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LO: Get to know their partners; get a basic idea about the topic of TG

today’s lesson.
1. Greet Ss and ask Ss to get to know each other.
2. Have an open discussion about the given question.
3. Introduce the title and the topic of the lesson.

What can you see in

the sea?

LO: Get to know the learning goals of the lesson.
Learning Goals
Go through the learning goals with Ss. Tell Ss that they’re going to
learn an important reading skill and strategy in this lesson.

1. Identify and pronounce the consonant digraph ph; decode the

words including ph.
2. Practice the key words swimmer, test, underwater, octopus,
chest, gold, and point, and use them in sentences.
3. Learn the reading skill and strategy: Use the illustrations and
details from a story to describe its setting.
4. Talk about the story The Treasure Chest, and discuss how to
stay safe in daily life.

1:00 2/32
LO: Present their homework.
Have Ss share their writing tasks from the last lesson.

Presentation 2.
Ask Ss to present their homework one by one.
Give feedback.

Please Present Your Writing

Writing Task:
A Kind of Dinosaur

Share what you’ve written

with your partner.

1:00 3/32
LO: Identify and pronounce the consonant digraph sound ph in simple TG
1. Click and show Ss the phonic words; ask Ss to read the phonic words.
If Ss cannot read them accurately, correct them. Repeat two more

Listen & Say times.

2. After presenting the three phonic words, ask Ss to make the sound of

phantom typhoon alphabet

the consonant digraph ph.
3. Click and ask Ss to take turns reading the three new words aloud.

photo trophy elephant

What sound does the read! digraph ph make?

1:30 4/32
LO: Accurately decode the words in the text that include ph; read the TG
text fluently.
1. Read the chant to Ss with rhythm.
2. Guide Ss to read the chant aloud together. Have Ss read the chant

Read on Your Own in turns.

3. Give feedback.

In the photo,
a trophy, phantom, alphabet—
typhoons circling.
See the elephants,
how they wander, observe, and

1:00 5/32
LO: Get to know the characters in the story. TG
1. Tell Ss they are going to meet the characters in the story.

2. Ask Ss to name the characters and to match them with their

people or animals in the story

Mum and mom are two

spelling variants of a noun.
In British English, mum is
widely used. In American
English, mom is commonly

mum vs. mom

1:00 6/32
LO: Identify the basic information about the book; talk about what TG
they can learn from the book cover; motivate Ss’ interest in reading.

Book Cover
1. Check Ss’ understanding of a book’s author and illustrator.
2. Have Ss discuss the given questions.

Before Reading

Before Reading
1. What is under the octopus? Why
do you think the octopus is
grabbing it?
2. What is the underwater world

Written by Roderick Hunt

Illustrated by Alex Brychta
2:00 7/32
LO: Use details from the picture to make predictions.
1. Explain how to make predictions.

Make Predictions 2. Guide Ss to make predictions using the provided questions;

encourage Ss to answer the questions.

Use details in the picture.

 What are the children doing?

What are they wearing?
 What might the children
meet in the water?

1:30 8/32
LO: Check Ss’ understanding of the vocabulary words swimmer and TG
The Treasure Chest test; get familiar with the text. Reading
1. Ask Ss to go through the text quickly and find the words swimmer
Pages 1-2 and test.
2. Ask each S to define the words using context clues.
Note: If Ss can present a correct understanding of the vocabulary
words, it’s not necessary to teach them in the vocabulary teaching

Every week Mrs May took The children were taking a

some of the children to the swimming test.
swimming pool. The children “It’s time to begin,” said Mrs
were good swimmers and they May. “Who wants to go first?”
liked going with Mrs May. “We do,” said Nadim.
1:00 9/32
LO: Understand the vocabulary words swimmer and test, and make TG
The Treasure Chest Reading
sentences with them; understand the text; make connections.
1. If the Ss can present a good understanding of the words swimmer
and test from the previous slide, skip the vocabulary teaching part.

test (n.)(n.) Read Pages If1-7

swimmer not, prompt Ss to discuss the words swimmer and test; explain the
words swimmer and test with the given aid, and have Ss make
sentences with them.
2. Have Ss talk about the comprehension questions. Encourage them

