Presentation Web Design

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Group Members
Students Name ID
Beyisa Demise 0721/14
Thitina Endale
Gemachis Debalo
 Now days, using computers to simplify tedious manual
work is significance. Out of many applications of
computers the group wants to develop a system that
solves the problem that concerns with the organization
manual system. So, the project try to reduce this
problem and enable the office system to have very fast
service to their customer and to become fully
automated system by designing web based information
management system for TTAWSSO (Tepi Town
Administration of Water Supply Service Office).
 Tepi town Administration water supply service is one of
government organization. This could be describing the activities
like: apply registration, generating report, maintenance order,
meter reading and view report by paper form in the organization
 The existing system at Tepi town Administration water supply

service uses manual system. The first activity of the existing

system is payment information in the form of paper to give
detail personal information.
 The existing system at Tepi town Administration water supply

service uses manual system. The first activity of the existing

system is payment information in the form of paper to give
detail personal information.
Background of University

 Mizan Tepi University is one of the universities in Ethiopian which is found

in south west region. It has three campuses, which are Mizan main campus,
Tepi Campus, and Mizan aman health campus. It is located in Mizan Teferi
where the main campus is, Tepi town and Mizan Aman 569kms,584.3kms
and 581kms respectively at southwest of Addis Ababa, in the deep and
unique natural and anthropologic diversity. Under Tepi campus school of
computing and informatics, school of engineering and technology and
natural and computational are included.
 The university started teaching and learning 2006 by sharing building for
university administration office from Mizan agriculture technique and
vocational college by admitting few regular students in college of social;
science and humanities at Mizan campus. By the time the university started
its operation, there were only 215 students attending their first degree
classes. Among the number students for the first time 138 students had
graduated colorfully in July 2008/2009.
3.1 Goal of the project

 The major goals of this project typically focus on improving

efficiency and effectiveness in these areas:
 Customer Management: Track customer accounts, billing
information, and usage data.
 Leak Detection and Repair: improve response times.
 Decision-Making: Provide data-driven insights to support
informed decision-making.
3.2 Services of the institution
 The main services provided by Tepi town water supply service
administration can be broken down into two categories: water
delivery and system management.
3.2.1 Water Delivery Services:
Providing safe and reliable drinking water:
 This is the core service, ensuring consistent access to clean water
that meets regulatory standards for consumption.
 Metering and billing: Accurately measuring water usage and
providing bills to customers for payment.
 Customer service: Addressing customer inquiries, resolving billing
issues, and handling service requests (e.g., new connections,
3.2.2 System Management Services:
 Infrastructure maintenance: Maintaining and repairing the
network of pipes, treatment plants, reservoirs, and other equipment
to ensure proper water flow and quality.
 Leak detection and repair: Identifying and fixing leaks
in the water distribution system to minimize water loss.
 Water quality monitoring: Regularly testing water

quality to ensure it meets safety standards and taking

corrective actions if needed.
 Demand forecasting: Predicting water usage trends to

optimize water treatment and distribution based on

anticipated demand.
 Planning and development: Planning for future

infrastructure upgrades and system expansion to meet

growing water needs.

 Main challenge was a busy schedule of class and the weather.

 The other challenge the employees were also too busy to stay in

the office so it was hard to interview them multiple of times.

 And also it was hard to get their number.

Problem statement
 Tepi Town Administration water supply service is currently uses

a manual system. As it is manual, it has its own problems. Like;

 Since the billing information was circulated, the data loss, and it

takes time to manage it.

 Since customer registration is taking place in physically; it leads

to wasting time
 During requesting maintenance, the customers may spend
unnecessarily expense and waste their time.
 The customers may not get the chance to request service of the

organization 24/7(twenty four hours a day and seven days a

 During the backup system of the office, it was not efficient if

the documents were damaged.

