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Master of Computer Applications

Course Name: Network System Administration

Prepared By:-Mr. SOBIT REHAN


Vision of Department

To be a Centre of Excellence for nurturing computer professionals with strong application

expertise through experiential learning and research for matching the requirements of
industry and society instilling in them the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Network Architecture - Protocols

• Physical: Actual signal transmission

• Data-Link: Framing / Error Detection
• Network: Routing / Addressing
• Transport: Congestion / Flow Control
• Application: Specific to user needs
Layered Protocols – (HTTP)
Data Link Layer - Ethernet
• Invented in 1973 @ Xerox. (IEEE 802.3)
• Originally a LAN technology – extended to MAN / WAN.
• Same frame format, different wiring schemes, data rates across generations.
• Most common version (10BaseT) – 1990.
Ethernet Generations
• Original Ethernet:
Coaxial cable (10Base5)

• Next Generation:
Thin coax cable (10Base2)

• Modern Ethernet:
Twisted pair ethernet (10BaseT)
Uses hub: physical star but logical bus.
Ethernet Components

• NIC – Network Interface Card

Integrated Tx/Rx – direct interface to medium.
• MAU – Media Attachment Unit
Attaches network interface to the medium (integrated into NIC).
• AUI – Attachment Unit Interface
Decouple physical layer -reuse MAC design with different media.
• MII – Media Independent Interface
Like AUI for gigabit / faster ethernets.
Ethernet Addressing
• 48-bit address
• Address assigned when NIC card is manufactured.
• Packets can be sent to
Single address – Unicast
All stations on network – Broadcast (address = all 1s.)
Subset of stations – Multicast

• Broadcast (address = all 1s.)

All receivers accepts unicast / broadcats.
• Half addresses reserved for multicast (247)
NIC can accepts zero or more multicasts.
Ethernet Frame

Sender adds:
Senders address is source
Recepients addreess in destination
Type of data in frame type
Error check data (CRC)

Receiver NIC:
Gets transmitted frame.
Examines address and either accepts or rejects.
Passes frame to system software.
Media Access Control - MAC
• Shared medium – stations take turns at sharing the medium.
• Media access control ensures fairness.

• Carrier Sense: wait till medium is idle before sending frame.

• Multiple Access: multiple computers use the same shared media. Each uses same
access algorithm.

• Collision Detection: Listen to medium – detect if another station’s signal interferes –

back off and try again later.
• If collision occurs: wait a random time t1 - 0< t1<d.
D depends on transmission speed – time for frame width or 512 bits.
• If second collision occurs, wait a random time t2 - 0< t2<2d.
Double range for each succesive collision.
Exponential backoff
• No acknowledgement like TCP.

• CSMA/CA used in wireless networks where not all stations receive message.
• Both sides send small message followed by data:
X is about to send to Y
Y is about to receive from X
Data frame sent from X to Y.
Recent Developments
• 100Base-FX
LED light source / MMF / 2 km max distance.
Modal dispersion – limited bandwidth

• 100Base-SX (IEEE 802.3z)

Short wavelength laser (850 nm)
Max distance = 5 km.

• 100Base-LX
Long wavelength laser (1310 nm)
Max distance = 5 km.
Beyond Gigabit Ethernet
• 10 Gb/s Ethernet
No CSMS/CD, same frame format.
• Applications
Upgrade LANs / Backbone.
MAN applications.

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