1. What didto support

Mrs. May ask the
their answers with clues from the text.
3. Have Ss discuss the connections question; model first; encourage

children Sstoto talk

domoreinaboutthe swimming


Definition: 2. Why was everyone pleased with

attempt or a trial used to Chip?
an individual
determine that swims
someone’s in water
knowledge or
ability Connections
Anna is the best swimmer in the Have you ever had a swimming test or
Bob team.
is working hard because he a similar kind of test? What was it
wants to pass the test. like?
4:00 10/32
The Treasure Chest LO: Get familiar with the text
Ask Ss to go through the text quickly.
Pages 8-9

Biff and Chip told Mum and Dad about Mum and Dad had a surprise for
the swimming test. them. Biff and Chip couldn’t see what
“We passed,” they said. the surprise was.
Mum and Dad were very pleased too. “What is it?” asked Biff.
1:00 11/32
LO: Apply the reading strategies and skills for reading; make TG
The Treasure Chest connections.
1. Have Ss talk about the questions.
2. Have Ss discuss the connections question; model first; encourage
Ss to talk more about themselves.


1. Why did Mum and Dad prepare a Read Pages 8-13

surprise for the children? What was
the surprise?
What kind of surprises have you
2. Where did Dad take the children?
What did the children see there? received from your parents or

2:00 12/32
The Treasure Chest LO: Get familiar with the text Reading
Ask Ss to go through the text quickly.
Pages 14-15

Dad put some more fish in the Wilma and Nadim came to see
tank. He put rocks on the bottom. the fish tank.
Next to the rocks he put a ship and “It looks lovely,” said Wilma. “I
a little box. wish I could swim in there.”
1:00 13/32
LO: Apply the reading strategies and skills for reading; make TG
The Treasure Chest connections.
1. Have Ss talk about the questions.
2. Have Ss discuss the connections question; model first; encourage
Ss to talk more about themselves.

Read Pages 14-17


1. How was the fish tank different

after Dad put things in it? Connections

2. Why did Wilma say, “I wish I If you had a fish tank, what
could swim in there”? would you want to put in it?

2:00 14/32
LO: Check Ss’ understanding of the vocabulary word underwater;
The Treasure Chest Reading
get familiar with the text; recognize the unfamiliar word flippers
and understand its meaning.

Pages 18-19 1. Ask Ss to go through the text quickly and to find the word
2. Click and guide Ss to read the word flippers; explain its

The magic took them underwater. The The children had never seen so many
fish. They were all different colours.
children had masks and flippers and
“This is better than the pool,”
tanks of air. They could swim thought Chip.
underwater. “I feel like a fish,” thought Wilma.

1:00 15/32
LO: Understand the vocabulary word underwater and make sentences TG
The Treasure Chest with it; understand the text.
1. If the Ss can present a good understanding of the word
underwater from the previous slide, skip the vocabulary teaching

underwater (adv.) Read Pages 18-23

part. If not, prompt Ss to discuss the word underwater; explain
the word underwater with the given aid and have Ss make
sentences with it.
2. Have Ss talk about the comprehension questions. Encourage them
to support their answers with clues from the text.
1. What did the children wear
underwater? What was the
equipment used for?
2. How did the children feel about
swimming underwater? How do
Definition: you know?
beneath the surface of water
3. Why didn’t Biff and Wilma swim
Example: close to the jellyfish and the ship?
He swam underwater to see the If Biff touched the jellyfish, what
sea turtle closely. would happen?
4:00 16/32
LO: Understand the vocabulary words octopus and chest and make TG
The Treasure Chest Reading
sentences with them; understand the text; make connections.
1. Elicit the word octopus from Ss, click the word in the text;
explain it and ask Ss to make sentences with it.

Read Pageoctopus
and ask
2. Elicit the word chest from Ss; click the word in the text; explain it
chest (n.)
Ss to make sentences with it.
3. Have Ss talk about the questions.


