Sentence Completion

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Hello, 7-SPA

Complete Me!
Directions: Arrange the group of
words to complete a sentence. After
that, identify the transition words
used in the sentences.
What is a Sentence?
A sentence is a set of words that is
complete containing a subject and
predicate, conveying a statement,
question, exclamation, or command.
Basic Parts oF a
Every sentence requires at least a verb
and a subject; a verb is an action, and a
subject is the noun that does the action.

For example:
I am waiting.
How to Write a Complete
• Capitalize the first letter of the first word
in a sentence.
• The sun rises in the east.
• Riza went to the market to buy fruits.
End a sentence with a period, question mark,
exclamation point, or quotation marks.
• I like fantasy novels.
• What is the name of the movie you were
• Most of the time, the sentence's subject comes first, the
verb comes second, and the objects come last. (Subject
-> Verb -> Object)
• He is reading the book.

Subject Verb Object

• If the subject is singular, the verb must also be
singular. If the subject is plural, the verb must be
plural. This is known as subject-verb agreement.
• She works hard for her family.
• The contestants have done well in the competition.
• Transition words and phrases
(also called linking words,
connecting words, or
transitional words) are used to
link together different ideas in
your text.
Examples of Sentences with
Transition Words
• I ran home and I just got there
in time. (and
• I ran home but I was still late.
• I could run home or I could stay
in school and work.
• I ran home and I just got there in
time. (and is a transition word
that connects the two occurrences
• I ran home but I was still late. (but
is a transition word that introduces
• I could run home or I could stay in
school and work. (or is a transition
word that presents two different
• She was thrilled to receive an
invitation, especially from such a
prestigious organization
• She was thrilled to receive an
invitation, especially from such a
prestigious organization.
(especially is a transition word that
used to give emphasis.)
Directions: Carefully read the
statements and identify the transition
words used in the sentences.
1. We managed to have a decent harvest despite
the drought.
2. I went to the seminar expecting a long, boring
presentation but on the contrary, it was
engaging and fun!
3. While Mark is a stickler for tradition, April
gives every holiday party a new twist.
Drawing is all about taking the time to master
each step. In other words, mastering the art of
drawing doesn’t happen in a day.
Furthermore, it’s a skill that takes daily
practice as well as dedication to hone your
craft. It’s important not to burn yourself out,
but you need to stick with it.
Drawing is all about taking the time to master
each step. In other words, mastering the art of
drawing doesn’t happen in a day.
Furthermore, it’s a skill that takes daily
practice as well as dedication to hone your
craft. It’s important not to burn yourself out,
but you need to stick with it.
Based on the given paragraph, what
part is the general statement? How
about the specific statement?
Drawing is all about taking the time to master
each step. In other words, mastering the art of
drawing doesn’t happen in a day.
Furthermore, it’s a skill that takes daily
practice as well as dedication to hone your
craft. It’s important not to burn yourself out,
but you need to stick with it.
Part I. Directions: Complete the sentence by
choosing the correct transition word that makes
it complete.

1. I am tired ____ I stayed up late last night.

• because
• but
• hence
2. I walked to the beach _____ it was
foggy, so I didn’t swim.
• but
• although
• moreover
3. She was a woman of extraordinary musical
skill ____ a talented photographer.
• therefore
• as well as
• but
4. ___ smearing peanut butter and jam on
whole wheat bread, Dean knocked on
Martha's door.
• First
• In addition
• After
5. Citrus fruits, ____ oranges and
grapefruits, are high in vitamin C.
• such as
• and
• hence
6. I like animals, ___ cats and dogs.
• unlike
• for example
• also
7. You can pass your exam ____ you
work hard.
• as long as
• but
• therefore
8. I love beautiful places ___
Batangas and Baguio.
• such as
• and
• but
9. It has been continuously raining
___ this morning.
• and
• since
• however
10. Televisions ___ computers are
dominating our daily life.
• and
• like
• but
Part II. Directions: Formulate five
(5) sentences using transition

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