Group 10 - Phase 3 - Samsung Consumer Electronics

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Customer Data & Analytics Plan

Name Roll No.

Atharva Kamat 22M2323
Harshil Kadia 22M2346
Abhinav Welankiwar 22M2399
Parth Gohil 22M2368
Harsh K Shah 22M2340
Samsung Vision Focussed On Consumer Electronics
“Inspire the world with life-enriching innovations through responsible leadership and open
Life Enriching Innovations Collaboration
Focusing on creating electronics that not Working with new tech and developers to
only fulfill basic needs but improve create an ecosystem of interconnected and
customers' lives through innovative compatible devices
features and seamless integrations
Bringing Calm to Connected
World Focus on R&D
In this new connected world, Samsung Samsung’s vision suggests a continuous
aims to win through simplified and drive to push the boundaries of what's
intuitive consumer electronics experiences. possible in consumer electronics.

Samsung's vision can be summarized as creating innovative, user-friendly, and sustainable products
that enhance and simplify lives
Customer Strategies of Samsung & Its Competitors
Samsung Strategies

Innovation: Cutting edge tech from Connected Ecosystem: Samsung

Foldable phones to AI powered Segmentation: Cater to all customer builds ecosystem of compatible
white-goods segments offering flagship, mid- devices like Galaxy Book laptops
range and budget-friendly choices and SmartThings integration
Competitors Strategies

Premium experience, tight integration between software & hardware, loyal

Apple fanbase
Emphasize home appliances and smart home solutions, offering ecosystems and
LG innovative features
Offers competitive prices and high-end features, targeting budget-conscious
Xiaomi customers with value-driven propositions
Invests heavily in R&D, focusing on camera technology and 5G to stand out in
Huawei the market
Pain Point Mapping
Sr. Customer Journey
Pain Points Solution
No. TouchPoint

1 Customer Service • Gadget guru for personalized

Discovery Phase assistance
• In store smart ads
2 Product Selection Phase Localization • Segment based product
placement and distribution
• Co-innovation through
Product Selection/ Purchase
3 Customization insights generated by smart
Decisions Phase kiosk

After Sales • Focus on First

Product Usage & Contact Resolution (FCR)
4 (Service Center
Satisfaction Phase • Remote Diagnostic Tools
• Refurbished Device
5 Loyalty & Advocacy Phase Price Sensitivity • Offer Trade-In and Upgrade
Customer Data Analytics Chain
Data Collection Customer 360 Actionable Insights
Data Sources
Personalized (Localized)
Marketing Experiences for
Internal higher conversion rates
• CRM Tailored target audience
segmentation – Optimized
• Ad Campaigns Supply Chain
• Retail Stores
• Websites Data Visualization and
Reporting via process

External Data
Data Cleansing
Data Association
Collection Solving Recurring Customer
• E Commerce data support issues
• Survey Data Relevant

Prediction Impact
Social Media AI/ML model
Schemes &
& Model
Ways to address the pain points to achieve stage
4 customer centricity
Remote Diagnostics tool First contact resolution (FCR) Refurbished phones and trade in

Samsung identify and fix software The company will implement FCR by Samsung introduces refurbished
issues in devices remotely, saving training CSRs with problem-solving products and a trade-in program,
time and costs for customers. skills, granting decision-making offering premium technology at
Through remote access, support authority, and providing tools like reduced prices. These rigorously
representatives diagnose and resolve centralized knowledge bases. FCR checked refurbished devices and
problems without requiring physical will be measured by tracking the the streamlined trade-in option
visits. This efficient process percentage of inquiries resolved on promote sustainability and
enhances customer satisfaction and first contact, utilizing CRM systems affordability while enhancing
provides valuable insights for for data analysis and continuous customer relations and fostering
product improvement. improvement. brand loyalty.
Ways to address the pain points to achieve stage
4 customer centricity
In store smart ads Smart Kiosk: gathering customer Gadget Gurus for Personalized
insight Assistance

