CH 6 - Compound Word

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By: Sari Famularsih, M.A.

A compound word is a form of new word that is joined

of two or more separate words that has different
meaning from the original. For example, the
“newspaper” is united from “news” and “paper”. When
it stands as a single word “news” means berita and
“paper” means kertas. However, when those words are
united, the meaning is not kertas berita, but
appropriately koran.
Below is the examples’ list of compound words:

No. Words Part 1 Part 2 Meanings

Word P-o-S Word P-o-S

1. doghouse dog noun house Noun rumah anjing

2. nightmare night noun mare Noun mimpi buruk

3. fireman fire noun man Noun pemadam kebakaran

4. somebody some adj body Noun seseorang

5. toothpick tooth noun pick Verb tusuk gigi

6. without with conj out adj Tanpa

7. breakfast break verb fast noun Sarapan

8. lifetime life noun time noun seumur hidup

9. grandson grand adj son noun Kakek

10 kidnap kid noun nap noun Menculik


Noun + Noun Adjective + Noun

e.g.: catfish; chairman; earphone. e.g.: somebody; freeman;


Preposition + Verb +
Noun + Verb or
Preposition Preposition
Verb + Noun
e.g.: within; onto: into e.g.: put off, check in, keep on e.g.: warsaw; watchman;
In the written form, a compound word has some types:

1 3
written as one word, such hyphenated, such as:
as: catfish, baseball, and by-pass, by-product, Note that the plural form of a
notebook. bus-stop hyphenated word is built with adding
–s or –es in the end of the word.

For instance:
Singular word: mother–in-law
Plural word: mothers–in-law
2 Singular word: by–product
written as separate Plural word: by–products
words, such as: snake
bean, star war, aircraft
1. Split the following compound words into 2. Combine the words below to make a
their parts (also attach the part of speech)! compound word then find the equivalent
meaning in Bahasa Indonesia!

a. Skate + board = -----------------( )

a. Airliner b. Brain + storm = -----------------( )
b. Backward c. Flag + pole = -----------------( )
c. playground d. Grand + stand = -----------------( )
d. Rainfall e. Quick + silver = -----------------( )
e. Gearbox f. Land + mark = -----------------( )
f. thanksgiving g. Eye + brow = -----------------( )
g. themselves h. Mail + box = -----------------( )
h. thereby i. Sea + weed = -----------------( )
i. headlight j. Goal + keeper = -----------------( )
j. withdraw k. Butter + fingers = ----------------( )
l. Nurse + maid = ----------------( )
m. Out + come = -----------------( )
n. Run + away = -----------------( )
o. Hand + shake = -----------------( )
3. Part 1: Circle the compound word in the sentence below!

a. The boys were playing volleyball at Amsterdam Park.

b. Rachel made a cake for Rizal’s birthday.
c. I need somebody to wash my car.
d. Briana eats pancakes greedily.
e. Dominic is watering her sunflower.

Part 2: Circle the compound word in each group.

a. gardening sunglasses helped build

b. sadness keeper snowflake stingy
c. peanut player failure successes
d. development beauty dragonfly enthusiastic
e. books children mailbox brought
4. Read the following article below then list the compound word of the passage.

Red Sea’s Glowing Corals are Rainbow of Colors

Deep in the Red Sea, beyond the reach of most scuba divers, coral reefs are putting on a
glowing, colorful show, scientists have discovered.
Researchers found the radiant corals more than 160 feet (50 meters) below the surface of the
Red Sea, which separates Africa from the Arabian Peninsula. At these depths, corals stay
mostly in the dark. Yet, despite their limited exposure to light, they glow brightly in fluorescent
yellow, fiery orange, forest green and mustard yellow, in researchers' photographs. These
luminous rainbow-colored corals could be used to develop new tools for viewing microscopic
objects in medical research, researchers said.
The corals' glow comes from fluorescent pigments, noted study co-author Jörg Wiedenmann, a
professor of biological oceanography at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom.
"These fluorescent pigments are proteins," Wiedenmann said in a statement. "When they are
illuminated with blue or ultraviolet light, they give back light of longer wavelengths, such as
reds or greens."
Corals that live at depths of between 100 feet and 330 feet (30 to 100 m) are called
mesophotic corals because of the limited amount of light that reaches them. The word
"mesophotic" translates to "meso" for "middle" and "photic" for "light." There are limited data on
their distribution, quantities and way of life. Typically, special equipment — such as
autonomous underwater vehicles and remotely operated submarines — is needed to access
the reefs.
"Advances in technical diving have enabled us to explore coral communities from these deep waters,"
said study lead author Gal Eyal, a Ph.D. candidate in the zoology department at Tel-Aviv University in
"Since only the blue parts of the sunlight penetrate to depths greater than 50 metres [164 feet], we
were not expecting to see any red coloration around," Eyal said in a statement. "To our surprise, we
found a number of corals showing an intense green or orange glow. This could only be due to the
presence of fluorescent pigments."
Colorful corals are most often associated with shallow waters — the amount of sunlight they receive
determines how much pigment they produce. In deeper waters, however, some corals can produce
pigment independently from the amount of sunlight that manages to penetrate their habitat, according
to researchers. These corals can switch from their natural green tinge to a mature red color without
The researchers suggest that the fluorescent pigments in the corals fulfill a specific biological function,
though the specifics are unknown. The fluorescent pigment is what makes the corals especially useful
for developing advanced medical imaging tools, the researchers said.
For instance, in lab experiments, the corals' florescent proteins could attach to specific living cells and
track their movement. Red fluorescent proteins, which emit longer-wavelength light, are easier to
detect because they can more easily penetrate cells, according to the study.
"Their optical properties potentially make them important tools for biomedical imaging applications, as
their fluorescent glow can be used to highlight living cells or cellular structures of interest under the
microscope, Wiedenmann said. "They could also be applied to track cancer cells or as tools to screen
for new drugs."

Taken from:, written by Elizabeth Goldbaum

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