Lecture 2.2.1

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Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science & Engineering)
Subject Name: Elementary Data Structure Using C++


Elementary Data
Structure Using C++

Course Objectives

• To enable the students to understand various stages

and constructs of C++ programming language.
• To improve their ability to analyze and address
variety of problems in C++.
• To understand the concept of data structures and
various operations on them.
• To understand the properties of various data
structures and able to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of different data structures.

• To analyze and compare the efficiency of

algorithms and learn to design efficient algorithms
for solving computing problems

Course Outcomes
CO Course Outcome

CO1 Understand the concepts of object-oriented programming including

programming process and compilation process.
CO2 Apply different techniques to decompose a problem and
programmed a solution with various concepts of object-oriented
programming language.
CO3 Analyse and explain the behaviour of linear data structure
operations using the programming addressed in the course.
CO4 Implement and evaluate the programs using the syntax and
semantics of object-oriented programming.
CO5 Design the solution of real-world problems in order to determine
that the program performs as expected.

Scheme of Evaluation


• An array is a collection of items stored at

contiguous memory locations. The idea is to
store multiple items of the same type together.
• This makes it easier to calculate the position of
each element by simply adding an offset to a
base value, i.e., the memory location of the first
element of the array (generally denoted by the
name of the array).

• Linear arrays are called one dimensional arrays
because each element in such an array is
referenced by one subscript.
• (Two dimensional array) : Two dimensional array
is a collection of similar data elements where each
element is referenced by two subscripts.
• Such arrays are called matrices in mathematics.
• Multidimensional arrays are defined analogously
• Array Data Structure
• It can hold multiple values of a single type.
• Elements are referenced by the array name and an
ordinal index.
• Each element is a value. /matrix-array-vector-rows-data-frame-table-columns-lists-r-data-
• Indexing begins at zero in C. types-true-true-true-true-f-q28713018
• The array forms a contiguous list in memory.

Traversing linear
Print the contents of each element of DATA or Count the
number of elements of DATA with a given property. This
can be accomplished by traversing DATA, That is, by
accessing and processing (visiting) each element of DATA
exactly once.
Traversing a linear structure means moving through it
sequentially, node by node. Processing the data element of
a node may be complex, but the general pattern is as
Begin at the first node
Repeat until there are no more nodes
Process the current node https://www.sqa.org.uk/e-learning/LinkedDS02CD/page_46.htm
Move to the next node

Representation of
linear array in
To implement array data structure, memory bytes must
be reserved and the accessing functions must be coded.
In case of linear arrays, the declaration statements tell
how many cells are needed to store the array.

Each box represents the amount of memory needed to

hold one array element.
Pointers hold the memory address of other data and
are represented by a black disk with an arrow pointing
to the data it references. https://slideplayer.com/slide/7853049/
The actual array variable, a in this example, is a
pointer to the memory for all of its elements.

Traversing Linear Arrays
• Example :
An automobile company uses an array AUTO to record the number of auto mobile sold each year from 1932 through 1984.
a) Find the number NUM of years during which more than 300 automobiles were sold.
b) Print each year and the number of automobiles sold in that year.
1. Set NUM : = 0.
2. Repeat for K = 1932 to 1984:
if AUTO[K]> 300, then : set NUM : = NUM+1
3. Exit.

Insertion in an Array
• Insert (LA, N, K, ITEM)
Here LA is linear array with N elements and K(position) is a positive integer such that K<=N.
This algorithm inserts an element ITEM into the Kth position in LA.
Step 1 [Initialize counter] Set J:=N
Step 2 Repeat Steps 3 and 4 while J>=K
Step 3 [Move Jth element downward] Set LA [J+1]: =LA [J]
Step 4 [Decrease counter] Set J:=J-1
[End of step 2 loop]
Step 5 [Insert element] Set LA [K]: =ITEM
Step 6 [Reset N] Set N:=N+1
Step 7 Exit
Deletion from an Array
Delete (LA, N, K, ITEM)
Here LA is a linear array with N elements and k is a positive integer such that K<=N. This algorithm deletes the
Kth element from LA.
Step 1 Set ITEM: = LA [K]
Step 2 Repeat for steps 3&4 for J=K to N-1:
Step 3 [Move J+1st element upward] Set LA [J]: =LA [J+1]
Step4 [Increment counter] J=J+1
[End of step2 loop]
Step 5 [Reset the number N of elements in LA] Set N:=N-1
Step 6 Exit