 It may be difficult for customers to get the phone number of

the organization.
Proposed System Description

 The proposed solution for TCAWSSO is changing the manual

system into web based system by creating dynamic web page
for the organization. Unlike the existing system, which
operates by registering one customer at a time the online web
based system can register many customers concurrently. The
new system can also help to found any files of the customers
with in a fraction of seconds. With this new system the
organization gives efficient & time observance service for
their customer
Objectives of Proposed System
1 General Objectives
2 Specific Objectives
The general objective

The general objective of the project is to develop web based system for
Tepi town Administration water supply service.
Specific Objectives
 Here are some specific objectives that would together help us achieve the
overall of the project as follows:
 Study the existing system and find out the problem.
 Find the solution for the problem found in existing system.
 Design and build a particular model of this proposed system.
 Deploy the system and test it till it fits to the needs of the organization
 Scope
 The scope of proposed system focused on develops web-based water
supply service office. Thus project is more focused on about water
supply service
 technician maintenance order processing
 bill calculating
 Billing system processing and reporting

Feasibility studies
 Technical feasibility
 Technical feasibility deals with the hardware as well as software

requirements. We have to find out whether the necessary

technology and proposed equipment have the capacity to hold the
data used in the project.
 The system would be develop using object oriented development

technique, since the team member have the knowledge of the

methodologies and the tools to develop this system the project is to
be technically feasible.
Operational feasibility
 This system brings better achievement for the operations
performing by the office by providing efficient registration
and storage of customers’ and payment information, easy
updating, deletion Modification etc. This intern increases the
efficiency of work in the office. So that one can say that the
system is operationally feasible
Behavioral /legal feasibility
 This system brings high efficiency because it can automate

tasks, improving data collection and analysis, which leads to

faster response time and reduce workload of stuff. It also
improve customer service.
Schedule feasibility

Activity Feb 13- Mar Mar 3 Mar 4- Apr Apr 3 Apr 4- May 14 May 15

2 2

Proposal preparation

Proposal presentation



Final presentation
Economic feasibility

Economic feasibility: is the process of identifying the financial

benefits and the degree to which the economic advantages of the
project to be made, done, or achieved. It is a measure of cost
effectiveness of a project and also, we will use to identify the
benefits and costs concerning the project. Under economic
feasibility, we consider the Following things
Intangible benefits
Intangible benefits: refers to items that cannot be measurable in
terms of money. The following Intangible benefits are as follow:
 Lowering the workload from the employee.

 Give moral satisfaction for the user of the system

Tangible benefit
 Tangible benefit: is a benefit that can easily be measurable.
 Increase speed of activity for the organization employee.
 Decrease labor force.
 Decrease response time for the requesting information within maximum
Fraction of second.
Hardware Cost

Desktop / Laptop 36000 ETB

Hard disk 2000 ETB.

Flash disk size-8,16GB 2249 ETB.

Stationery (pen and paper). 50 ETB.

RAM Size 4GB 2200 ETB.

TOTAL 42,499 ETB

Methodologies and Tools

 Methodologies
A methodology is a model, which project managers employ for the design,
planning, implementation and achievement of their project objectives. There
are different project management methodologies to benefit different projects.
For this project we select object oriented general methodology
Data / requirement collection method
 There are different methods to collect information. From those the project

uses the following tool and methods to collect data from the organization
 Observation

 Assessing and analyzing overall system that has been carried out observing

the current working System, we would have observed the current working
of TCAWSSO and how their system work and we have conducted a
physical observation have been seen. And how data are handled and
information is kept in the systems
The group member is collected information from office manager Mr.
Masresha and Took suggestions about the involvement employee activities
around Tepi town water supply service
 Document Analysis

 To get detailed awareness about the proposed system we would use

different documents some related previously done projects, which are very
important to develop our project
System analysis & design methodology
For the system analysis and design part there are two models. These,
structured and object oriented approach. From those this project uses object
oriented approach because it is efficient to show how the data is organized, it
also shows clearly the definition of the data of the system. In general, the
project uses the object oriented paradigm to develop the system
System development methodology
 This methodology used to structure plan and control
process of developing the proposed system. Thus, we
have used model that divides the system into iterative
phases. We preferred iterative model approach for the
following reasons:
 It is simple and easy to understand.
 Phases are processed and completed one at a time.
 The orderly sequence of development steps and strict

