Lec6 Cons Inv 2

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C o n s u m pti o n and Investment

Souvik Dutt a
• Tinti n became a reporter today.
He is 20 years old.
• He plans to work until age 60 and
expects to die at age 80.
• He expects to earn 150 francs
every year he works (Y ).
• Spreading resources earned
during his service life ( S ) over the
remaining years of life (T ),
Tintin will spend
S ×Y
C = .
or 100 francs every
Applicati on 1: m p c and nature of income

Suppose annual income rises by ∆ Y .

• If this increase is permanent,

• the increase in annual consumption will be
S ×∆Y
∆C = .
• Therefore, mpc = ∆∆ YC =ST
• If this increase is transitory,
• the increase in annual consumption will be

∆C = .
• Therefore, mpc = ∆C
∆Y =T1
Applicati on 2: m p c and age distributi on

Consider two individuals, 1 and 2, both of whom will retire at

age R and expect to die at age D . Suppose

• 1’s current age is A 1 .

R− A1
• A’s mpc out of permanent income will be .
• 2’s current age is A 2 .
R− A2
• B’s mpc out of permanent income will be .

If A 1 < A 2 , it can be shown that 1’s mpc is greater than 2’s

Deviations from L C H :

1. Borrowing constraints
2. Myopia
3. Precautionary savings
4. Bequest
• The theory assumes that when current desired consumption
is more than current income, an individual can borrow.
• But borrowing may not be an option for every individual
due to financial market frictions.
Deviations from L C H :

1. Borrowing constraints
2. Myopia
3. Precautionary savings
4. Bequest
• The theory assumes that when current desired consumption
is more than current income, an individual can borrow.
• But borrowing may not be an option for every individual
due to financial market frictions.
Deviations from L C H :

1. Borrowing constraints
2. Myopia
3. Precautionary savings
4. Bequest
• The theory assumes that individuals are able to correctly
value future consumption.
• But individuals could attach too much importance to the
present relative to the future.
Deviations from L C H :

1. Borrowing constraints
2. Myopia
3. Precautionary savings
4. Bequest
• The theory assumes that individuals save/dis-save only to
smooth consumption over the lifetime.
• But individuals could also save for future contingencies such
as unexpected healthcare expense.
Deviations from L C H :

1. Borrowing constraints
2. Myopia
3. Precautionary savings
4. Bequest
• The theory assumes that individuals only save for personal
• But individuals could also save for consumption of future
Inter-temporal model
• Unti l now, we had simply assumed that individuals would
want to smooth consumption.
• Next, we consider a model where an individual optimally
chooses current and future levels of consumption.
• The key feature of this model is that consumer choice must
satisfy an inter-temporal budget constraint.
T h e basic two-period model

• (Y 1 , Y 2 ): income in periods 1 and 2.

• (C 1 , C 2 ): consumption in periods 1 and 2.
• r: interest rate.
• S = Y 1 − C 1 : saving in period 1
• Period 2 budget constraint is:

C 2 = Y 2 + (1 + r ) S
= Y 2 + (1 + r )(Y 1 − C 1 ).

• Re-arranging terms

(1 + r ) C 1 + C 2 = (1 + r)Y 1 + Y 2 .

• Dividing both sides by 1 + r, we have ......

..... the inter-temporal budget constraint:
1 1 .
Y1 2+ r 1+ r
` C ˛+ ¸ x = ` Y ˛+ ¸ x
Present- value o f cons umption Prese nt-val u e of in come
(1  r )Y1 Y 2

Consump =

income in
both periods

F i g u r e 6: Inter-temporal
Y1 budget constraint

Y1 Y 2 (1  r )
The slope of
the budget
line equals 1
(1+r ) (1+r


F i g u r e 7: Inter-temporal budget constraint

An indifference indifference
curve shows curves
all combinations represent
of C1 and C2 that higher levels
make the of happiness.
equally happy. IC2


F i g u r e 8: Consumer preference
C2 The slope of an
Marginal rate of indifference
substitution curve at any
(MRS ): the amount point equals the
of C2 MRS
the consumer 1 at that point.
would be willing to MRS
substitute for
one unit of C1.

F i g u r e 9: Consumer preference
The optimal (C1,C2)
At the optimal point,
is where the budget
MRS = 1+r
just touches
the highest
indifference curve. O


F i g u r e 10: Consumption equilibrium

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