Warrior Defense 2011

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Warrior Black Out Defense

Created by Spirit of Faith Warriors Coaching Staff


Why We Run our Defensive Schemes?

Stop the Sweep, the base of many YOUTH offenses. Stop the Reverse, the big play of most YOUTH offenses. Stop the Dive, the mainstay of many YOUTH offenses. Be able to start and play less mature players at several positions. Give our few athletic players the ability to make plays. Be able to stop the Off-tackle with minor adjustments. Be able to get turnovers when the offense decides to pass. Allows flexibility to use easy to install stunts or blitzes to take away the other teams key plays and players.

Elements of the Defense

Formations There are 4 basic formations: GAMbler (Gap, Air, Mirror/80 Front), Wild Turkey (Wide Tackle 6/60 Front), Samurai (Stack, Air, Mirror/50 Front), and Viper (Offset 4-4/40 Front), When teaching our Defense we will concentrate on A, A, R, E. That is Assignment right person in right position, Alignment player in right position pre-snap, Responsibility player is aware of their responsibility, and Execution player executes the proper technique on every play. GAMbler Defense Gap, Air, Mirror defense is also commonly referred to as the Gap-8 defense. This defense is great against stopping the Sweep, Reverse and the Dive. Provides lots of pressure up front and rarely requires a blitz call. This is the base defense and is recommended for the Super Tiny Mite, Tiny Mite, and Mitey Mite levels but can be used at every level as a short yardage defense or goal line defense. Wild Turkey Defense Wide Tackle 6 defense is also commonly referred to as a 6-2 defense as it incorporates 6 men on the D-line and 2 LBs. This Defense is great against stopping the Sweep, Reverse, and Off-tackle plays and pretty much any run play. This defense has the flexibility to be very attacking if you have a few athletic and aggressive players and use the stunts and blitzes available. This defense is recommended for the Cadet, Jr. PeeWee, and PeeWee level and can be used at every level by making a simple adjustment from GAMbler. Samurai - Stack, Air, Mirror, is an Odd Front defense that borrows many of the concepts of GAMbler and Wild Turkey. This defense is a man-to-man run first defense and can provide confusion for any offense. This defense is only recommended for the more advanced teams i.e. 7th Grade and 8th Grade and should only be installed after Gambler and Wild Turkey have been perfected. Viper This defense is used only with our more advanced teams. It requires very good players at the Defensive Tackle positions and allows for no hiding of less mature players. It also requires very good players at the four Linebacker spots and pretty good players at Defensive End as well. It is an attaching defense that gets many negative yardage plays. This defense is recommended by veteran 7th Grade and 8th Grade teams.

GAMbler Defense
(Gap, Air, Mirror)/80 Front









Wild Turkey Defense

(Wide Tackle 6)/60 Front











SAMurai Defense
(Stack, Air, Mirror)/50 Front






Viper Defense
(Offset 4-4)/40 Front





POPs and Alignment Technique for Defense

The POP (Point of Protection) determines the area of the LOS that the defender is responsible for. The POP is designated by a GAP responsibility. Reference is made to the following page for GAP responsibility. Alignment techniques tell the defender where to line up before the snap of the ball. A Gap The gap to either side of the Offensive Lineman in the center of the line. This man most likely is the center but may not be if the Offense is using an Unbalanced line. B Gap Two gaps to either side of the Offensive Lineman in the center of the line. C Gap Three gaps to either side of the Offensive Lineman in the center of the line. D Gap Four gaps to either side of the Offensive Lineman in the center of the line to the sideline. 0 Technique This alignment is head up against the Center man of the Offensive line. Can be found by counting 4 men from the EMLOS and lining up on him. 2 Technique This alignment is head up against the Offensive Guard or the first man next to the Center. 4 Technique This alignment is head up against the Offensive Tackle or the second man next to Center. 6 Technique This alignment is head up against the Tight End. 8