controls for ensuring the Adequacy of documentation

System Development Tools
Activities Tools/ Programs

Client side coding HTML/DHTML/XML

Client side scripting JavaScript
Platform MS Windows
Database server MySQL

Web server Apache

Server-side scripting PHP
Browsers Mozilla Firefox 3.0,chrome
Editors MS Excel
Documentation MS Word, MS Excel
Required Resources with Costs
 Software Requirement
 Front end
 HTML, CSS, JavaScriptversion7.5.9.0 notepad++: To
implement the system version
 Microsoft office: To write documentation of the system.
 Window operating system: Platform used to do both
documentation and Implementation
 UML Diagram: for designing UML diagram associated with
the project.
 Server Side
 XAMP Server version 3.2.2: To create, store and retrieve files
to/from the database
 Intermediate
Hardware Requirements:
 Desktop and Laptop computer: To work documentation, implementation
and access internet available.
 RAM Size 4GB
 Hard disk
 disk size-8,16GB
 Stationery (pen and paper)
 Limitation
 This website is meant to transform the hectic manual system to a more
efficient computerize system. The project does not work about
◦ Employee salary or pay rolling
◦ Detail information about Employee.
◦ GPS based collecting water consumption.
◦ Penalty.
Significance of the project
 main benefits of this system as it is computerized web based system:
 It save the customers time when they want to access service from the

 The Customers uses the system safely and gives comfort for them.
 It attracts other customer to join and register under the system.
 It motivates many customers to join the system, as it is easily

 It initiates and increases employee moral to do their task properly.
 Generates more secured information for each customer.
 It makes smooth relation between the office and their customer
Beneficiary of the projects

 The first beneficiaries of these proposed systems are

customers, employees, developer and the society of Tepi town.
We Have knowledge on how to access information from the
organization. In addition, solve the Problem of customers to
get full access from organization



 This chapter focuses on the overview of the

existing system and the functional and

nonfunctional requirements of the proposed

systems. It tells how the current system performs

its activities within the agency. In the requirement

gathering analysis (system features), divide the

requirements into hardware & software, functional

and non-functional requirements.

 2.1 Introduction to Existing System
 Tepi town Administration water supply service is one of government

organization. This could be describing the activities like: apply

registration, generating report, maintenance order, meter reading and

view report by paper form in the organization. As the existing system

of water supply service is manual, know we want to develop this

organization to change manual system to computerized form..

 The existing system at Tepi town Administration
water supply service uses manual system. The
first activity of the existing system is payment
information in the form of paper to give detail
personal information. Billing system is another
activity of the existing system to read meter and
collecting payment. The meter reader read each
 customers and water consumption and record on

 2.2 Players of the Existing System
 The actors in the current system are:
 Meter readers: are responsible collect water consumption
then transfer rate value of water manually to bill office.
 Bill officers: are responsible to prepare bill card, accept and
view the meter reading value, calculate cost of bill then sell

the bill to the customer. Reporting and transferring the

income to buy and sell office.


 Finance officers: are responsible to accept the income

and report from the bill office the report it to auditor then
put the money in to bank by going to bank physically.
 Manager: are responsible to manage the whole office,
create customer manual file, update manual file and
delete manual file. Also accept reports from buy.
 Human resource officers: are responsible for hiring,
firing, controlling and managing employees.
 2.2.1. Overview of Activities of the existing system
 The existing system at Tepi water supply service uses manual
system. The first activities of Existing system, payment
information in the form of paper to give detail personal
information. Billing system is another activity of the existing
system to read meter and collecting payment. The Meter
reader read each customers and water consumption and
record on paper.
2.2.2. Activities of the existing system
 Meter Reader
 The basic activities that are carried out in the existing system are:
 Apply registration: It is the activity of recording manual information in
paper form, like customer registration.
 Meter reader reporting: an employee who is responsible to check the
monthly reading water consumption.
 Record water consumption
 View value of meter
 Bill officer: is an employee that calculate bill and generate
report to customers and meter reader.
 Data was stored in manually by paper form.
 Customer must inform the office if his/her reading value was
not done in timely Manner by being physically available at the
 Report generation: The organization makes a report like the
bill calculation, payment information at the end of the month
 .
Number Consumption Tariff/ Birr
1 From 0 - 5 m3
2 From 5.1 - 10m3
3 From 10.1 - 25m3
4 From 25.1m and above
Table 2 shows current tariff of water consumption

