2-Natural Resources-I
2-Natural Resources-I
2-Natural Resources-I
Natural resources are naturally occurring materials that are useful to man or could be
useful under conceivable technological, economic or social circumstances or supplies
drawn from the earth, supplies such as food, building and clothing materials,
fertilizers, metals, water and geothermal power. For a long time, natural resources
were the domain of the natural sciences.
relief and geological formations,
soils (including soil hydrology),
water (including geohydrology),
artifactial elements of a stable
vegetation and related biological
Land Resource
•Land is a very valuable resource.
•It provides food, fibre, wood, medicine and other
biological materials needed for food.
•Uses of land resource:
• Provides food, wood, minerals etc.
• Nurtures plants and animals that provides us food
and shelter
• Used as watershed or reservoir
• Acts as dustbin for the wastes
• Provides constructing building material and
•Store of wealth for individuals, groups, or a community
•Production of food, fibre, fuel or other biotic materials for
human use
•Provision of biological habitats for plants, animals and micro-
•Co-determinant in the global energy balance and the global
hydrological cycle, which provides both a source and a sink for
greenhouse gases
•Regulation of the storage and flow of surface water and
•Storehouse of minerals and raw materials for human use
•A buffer, filter or modifier for chemical pollutants
•Provision of physical space for settlements, industry and
•Storage and protection of evidence from the historical or pre-
historical record (fossils, evidence of past climates, archaeological
remains, etc.)
•Enabling or hampering movement of animals, plants and people
between one area and another
agriculture is a
practice where a plot
of land is cleared and
cultivated for
a short period of time;
then it is abandoned
and allowed to revert
to its natural
vegetation while the
cultivator moves on to
another plot.
Water Resources
Water is the most inexhaustible, most abundant resources.
What we EAT
What we Answer lies in our
BUY Shopping Bag
What we USE
Over-utilization of surface and
1. Rapid growth in the population
2. Rapid industrialization
This has lead to:
1. Excessive water extraction
2. Decrease in water table
3. High groundwater withdrawal rate-sinking/overlaying land surface
4. Decreasing aquifers, lowering of water table in the arid and semi-arid parts.
5. Salt intrusion in the coastal areas
6. Land has become more prone to earthquake, landslides, and famine
7. Drying up of wells
Aquifer is a body of porous rock or sediment saturated with groundwater.
• Confined aquifers
• Unconfined aquifers
Water logging
Standing water on land for most of the time in year.
Causes of water logging:
• Excessive water supply to the croplands
• Heavy rain
• Poor drainage
• Soil-air gets depleted
• Poor aerated soil
• Low soil strength
• Minerals get diluted
Methods to prevent water logging:
• Avoid and prevent excessive irrigation
• Sub-surface drainage
Water when not absorbed by soil, gets evaporated leaving behind a thin layer of
dissolved salts in the top-soil. This is Salinity.
Soil pH > 8.0
Characterized by:
Accumulation of soluble salts like NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, Na2SO4, Na2CO3, NaHCO3
1. Saline soils yield less crop
2. Sub-surface drainage system, the salt water is flushed out.
Canal irrigation in Haryana resulted in the rise in water table followed by water logging
and salinity causing low crop productivity thereby huge economic losses.
‘Indira Gandhi Canal Project’ converted a big area into water soaked area.
Dams: Benefits and Problems
The dams built to serve more than one purpose- ‘multi purpose dams’.
They are built across rivers for generating electricity, irrigation and for flood
1. to control floods and store flood water.
2. to divert water
3. to provide water for agricultural and drinking purposes.
4. for generating electricity
5. in navigation and fisheries
PROBLEMS: cont….
