Cloud Types

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Cloud Types

What are clouds?

• A cloud is made up of tiny
water droplets and/or ice
crystals, a snowflake is a
collection of many ice
crystals, and rain is just
liquid water.
Cloud Names
• Names of specific types of
clouds are created by
combining the name of the
cloud's shape with the
name of the cloud's height.
Cloud Classification

Clouds are classified into a system

that uses Latin words to describe
the appearance of clouds as seen
by an observer on the ground.

Latin Root Translation Example

cumulus heap fair weather cumulus
stratus layer altostratus
cirrus curl of hair cirrus
nimbus rain cumulonimbus
There are 3 main types of clouds:
• Cumulus or fluffy clouds
• Stratus or layered clouds
• Cirrus or thin feathery clouds

Cumulus Stratus Cirrus

Common Cloud Types
Common Cloud Types
• The word cirrus comes
from a Latin word and
means a tuft or curl of hair.
Cirrus clouds are very
wispy and feathery
• The long stringy cirrus clouds
are called "mares' tails."
High Level Clouds
• High-level clouds form above
20,000 feet (6,000 meters)

• Since the temperatures are so

cold at such high elevations,
these clouds are primarily
composed of ice crystals.

• High-level clouds are typically

thin and white in appearance,
but can appear in a magnificent
array of colors when the sun is
low on the horizon.
Cirrus Clouds
• Cirrus generally occur in fair weather and
point in the direction of air movement at
their elevation.
• Cirrus clouds usually move across the sky
from west to east.
Cirrus Clouds
Low Clouds = Stratus

• Stratus
• Stratocumulus
• Nimbostratus
Stratus Clouds
Stratus Clouds
Low clouds are of made of
water droplets. However,
when temperatures are cold
enough, these clouds may also
contain ice particles and snow.
Stratus Clouds
Stratus Clouds
The word stratus comes from the
Latin word that means "to spread
out." Stratus clouds are
horizontal, layered clouds that
stretch out across the sky like a
Stratus Clouds
• Stratus Clouds stretch across
the sky in low, large flat
layers. They resemble fog,
but they do not reach the
ground. They often produce
mist or drizzle.
Fair Weather Cumulus
Cumulus Clouds
Cumulus Clouds
• Fair weather cumulus have the
appearance of large, puffy,
floating cotton balls and have a
lifetime of 5-40 minutes.
• The word cumulus comes from
the Latin word for a heap or a
Cumulus Clouds
• Harmless fair weather cumulus
clouds can later develop into
towering cumulonimbus clouds
associated with powerful
Cumulonimbus Clouds
Cumulonimbus Clouds
• The clouds that produce heavy
thunderstorms in summer are a form of
cumulus clouds called cumulonimbus.

• Cumulonimbus clouds are much larger and

vertically developed than fair weather

• Cumulonimbus clouds may extend upward

for hundreds of meters.

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