To enhance customer-centricity, we Samsung's AI Co-innovation Kiosks In our commitment to customer

propose utilizing face detection revolutionize in-store experiences satisfaction, our Gadget Gurus
technology in-store to display with advanced language technology, provide personalized guidance,
targeted ads. This approach ensures fostering dynamic customer-AI ensuring customers make informed
that customers receive personalized conversations for co-creating future choices. By building trust and
content based on factors such as age, products. With real-time analytics, delivering exceptional service, we
allowing for more informed personalized journeys, and privacy aim to not only meet but exceed
purchasing decisions. Additionally, emphasis, Samsung turns its stores customer expectations, solidifying
customization extends to replacing into hubs where customers actively enduring connections and fostering
characters in ads with customer shape innovation for a seamless and unwavering loyalty to our brand.
avatars, creating a tailored and engaging experience.
engaging shopping experience.
Impact Feasibility Matrix For Proposed
Quick Wins Strategic
Gadget Guru for In store smart Co-innovation through insights
Personalized assistance ads generated by smart kiosk
Business Impact

Segment based product Remote Diagnostic tools

placement and distribution

Low Priority Foundational

Focus on First
Offer Trade-In and Contact Resolution (FCR)
Upgrade Programs
Refurbished Device

Low High
Implementation Roadmap
2024 2025 2026 2029 2030

Quick Wins Strategic Moves Strategic Moves Foundational Capability

• Rigorous market • Pilot Run of Smart kiosks • Soft-launch Remote • Increase penetration • Roll-out of First Contact
research in metro cities diagnostic platforms by offering Trade-in Resolution (FCR)
• Gadget Guru to • Data collection from • Enhances customer options • CRM Software integration
improve customer kiosks to generate satisfaction and Turn- • Customers can buy for data analysis and
centric sales efforts insights around-Time on software rigorously tested incremental service
• In-store smart ads • Co-innovate products issues refurbished phones at effectiveness
and integrated based on Consumer • Centralized insights for low prices • Continual improvement in
marketing insights and needs new software • Helps build customer training CSRs with
campaigns • Develop Remote development access to Samsung’s insights gathered will
• Segmented product diagnostics platform and • Development of central premium offerings lead to incremental
placement rigorous testing knowledge bases for • Increase in brand customer satisfaction in
CSRs and customers loyalty and long-run
sustainability • International roll-out

Instore customer # of Data driven Service TAT Brand NPS Score %age First contact
feedback Insights generated resolution
KPIs: Sale’s growth of

High Business Impact Solutions Future advantage solutions

Expected benefits of changing strategy to Customers

Improved experience Increased satisfaction Greater convenience Informed decision-making

Faster resolution of issues, Swifter resolutions, relevant 24/7 availability, automated AI-powered insights and
personalized suggestions, and tasks, and intuitive recommendations can help
recommendations, proactive personalized interactions interfaces create a smoother customers choose the right
support, and easier self- can lead to happier experience. products or services.
service options. customers.

Expected benefits of changing strategy to employees

Enhanced efficiency Reduced workload Decision-making Job satisfaction

AI automates repetitive AI-powered chatbots and Data-driven insights to help By empowering employees
tasks, allowing employees assistants can handle employees make better to focus on complex issues,
to focus on complex issues routine inquiries, freeing up decisions for customers. AI can lead to greater job
and value-added employee time for other satisfaction.
interactions. tasks.
Expected benefits of changing strategy to Samsung

Cost savings Increased revenue Brand reputation Competitive advantage

Solutions like remote Targeted smart ads Solution like refurbished Smart kiosk will interact
diagnostic and First contact effectively boost conversion products and trade-in option with customer and AI will
resolution will reduce the rates and facilitate upselling will let customer use high generate critical insights
need to visit service center opportunities. Gadget guru tech product at lower price about customer needs which
by user, or home pick-up services provide customers point and will also target will lead to co-innovation
service by company. Saving with comprehensive product issues like sustainability and products made will give
in terms of transportation understanding, alleviating and electronic waste and competitive advantage to
and overhead cost of service confusion in the buying boost brand reputation. company as it will be the
centers can be achieved. process and ultimately first choice of customers
driving revenue growth.

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