Point of Protection and Techniques

D Gap

C Gap

B Gap

A Gap

A Gap

B Gap

C Gap

D Gap

5 4


3 2

2i 1 0 1

2i 2

4i 4

7 6





Teaching Tackling by Progression

We always teach proper Tackling technique. No defensive scheme will work if your team cant tackle. Regardless of age group or experience, teaching and repeating the basics often is key. You will find that proper technique will become a habit. This is our step by step progression for teaching Tackling. 1. Start with 2 lines facing each other about 1 foot apart. Put all of the players in a Defensive ready position. That is knees bent, back straight, feet shoulder width apart, hands out-stretched, palms and head up. 2. Have the players snug up to each other face to face. Have the defender in the Defensive ready position. Have the offensive players (ball carrier) stand straight up. 3. Have the defender bend at the knees and waist. Keep the head up and face up. 4. - Have defender take one step, stepping between the legs of the offensive player. Left shoulder should be on the Offensive players upper thigh and head up slightly to the right side of the body. Feet widen to just wider than shoulder length. The defender swings both arms violently upward, under the armpits of the Offensive player and grabs cloth on the backside. 5. Make sure and demonstrate each step and walk through it. Dont add a step until the previous one has been perfected. Once through Step 5, add some distance, about 5 yards. Have them walk up to the offensive player and execute a form tackle through the fit. Do not allow the defender to take the offensive player to the ground. 6. Once we are proficient in this we ask the defender to lift and carry the ball carrier 2-3 feet. If the defender is in a good low stance, with his knees bent, he should be able to do this. To get the proper leverage here we want the defender to push his groin toward the ball carrier. 7. Lastly, do this at nearly full speed, with the defender freezing after he executes the tackle, not taking the player to the ground. Do not release both, until you are sure the tackler has made shoulder contact with the thigh, head is up, feet are 10 apart, knees bent, both arms are wrapped up behind the ball carrier with hands grabbing cloth.

No Huddle Concepts
We go No Huddle on Defense as well. The easiest way to go No-Huddle is to equip your entire team with Wrist Coaches. Your coaching staff can then call in the code for the play from the sideline. The players check their Wrist Coach for the play, line up in your base formation (GAMbler or Wild Turkey usually) and then shift into the called Defense when the Offense breaks their huddle.


The GAMbler Defense

The Gap, Air, Mirror/8-2-1
This is our base Defense. This Defense is excellent against the Dive, Sweep, and Reverse. Should be used in short yardage and goal line situations. This should be the base Defense for our Developmental Age groups (Super Tiny Mite, Tiny Mite, Mitey Mite).


Elements of the GAMbler

Gap, Air, Mirror is a gap control defense which relies on the down lineman and linebackers covering a particular gap. This defense features six down linemen positioned in the gaps. Two additional players are outside linebackers that are one gap inside of the defensive ends. The Pass defense is comprised of three parts: a six man pass rush, bump and run coverage from the corners and the outside linebackers, and one free safety in a cover one zone. Defensive End (DE) Assignment (Reasonably aggressive, obedient, patient, and smart. Length is a plus.), Alignment (7 or 9 technique depending on OL, outside of EMLOS, on AIR, 3 point stance), Responsible (1 st move is to get up field free of contact to the depth of the ball and contain, pursue through the backfield, stopping the Sweep and Reverse are the main responsibility), and Execution (quick off of the ball, maintain containment and force play inside where help is, if blockers come, drop and grab grass, but dont give up position.). Defensive Tackles (DT) Assignment (Most aggressive big men), Alignment (3 technique, 3 point stance), Responsible (must penetrate hard on the snap into the B Gap one yard only and hold ground, stop the Off Tackle play and tackle any ball carrier or faker coming off tackle), Execute (Rip or Swim into Gap and hold ground, own your Gap and be King of the Hill). Defensive Guards (DG) - Assignment (Aggressive fireplug, trench player), Alignment (1 technique, 4 point stance), Responsible (bear crawl into A Gap on snap, get to feet and penetrate as deep as deepest player and tackle ball carrier), Execute (Bear Crawl and then raise to feet, tackle anyone who looks like they have the ball, raise hands on pass). Outside Linebackers (LB) Assignment (Most mobile and vicious tacklers on the team, Best Athletes), Alignment (4 or 6 technique, 2 point stance), Responsible (must pin TE on LOS for 2 seconds, if TE gets free, cover him man to man, on run must read the block of TE/T and go opposite, protect the C Gap). Cornerbacks (CB) Assignment (3rd and 4th LB, must be able to tackle, speed and quickness a plus), Alignment (on the LOS head up on receiver farthest from the ball on their side, if no receiver split out, cover the closest back, if back is between tackles, then CB is in 40 or 60 technique behind LBs), Responsible (man-to-man coverage on receiver, run support), Execute (bump and run coverage forcing receiver outside, attack runner on outside hip to force inside to help) Safety (S) Assignment (5th LB, must be able to tackle, good speed and agility, football smart), Alignment (split the two widest offensive players on the field at 6 yards off of LOS), Responsibility (everything happens in front of them, clean up), Execute (read offense and understand tendencies, flow to the ball and deliver a memorable blow).



