Whats New in 2025

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Shahabaz Bim coordinator

Toposolid Enhancements Use a Shaft on a Toposolid
Excavate volume from a toposolid with an intersecting floor, roof, or toposolid element. Use In previous versions, shaft openings would cut
this tool to create an excavated position in a toposolid for a building, or use a second through the entire toposolid element. Now, the
intersecting toposolid as a parking area excavated from the first. The excavate tool reduces bottom of the shaft is respected in relation to
your need to use mass elements to cut toposolids and then place a floor or similar element. its position within the toposolid. Use shaft
Excavate lets you do this in one step with a single intersecting element. Excavations can be elements in conjunction with toposolids and
removed if your design changes. adjust the bottom of the shaft to model
To excavate a conditions without the shaft element cutting all
the way through the toposolid element.
1.Select a toposolid with an instersecting element (roof, floor, or toposolid).
2.Click Modify | Toposolid tab Toposolid Shaping (Excavate).

3.Select the intersecting element to use for excavation.

4.Click (Modify).
Boolean Surfaces Host
Set Elevation Base from Top Elements
Plane Host elements to the exposed (boolean) surfaces of a toposolid after it has been cut. The
When shape editing a toposolid, or when placing points, use the
boolean surface acts as the original surface of the toposolid element when hosting
Top Plane setting for the elevation base. This setting allows you to
elements such as a railing or planting element.
set and measure elevations from the top plane of the toposolid.
This can make editing a toposurface easier. Add points without the
need to calculate the depth or position of the point. Change the
value as it relates to 0 from its current position.

Toposolid Smooth
Enable smooth shading for improved display of all
toposolid elements in the model. This option
smooths the appearance of toposolids that use these
visual styles: shaded, consistent colors, textures, and
realistic. To turn on this setting, click Massing and
Site Tab Model Site Panel Toposolid
Smooth Shading.
Arrays of 1 and 0 in Coordination Model Changes
You can now flex both linear and radial arrays to values of 1 or 0 in the You can now check changes between two versions of a linked coordination model from
Family Editor. Autodesk Docs using the Coordination Model Changes feature anytime after linking a
In the Properties Palette Other, change the parameter value as desired. coordination model.
Alternatively, you can change the number of elements in the array from the
Modify tab Properties panel Family Types Dialog Other
Example of a parametric family array flexed to 2 in project, then 1 and 0:
IFC Export Category Mapping Templates
Use templates to customize Revit category mapping for IFC exports.
• The Manage IFC Export After logging into your Autodesk Account, in a Revit project containing a linked coordination
Mapping Settings dialog model click Collaborate Coordinate tab Coordination Model Changes button to open the
allows you to create and save Coordination Model Changes palette.
templates for IFC exports. The palette displays an overview of the added, modified or deleted objects, which are
Templates are customized by highlighted on the model too. You can filter the categories to only show added, modified or
setting the IFC Class and .
deleted objects by de-selecting the categories that you do not want to display.
Predefined Type for each This feature is supported for coordination models coming from RVT and DWG file formats.
Revit category. Customized
template settings can be
exported for use in other Use Advance Steel Part and Assembly Marks in Revit
Revit models.
gbXML Update • Create general arrangement
drawings for Steel projects
Revit now supports the most recent using Revit to be better
version of gbXML (v7.03) connected across Design,
Fabrication and Construction,
•Revit is updated to use gbXML by importing the part and
v7.03. The latest schema includes assembly marks from Advance
support for:Extended HVAC system Steel.
•Zone Equipment
•Air Systems
•Water Loops
Background Export to PDF Create Walls with Auto Join and Lock
• PDF Export can be run
in the background. While
the PDF export process
is running, you can
continue to work in your

You can automatically join a newly created architectural wall with the adjacent wall, or join and
lock them together to speed up your modeling process when working with multiple walls

In the Modify | Place Wall tab, Placement panel, click (Auto Join) to only join the new wall
with the adjacent one, or (Auto Join & Lock) to join the walls and lock them to move
together. Any inserted elements in the joined walls will perforate both walls .
The Auto Join and Auto Join & Lock options are only available while using the architectural wall
tool to place walls. They will not be available for creating structural walls or face walls.
Newly created stacked walls and curtain walls cannot auto join or lock to existing walls using
this feature.
If you select Pick Faces in the draw gallery when creating an architectural wall, then the Auto
Join & Lock tool will be automatically disabled.
The existing adjacent walls in previous Revit versions will not automatically join when
upgrading to the new version.

