Introduction To IT (Lecture#1)

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Lecture # 1

Introducing Computer Systems

Information Technology

 The branch of Engineering that deals with the

use of Computers and Telecommunications to
retrieve, store and transmit information

 Any computer based tool that people use to

work with information & support the
information & information processing needs
of an organization
Information Technology

 A set of tools that enables you to work more
efficiently and effectively with information

 Rationally speaking people and information

are the most important resources within MIS,
not Technology

 Most of organizations need all three.

Understanding Your Computer

The purpose of a computer is to process data into


Data • Data that has been summarized or
otherwise manipulated for use in
• The raw facts and decision making

figures that are

processed into
What is Data?
“A collection of raw facts that describes a phenomenon”
– Current temperature
– Price of a movie rental
– Your age etc.

“A message which source wants to communicate to the

e.g Text, Voice, Image, movies, Music etc

What Is Information?
 It has the particular meaning within a specific

 Every surprising/new thing is information

 Reduction of redundancy in data

• For example if you are trying to decide what to

wear, the current temperature is information
because it is logical help to your decision.
Data Vs. Information

What are data and information?

Collection of raw
unprocessed facts, figures,
and symbols from various

Data that is organized,
meaningful, and useful
Information Technology
A set of tools that enables
Facts us to work with information
presented in
a meaningful Hardware •Application software
•Input devices
fashion. •Output devices
e.g.MS-office S/W, media
software, business software
•Telecommunication •System software e.g.
devices operating system software,
•Storage devices utility software

Personal Computers
Wireless Networks
Cellular technology
Information Technology

Technical definition:

“The capability to electronically input, process,

store, output, transmit, and receive data and
information, including text, graphics, sound,
and video, as well as the ability to control
machines of all kinds electronically.”
Dimension of Information

• Personal
Time:- Access to info when you need it and
information that describes the time period you are
Location:- Access to information no matter where
you are
Form:- Information in a form that is most usable
and understandable and information that is free of
e.g Audio, Text, Video, Animation, Graph,
Defective products etc
Dimension of Information
• Organizational

Information Flows:- Up, Down, Horizontal, inward/outward

{(Strategies, goals, directives), (Current State of the

Organization), (Relation b/w Functional unites and work
teams), (Customers, Suppliers, Partners)}

What Information Describes:-

Internal (specific operational aspects)

External (Surrounding environment)
Objective (Something known)
Subjective (Something unknown)
Benefits of IT
Benefits of IT

• Computers can perform complex calculations,
recall stored information, transmit information
from one location to another in a split of a
• A computer can perform a task the same way
every time.
Benefits of IT
• Computers can detect minute differences that
people can not see.
• In automobile manufacturing embedded
computer system helps precise placement of a
• Reliability comes with speed, consistency and
What is a System?
• A system is…
– A set of interrelated components
– With a clearly defined boundary
– Working together
– To achieve a common set of objectives
– By accepting inputs and producing outputs
– In an organized transformation process
Basic Functions of a System
• Input
– Capturing and assembling elements that enter the
system to be processed
• Processing
– Transformation process that converts input into
• Output
– Transferring transformed elements to their
ultimate destination
What is an Information System?
• An organized combination of…
– People
– Hardware and software
– Communication networks
– Data resources
– Policies and procedures
• This system…
– Stores, retrieves, transforms, and disseminates
information in an organization
What is an Information System?
• A system that collects, processes, stores,
analyzes, and disseminates information.

Data Calculations
Collect Produce
Instructions Inputs Outputs
Transform Reports


• Online bill payment system at a bank

• A support website of a product

• Computer system used to process orders

for a business
Management Information System (MIS)

Technical definition:

“MIS deals with the planning for,

development, management, and use of
information technology tools to help people
perform all tasks related to information
processing and management.”
What Makes Information Useful?
• It is accurate • It is relevant
– Free of errors – Applies to the issue under
• It is complete • It is timely
– Includes everything needed – Available when needed
• It is flexible • It is verifiable
– Can be viewed in various – Basis for results can be
ways traced
• It is reliable • It is accessible
– Results are always – All those who need the
consistent information can get to it
• It is secure
– Free from contamination
(accidental or deliberate)
Measuring IT Success

• Efficiency
– Minimize cost, time, and use of information
• Effectiveness
– Support business strategies
– Enable business processes
– Enhance organizational structure and culture
– Increase customer and business value
Developing IS Solutions
Where Computers Are Used:

• Teaching and
testing aid
• Learning by doing
• Computer-based
Where Computers Are Used:

• Bar codes for pricing

and inventory
• Shipping
Where Computers Are Used:
• Locate oil, coal, natural gas, and uranium
• Monitor the power network
• Meter reading
Where Computers Are Used:
• Billing • Feed combinations
• Crop information • Livestock breeding and
Where Computers Are Used:
Health and Medicine

• Monitor patients
• Electronic imaging
• Diagnose illnesses
• Tele-health
Where Computers Are Used:

• Perform jobs that are dangerous for

• Factory work
IT In Support of Business
Credit Card, Debit Card, ATM Card

Bar Code Security Access


On-Line Conferences
IT In Support of Business

Operational Excellence

 Within the context of efficiency

 Doing things right
 In the least amount of time
 At the least expense
 With the fewest numbers of errors
Thank You

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