Split Wishbone


Wing T

I Formation


Slot - I Formation


Unbalanced Single Wing


The Wild Turkey Defense

Wide Tackle 6/6-2-3
This Defense is excellent against the run, especially the Option, Off-Tackle, Sweep, and Reverse. Good LB play is critical to the success of the Defense. This should be the base defense for the Elementary level teams and can be used by all age groups successfully.


Elements of the Wild Turkey

Wide Tackle 6 is a 6-2 defense with a slightly different alignment. The tackles line up in the C Gap instead of the B Gap, and linebackers move slightly inside to cover the B Gap. The thinking behind this is that the offense is much more likely to run to the Off-Tackle (C Gap) then they are the B Gap, so you might as well put a player directly in the gap. Everything else will remain the same as a standard 6-2. Defensive End (DE) Assignment (Reasonably aggressive, obedient, patient, and smart. Length is a plus.), Alignment (7 or 9 technique depending on OL, outside of EMLOS, 2 or 3 point stance), Responsibility (1 st move is to jab step with inside foot and punch the TE/T, do not get tangled up with TE, then you come across the LOS and fight toward ball), Execution (Spill Technique - if the play is an inside run, attack downhill to force the ball carrier towards the perimeter. If the play is an outside run, force runner towards the sideline. Split all double team blocks by attacking the outside shoulder of the inside blocker.) Defensive Tackles (DT) Assignment (Most aggressive big men), Alignment (5 technique, 3 point stance), Responsible (Rip or Swim through to C Gap, chase the play from outside-in), Execute (Strike a hard blow into the EMLOS and stay square to the LOS, be aware of the trap). Defensive Guards (DG) - Assignment (Aggressive fireplug, trench player), Alignment (2i technique, 4 point stance), Responsible (step with outside foot and forearm shiver with outside shoulder and arm, stay low and read and react to the ball, if Guard pulls, stay in hip pocket and follow him to the play), Execute ( Strike a hard blow into the Guard, play inside-out). Linebackers (LB) Assignment (Most mobile and vicious tacklers on the team, Best Athletes), Alignment (30 technique, 2 point stance), Responsible (Read and key the movement of the Tackle, then react to the play, if play toward, step up and meet the play in the B Gap, if play outside, protect area, then pursue, if sprint out, sprint to flat, if play away, check for counter, then pursue to the ball, if QB drops back, sprint to hook area 10yds deep, stay alert for screens and draws), and Execute (stay low and meet tackle low, hold ground. Second contain man on run plays to outside., be quick and fast on pursuit). Cornerbacks (CB) Assignment (3rd and 4th LB, must be able to tackle, speed and quickness a plus), Alignment (3 to 4 yds outside of End and 5 yds deep), Responsible (Watch your End and react to run if end blocks, approach the outside hip of ball carrier, on plays away, look for pass then pursue), Execute (play your man, be as deep as the deepest receiver, when the ball is thrown, go quickly and play the ball at its highest point) Safety (S) Assignment (5th LB, must be able to tackle, good speed and agility, football smart), Alignment (split the two widest offensive players on the field at 9 yards off of LOS), Responsibility (watch your key, on snap of the ball, the first step should be back, think pass first and run second), Execute (must think pass first and run second, play as deep as deepest receiver, sprint to the ball and go through the receiver to the ball).


Wild Turkey

Split Wishbone


Wild Turkey
Wing T

I Formation

Wild Turkey

Slot - I Formation

Wild Turkey

Unbalanced Single Wing


Wild Turkey Blitzes and Stunts

Claw Right The right DG lines up in 2 technique and rushes the B Gap. The LB on that side blitzes the A Gap. (Claw Left is the opposite side) Double Claw Both DGs line up in 2 technique and rush the B Gap. Both LBs blitz the A Gap. Crash - The DT lines up in 4 technique and rushes the B Gap. This should be AUTOMATIC if the End is split out wide on that side. Razor - Can be called Left, Right, or Double. LB blitzes B Gap. Gunner Right Right side CB sneaks up to the LOS and blitzes the C Gap. The DT on the right stunts through B Gap. LB on that side steps over and back and covers TE on that side. Do NOT call this if there is a Split End or Wing on that side. Run this if your opponent is having success Off-Tackle. Can be run Left or Double. Cross Right Right side CB sneaks up to the LOS and takes over the DE responsibility to contain. The DE on the right stunts through C Gap. The DT on the right stunts through the B Gap. LB on that side steps over and back and covers TE on that side. Do NOT call this if there is a Split End or Wing on that side. Can be run Left or Double.


