Application Letter 2021

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What Is an Application Letter?

 AL= A Cover Letter, the official business letter

often included with a job application and/or
resume and sent to a prospective employer
A successful application letter consists of 5
1. Professional Style
 block style.
 should be formatted properly and checked for
spelling and grammatical errors.
What Is an Application Letter?
2. Salutation
 Dear Sir or Madam
 are addressed personally to the hiring manager
3. Body
 The body of a good application letter, usually 3 to 4
paragraphs, explains why the applicant is a good fit
for the job, explains relevant experience, and shows
how that experience would be useful if selected for
the career opportunity.
What Is an Application Letter?

4. Attachments
 An application letter is rarely sent to a prospective
employer alone.
 It is usually accompanied by a resume, salary history,
list of references, and/or other documentation of
5. Length
 Generally no more than one page in length.
Process of An
Application Letter

 There are five stages in the process of

1. Mental preparation.
2. Analysis of advertisements.
3. Arrangement and writing or the letter.
4. Preparing for the interview.
5. Attending the interview.
Process of An
Application Letter
 Mental preparation
This is the essential starting point for this whole
process of application. You must learn to use 'The
Art of Positive Thinking'. You have had a good
professional training and have gained a very
worthwhile diploma or degree in Technology. You
are somebody worth employing! If you believe
yourself to be capable of successfully filling a
position in a company you are halfway to
convincing others that this is so!
Process of An
Application Letter
 This is the second phase in preparing to write a
letter of application. It is important to learn as
much as you can about the position offered, before
you consider your own suitability for the job.
Analyze an advertisement by finding information to
answer the following questions

1. a. What sort of people are they asking for?

- age, qualifications, experience
Process of An Application
• b. Who is offering the job?
- a personnel agency for an unknown company
- the personnel department of a specified

2. What type of work exactly is being offered?

 work situation in a group.
 working alone.
Process of An Application
3. What information is given about extra benefits?
- holidays or paid leave if the work is abroad,
- medical insurance,
- pension scheme,
- help with removal costs and housing
- salary scale and bonus or '13th' month
- promotion possibilities.
Process of An Application

4. What do you still not understand? (Use a dictionary for the

abbreviations or consult other adverts.)
5. a. What more information do you need before you apply?
b. What information would you ask for at an interview?
Process of An
Application Letter
3. The arrangement of the information
This is the third consideration in preparing to
write a letter of application. You must try to
make quite clear, in convincing terms WHY you
want this particular job and WHAT you have to
offer the company. The visual arrangement and
the tone of the letter must be considered in
combination with the situation.
Process of An
Application Letter
a. Some abbreviations and phrases explained:
 C.V = Curriculum vitae or a brief account of one's life
 Fringe benefits = extra help or advantages.
 Single or Bachelor Status = usually in a position offered abroad
where accommodation is provided and travelling expenses paid
for the employee only. If he is married, he would have to go
alone (for a trial period, or because the situation is unsuitable
for families).
Process of An
Application Letter
b. Tone
This should be as positive as possible. Any
traineeship in the course of your training was
specially included to give you an initial introduction
to the practical application of your knowledge. You
have some idea of working conditions and you have
experienced how well you function in small or large
groups. You have also found out probably, whether
you enjoy responsibility or prefer to be told what to
do by others.
Process of An
Application Letter
c. Situation
 There are two possible situations in which a
letter of application can be sent:
 as reaction to an advertisement
 as direct letter informing a company of the
writer's qualifications and qualities, and
requesting to be considered for suitable work if
any is available.
Process of An
Application Letter
d. Visual Arrangement
In both situations the letter should consist of four
parts divided into paragraphs:
1). Introduction - where you saw the advertisement
or stating the sort of work you are looking for.
2).a. Relevant personal information- about your
situation at the time or writing.
b. Factual information - can best be written on a
separate sheer
Process of An
Application Letter

d. Visual Arrangement
3). Experience and reason for applying - the most
important section and must be very convincing!
4). Your availability - when you could start the
job, when you could come for an interview.
Process of An
Application Letter
e. Useful Expressions for Introducing for Such
 I should very much like to apply for the post of ...
which I saw advertised in ‘The ....’ on ... (date).
 I wish to be considered for the post of ... which I
saw ...
 I am interested in the post of ... which you
advertised in ...
 With reference to your advertisement in “The ....
“on ... , I should like to apply for the post of ...
Process of An
f. Useful Letter
Expressions for Concluding Such
- I should appreciate the opportunity to discuss
this application with you at an interview.
- I should welcome an interview at any time.
- I am available for an interview at any time
except between 1 June and 1 July (examination
- I would be able to start work from 1 July 19-.
Process of An Application Letter