Newly created slanted wall cannot align with the existing slanted or tapered wall, so the (Auto Join &
Lock) does not work in this case, but you can use (Auto Join).
• Previously, when exporting a PDF from Revit, your Revit session would need to complete
the PDF export process before you could continue working. Now, the PDF export process If you select a stacked wall or a curtain wall, the Auto Join and Auto Join & Lock tools are
can be run as a background process, allowing you to continue working on your model disabled. They cannot join to existing walls using this feature.
while the export process completes.
• To enable the Export in Background feature, simply select the "Export in Background"
option in the PDF Export dialog. This will allow you to process the PDF export in the
background while you continue working on your model
Dynamo Updates 3.0.3
Dynamo 3.0.3 introduces package management in a single location, node search by category,
improved Revit sample graphs, and more.

Highlights include:
•Work better with linked models: Multiple nodes are available to work with linked instances, allowing you to understand the position and transforms applied to linked
elements, as well as work with their properties.
•Improved interactions with geometry: You can locate Revit geometry based on the detail level using the new Detail Level and Element.GetGeometry nodes, and access the
element ID associated with the geometry. Clicking on the green element ID button in Dynamo will now also zoom to fit on linked elements in Revit.
•Toposolid nodes: Utilize toposolid nodes to generate toposolid elements within Revit.
•Package Manager: The new Package Manager dialog provides a single location for locating and managing packages. In the Package Manager, you’ll find the following:
•Package search, with a new filtering option to view packages with or without dependencies on other packages
•Package details panel that opens in the Package Manager window
•Updated workflow to upload a new package or a new version of an existing package
•A list of all currently installed packages
•A list of the packages you’ve uploaded
•Access to your package settings
•Search for nodes by category: This improvement to the search enables you to specify node categories with a period. For example, searching for “list.r” returns nodes that
belong to the List category and begin with the letter R.
•More readable Watch node text: Multi-line text is more readable in Watch nodes. Scroll bars, when needed, are visible by default, and you can use the resize handle to
display more text.
•Updated Revit sample files: The Dynamo sample files under Help Samples Revit have been updated to include helpful descriptions that assist you in using the
graph. This update also eliminates overlapping and deprecated nodes.
•Gate node and Remember node in the Dynamo library: The standard Dynamo library now includes the Gate and Remember nodes. The Gate node allows you control the
execution in sections of your graph. An open Gate passes data through unchanged, while a closed Gate sends no data downstream. A Remember node stores the data
passing through it to the Dynamo file and returns the stored data if the input is null
Sheet Collections Multiple Alignment
With the Sheet Collections feature, you can assign any sheet in the model into flexible You can now align and distribute multiple keynotes, text notes, and tags.

This supports custom organization that can be referenced across Revit (such as in views,
schedules, families and filters).
The parameters Sheet Collection and Referencing Sheet Collection are available to
compatible view types in Revit, alongside the existing sheet and view parameters.
The Export\Print dialog includes each Sheet Collection as a dedicated display filter toggle, to
support precise selection of sheets in one or more collections.
Select them, then click Modify tab Multiple Align panel, and select an alignment option:
Import/Export STEP files
Improved Control of Annotations in Bending Details Extended support for CAD files to STEP file types. Import/Link STEP files or Export 3D views
Adjust the position of the embedded tag and dimensions inside bending details. to STEP files.
Import/Link STEP files
Import/link STEP files directly into
your Revit models. This
includes .step, .stp, and .stpz files. When
linked and imported the STEP file is
treated as a 3D Shape. See
About Importing 3D Shapes.
Export STEP files
Export STEP files from 3D views of
your Revit models. Save export setups
•Select and move annotations inside bending details.
for future use in the export dialog. See
•The tag is now embedded in the bending detail.
Export to SAT/STEP.
•For realistic bending details, the tag can be aligned according to the rebar shape family
definition or the view. In Canvas Wall Wrapping Control
Control wall end wrapping conditions with controls in plan views.
Parametric Splicing for Typical Rebar
Added the ability to splice rebar sets, specifying the position, lap length and uniform or
staggered layouts, respecting engineering and fabrication specifications.

