PMI Toolkit - Overview and Approach
PMI Toolkit - Overview and Approach
PMI Toolkit - Overview and Approach
Aurelien Domont
Management Consultant
Domont Consulting Managing Director
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Problem: Most M&A failures are due to a poorly managed post merger
M&A ability to reach value creation objectives Main reasons for M&A failure
70% 52%
Company Name 3
Solution: Our ex-McKinsey, Deloitte & BCG consultants created a PMI
Toolkit to increase your odds of success
Advice from
Number of professionals leveraging our Toolkits
Management Tools There are 200,000+ Executives, Consultants &
Consultants Entrepreneurs leveraging our Toolkits to improve the
performance of their organization
Real-life Templates
Trusted by small and large organizations
Video Training
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Our Toolkit will help you fulfill multiple objectives
The Post Merger Integration Toolkit includes frameworks, tools, templates, tutorials, real-life examples, video training, and best practices to
help you:
• Conduct a successful post merger integration with our 6-phase approach: (I) Integration Strategy, (II) Integration & synergy initiatives, (III)
Detailed Plans, (IV) Implementation & Monitoring, (V) Change Management and Internal Communication, and (VI) Stakeholder Engagement
• (I) Define your integration strategy: (1) Deal rationale, (2) Merger strategic objectives, (3) Key performance indicators (KPIs), (4) Governance
and Integration Management Office (IMO), (5) Guiding principles, (6) Integration approach, (7) Operating model and organization design, (8)
Integrated synergy baseline, (8) Synergy targets
• (II) Identify your integration & synergy initiatives: (1) Potential integration & synergy initiatives, (2) Business cases and financial models, (3)
Integration & synergy initiatives prioritization, (4) Integration & synergy initiatives roadmap
• (III) Create your detailed plans: (1) Integration plan: Day 1, Day 30, Day 60, Day 90, (2) Day one readiness workshop, (3) Staffing & retention
plan, (4) Culture integration strategy and plan, (5) Risk management strategy and plan
• (IV) Implement and monitor your integration: (1) Governance and Integration Management Office (IMO), (2) Dashboards: Strategic objectives
and KPIs, Integration & synergy initiatives, Integration plan, Other detailed plans, (3) Training to help managers set up their team, (4) Integration
lessons learned
• (V) Define and implement your change management strategy and internal communication strategy: (1) Change management strategy, (2)
Change management plans, (3) Implementation, tracking and progress management, (4) Effective communication
• (VI) Engage your stakeholders effectively: (1) Stakeholder analysis, (2) Stakeholder engagement strategy, (3) Stakeholder engagement detailed
Company Name 5
The PMI Toolkit includes a 6-phase approach that we have built and refined
over the past 20 years through constant trial and error
1 2 3 4
Integration & synergy
Integration Strategy Detailed Plans Implementation & Monitoring
1. Deal rationale 1. Potential integration & synergy 1. Integration plan: Day 1, Day 30, 1. Governance and Integration
initiatives Day 60, Day 90 Management Office (IMO)
2. Merger strategic objectives
3. Key performance indicators (KPIs) 2. Business cases and financial 2. Day one readiness workshop 2. Dashboards
4. Governance and Integration 3. Staffing & retention plan • Strategic objectives and KPIs
Management Office (IMO) 3. Integration & synergy initiatives • Integration & synergy initiatives
4. Culture integration strategy and
5. Guiding principles plan • Integration plan
4. Integration & synergy initiatives
6. Integration approach 5. Risk management strategy and • Other detailed plans
7. Operating model and organization 3. Training to help managers set up
design their team
8. Integrated synergy baseline 4. Integration lessons learned
9. Synergy targets
Change Management and Internal Communication
Stakeholder Engagement
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Phase 1 small preview
1 2 3 4
Integration & synergy
Integration Strategy Detailed Plans Implementation & Monitoring
Change Management and Internal Communication
Stakeholder Engagement
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Phase 2 small preview
1 2 3 4
Integration & synergy
Integration Strategy Detailed Plans Implementation & Monitoring
Change Management and Internal Communication
Stakeholder Engagement
Company Name 8
Phase 3 small preview
1 2 3 4
Integration & synergy
Integration Strategy Detailed Plans Implementation & Monitoring
Change Management and Internal Communication
Stakeholder Engagement
Company Name 9
Phase 4 small preview
1 2 3 4
Integration & synergy
Integration Strategy Detailed Plans Implementation & Monitoring
Change Management and Internal Communication
Stakeholder Engagement
Company Name 10
Phase 5 and 6 small preview
1 2 3 4
Integration & synergy
Integration Strategy Detailed Plans Implementation & Monitoring
Change Management and Internal Communication
Stakeholder Engagement
Company Name 11
The Toolkit includes multiple PowerPoint slides, Excel sheets and Video
training that you can download on your device immediately after purchase
33 Excel sheets*
*Please note that the number of Powerpoint slides and Excel sheets listed is the number of unique slides and sheets. For example, a Powerpoint slide
that has been duplicated to facilitate our clients’ understanding only counts for one slide
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Our Management Consulting Toolkits include 9 key benefits
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What our clients say about our Toolkits
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Join 200,000+ Executives, Consultants & Entrepreneurs leveraging our
Toolkits to improve the performance of their organization
Number of countries leveraging our Toolkits Number of professionals
leveraging our Toolkits
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Interested in more than 1 Toolkit? Access all our Toolkits for half the price
with our Gold Access
Gold Access
Click here to learn more
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Need additional help? Send us a brief and we’ll find you the right talent
from our network of 500+ tier-1 Management Consultants
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This was just a small preview.