Maintenance reporting:
Customers inform physically to their technical supervisor when
service maintenance was needed.
Employees get feedback from their customers using suggestion
Business Rules in the Current System

For the organization:

 All customer complaints regarding water quality or supply
disruptions must be addressed and resolved within 24 hours of
 All water usage data must be accurately recorded and updated in the
system on a daily basis to ensure billing accuracy and efficient
resource management.
 basis to ensure billing accuracy and efficient resource management.
 Water supply service providers must adhere to all regulatory
requirements and standards related to water quality, safety, and
environmental sustainability in their operations.
 Water supply service providers must maintain accurate records
of customer accounts, billing information, service requests,
and maintenance activities to ensure efficient and effective
management of the system.
 For customer:

 Customers must provide idea valid form of identification when making a

 Customers must provide their current address and contact information
when signing up for water supply services.
 Customers must pay their water bills on time to avoid any service
interruptions or penalties.
 Customers must provide accurate and up-to-date contact information to
ensure effective communication regarding their water supply service,
billing, and any potential service interruptions or maintenance.
 Customers must notify the water supply service provider of any
changes in occupancy or ownership of the property to ensure
accurate billing and service delivery.
 Customers must report any leaks, damages, or issues with their
water supply system promptly to prevent further damage and ensure
timely repairs by the service provider.
 Customers must adhere to any water conservation measures or
restrictions implemented by the service provider during periods of
drought or water scarcity to ensure the sustainable use of water
 Form used
 Water supply service in existing system use different forms in order to address Information.

In existing system, the organization uses following forms like new customer registration

form, bill Calculating form, employee registration form, bill payment form and others

forms are used paper form.

 Report Generated in the Existing System
 On the water supply service, manager is the one who generates report to the customers and

employees then the manager generates report periodically according to the task of

organization what activities are performed. However, at the end of billing process, the

report must be within the total income and Bill.

Bottlenecks of the Existing System
 In the existing system there are several potential bottlenecks in the existing
system that hinder (obstacle) its efficiency and effectiveness. Such like:
 Data Entry and Processing: Manual data entry processes can be time-
consuming and error-prone, leading to delays in updating and processing
information related to water supply services.
Information Accessibility: Limited access to real-time
data or information by relevant stakeholders such as customers,
service providers, or management can create bottlenecks in
decision-making and response times. and make informed
decisions regarding water supply services.
 Scalability and Performance: The existing system may
face challenges in handling a growing volume of data, users, or
transactions, leading to performance issues and bottlenecks in
processing information in a timely manner.
 Security and Data Privacy: Weak security measures or
vulnerabilities in the system can expose sensitive information

related to water supply services to unauthorized access,

compromising data integrity and privacy.

 User Training and Support: Insufficient training and

support for users of the system can result in low adoption rates,

user errors, and inefficiencies in utilizing the system effectively.

 In the context of the PIECES framework (Performance, Information,
Economy, Control, Efficiency, and Service), there are specific bottlenecks in
each component of the existing water supply service information management
system. Here are some potential bottlenecks based on the PIECES
 Performance: include slow response times, delays in data processing, or
system crashes during peak usage periods.
 Inadequate hardware infrastructure or outdated software systems can impact
the overall performance of the system.
 Information: involve challenges in data collection, storage, retrieval, and
sharing among different stakeholders.
 Lack of data quality control measures or inconsistencies in
data formats can hinder the accuracy and reliability of
information within the system.
 Economy: include high operational costs, inefficient resource

allocation, or budget constraints that limit investments in

system improvements.
 Ineffective cost-benefit analysis or ROI assessment for

system upgrades or enhancements can lead to suboptimal

financial decisions.
 Control: involve issues with data governance, access controls,

