pointer Variables
 The definition of a pointer variable looks like the
int *ptr;
 The asterisk indicates that ptr is a pointer variable.
 The int data type indicates that ptr can be used to
hold the address of an integer variable.
 The declaration statement above would read “ptr
is a pointer to an int.”
 Note: In this definition, the word int does not
mean that ptr is an integer variable.
 Remember, pointers only hold one thing: ad-
Declaring Pointer Variables
 It is necessary to specify which data type a pointer points
to when declaring it.
 Therefore, the declaration of pointers follows this form:
type * pointer_name;
 where type is the type of data pointed, not the type of the pointer
 For example:
int * number;
char * character;
float * greatnumber;
 they are three declarations of pointers.
 The following statement declares the two pointers of the
previous example putting an asterisk (*) for each pointer.
int *p1, *p2;
… Declaring Pointer Variables
 In the following statements:
int x = 25;
int *ptr;
ptr = &x;
 The variable x is an int, while ptr is a pointer to an int.
 The variable x is initialized with 25, while ptr is as-
signed the address of x.
 the variable x is located at memory address 0x7e00
and contains the number 25,
 the pointer ptr contains the address 0x7e00.
 In essence,” ptr “points to the variable x.
Reference (Indirection ) operator (*)
 With pointer variables you can indirectly manipulate data stored in
other variables.
 Using a pointer we can directly access the value stored in the vari-
able pointed by it.
 This is done by preceding the pointer identifier with the reference
operator asterisk (*)
 Therefore, if we write:
andy = 25;
fred = andy;
ted = &andy;
beth = *ted;
 beth would take
the value 25,
since ted is 1776,
and the value pointed
by 1776 is 25.
… Reference (Indirection ) operator (*)
andy = 25;
ted = &andy;
beth = *ted;
 You must clearly differentiate that:
 ted stores 1776,
 *ted refers to the value stored in the address 1776, that is 25.
 Notice the difference of including or not including the reference as-
beth = ted; // beth equal to ted ( 1776 )
beth = *ted; // beth equal to value pointed by ted ( 25 )
 Consider the following statements:
andy = 25;
ted = &andy;
all the following expressions are true:
andy == 25 &andy == 1776
ted == 1776 *ted == 25
*ted == andy
… Reference (Indirection ) operator (*)