Linear & Binary Search
• Linear Search :
• Best Case: Find at first place - one comparison
• Average case: There are n cases that can occur, i.e. find at the first place, the second place, the third place and so on up
to the nth place.
average = (1+2+3.....+n)/n = n(n+1)/2n=(n+1)/2
where the result was used that 1+2+3 ...+n is equal to n(n+1)/2.
• Worst case: Find at nth place or not at all - n comparisons
• Binary Search:
• Algorithm: Binary(DATA,LB,UB,ITEM): Here data is a sorted array with lower bound LB and upper bound UB and
ITEM is an element to be searched. The variables BEG,END and MID denote, resp, the beginning, end and middle
locations of a segment of elements of DATA. This algorithm find the location LOC of ITEM in DATA or sets LOC=NULL.

Searching – Linear Search Algorithm
• Linear Search :
• Algorithm : A linear array DATA with N elements and a specific ITEM of information are given. This
algorithm finds the location LOC of ITEM in the array DATA or sets LOC = 0.
Set K : = 1, LOC : =0.
1. Repeat steps 3 and 4 while LOC = 0 and K<=N:
2. If ITEM = DATA[K], then : Set LOC : =K .
3. Set K : = K+1.
[End of step 2 loop]
5. [Successful?]
If LOC = 0, then :
Write : ITEM is not in the array DATA.
Else :
Write : LOC is the location of ITEM.
[End of if structure]
6. Exit.
Binary Search Algorithm

1. Set BEG=LB; END=UB; and MID=INT((BEG+END)/2).

2. Repeat step 3 and 4 while BEG ≤ END and DATA[MID] ≠ ITEM
3. If ITEM < DATA[MID] then
Set END= MID - 1
Set BEG= MID+1
[end of if structure]
4. Set MID= INT((BEG+END)/2)
[End of step 2 loop]
5. If ITEM = DATA[MID] then
[end of if structure]
6. Exit.
• Array can be used for sorting elements, can perform matrix
operation & can be used in CPU scheduling.
• Stack is used in Expression evaluation
• Disk Scheduling.

• Application:
Two of the most essential applications performs on an array or a record
are searching and sorting.
• Searching: Each index in a parallel array corresponds to the data
belonging to the same entity in a record. Thus, for searching an entity
based on a specific value of an attribute, e.g. we need to find the name
of a person having height >200 cms in the above example. Thus, we
search for the index in the height array having value greater than 200.
Now, once we have obtained the index, we print the values of the index
in the first_name and last_name arrays. This way searching becomes an
easy task in parallel array.
• Sorting: Now, using the same fact that each index corresponds to data
items in different arrays corresponding to the same entity. Thus, we sort
all arrays based on the same criteria. For example, in the above-displayed
example, we need to sort the people in increasing order of their
respective heights. Thus, when we swap the two heights, we even swap
the corresponding values in other arrays using the same index. 16

• Lipschutz, Seymour, “Data Structures”, Schaum's Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill.
• Goodrich, Michael T., Tamassia, Roberto, and Mount, David M., “Data Structures and Algorithms in C++”, Wiley Student
• https://www.tutorialspoint.com/data_structures_algorithms/algorithms_basics.htm
• https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/djimenez/utsa/cs1723/lecture2.html
• Lipschutz, Seymour, “Data Structures”, Schaum's Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill.
• Lipschutz, Seymour, “Data Structures”, Schaum's Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill.
• Gilberg/Forouzan,” Data Structure with C ,Cengage Learning.
• Augenstein,Moshe J , Tanenbaum, Aaron M, “Data Structures using C and C++”, Prentice Hall of India


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