or compliance with regulatory requirements related to water

supply services.
 Efficiency: include redundant processes, manual interventions, or lack of
workflow automation that slow down operations and decision-making.
 Suboptimal resource utilization, such as underutilized software features or
insufficient staff training, can affect the overall efficiency of the system.
 Service: manifest as poor customer service experiences, delays in
responding to service requests, or limited self-service options for
customers. - Inadequate communication channels or feedback mechanisms
between service providers and customers can impede service quality and
satisfaction levels.
Practices to be preserved
Some practices that should be preserved to ensure the system's
efficiency, reliability, and effectiveness:
 Data Quality Control: Implementing robust data quality
control measures to ensure that the information stored in the
system is accurate, consistent, and reliable. Regular data
validation, cleansing, and verification processes should be
conducted to maintain data integrity.
 Security and Privacy Measures: Maintaining strong security protocols and
privacy controls to protect sensitive information stored in the system. This
includes implementing access controls, encryption techniques, and regular
security audits to safeguard data from unauthorized access or breaches.
 Regular Maintenance and Updates: Conducting regular maintenance
activities and system updates to ensure that the software, hardware, and
infrastructure components of the system are up-to-date and functioning
optimally. This helps prevent system failures, improve performance, and
address potential vulnerabilities.
Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with stakeholders, including
water supply service providers, customers, regulatory bodies, and
other relevant parties, to gather feedback, address concerns, and
ensure that the system meets their needs and requirements.
Effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders are
essential for system success.
 Training and Capacity Building: Providing training programs
and capacity-building initiatives for staff members involved in
managing and using the system
-This helps enhance their skills, knowledge, and

proficiency in utilizing the system effectively and


Continuous Improvement: Emphasizing a culture of

continuous improvement by regularly evaluating the
system's performance, identifying areas for enhancement,
and implementing strategic changes to optimize operations.
 Monitoring key performance indicators and metrics
can help track progress and drive ongoing
 Disaster Recovery Planning: Developing
comprehensive disaster recovery plans and backup
strategies to mitigate risks associated
 with data loss, system downtime, or other unforeseen events.
Having contingency measures in place ensures business
continuity and minimizes disruptions to water supply services

 Proposed solution for the new system that addresses

problems of the existing system
 Essential use case
 An essential use case is a structured narrative, expressed in the
language of the application domain and of users, comprising a
simplified, generalized,
 abstract, technology-free and implementation independent
description of one task or interaction that is complete,
meaningful, and well-defined from the point of view of
users in some role or roles in relation to a system and that
embodies the purpose or intentions underlying the
interaction the list all the use case are
 Create manual account
 Delete manual file
 payment based on paper
 Maintenance order
 Calculate cSearch manual account
 Make ost of bill
 Prepare manual bill card
 View bill cost etc.
Requirement analysis

 Functional requirements
 Functional requirement is concerned with actual
performance of the system that is going to be developed.
In addition, it does describe the functionality or service
provide by the new System .It also describes the
interactions between the system and the user. The new
system is expected to provide the following functionality:
 The manage account.
 Registration Service.
 Maintenance Service.
 It allows payment service.
 Can view report.
 Give calculate the bill cost Service.
 Can generating bill or displaying monthly fee
II User requirements

User requirements are statements, in a natural
language plus diagrams, of what services the system is
expected to provide to system users and the constraints
under which it must operate. That describes user goals
or tasks that the users must be able to perform with the
system. User requirements therefore describe what the
user will be able to do with the system. (Sawyer S.)
 The user interface shall be menu driven, it shall provide dialog

boxes; help screens, drop down lists, radio buttons, check boxes

and text boxes for user input.

 The navigation from one screen to the other must be easy.
 The bill officer wants to get real report according to the report type.
 Customers will send service maintenance order to the target place.

System requirements

 The client PC running the system may use any of the

following operating system:
 1 GHz processor or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64).
 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit or 2 GB of RAM for 64-bit
 16 GB of hard drive space for 32-bit or 20 GB for 64- bit
 But the system needs to fulfill the following software:
o Operating system: MS-window 2003, 2008 server will be used for the
o Database management software (DBMS): is the mandatory one for
the new system. To implement the database easily, (mysql) is
o Application software: to develop user and administrative interface it
also used for connecting to the database, Most MS-Office
applications are appropriate.
Non Functional requirements

 Nonfunctional requirements are the ones that relate with the

reliability of the system. These Requirements indirectly affect
the performance of the system. They are used to build quality
of the system. The following are the non-functional
requirements for the new system
 Error handling: -The system handles errors by giving error-
 Availability: -The organization gets 24/7 of available services.
 Usability: -Since the system is easily accessed, it is easily used everywhere
in which Internet connection is is available if and only if
internet connection is available
 Portability: A language is said to be portable, if its source code is compiled
(Accessed) by any computer system, regardless of the operating system on
which the user is compelling. Thus, having this in mind, our system is
portable at all, Because we have implemented, the project using an object-
oriented language
 Security: The state of organization can be free from external author.

