Hinduism produced many philosophical work and texts, among which Gita is considered the most sacred and philosophical scripture. Not only by Hindus, but Gita is popular across religions all over the world.
The Gita is a message of eternity, and it has a timeless significance for every one of us. The vicissitudes of life have no impact upon this message, because it arises from a source that transcends the transitions of life. It is a message which embodies the knowledge of what is ultimately real.
It is the essence of Vedic knowledge and one of the most important Upanishads in Vedic literature, The Bhagavad-Geeta comprises of 18 Chapters and 700 verses of the Gita with a beautiful accompaniment of flute, veena, sitar, mridanga, tabla and tala...The Mahabharata confirms that Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-Gita to Arjuna at the Battle of Kuruksetra in 3137 B.C.. According to
It contains the essence of all the four vedas and yet its style is so simple that after a little study, anyone can easily follow the structure of the words. Yet.. it is so profound that even a life long study may not reveal the depth of meaning. As a reader grows in maturity, the same words reveal more and more facets of thought and hence the Gita remains eternally new.
followed with satsang being preached by many saints who have disciples from all over the world.
According to Swami Vivekananda, "If one reads this one Shloka one gets all the merits of reading the entire Gita; for in this one Shloka lies imbedded the whole Message of the Gita. It means: Do not yield to unmanliness, O son of Prith. It does not become you. Shake off this base faint-heartnedness and arise, O scorcher of enemies!
GITA TEACHES US THAT: "There is no superior caste. The Universe is the work of the Immense Being. The beings created by him were only divided into castes according to their aptitude."
Religion does not become religion and the spiritual does not become spirituality unless our outlook in respect of the whole of life gets tuned up to the demands of the nature of God and the internal relationship that subsists among God, world and soul. There is a universe which is not exhausted by human society yet, this world of nature and its rivers, mountains and the solar system is not unimportant. You are expected to cooperate and collaborate with the world of Nature in as efficient a manner as you perform the duty in respect to yourself and human society. You owe a duty to the various sides of human life, to human beings, to your ancestors, to the gods in heaven, to the sages of wisdom, and even to the beasts and animals. You have duties, not rights, in this world.
Lord Krishna replies: Undoubtedly,O Mighty armed, it is very difficult to control the ever moving mind.However O son of Kunti, through sincere practice and dispassionate detachment (vairagya) it can be achieved.
According to bhagavad gita stress cannot be managed properly without achieving stability of mind. Stability of mind means to remain same in all conditions and in all circumstances.
stress and hypertension are having a telling effect on productivity and health, making the West look to the Spiritual East' for remedy.
Forming a vision Planning the strategy to realize the vision. Cultivating the art of leadership. Building an innovative organization. Developing human resources. Building teams and teamwork. Delegation, motivation, and communication. Reviewing performance and taking corrective steps when called for.
Gita says, that the soul development of a family is only possible when the women stated as mother is given due respect and importance in the family. In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, in fact a superior position to, men. It is a culture whose only words for strength and power are feminine -"Shakti'' means "power'' and "strength.'' In Vedic times women and men were equal as far as education and religion was concerned.
A woman should be in true sense be respected as per Indian thought and philosophy and therefore she should not remain as an object of desire but be given equal opportunity and voice.
The philosophy of all the Upanishads is summarized in four verses, which are called Mahavakyas (great utterances). These are: aham Brahmasmi , tat tvam asi , prajnanam Brahma and ayam atma Brahma. In different ways and by different words, all these four Mahavakyas simply confirm the fact that an individual regardless of religion, race, culture, gender, color, cast, creed or geographic location is atman clothed in a physical body. The physical body we get is the result of our past karma. What we are now is the result of our past practice and again practice makes us what we shall be. The differences between individuals exist only at physical level. There are no spiritual differences between man and woman.
Like a man, she is the soul in bondage and the goal of her life is the same as that of man, spiritual perfection or moksha through selfless work, meditation and yoga. Hindus have elevated women to the level of divinity. They worship God in the form of Divine Mother. However, the status of women in Hindu society has also been affected by factors other than the ideals set forth in the Vedas and Upanishads, such as cultural mores and the exploitation of the biological and psychological differences between men and women. Therefore, on an individual and social level, complete and total equality of women is a goal that Hindu society (and other societies) is still striving for. As Swami Vivekananda says, we must realize that man and woman are two wings of the same bird; that in order to truly soar to great heights, a man and woman must work in unison in order to achieve greater harmony in life.
Following are some of the Slokas from Bhagavad Gita with their meanings:
"Cancalam Hi Manah Krsna Pramathi Balavaddrdham Tasyaham Nigraham Manye Vayoriva Suduskaram"
This Sloka states that the Individual self is the traveler in the chariot of the material body and the intelligence is the driver. Mind is the driving instrument and the senses are the horses. Thus, the self is the enjoyer or sufferer in the relationship of the mind and senses.
The Sloka says that God is detached and passionless strength of the dominant and the virtuous craving in men.
"Ye Caiva Sattvika Bhava Rajasastamasasca Ye Matta Everti Tanviddhi Na Tvaham Tesu Temayi"
This Shloka tells that God is the only source of all good (satva), obsessive (rajas) and dark (tamas) elements still, they are not within the God nor the deity is within them.
This Sloka states that the whole world is engrossed in the three elements of Satva, Raja, and Tama .This is the reason, people don't recognize the Eternal God who is beyond them.
"Daivi Hyesa Gunamayi Mama Maya Duratyaya Mameva Ye Prapadyante Mayametam Taranti Te"
The Shloka states that the celestial maya of God with its threefold attributes is very complex. Yet, those who worship God are able to conquer it. "Na Mam Duskrtino Mudhah Prapadyante Naradhamah Mayayapahrtajnana Asuram Bhavamasritah" This Shloka says that people who are attracted by maya of God lose their mind. They get fascinated by the baser impulses and stop worshipping God. These people are stupid and evil who don't even understand that all these things are part of the web created by the Almighty.
Submitted by: Kritansha Arora Shivangi Chauhan Vritika Shrivastava Rama Dwivedi Suruchi Sharma Priyanshu johra Swati Gupta Vibhuti tondon