Communicative-Competence Final

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The ultimate goal of the
Language Arts and Multiliteracies
Curriculum is to produce
graduates who apply the
language conventions, principles,
and skills
with in
(2) understanding and learning
other content areas, and
(3) fending for themselves in
whatever field of endeavor
they may engage in.

K to 12 English Curriculum Guide May 2016


It is a synthesis of knowledge of basic

grammatical principles, knowledge of how
language is used in social settings to
perform communicative functions, and how
knowledge of utterances and communicative
functions can be combined according to the
principles of discourse.

Communicative competence is classified into the


1. Grammatical/Linguistic Competence
2. Sociolinguistic Competence
3. Discourse Competence
4. Strategic Competence

It means the acquisition of phonological rules,

morphological words, syntactic rules,
semantic rules and lexical items.
2. Sociolinguistic
Refers to the learning of pragmatic aspect of various speech
acts, namely, the cultural values, norms, and other socio-
cultural conventions in social contexts. They are the context
and topic of discourse, the participant’s social status, sex, age,
and other factors which influence styles and registers of
speech. Since different situations call for different types of
expressions as well as different beliefs, views, values, and
attitudes, the development of sociolinguistic competence is
essential for communicative social action.
3. Discourse Competence

It is the of rules regarding the cohesion

knowledge and coherence (appropriate
combination of communicative actions) of various types
of discourse (oral and written). Sociolinguistic rules of use
and rules of discourse are crucial in interpreting
utterances for social meaning, particularly when the
literal meaning of an utterance does not lead to the
speaker’s intention easily.
3. Discourse Competence

• Discourse, in the broadest sense, refers to language

use in social contexts.
• Two main aspects of discourse competence are
cohesion, and coherence (Celce-Murcia, Dornyei and
Thurrell, 1995).
3. Discourse Competence

• Cohesion refers to using linking expressions, such as

conjunctions or adverbial phrases, to connect ideas.
• A coherent text is the one that makes sense.
• This concept includes clearly and logically indicating
relationships, such as cause-effect and problem-
solution, between ideas or events.
3. Discourse Competence

• Discourse competence also refers to familiarity of

genres (Connor and Mbaye, 2002), such as
conventions, interviews and reports.

• In other words, a discoursally competent speaker or

writer is able to arrange words, phrases and
sentences to structure a text that is appropriate within
a particular genre.
4. Strategic Competence

It is the ability to use the knowledge of verbal and non-

verbal strategies to compensate for breakdown such as
self-correction and at the same time to enhance the
effectiveness of communication such as recognizing
discourse structure, activating background knowledge,
contextual guessing, and tolerating ambiguity.
4. Strategic Competence

• How do you participate in a conversation if you are not

familiar with the topic?

• What can you do if your listeners misunderstood you?

DepEd K – 12 Curriculum Guide for English, page 6

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Reference act01/9243015. Retrieved on August 27, 2021

s Retrieved from

competence/. Retrieved on August 27, 2021

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sociolinguistic-competence/. Retrieved on August 27,

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