4. Preparing and Attending the Interview

 There are some of the following ideas on which
to base suitable questions for use at an
interview, namely:
Process of An Application Letter
Criteria for Effective of an Application Letter
 The resume/curriculum vitae are generic.
You'll write one resume/curriculum vitae and
use it over and over again when applying for
numerous jobs.
 In contrast, the letter of application is
specific. Each letter of application will be
different, customized specifically for each
job. Whereas, the resume/curriculum vitae
will always stay the same, except for
periodic updating, your letters of application
will change with each new job search.
Letter Essentials
Letter essentials include:
 your address,
 the date,
 your reader's address,
 a salutation,
 the letter's body,
 a complimentary close,
 your signed name,
 your typed name,
 an enclosure notation.
Letter Essentials

1. Introduction. In the first paragraph,

 Cite the source in which you read or hear about
the job. Tell where you discovered the job opening.
e.g.: "In response to your advertisement in
the August 2007 Journal."
"Ms. Arissa Zalman, Manager of human
resources, informed me that.“
 Briefly indicate your current status.
 State which specific job you are applying for.
You must clarify which of the jobs advertised
at one company you're interested in.
Letter Essentials
e.g.: "Your advertisement for a computer
maintenance technician is just what has been looking

 Provide an overview of your basic

experience and qualities that qualify you
for the position.
e.g. "My degree in engineering and three
years experience working at the site
should qualify me for the position."
Letter Essentials

2. Discussion. In the second paragraph

 Establish your own unique personality by referring to
an interesting item that is listed in your resume. This
item should be important to both your prospective
employer and to your own sense of accomplishment.
 Sell your skill here! Describe your work experience,
your education, and/or your professional skills. This
section is not a replication of your resume. The letter
of application is specifically geared toward your
reader's need.
Letter Essentials
Therefore, you should:
 Focus on your assets uniquely applicable to the
advertised position
 Select only those skills from your resume, which
related to the advertisement and which will benefit
the prospective employer.
 Don't explain how the job will make you happy.
 NO "I will benefit from this job because it will teach
me valuable skills. YES "My work with governmental
agencies has provided me a wide variety of skills
from which your company will benefit.”
Letter Essentials

 Quantify your abilities.

NO "I am always looking for ways to
improve my job performance." YES "I
received the worker's a award for new
ideas in improving the productivity of the
Letter Essentials

 3. In the third paragraph

 Discuss job experiences directly related to
this position.
 Discuss coursework, special projects,
personal reading, or interests related to the
Letter Essentials
4. Conclusion. In the final paragraph,
 State your availability for an interview but give reasonable
boundaries for contacting and meeting with you.
 Thank the reader for his or her time, consideration, and
cooperation. e.g.:
- "I hope to hear from you soon."
- "I am looking forward to discussing my application
with you in greater detail."
- "I can be reached at 03 - 92891706.“
- "I would be happy to have an interview with you to discuss
my credentials more thoroughly."
Letter Essentials
 5. Style
Your letter of application should abide by the guidelines for
all successful technical writing.
 Accuracy: NO ERRORS! Grammatical errors in your letter of
application will suggest that you might make errors at work as
well. Autobiographical errors constitute a lie. In both
instances, you will have hurt your employment opportunities.
 Conciseness: Don't ramble on and on. Decide exactly what
needs to be said, and then sat it.
 Audience recognition: Show how you will benefit the
employer. Try to limit use of I; emphasize you and your.
Letter Essentials

 Clarify: Show clearly how your skills related to the advertised

position, and quantify your assertions.
 Tone: Be self-confident! You must sound interested and some
what eager but not fawning. Do not give the impression that
you must have the job.
 Action verbs: Use action verbs to describe accomplishments.
This helps to give brevity, specificity, and force. Examples:
administer, edit, design, develop, create, analyze, organize,
plan, evaluate, manage, direct, produce, conduct, implement
& train
Kinds of Application Letters (1)
2 kinds of how to make application letters,
that is:
a. Application for an advertised post,
named solicited letter, an
advertisement-based application letter,
which explains about the requirements
needed in recruiting new employees,
position of the job, age, qualification,
experience, etc.
Kinds of Application Letters

Two things must be noticed in such this application

letter, namely:
 In response to an advertisement in a newspaper
or journal
 Should be mentioned in the opening paragraph or
in the subject heading
Kinds of Application Letters (2)
b. An Unsolicited Application Letter named
direct letters of application.
 This type of letter is not written as a reaction
to an advertisement, but on the initiative of
the writer himself. It can be written to an
organization which you think may have
suitable employment for you.
 Keep the letter short but explain dearly why,
you are writing. More information can be sent
later if the company is interested in employing
Kinds of Application Letters
 Two things should be noticed in making
direct letters of application:
1. Mostdifficult to write since there is no
advertisement or introduction to tell you
anything about the work, or indeed whether
there is a vacancy.
2. Musttry to find out something about the
company's activities and then show how your
qualifications and experience could be used.
Kinds of Application Letters
 Sample of a SL  Sample of DL

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