Emergence of Corporate Governance, Objectives Thereof, and Parties Thereto

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Emergence of Corporate

Governance, Objectives thereof,

and Parties thereto

Dr. Sujata Bali,

Associate Professor, School of Law,
UPES, Dehradun
James Wolfensohn, former
President of the World Bank,
predicted in 2000,
“The proper Governance of
companies will become
as crucial to the world as
the proper governing of
the nations.”
Conceptual Origin:
Adam Smith (1716), Alfred Marshall (1920), and Berle and
Means (1932).

A.A. Berle, Jr. (1959) stated that a company is not merely a

legal institution. It is rather a legal device for the
attainment of any social or economic end and to a large
extent publicly and socially responsible.

Emphatic origin
Financial frauds and Scams.
Geographical Origin- USA & UK.
USA- ‘agency theory’.
UK- Cadbury Committee Report (1992).
M.M. Blair (2001) points out that the phrase corporate
governance came into prominent use in the 1980s, and
is often used narrowly to refer to the mechanism and
rules that govern the relationships among direct
corporate participants in the publicly traded firms,
especially shareholders, directors, managers, and
sometimes employees.
More on Cadbury committee, 1992 (UK)
established under the chairmanship of Sir Adrain
Cadbury by the London Stock Exchange (LSE), and
Financial Reporting Council (FRC). This committee
had a mandate to report on the, “financial aspects of
corporate governance”.
Perspectives on Corp. Gov.:
1. Shareholder or Capital Market Control
2. Organization or Management Control
3. Stakeholder- Control Perspective
Theories of Corporate Governance
1. Agency theory
2. Stewardship theory
3. Stakeholder theory
4. Sociological theory
5. Resource Dependency Theory
6. Transaction Cost Theory
7. Hazard Moral Theory
8. Political Theory
9. Ethics Theory
10. Information Asymmetry Theories
11. Theory of Efficient markets
Stakeholders in corporate Governance/
Parties to Corporate Governance
Internal or visibly
associated Stakeholders External Stakeholders
 Creditors,
 Shareholders/Investors  Customers/Consumers
 Board of Directors  Stock Exchanges
 Management  Intermediaries
 Employees  Business Partners
 Local community
 Government
 Society/ Nation
 World Community
Models of Corporate Governance:

Anglo-American Model
German Model
Japanese Model
Indian Model ?
Objectives of Corporate
Governance may include:
Curtailment of mismanagement.
Protecting investor interest.
Protecting the interest of other stakeholders.
Increasing efficiency of human resources.
Enhancing Goodwill and Market value thereby attracting
foreign investment.
Ensuring capital market stability.
Ensuring optimum utilization of corporate and national
Aiming for Sustainable development.
Ensuring Rule of Law.

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