•Splice rebar sets at the desired

location by clicking the set or a line
reference from the model, in 2D and
3D views.
•Define the maximum and minimum
lengths as well as the run-out
position and splice rebar sets by
•Change properties of multiple
splices between rebar sets, at the When wall layer wrapping is enabled for wall ends, the wrapping behavior of each wall end
same time. can be changed with the control located near the wall end. The control is only visible when
the wall is selected in a plan view. Click the control to change the wrapping behavior of the
layers at the wall end.
The New Revit Home: Tech Preview Shape Editing Snaps
Use the New Revit Home toggle button to try the new home page with more features. Enhancements to the snapping behavior when working in shape edit mode allow you to
ignore internal points and edges and use the Z value of elements as a snap point.

Control Internal Snapping

Enable or disable the snapping to internal
points and edges when in shape editing
1.On the contextual tab, select Modify |
<Element> Shape Editing Panel drop-
down (Snap to Editor Points and
2.When selected, your cursor will snap to
internal points and edges created during
shape editing.
3.When cleared, the internal points and
edges are ignored.
The new Revit home page provides more ways to view, sort, and find models and versions. Note: The setting is cleared by default.
Navigation: You can navigate within the folder structure of projects. The selected folder is remembered
across Revit sessions.
Views: Both Recent and Autodesk Projects pages have grid and list views. In Autodesk Projects, the grid
view shows thumbnails of the cloud models, the model types (workshared or non-workshared), and publish
X, Y, Z
After entering into the SlabShape mode, click the Snap XYZ button in the Modify |
•Both Recent and Autodesk Projects pages allow filter, order, and search to find projects or models.
Toposolid tab Modifier Elevation panel.
•When you search Autodesk Projects, the result page shows all projects with the search key across hubs,
and models with the search key within the current project.
The value displayed near the cursor reports the
Retrieval: In the Recent page, you can pin primary models to show them all the time.
Fields: In Autodesk Projects, there are two more fields: Size and Description. You can customize all the elevation of the reference objects based on the
fields in the List view to show or hide, and reorder them. Elevation Base setting. If Snap XYZ is
Project visibility: If desired, you can make projects from all Revit releases visible on the home page. selected and the mouse hovers over on a place
Projects that use other Revit versions display on the page in a disabled state. To enable this option, in the that is not a reference object, the elevation
Options dialog, for Cloud Model Project visibility, select Show projects in all Revit software versions
follows the "Along surface" behavior.
at New Revit Home. You can then search projects in all versions across hubs.
History data: A floating panel for version history, grouped by date, where you can search and filter. Select
the file, right click and select Version history to open the panel.
Improved Vector Processing Upload and Assign Images (MEP Fabrication Data
Enhancements have been made to vector Manager - Tech Preview)
processing when printing, exporting to Upload images or generate them from
the model and assign them to parts to
PDF, and exporting to CAD formats for make parts more visually identifiable.
views that contain transparent elements.

