Software Engineering Lesson 1
Software Engineering Lesson 1
Software Engineering Lesson 1
Software Engineering
Why engineering
Software process
Adapting a process model
Software myths
How software is engineered
The product that software professionals build and then support over the long term.
Software encompasses:
1. Instructions (computer programs) that when executed provide desired features, function,
and performance.
2. Data structures that enable the programs to adequately store and manipulate information.
3. documentation that describes the operation and use of the programs.
Characteristic features
Its characteristics that make it different from other things human being build.
Features of such logical system: Software is developed or engineered, it is not manufactured in
the classical sense which has quality problem.
Software doesn't "wear out.” but it deteriorates (due to change). Hardware has bathtub curve
of failure rate ( high failure rate in the beginning, then drop to steady state, then cumulative
effects of dust, vibration, abuse occurs).
Modern reusable components encapsulate data and processing into software parts to be reused
by different programs. E.g. graphical user interface, window, pull-down menus in library et
Generic Software: Stand-alone systems that are marketed and sold to any customer who
wishes to buy them. Examples – PC software such as editing, graphics programs, project
management tools; CAD software; software for specific markets such as appointments
systems for dentists.
Customized products: Software that is commissioned by a specific customer to meet their
own needs. Examples – embedded control systems, air traffic control software, traffic
monitoring systems.
Relevance: why we need software
Stand-alone applications
Interactive transaction-based applications
Embedded control systems
Batch processing systems
Entertainment systems
AI driven systems
Systems for modeling and simulation
Data collection and analysis systems
Software Engineering
More and more, individuals and society rely on advanced software systems.
We need to be able to produce reliable and trustworthy systems economically and quickly.
It is usually cheaper, in the long run, to use software engineering methods and techniques
for software systems rather than just write the programs as if it was a personal
programming project.
For most types of system, the majority of costs are the costs of changing the software after
it has gone into use.
Issues of complexity, reusability, scalability are best handled by engineering approach.
When we get these things right, and many teams do, we see greater productivity, less stress
and burnout in team members, higher quality in design, and more resilience in the systems
that we create.
Engineering amplifies our ability to be creative, to make useful things, to proceed with
confidence and quality. It allows us to explore ideas and ultimately to scale our ability to
create things so that we can build ever bigger, more complex systems.
The systems that we build please their users more.
We see dramatically fewer bugs in production, and teams that employ these ideas find it
significantly easier to change almost any aspect of the systems that they work on as their
learning evolves.
Engineering is about learning and mastering.
Attributes of a good software
Maintainability and scalability: Software should be written in such a way so that it can
evolve to meet the changing needs of customers. This is a critical attribute because software
change is an inevitable requirement of a changing business environment.
Dependability and security: Software dependability includes a range of characteristics
including reliability, security and safety. Dependable software should not cause physical or
economic damage in the event of system failure. Malicious users should not be able to access
or damage the system.
Efficiency: Software should not make wasteful use of system resources such as memory and
processor cycles. Efficiency therefore includes responsiveness, processing time, memory
utilisation, etc.
Acceptability: Software must be acceptable to the type of users for which it is designed. This
means that it must be understandable, usable and compatible with other systems that they use.
Software engineering layered model
Software engineering as a layered model.
A process is a collection of activities, actions and tasks that are performed when some
work product is to be created.
It is not a rigid prescription for how to build computer software. Rather, it is an adaptable
approach that enables the people doing the work to pick and choose the appropriate set of
work actions and tasks.
Purpose of process is to deliver software in a timely manner and with sufficient quality to
satisfy those who have sponsored its creation and those who will use it.
Five Activities of a Generic Process framework
Complement the five process framework activities and help team manage and control progress, quality,
change, and risk.
Software project tracking and control: assess progress against the plan and take actions to maintain the
Risk management: assesses risks that may affect the outcome and quality.
Software quality assurance: defines and conduct activities to ensure quality.
Technical reviews: assesses work products to uncover and remove errors before going to the next activity.
Measurement: define and collects process, project, and product measures to ensure stakeholder’s needs
are met.
Software configuration management: manage the effects of change throughout the software process.
Reusability management: defines criteria for work product reuse and establishes mechanism to achieve
reusable components.
Adapting a Process Model
The prescriptive process models stress detailed definition, identification, and application of
process activates and tasks.
Intent is to improve system quality, make projects more manageable, make delivery dates
and costs more predictable, and guide teams of software engineers as they perform the
work required to build a system.
Unfortunately, there have been times when these objectives were not achieved. If
prescriptive models are applied dogmatically and without adaptation, they can increase the
level of bureaucracy.
Agile process models emphasize project “agility” and follow a set of principles that lead to
a more informal approach to software process. It emphasizes maneuverability and
adaptability. It is particularly useful when Web applications are engineered.
Engineering meets software development
How does the practice of software engineering fit in the process activities mentioned
above? Namely, communication, planning, modeling, construction and deployment.
George Polya outlines the essence of problem solving, suggests:
1. Understand the problem (communication and analysis).
2. Plan a solution (modeling and software design).
3. Carry out the plan (code generation).
4. Examine the result for accuracy (testing and quality assurance).
Understand the Problem: where mostly things
go wrong
Who has a stake in the solution to the problem? That is, who are the stakeholders?
What are the unknowns?
What data, functions, and features are required to properly solve the problem?
Can the problem be compartmentalized?
Is it possible to represent smaller problems that may be easier to understand?
Can the problem be represented graphically?
Can an analysis model be created?
Is it a new invention or an update or an upgrade?
Understand the Problem: where mostly things
go wrong
Have you seen similar problems before?
Are there patterns that are recognizable in a potential solution? Is there existing software
that implements the data, functions, and features that are required?
Has a similar problem been solved? If so, are elements of the solution reusable?
Can sub problems be defined?
If so, are solutions readily apparent for the sub problems?
Can you represent a solution in a manner that leads to effective implementation?
Can a design model be created?
Plan the Solution
Hooker’s General Principles for Software Engineering Practice:
important underlying law
Erroneous beliefs about software and the process that is used to build it.
Affect managers, customers (and other non-technical stakeholders) and practitioners
Are believable because they often have elements of truth, but …Invariably lead to bad
decisions, therefore …Insist on reality as you navigate your way through software
Software Myths Examples
Myth 1: Once we write the program and get it to work, our job is done. Reality: the sooner
you begin writing code, the longer it will take you to get done. 60% to 80% of all efforts are
spent after software is delivered to the customer for the first time.
Myth 2: Until I get the program running, I have no way of assessing its quality. Reality:
technical review are a quality filter that can be used to find certain classes of software defects
from the inception of a project.
Myth 3: software engineering will make us create voluminous and unnecessary documentation
and will invariably slow us down. Reality: it is not about creating documents. It is about
creating a quality product. Better quality leads to a reduced rework. Reduced work results in
faster delivery times.
Many people recognize the fallacy of the myths. Regrettably, habitual attitudes and methods
foster poor management and technical practices, even when reality dictates a better approach.
Legacy Software… reading assignment
Software process assessment
Software process models