Introduction To Gradient Search Method
Introduction To Gradient Search Method
Search Method
by GodLAniket
Understanding the Concept of Gradients
Definition Calculation
A gradient is a vector that points in the Gradients involve partial derivatives and
direction of the greatest rate of increase of a indicate the steepness of the function. The
function. Understanding gradients is essential concept of gradients provides valuable
for the implementation of the gradient search insights into the behavior of mathematical
method. functions.
Application of Gradient Search Method in
1 Optimization
The gradient search method is commonly used to optimize mathematical functions,
such as finding the minimum or maximum values of a function.
2 Regression
In mathematical modeling, the gradient search method aids in regression analysis by
adjusting parameters to fit the data optimally.
3 Machine Learning
In machine learning, gradient-based optimization techniques are fundamental for
training models effectively and efficiently.
Steps Involved in Gradient Search Method
The gradient search method is This method may get stuck in local minima
computationally efficient and suitable for and is sensitive to the choice of the learning
large-scale optimization problems. rate.
Comparison with Other Optimization
Gradient Search Method Iterative approach based on gradients