The SAMurai
The Stack, Air, Mirror/5-3-3
The SAMurai, is a man-to-man run stopping Defense. It combines elements of the GAM, 3-3 Stack, and the 46 Bear Defense. Because of its versatility, this should be used by your more experienced teams. However, once the principles of the GAMbler and Wild Turkey have been learned this is an easy defense to install.


Elements of the SAMurai

Gap, Air, Mirror is a gap control defense which relies on the down lineman and linebackers covering a particular gap. This defense features six down linemen positioned in the gaps. Two additional players are outside linebackers that are one gap inside of the defensive ends. The Pass defense is comprised of three parts: a six man pass rush, bump and run coverage from the corners and the outside linebackers, and one free safety in a cover one zone. Nose Guard (NG) Assignment (Most Aggressive fireplug, trench player), Alignment (0 technique, 3 point stance), Responsible (Rip or Swim into A Gap opposite the Stack Backer, stopping the dive is the main responsibility), and Execution (quick off of the ball, pursue play from inside-out, play taps with SB to alternate A Gap). Defensive Tackles (DT) Assignment (Most aggressive big men), Alignment (3 technique, 3 point stance), Responsible (must penetrate hard on the snap into the B Gap deep and pursue the ball carrier), Execute (Rip or Swim, make the play). Defensive Ends (DE) - Assignment (2nd best athlete on Weak side, length is a plus), Alignment (7 technique, if WB on side 70 technique to make the reach block difficult), Responsible (contain outside run plays by using box technique or spill), Execute (2 point or sprinters stance to get into the backfield and make havoc).

Stack Backer (SB) Assignment (Aggressive Linemen with foot speed), Alignment (00 technique directly behind NG, 2 point stance), Responsible (must get off into A Gap, play taps with NG to alternate sides), Execute (be fast and get into Gap).
Outside Linebacker (LB) Assignment (2nd and 3rd LB, must be able to tackle, speed and quickness a plus), Alignment (6 technique on TE, if no TE cover #2 receiver on side in bump and run, if no TE or #2 cover Back on side at same distance from LOS in mirror, if WB cover with inside shade at 2 yds off of LOS), Responsible (man-to-man coverage on receiver or TE, run support in C Gap), Execute (bump and run coverage on TE and #2, attack runner on outside hip to force inside to help) Cornerback (CB) Assignment (4th and 5th LB, maybe smaller LBs, mean and fast), Alignment (inside shade of receiver on LOS, if no receiver on side check opposite side for twins and cover #2, if no twins lines up in 50 technique at 6 yds ), Responsibility (man coverage on receivers, run stuffer in C Gap), Execute (play pass first and then run stuffer). Safety (S) Assignment (Best Athlete, smartest kid, and best tackler, Safety/MLB hybrid), Alignment (mirrors deepest back, if empty backfield covers inside most receiver, if full house backfield he mirrors middle back, ), Responsibility (everything happens in front of them, clean up), Execute (read offense and understand tendencies, flow to the ball and deliver a memorable blow).



Split Wishbone


Wing T

I Formation


Slot - I Formation


Unbalanced Single Wing


SAMurai Blitzes and Stunts

22 DT line up in 2 technique and SB and NT line up in 20 technique and play taps with DT to determine which hole to blitz. Can be used to get 4 MPP in the game.


The Viper Defense

The Offset 4-4/4-4-3
The defense is used by our Middle School teams and requires very good DTs and 4 good LBs. Also, the DEs must be experienced and good. This defense affords no hiding of less mature players. This is an attacking defense that can yield many negative yardage plays if execution is good.