 Using the expression *ptr is indirectly using the

variable x.
int x = 25;
int *ptr;
ptr = &x;
 The following cout statement displays the value
in x twice:
cout << x << " " << *ptr << endl;
 And the following statement stores 100 in x:
*ptr = 100;
… Reference (Indirection ) operator (*)
 The following program segment demonstrates the use of indirection
int x = 25;
int *ptr;
ptr = &x; // Store the address of x in ptr
cout << "Here is the value in x, printed twice:";
cout << x << " " << *ptr << endl;
*ptr = 100;
cout << “\nOnce again, here is the value in x:";
cout << x << " " << *ptr << endl;
 The above program segment displays the following:
Here is the value in x, printed twice: 25 25
Once again, here is the value in x: 100 100
… Reference (Indirection ) operator (*)
 The following program demonstrates the ability of a pointer to point
to different variables.
int x = 25, y = 50, z = 75;
int *ptr;
cout << "Here are the values of x, y, and z:\n";
cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
ptr = &x; // Store the address of x in ptr
*ptr *= 2; // Multiply value in x by 2
ptr = &y; // Store the address of y in ptr
*ptr *= 2; // Multiply value in y by 2
ptr = &z; // Store the address of z in ptr
*ptr *= 2; // Multiply value in z by 2
cout << "Once again, here are the values of x, y, and z:\n";
cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
 The above program segment displays the following:
Here are the values of x, y, and z: 25 50 75
Once again, here are the values of x, y, and z: 50 100 150
Summary on the two pointer operators
 Note: So far you’ve seen three different uses of the as-
terisk in C++:
 As the multiplication operator, in statements such as
distance = speed * time;
 In the definition of a pointer variable, such as
int *ptr;
 As the indirection operator, in statements such as
*ptr = 100;
 Address or dereference operator(&)
 It is used as a variable prefix and
 can be translated as "address of",
 thus: &variable1 can be read as "address of variable1"
 Reference operator (*)
 It indicates that what has to be evaluated is the content pointed
by the expression considered as an address.
 It can be translated by "value pointed by".
* mypointer can be read as "value pointed by mypointer".
Pointer Initialization
 We can explicitly specify to which variable we want
pointers to point during their declaration,
int number;
int *tommy = &number;
 this is equivalent to:
int number;
int *tommy;
tommy = &number;
 When a pointer assignment takes place we are always
assigning the address where it points to, never the value
 At the moment of declaring a pointer, the asterisk (*) in-
dicates only that it is a pointer, not the reference opera-
tor (*).
 Strings of characters allow us to represent successions
of characters, like words, sentences, names, texts.
 Arrays of type char are used to store strings of charac-
 The data type (char) is used to store a single character
 So arrays are used to store strings of single characters.
 For example, the following array (or string of characters):
char jenny [20];
 can store a string up to 20 characters long.
 For example, jenny could store either the string of char-
acters "Hello" or "Merry Christmas".
 Since the array of characters can store shorter strings
than its total length, a null character is used to end the
valid content of a string.
 A constant for the null character can be written '\0'.
 We could represent jenny storing the strings of charac-
ters "Hello" and "Merry Christmas" in the following way:
 Null character ('\0') is included to indicate the end of the
string. The panels in gray color represent indeterminate
Initialization of strings
 To initialize a string of characters with predeter-
mined values:
char mystring[ ] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\
0' };
 mystring is a string of characters (array) of 6 elements
 its type is char
 initialized with the characters that compose Hello plus
a null character '\0'.
 Another way is using constant strings.
char mystring [ ] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\
0' };
char mystring [ ] = "Hello";
… Initialization of strings
 The assignment of multiple constants like
double-quoted constants (") to arrays are
only valid at the moment when declared.
 Expressions within the code like:
mystring = "Hello";
mystring[ ] = "Hello";
mystring = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' };
are not valid for arrays.
… Initialization of strings
 Since the lvalue of an assignment can only be an ele-
ment of an array, it would be valid to assign a string of
characters to an array of char using a method like this:
mystring[0] = 'H';
mystring[1] = 'e';
mystring[2] = 'l';
mystring[3] = 'l';
mystring[4] = 'o';
mystring[5] = '\0';
 Generally for assigning values to a string of characters, a se-
ries of functions like strcpy are used.
 strcpy (string copy) is defined in the string.h library and can be
called the following way:
strcpy (string1, string2);
 This does copy the content of string2 into string1.
 For example, the following line assigns the constant string
"Hello" to mystring:
strcpy (mystring, "Hello");
… Initialization of strings
 The following program sets a value to string
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
char msg[10];
char myName [20];
strcpy (msg,"Hello");
strcpy (myName,“Alemu");
cout << msg << " " << myName;
return 0;
 The above code will display:
Hello Alemu
… Initialization of strings
 Another method to assign values to an array is by using
the input stream (cin).
 The value is assigned by the user during program execution.
 When cin is used with strings of characters it is usually
used with its getline function, that can be called follow-
ing this prototype:
cin.getline ( char buffer[ ], int length, char delimiter = ' \n');
 where buffer is the address of where to store the input (array),
 length is the maximum length of the buffer (the size of the array)
 delimiter is the character used to determine the end of the user
input, which by default - if we do not include that parameter - will
be the newline character ('\n').
… Initialization of strings
 The following code repeats whatever you type on your
keyboard using cin.getline:
char mybuffer [100];
cout << "What's your name? ";
cin.getline (mybuffer,100);
cout << "Hello " << mybuffer << ".\n";
cout << "Which is your favourite team? ";
cin.getline (mybuffer,100);
cout << "I like " << mybuffer << " too.\n";
 The above code will display:
What's your name? Alemu
Hello Alemu.
Which is your favourite team? Inter Milan
I like Inter Milan too.
******** THANK YOU********
***** GOOD LUCK *****

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