•Generate from 3D model will take a

snapshot of the current view, including
• When printing and exporting, views that include transparent and overlapping elements the environment.
•Upload File: Upload common image
are now processed to closely resemble their on-screen appearance. Both model
files and use the cropping tool to size
elements and detail elements are processed in a consistent manner, resulting in more and position as desired.
consistent results. These changes improve the quality and speed of vector processing,
impacting prints, PDF exports, and DWG exports.
Multi-loop Mullions Local Coordinate System Orientation for Analytical Panels
Curtain wall mullions can now use profiles with and Members
multiple loops. Use the local coordinate system tools for analytical members and panels to align axis orientation and direction
•You can change or align the X axis orientation for multiple
For example, they can use profiles with a hole in
analytical members at the same time.
the outer loop, or any other case where the swept
•You can use a reference line to align the X axis orientation or
profile along the mullion curve makes a valid
you can align the Z axis orientation for multiple analytical
solid. They do not accept open loops.
panels at the same time.
MEP Model Consistency •Supports the control of orientation for loads, boundary
conditions, results, etc.
un a model consistency check to display and review connection inconsistencies for quick fixing.
This way, you can avoid reloading your configuration due to disconnects in your current project.
•Supports consistency with Structural Analysis software for
•Gives a clear understanding of the orientation of analytical
elements for accurate structural analysis results interpretation.
To run a model consistency check of Schematic Bending Details for Rebar
your current project: •Add schematic bending details that reference one or more
1.Click (Check model consistency Tagging
in the active project) in the bottom right •Edit the visibility and appearance of multiple leaders for
side of the MEP Fabrication Parts schematic bending details.
palette. •Specify the width and height of schematic bending details in
2.A dialog will display informing you if the type properties.
inconsistencies were found or not. •Schematic bending details are similar to bending details in
schedules, with their geometry scaling non-uniformly for rebar
shapes with only 90-degree angles between segments and
uniformly for stirrups and shapes with other angles.
Set Presentation Options Updated Set of Rules for Connections
for Multiple Bar Sets at Automation
Automatically place more typical connections using less
•Select where to place the steel connections:
•Double side connections placed on main beam end at margin
Select bars to show from multiple rebar sets. intersection with two secondary beams.
•Double side connections placed at the intersection of main
Prevent Unexpected Changes to beam body with two secondary beams.
•Connections placed on main beam end in corner intersection
the Rebar Model with secondary beams.
Disable rebar constraints for one or all bar segments, to block •Connections placed on main beam end in margin intersection
modifications of bars when the concrete geometry changes with secondary beams.
•You can disable the constraints for bar handles or for the bar •Connections placed at the intersection of main beam body
plane and the out of plane extent of one or multiple rebar sets with secondary beam
at the same time. Material Browser Improvements
•A bar handle with a disabled constraint will not react to
changes of the concrete host. The Material Browser has undergone improvements,
•You can manually drag a bar handle that has a disabled enhancing the ease of working with materials in your models.
constraint. These improvements include faster appearance previews and
•Use schedules and filters to check the rebar constraints status. the ability to batch delete materials from the model or batch
add materials to libraries.
Split Features for Framing and Columns with Steel Quick Appearance Thumbnail Generation
When working on the Appearance tab of the Material Browser, utilize the dropdown menu next to the
The split and split with gap tools are available for steel framing
and columns that have connections. material thumbnail to configure the rendering settings for the thumbnail image. The newly added 'Quick'
rendering setting expedites the generation of the thumbnail image when changing your material selection.
•Split with gap does not work on beams that are part of a beam Batch Select Materials
system, truss, or a group. To manage multiple project materials, simply select them and right-click to choose between deleting them from
•The gap used in the split with gap command can be between 1.6mm your model or adding them to a library.
and 304.8 mm.
Search in Project Browser
When searching in Project Browser, you can view all the child nodes when the parent node contains the key words.
Tag and Dimension Steel Connection Components Enhancement
When the parent node contains the keywords, and some of the child nodes contain the keywords, the search returns
all the child nodes under the parent node in the searching list.
You can tag and dimension individual components of steel
When the parent node contains the keywords, but No child nodes contains the keywords, the search result lists all the
connections. Existing tags and dimensions are preserved if you
child nodes but collapses them after searching.
break the connection.
Dark Theme for Shared
The Dark Theme is now enabled for the first level user interface in Shared Views.
It includes the Properties Palette, Project Browser, Option Bar, View Control Bar, and status bar. You can also
set the drawing area (canvas) theme to Dark or Light both from the ribbon and the Options dialog.
Map Fittings in MEP Macro Manager
To improve reliability, you can map fittings when you convert design elements to fabrication parts or change the A new macro management tool replaces the IDE used to create and manage macros in previous versions of
service. Revit.
You can map fittings to other similar type fittings, allowing for better connections. In addition, you can map single The macro management tool allows you to create and run macros using Visual Studio Code. The macro manager
design elements when converting to fabrication. no longer supports file based macros. To use existing file based macros you must first convert them to
application based macros. See Upgrading Revit Macros for instructions on upgrading existing macros for use in
Single Phase Electrical the Macro Manager.
Single phase is now supported for electrical loads and distribution systems.
You can now use single phase electrical components in analytical and physical models. Model conditions of your Filter Discipline
project more accurately. Based on customer feedback, the discipline filters in the Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog have been updated.
Disable Mark Number Auto- Updates
Auto-generation of mark numbers for certain MEP categories has been disabled.
•To better accommodate workflows in MEP, the auto-generation of mark numbers has been disabled for the
following categories:MEP Ancillary Framing
•MEP Fabrication Ductwork Stiffeners
The pre-defined list filters in the Visibility and Graphic
•Air Terminals
Override dialog have been modified as shown in the table
•Mechanical Equipment
•Duct Accessories
•Electrical Equipment
•Electrical Fixtures
•Mechanical Control Devices
•Lighting Fixtures
•Pipe Accessories
•Plumbing Fixtures Category Filter List
•Plumbing Equipment Architecture Structure Mechanical Electrical Piping Infrastructure
MEP Medical x x x x
New parameters have been added to data panels and fabrication ductwork, enhancing workflow capabilities. Equipment
Maximum Amount of Circuits - Data
Use the instance parameter 'Maximum Amount of Circuits' to set the maximum number of ports on each data Food Service x x x x
panel. When you connect more devices than the set capacity of the panel, you will receive a warning indicating Equipment
that you have exceeded the panel's capacity.
Audio Visual x x
The 'Variable' option is enabled for data panel schedule lines. When set to 'Variable', the number of lines in the Device
schedule is controlled by the 'Maximum Amount of Circuits' parameter.
Material Gauge - Fabrication Ductwork Fire Protection x x x x
The 'Material Gauge' parameter has been added to fabrication ductwork elements as a read-only value.
Vertical x x x
Report Low Voltage Circulation