Elements of the Viper

The defense is used by our Middle School teams and requires very good DTs and 4 good LBs. Also, the DEs must be experienced and good. This defense affords no hiding of less mature players. This is an attacking defense that can yield many negative yardage plays if execution is good. Nose Tackle (NT) Assignment (Strongest and most aggressive Big man, doesnt need to be terribly smart.), Alignment (2 technique, 3 point stance, if there is a Strong Side, line up in 0 technique), Responsible (Rush through the B Gap and pursue the ball, if in 0 technique, rush the A Gap on the Weak Side), and Execution (quick off of the ball, Rip or Swim into Gap and pursue ball). Defensive Tackle (DT) Assignment (Smarter of the two tackles, reasonable size and aggressiveness, will be required to change alignment based on the offense), Alignment (2 technique, 3 point stance, 4 technique on Strong Side), Responsible (Rush through the B Gap and pursue the ball), Execute (quick off of the ball, Rip or Swim into Gap and pursue ball). Defensive End (DE) - Assignment (Do not have to be big or great athletes, reasonably aggressive, OLB in waiting), Alignment (5 technique or 8 technique if TE, 3 point stance), Responsible (mirrors 1 st step and jams T/TE inside, pursues shallow to the line and follows play through the backfield), Execute (quick off of the ball, Rip or Swim to the outside keeping outside arm free and flow tight to the line). Inside Linebackers (ILB) Assignment (Most mobile and vicious tacklers on the team, Best Athletes, able to move sideline to sideline), Alignment (20 technique, 2 point stance), Responsible (mirrors the first step of the Guard and then pursues the ball, drops at 45 degrees on pass play and then checks for backs coming out of the backfield), and Execute (Read step, look at Guard, flow to the ball, zone coverage on pass) Outside Linebackers (ILB) Assignment (3rd and 4th vicious tacklers on the team, same as ILB but with less agility), Alignment (70 technique or 90 technique if there is a TE in a 3ydx3yd relationship with DE, 2 point stance), Responsible (containment responsibility, must commit quickly and aggressively across the LOS and pursue the ball, if there is no slot receiver (off the LOS) or WB on your side, you move next to DE and say We are on go, alerting DE to take an inside path while OLB blitzes from the outside), and Execute (sprint across the LOS, pursue run play, if pass play cover flats on your side).

Cornerbacks (CB) Assignment (Smaller but quicker OLB, solid but not overwhelming tackling ability, must have speed and quickness and able to cover the pass), Alignment (7 yds off the LOS on outside shoulder of widest Receiver), Responsible (man-to-man coverage on receiver, run support when ball crosses the LOS), Execute (bump and run coverage forcing receiver outside, attack runner on outside hip to force inside to help)
Safety (S) Assignment (good speed and ability to change direction, must cover the pass and cover correct receiver, quite often this is a smaller LB or CB), Alignment (split the two widest offensive players on the field at 9 yards off of LOS), Responsibility (everything happens in front of them, clean up, cover the inside receiver if Twins or Trips set, run support when ball crosses the LOS), Execute (read offense and understand tendencies, flow to the ball and deliver a memorable blow).



Split Wishbone


Wing T

I Formation



Slot - I Formation



Unbalanced Single Wing


Viper Blitzes and Stunts

Cross The DE and OLB line up in their base positions but they switch responsibilities. The DE goes outside of T/TE and contains and the OLB rushes inside of T/TE and pursues the ball. Inside Cross ILBs blitz the B Gap. NT and DT rush the A Gap on the snap. Go - Coach does not need to call this. Anytime there is NOT a slot receiver or WB on OLBs side, OLB comes to LOS and tells the DE We are on GO and then blitzes off of that corner. DE rushes inside of T/TE on go.


Recommended Defense per Age Group

Super Tiny Mite and Tiny Mite (5-7) GAMbler Mitey Mite (7-9) GAMbler, Wild Turkey Cadet (7-9, 10 OBL). GAMbler, Wild Turkey, Crash, Claw, Razor, Blackout Jr. PeeWee (8-10, 11 OBL) - GAMbler, Wild Turkey, Crash, Claw, Razor, Blackout

PeeWee (9-11, 12 OBL) GAMbler, Wild Turkey, SAMurai, Crash, Claw, Razor, Blackout
7th Grade All-American. GAMbler, Wild Turkey, SAMurai, Viper, Crash, Claw, Razor, Blackout 8th Grade All-American. GAMbler, Wild Turkey, SAMurai, Viper, Crash, Claw, Razor, Blackout


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