3. System Description and Design

3.1. Introduction
This chapter mainly concerned with the design part of system. In
this chapter we will see the different type of class type architecture
such as System use case, System use case description, sequence
diagram , activity diagram , Class diagram, User interface flow
diagram , database design are also to be covered in this chapter.
3.2. System use case

Figure 4 system use case diagram

3.2.1 Actor Description

 Actors’ are parties that outside the system that have

direct interaction with the system. Actors are defined
in a use case diagram as a stick figure and represent
external factors that will provide Interaction with the
system the actors achieve the systems of TCAWSSO
are listed below
 Customer: Is the actor who is act into the system to get service.
 Apply registration
 Order or request maintenance service.
 View his/her own report
 Meter reader: an employee who is responsible to check the monthly

reading water consumption

 Record water consumption
 View value of meter

 Administrator: Is the actor that has the privilege of

managing the overall activities of the user Account

such as.
 Create account
 Delete account.
 Update account

 Manager: Is an employee, who works on customer

and employee service office, which have Responsible

for view comments

 View report.
 Control all services.

Technician: An employee who controls mainly the

overall maintenance service of customers specifically

he/she has the following activities.

 Reply maintenance order.
 Receive maintenance order.
 Assign technician maintenance order
3.3. System use case description
Table 14 apply registration

Use case name Apply registration

Use case number UC1

Description The customer requests the service by using webbased application of

Actor Customer

Pre-condition The customer uses web-based service.

Basic course of action (Flow of event) 1. Customer open home page

2.customer enter user name and password

4. The customer wants to register by selecting register link.

5. The system displays the register form page.

6. The customer fills the inputs his/her required status.

7. The system displays the id no and information’s of the customer.

8. End user condition

Alternate course of action 3.if customer enters incorrect user name and password back to step 2

Post-condition The customers register successfully.

Table 15 maintenance order
Use case name Maintenance order
Use case number UC2
Description The customer enables to select the technical link and fill the Request.

Actor Customer
Pre-condition The customer must have on web-based service.
Basic course of action (Flow of event): 1. Customer open the homepage

2. Customer enter username password

3. Click the submit button

5. The customer selecting manager link.

6. The system displays the manager form page.

7. The customer fills the inputs his/her required information.

8. The customer click submit button.

10. The system displays the customer’s request information.

11. End user condition.

Alternate course of action 4. if the username and password is invalid back to step 2

9. If the input information is false back to step 7

Post-condition Maintenance order record to the system.

Table 16 assign technician
Use case name Assign technician

Use case number UC3

Description The technician used to assign

Actor Technician

Pre-condition Technician has available and have web-based service.

Basic course of action or Flow of event 1.The Technician open homepage

2. Enter username and password

3. Click submit button

5. The technician selects assign technician link.

6. The system displays the assign technician page.

7. The technician press assign icon.

8. The system displays their data to technician from TCAWS SO Database.

9. End user condition

Alternate course of action 4. If the username and password is invalid back to step 2

Post-condition The technician assign technician.

Table 17 Update maintenance order
Use case name Update maintenance order

Use case number UC4

Description Receive, assign technician and approve customer maintenance order.

Actor Technician

Pre-condition Technician has available and have web-based service

Basic course of action or Flow of event 1. The Technician Open the homepage.

2.Sign in

3. Enter user name and password.

4. System validates the address.

6. Checks and see the problem and identify the customers who send the order.

7. Take the order from the customer.

8. End user condition.

Alternate course of action 5. If the username and password is invalid back to step 3

Post-condition Assign technician for the service being transferred.

Table 18 view report
Use case name View report

Use case number UC5

Description The manager used to view report.