1. What did the children do to

drive the octopus away? Why
did they do that?
an How
eight-legged animal with a soft
box or did the
container children work
and suckers often
on its used to
store each other?
valuables Use the
found living inorthetreasures
They saw an octopus. Oh no! It was Example:
illustration and text to support
sitting on a chest. They couldn’t look Grandma
I saw showed when
octopus me a treasure
I was
chest that had
swimming jewelry
in the sea. inside.
inside the chest with an octopus sitting on
the lid.
3:00 17/32
LO: Check Ss’ understanding of the vocabulary word gold; get TG
The Treasure Chest familiar with the text. Reading
1. Ask Ss to go through the text quickly and find the word gold.
Pages 26-27 2. Ask each S to define the word using context clues.
Note: If Ss can present a correct understanding of the vocabulary
word, it’s not necessary to teach them in the vocabulary teaching

The children opened the chest and Biff and Wilma pushed the chest
looked inside. It was a treasure chest over and all the gold fell out. Nadim
picked up a necklace and Biff picked
and it was full of gold.
up a gold cup.
1:00 18/32
LO: Understand the vocabulary word gold, and make sentences with TG
The Treasure Chest it; understand the text; make connections. Reading
1. If the Ss can present a good understanding of the word gold from
the previous slide, skip the vocabulary teaching part. If not,

gold (n.) prompt Ss to discuss the word gold; explain the word gold with
the given aid, and have Ss make sentences with it.
Read Pages 26-27
2. Have Ss talk about the comprehension questions. Encourage them
to support their answers with clues from the text.
3. Have Ss discuss the connections question; model first; encourage
Ss to talk more about themselves.

What was in the treasure chest?

a heavy, yellow, valuable metal
often used for making coins or Connections
What would you do if you found a
treasure chest?
Look here! I found three coins
that are made of gold.
2:00 19/32
LO: Check Ss’ understanding of the vocabulary word point; get TG
The Treasure Chest familiar with the text. Reading
1. Ask Ss to go through the text quickly and find the word point.
Pages 28-29 2. Ask each S to define the word using context clues.
Note: If Ss can present a correct understanding of the vocabulary
word, it’s not necessary to teach them in the vocabulary teaching

Biff and Nadim were busy looking at the Chip and Wilma couldn’t tell Biff
treasure. They didn’t see what Chip and and Nadim. They pulled them away
Wilma saw. A shark was coming. and pointed at the shark.

1:00 20/32
LO: Understand the vocabulary word point, and make sentences with it; understand TG
The Treasure Chestthe text; make connections.
1. If the Ss can present a good understanding of the word point from the previous
slide, skip the vocabulary teaching part. If not, prompt Ss to discuss the word

point (v.) Read with

point; explain the word point with the given aid, and have Ss make sentences
it. 28-29
2. Have Ss talk about the comprehension questions. Encourage them to support

their answers with clues from the text.
3. Have Ss discuss the connections question; model first; encourage Ss to talk

1. Why didn’t Biff and Nadim see the

more about themselves.

shark coming at first?

2. How did Chip and Wilma warn
Past Tense: pointed Biff and Nadim that there was a
Definition: shark?
to indicate with the use of a
gesture, often with the use of a
finger, eyes, or the nod of a head Connections
“This is my home,” he said, and How can people communicate
pointed to the map. underwater?
2:30 21/32
The Treasure Chest
LO: Understand the text; apply the reading strategies and skills for
reading comprehension. Reading
1. Ask Ss to go through the text quickly.
2. Have Ss talk about the questions.

Read Pages 30-32

1. How did the children escape
from the shark?
2. Why were the children
surprised to see the treasure
The children ran to look in the fish tank. chest in the tank?
“Look, there’s the treasure,” said Chip. 3. Why was it a different sort of
“How did it get there?” asked Nadim. adventure?
“It’s magic!” said Biff.
2:00 22/32
LO: Use the illustrations and details to describe the setting; build the TG
Reading Strategy
Describe the Setting of a
basic concept of the reading strategy.
1. Tell Ss that they can use the illustrations and details from a story
to describe its setting; explain that a setting is when and where a

Story story happens.

2. Click and tell Ss that they can ask themselves questions to help

We can use the illustrations and

A setting is when and where Where details
a storydoes from ademonstrate
them describe a setting.
happens. the
3. Click to story
show and happen?
the illustration and the text from
story to describe its setting. the story; use the think-aloud strategy to model how questions
The swimming pool.
can help describe a setting.