1. Human displacement
2. Loss of non-forested
3. Loss of flora, vegetation, wildlife.
4. Landslide, sedimentation and siltation
5. Reservoir Induced Seismicity (RIS) causes earthquakes
6. Navigation and aquaculture activities can be developed in the dam areas.
7. Water logging and salinity due to over irrigation
8. Reduced water flow and silt deposition in rivers
9. Salt intrusion at river mouth
10. Sediments carrying nutrients gets deposited in the reservoir
11. Fertility of the land get reduced
12. Faulty design and structural defects may cause sudden dam failure
13. Stagnation and waterlogging around reservoirs
14. Breeding of vectors and vector-borne diseases
Scarcity of water. It occurs due to:
1. Inadequate rainfall
2. Late arrival of rains
3. Excessive withdrawal of groundwater
4. Scarcity of water for domestic needs- agriculture, livestock, industry or
human population.
5. Dry weather that persists for long
6. Hydrological imbalances.
• When annual rainfall is below normal and less than evaporation, drought
• High population also leads to drought.
• Poor land use and worsens the situation.
• Intensive cropping pattern and over-exploitation of water by digging wells or
bore-wells for high productivity.
• Desertification and drought.
1. Drought causes hunger, malnutrition
2. It causes widespread crop failures to acute shortage of food thereby
adversely affecting human and livestock populations.
3. It indicates the initiation of desertification
4. Raw materials for agro-based industries are critically affected during drought.
5. Drought accelerates degradation of natural resources.
• Indigenous knowledge in control and desertification is very useful for dealing
with drought problems.
• Rainwater harvesting program is very useful technique used to conserve water
and control drought.
• Construction of large capacity reservoirs is essential in drought prone areas.
• Modern irrigation techniques (drip irrigation) is very useful to conserve water
and avoid wastage.
• Afforestation activities improve the potential of water in drought prone areas
• Mixed cropping and dry farming.
Its an overflow of water, whenever the magnitude of flow of water exceeds the carrying
capacity of the channel within banks.
1. Heavy rainfall, melting of snow (ice), sudden release of water from dams often causes
floods in the low lying coastal area.
2. Overflowing of lakes and rivers.
3. Reduction in carrying capacity of river channels due to accumulation of sediments in
4. Deforestation, overgrazing, mining increases the run-off from rains causing floods.
5. Removal of dense and uniform forest cover over hilly zones leads to occurrence of
6. Water spreads in the surrounding areas and submerges them
7. Plain surfaces get eroded and silted with mud and sand thereby affecting cultivable
land areas.
8. Extinction of civilization in some coastal areas also occurs.
• By constructing dams or reservoirs
• Channel management and embankments also control floods.
• Encroachment of flood ways should be banned.
• Flood hazard may be reduced by forecasting or flood warning.
• Reducing run off.
• Increasing filtration capacity of the soil.
• Engineered Structures:
1. Levees
2. Check Dams
3. Dams
4. Dykes
5. Diversion spillways
6. Afforestation
7. Flood Zoning
8. Wetland and River Restoration
1. China-India- The Brahmaputra River
2. Ethiopian-Egypt- The Niles : 2011
3. Turkey-Iraq: Ilisu Dam and the Tigris River
Major Inter-State River Disputes
The Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was introduced in Lok Sabha on July
25, 2019 by the Minister of Jal Shakti, Mr. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat. It amends the Inter-State
River Water Disputes Act, 1956. The Act provides for the adjudication of disputes relating to waters
of inter-state rivers and river valleys.
Rain Water Harvesting, is a technology that collects and stores rainwater for
human use.
Simple rain barrels to more elaborate structures with pumps, tanks,
and purification systems.
1. Roof top type
2. Open Field type
3. Catchment
4. Coarse mesh
5. Gutter
6. Conduits or pipes
7. Filters
The non-potable water can be used to :
1. Irrigate landscaping,
2. Flush toilets,
3. Wash cars,
4. or launder clothes,
5. and it can even be purified for human consumption.
6. With water scarcity a pressing problem for many densely populated
regions, rainwater harvesting systems can supply households and
businesses with water for use in dry seasons and lessen the demand
on municipal systems.
The concept of the Circular Economy is a sustainable business response to the
challenges of climate change.
And making the waste of one product, the raw material for another.