Actor Manager

Pre-condition The system has recorded data.

Basic course of action Flow of event 1. Manager open homepage

2. Enter username and password

3. Click the submit button

5 The manager selects view report link.

6. The system displays the view report page.

7. The manager press view icon.

8. The system displays their data to manager from TCAWSSO database.

9. End user condition.

Alternate course of action 4. If the username and password is invalid back to step 2

Post-condition The manager views the report.

Table 19 create account

Use case name Create account

Use case number UC6

Description Used to create account for users.

Actor Administrator

Pre-condition The administrator has on the web-based service

Basic course of Action 1. The admin open homepage

2. Enter username and password

3. Click submit button

5. The administrator selects create account link.

6. The system displays create account page.

7. The administrator fills the required information.

8. The administrator submits to the system.

10. The system registers the users into the system.

11. End user condition

Alternate course of action 4. If the username and password incorrect back to step 2

9. If the required information is invalid back to step 7

Post-condition The account is successfully created.

Table 20 control service

Use case name Control service

Use case number UC7

Description The manager used to control activities of services.

Actor Manager

Pre-condition The manager has on the web-based service.

Basic course of action Flow of event 1. Manager open homepage

2. Enter username and password

3. Click submit button

5. The manager selects activity link.

6. The system displays the activity page.

7. The manager checks service on database.

8. End user condition.

Alternate course of action 4. If the username and password is invalid back to step 2

Post-condition The activities controlled by the manager.

Table 21 delete account

Use case name Delete account

Use case number UC8
Description It Allows administrator to disable user account
Actor Administrator
Pre-condition The admin must be on system and user account must be registered in the Database.

Basic course of action (Flow of event) 1. The admin open homepage

2. Enter username and password

3. Click submit button

5. The administrator wants to disable account and link.

6. The system displays the disable account page.

7. Administrator fills information

8. The administrator submits to system.

10. The account is the disable from the system.

11. The system displays confirm message.

12. End user condition.

Alternative course of action 4. If the username and password is invalid back to step 2

9.If the filled information is invalid back to step 7

Post-condition The users’ account successfully deleted.

Table 22 login
Use case name Log in

Use case number UC9

Description A member login to TCAWSSO uses their appropriate user name and password.

Actor Bill officer, technician, customer, administrator, manager, Meter reader

Pre-condition The actors must be on web-based service

Basic course of action 1. Open home page

2. From home page there is login form with sign in button

3. Enter username and password.

4. Submit login button

6. User login to the system.

7. End user condition.

Alternative action 5. If the user name and password are not correct, try again Go to 3.

Post-condition The actors enter to the System.

Table 23 view payment report
Use case name View payment report

Use case number UC10

Description The system calculates the cost of bill.

Actor Bill officer

Pre-condition Must have web-based service and meter reading value.

Basic course of action (Flow of event): 1. Bill officer open the homepage.

2. Bill officer enter user name and password.

3.submit to the system

5. Bill officer enter current values meter reading.

6. Click submit button

8. The system to calculate the cost.

9. End user condition

Alternating course of action 4. If the username and password is invalid Go to 2 to fill

7. If the value is invalid information entry. Go to 5 to fill

Post- condition The customer’s bill is calculated.
Table 24 reads meter
Use case name Reads meter

Use case number UC11

Description The system views the meter value

Actor Meter reader

Pre-condition Must have web-based service and meter reading


Basic course of action (Flow of event): 1. Open the homepage.

2. Meter reader enters user name and password.

3. Meter reader submits to the system

5. Meter reader enters current values meter


6. Click submit button

8. The system to calculate the cost.

9. End user condition

Alternating course of action 4. If the username and password is invalid Go to 2
to fill again. 7. If the value is invalid information
entry. Go to 5 to fill again.
Post- condition Meter reader reads meter value.
Table 25 record water consumption
Use case name Record water consumption

Use case number UC12

Description The system records the water consumption.

Actor Meter reader

Pre-condition Must have web-based service and meter reading value.

Basic course of action (Flow of event): 1. Open the homepage.

