Food Adulteration

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Food Adulteration

By Agrata Jaiswal

Food adulteration is the process in which certain

substances are added to the food that are similar to the
nutrients that the food poses. Sometimes certain valuable
components get removed from the food.This is done to
simply gain more profit by making it look more nutritious
than the other food. These substances are very harmful to
one’s own health and destoryes one internal
Types of food Adulterants

1.Intentional adulteration: The adulterants are added as a

deliberate act with intention to increase profit. E.G. sand, marble
chips, stones, chalk powder, etc.
2.Incidental Adulteration: Adulterants are found in food due to
negligence, ignorance or lack of proper facilities. E.G. Packaging
hazards like larvae of insects, droppings, pesticide residues, etc.
3.Metallic adulteration: When the metallic substances are added
intentionally or accidentally. Eg: arsenic, pesticides, lead from
water, mercury from effluents, tins from cans, etc.
Methods of food adulteration
Various methods of food adulteration are-
1)Mixing- mixing of substances like sand,dust,clay with the food
2)Substituting-Some health constituents are replaced by cheaper
quality ones. These are very harmful.
3)Using decomposed food- the healthy food is mixed with
substances which carry out dead substances.
4) Additions of toxic substances- Substances like dyes.colour, and
harmful preservatives are added for increase in profit and higher
5)Misbranding-Changing the information of the expiry dates,
manufacturing dates, list of ingredients, etc.
Causes of food adulteration

Food adulteration is done because of the following reasons-

1)A business strategy for profit and increase in sales.
2)A replica of the other food substance to be added on.
3)To attract customers by adding dyes,colors, etc in the food.
4)To gain maximum profit by using cheap substances harmful to
the health,
5)To fulfill the nutritious demand of the rapid population.
Food adulterants
Milk and curd Water and starch
Grains powder
Ghee,cheese,butter Mashed
potatoes,vanaspati, and
starch powder
Black pepper Papaya seeds
Chili powder Brick powder,saw dust
Tea Artificial coloring
Adulterants and their diseases

Food adulteration has been linked with the health conditions and
diseases such as diarhea, chlorea, join pain, vomiting, etc. Every
Substance like minerals, poor quality substances which is
transferred during food adulteration causes diseases which one
might face in the present or in the future.
The following adulterants and what diseases they cause-
-Mineral oil if added to edible oil and fats can cause cancers.
-Lead chromate when added to turmeric powder and spices can
cause anaemia, paralysis, brain damage and abortions.
Adulterants and their diseases-
•Lead added to water, natural and processed food can lead to lead
poisoning, foot drop, insomnia, constipation, anaemia, and mental
•Cobalt added to water and liquors and can cause cardiac damage also
copper, tin, and zinc can cause colic, vomiting and diarrhoea.
•Mercury in mercury fungicide treated grains, or mercury-
contaminated fish can cause brain damage, paralysis, and death.
•Non-permitted colour or permitted food colour like metal yellow,
beyond the safe limit in coloured food can cause allergies,
hyperactivity, liver damage, infertility, anaemia, cancer and birth
Safety Measures for food Adulteration
•General public should avoid eating dark-coloured, junk and other
processed foods.
•Washing of fruits and vegetables thoroughly in running water
before they are consumed.
•Check for leakages in canned foods and validation of seals in milk
or oil pouches.
•Always check and buy products having an FSSAI-validated label,
license number, list of ingredients, manufactured date and its
When is Food adulterated?

-The food sold does not meet the nature of the substance or
quality as per the demand of consumer.
-The food has been prepared or packed under unclean conditions.
-If the food’s original nature is substituted partially by
abstracting a portion of vital substance from food.
-If it is an imitation of some other food substance.
-To make it look appeasing for custamors.
Food Adulteration in other countries
The developing countries have developed many ways of
adulteration. The following methods are as followed.
Wax coating/ dipping in chemical water like copper sulphate
(CuSO4) is used for increasing the marketing by making them
attractive and fresh looking.
•Nowadays, vegetables producing fields are irrigated with
sewerage water which included detergents, human faeces, factory
wastes having high concentrations of toxic heavy metals i.e. lead
and arsenic which can cause damage to liver, kidney and cancer.
Food Adulteration in other conutries

-Fresh vegetables and fruits, the main part of our meal is

adulterated by the self applied fertilizers and pesticides by the
farmers to increase the production and to avoid the attacks of
insects and diseases.
-Screen is used as sweetening agent in many confectionary
products, instead of sucrose, which is harmful for health
-The storage room are cleaned and fumigated to protect the
storage products from insects which contain hazardous
substances affecting the health.

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