When does the story happen?

Look at the illustration and the text in the story, then
ask and answer the following questions:

The children were taking a Where does the story happen? Setting
swimming test.  When does the story happen?
“It’s time to begin,” said Mrs May. —in the swimming pool
“Who wants to go first?” —in the daytime
“We do,” said Nadim.
3:00 23/32
LO: Practice the reading skills and strategies to help to describe the TG
setting. Reading Strategy
Describe the Setting of a 1. Guide Ss to work together to use the illustration and details to
describe the setting. Fill in the form on the slide. Provide

Story examples: at the home/after the swimming test.

2. Have Ss work together to describe the setting.

Biff and Chip told Mum and Dad about

the swimming test.
“We passed,” they said.
Mum and Dad were very pleased too.

When does the story

Where does the story happen? Setting

2:00 24/32
LO: Check their understanding of the words that they learned in the TG
1. Ask Ss to work together to correctly fill in the blanks.

Read & Choose 2. Give feedback.

Note: If time is limited, you can skip this slide.

1. I imagined that I was a fish when I swam ___________.
2. Our teacher told us that we would have a ___________
week. pointed
3. “This is my favorite toy,” the girl said, and ___________ at
the doll.

test pointed underwater

1:30 25/32
LO: Talk about what the children did to stay safe underwater. TG
Listening & Speaking
1. Read the question to Ss and model how to answer it.
2. Ask Ss to discuss what the children did to stay safe underwater;
encourage Ss to answer the question in complete sentences;

Let’s Talk assist Ss if necessary.

What did the

children do to stay
safe underwater?

 didn’t swim too close to unknown things

 wore masks and flippers and tanks of air

 looked around
2:00 26/32
LO: Talk about what Ss would do to stay safe in the sea; make TG
Listening & Speaking
1. Read the question to Ss and model how to answer it.
2. Ask Ss to talk in pairs about what they think they would do to

Let’s Talk
stay safe in the sea; encourage Ss to answer the question in
complete sentences; assist Ss if necessary.

What would you do

to stay safe in the

 learn and practice diving skills first

 wear diving suit

 be cautious
2:00 27/32
LO: Talk about what Ss can do to stay safe in daily life. TG
1. Ask Ss to recall how they stay safe in daily life.
2. Model first; ask Ss to talk about the given question. Provide examples:
do research before doing something new/wear protective equipment/pay
attention to warnings.
3. Encourage Ss to share their opinions; assist Ss if necessary.
What can you do to stay safe in daily life?

LO: Using the given guide, describe how the children in the story TG
improved their swimming skills. Oral Writing
Get Ready to Present 1. Guide Ss to recall what the children did in the story; model first.
2. Have Ss work together to answer the questions.
3. Give feedback.

How did the children improve their swimming skills?

What didWhat didWhat did

the the the
do children
do do
before the
during the
after the
test? test? test?

1. Describe how the children improved their swimming skills in

the story using the given guide.
2. Discuss your opinions with your partner.
2:00 29/32
LO: Understand what the writing task is; know that they can complete TG
the writing task with the help of the post-class instructional video.

1. Introduce and explain the writing task to Ss.
2. Ask Ss to finish the task before the next class and to be ready to
3. Remind Ss to watch the post-class video before writing.

Write a summary of the story The Treasure Chest in one


Step 1: Brainstorm Step 4: Revise

Step 2: Prewrite Step 5: Edit
Step 3: Draft Step 6: Publish

Tip: Don’t forget to watch the post-class video before writing.

1:00 20/32
LO: Review what they learned in class.
Ask Ss to recall the meaning of all the key words.
2. Have Ss read the key sentences from the story.

Let’s Review

swimmer, test, underwater, octopus, chest, gold,
 The children had never seen so many fish.
 They blew bubbles at the octopus.

pack, laugh, cottage,

torch, shadow, game station
1:00 31/32
1. Briefly comment on Ss’ performance. TG
2. Have1.SsBriefly
say goodbye to each other.
2. Say “goodbye” to each other.

1:00 32/32

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