2. Meter reader enters user name and password.

3. Meter reader submit to the system

5. Meter reader enters current values meter reading.

6. Click submit button

8. The system to calculate the cost.

9. End user condition

Alternating course of action 4. If the username and password is invalid Go to 2 to fill again.

7. If the value is invalid information entry. Go to 5 to fill again.

Post- condition Meter reader record water consumption.

Table 26 logout

Use case name Logout

Use case number UC13

Description A member logout form TCAWSSO.

Actor Bill officer, technician, customer,

administrator, manager, Meter reader
Pre-condition Must have internet access

Basic course of action 1.Back to home page

2.Click sign out button

3. System validates the address

4. User logout from the system.

5. End user condition

Post-condition The actor’s logout from the System
3.4. Sequence diagram

 A sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged in time sequence. In

particular, it shows the Instances participating in the interaction by their
“lifelines” and the Stimuli that they arranged In Time sequence. It does
not show the associations among the objects. Sequence diagrams are
used to model the logic of usage scenarios or the description of the
potential of way the system used. Sequence diagrams are a great way to
validate and modifying the logic of use case scenarios and to document
design of the system.
 Diagram

Figure 5 sequence diagram for login


Figure 6 sequence diagram for crate form


Figure 7 sequence diagram for view form


Figure 8 sequence diagram for apply registration


Figure 9 sequence diagram for bill calculation form


Figure 9 sequence diagram for bill

calculation form

Figure 10 sequence diagram for assign technician form


Figure 11 sequence diagram for meter

reader view form

Figure 12 sequence diagram for maintenance order

3.5. Activity diagram
 An activity diagram is a variation of a state machine in which the states
represent the performance of actions or sub activities and the transitions are
some event that sets a course of action in Motion by the completion of the
actions or sub activities. It represents a state machine of Procedure itself.
Activity diagrams model is a high level business, processes, or transitions
between states of a class. In this activity diagram we tried to document the
flow of logic for the major business processes of this project. The activity
diagram below shows the users activity performed on the web base System
of Tepi City Administration water supply services office

Figure 13 activity diagrams for login


Figure 14 activity diagram for create account


Figure 15 activity diagrams for registration


Figure 16 activity diagrams for bill


Figure 17 activity diagrams for meter reader


Figure 18 activity diagrams for assign technician


Figure 19 activity diagrams for maintenance order


Figure 20activity diagrams for view report

3.6. Class diagram
 Class diagrams in the Unified Modeling Language is a type of static
structure diagram that Describes the structure of a system by showing the
system's classes, their attributes, operations and the relationship among the
classes. The class diagram with its corresponding objects will be present in
the following diagram

Figure 23 Class modeling

State Chart Modeling
In this part the team used to model the behaviors of
the objects by drawing the state diagram. The state
diagram depicts the state of objects as their
attributes change from one state to the other state.
State chart modeling is used to show the sequence
of states that an object goes through, the events
that cause the transition from one state to the other
and the actions that result from a state change.
 The following figure shows the state of the
objects of the corresponding use cases. Some
of them are:-

Fig 24: State chart diagram for login


Fig 25 State chart diagram for record


Fig 26 State chart diagram for record

meter reading

Fig 27 State chart diagram for

Customer register

Fig State chart diagram for create

Collaboration diagrams
 A collaboration diagrams are visual
representation of the relationships and
interactions among objects in the unified
modeling language (UML).

Figure 28 collaboration diagrams for


Figure 27 collaboration diagrams for


 The proposed web-based water supply service

information management system offers a

comprehensive solution to streamline operations,

improve efficiency, and enhance customer service

for the organization. By implementing this system,

you can achieve significant benefits such as:

 Increased operational efficiency: Improved
data management, automated workflows, and
real-time access to information will lead to
faster response times and reduced
administrative burden.
 Enhanced customer service: Customers will

have access to self-service portals for

account management, bill payments, and leak
reporting, resulting in a more convenient and
positive experience.
 Improved decision-making: Data-driven
insights will enable informed decision-
making regarding resource allocation,
infrastructure maintenance, and service
improvement initiatives.
 We are confident that this system will be a

valuable asset to your organization,

contributing to a more sustainable and
efficient water supply service.

 END of Chapter

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