The power loads from low voltage panels are reported in the connected power circuits. Hardscape x
When low voltage panels are connected to a power distribution system, their power consumption is reported when Temporary x x x
viewed in the System Browser or panel schedules. You can use this information to effectively balance loads across Structure
your electrical distribution systems.
Signage x x
Interface Enhancements - Options Extensible Storage
The controls that were previously located on the Options Bar have been relocated to the Properties Palette and
the ribbon. Improvements
Extensible storage has been restructured to minimize schema conflicts and optimize workflows.
Schemas used by add-ons may encounter conflicts when working with multiple files. Improvements have been
As shown in the table below, the following controls have been moved from the Options Bar to the Properties made to assist you in handling schema conflicts when they occur. These improvements also restructure the usage
Palette and the ribbon. of extensible storage to mitigate risks and optimize workflows.
Name Trigger Properties Palette Ribbon
3D Snapping Create a new conceptual mass family >- X
Enable “3D snapping” option
Workplane Space Setting Show Work Plane >- Select work plane >- X
Change “Space” setting
Ellipse Lin: Keep Ratio option Select an ellipse line >- Enable “Keep X
Ratio” option
Arc Line: Keep Concentric option Select an arc line >- Enable “Keep X
Concentric” option
Apply Area Rule option Create new area boundary line >- Enable X
“Apply area rule” option
Modify: Scale tool Modify >- Scale X

Create Level: Make Plan View and View Create a level >- Change "Make Plan View" X
Types setting checkbox and "Plan View Types" settings

Annotation: Tag by Category tool Click Annotation>Tag by category X X

Horizontal Coordinate System

Support for five horizontal coordinate systems has been added to enhance collaboration workflows.
DWG files that utilize any of the five available horizontal coordinate systems can be linked, allowing you to acquire
the coordinates from the DWG.
•The supported horizontal coordinate systems are:CGCS2000
•UK GG951
•Amtrak Northeast Corridor
•US Albers NAD83

.NET 8
Revit has been upgraded to incorporate Microsoft's .NET 8 framework.
Revit uses Microsoft's .NET framework to manage UI dialogs, facilitate interactions with Windows, operate
the Revit API, and more. To stay current with the technology and keep up with regular maintenance, Revit has
migrated to .NET 8.

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