Advanced Microprocessor

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Unit – 5
What is microprocessor?

 The microprocessor is a multipurpose,

programmable device that accepts digital
data as input, processes it according to
instructions stored in it’s memory and
provide results as output.
It is an example of digital logic and it uses
binary and hexadecimal numerical
80286 Microprocessor
•introduced on 1 February 1982
•maximal clock rate of 4, 6 or 8 MHz and later
releases for 12.5 MHz
•16-bit microprocessor having 24 address lines and
16 data lines.
•first 8086 based CPU with separate, non-
multiplexed address and data buses
•approximately 134,000 transistors in its original
•upwardly compatible with 8086 in terms of
instruction set.
• Advanced Memory management
• It is available in variety of pin packages such as 68-pin
PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier), Ceramic LCC (Leadless
Chip Carrier), and PGA(Pin Grid Array).
• Specially designed for Multiuser & Multitasking systems.
• 4-level memory protection & support for virtual memory &
operating system.
• Better Pipelining method
• 4 independent functional unit in internal architecture
• The 6 MHz, 10 MHz and 12 MHz models were reportedly
measured to operate at 0.9 MIPS, 1.5 MIPS and 2.66 MIPS
80286 pin diagram
80286 Salient features
Feature 1: Operating Modes
Two modes of operation
•1. Real address mode.
•2. Protected Virtual address mode.

Real Address Mode :

•80286 just act as a faster version of 8086
•And program for 8086 can be executed without modification in
•can address up to 1MB of Physical Memory.

Protected Virtual Address Mode:

•80286 supports multitasking
•Able to run several program at the same time
•Able to protect memory space for another program
•memory management unit can manage upto 1GB of virtual
Feature 2: More Addressable
• In protected mode 80286 can address 16
megabytes of physical memory.
• Where 8086 can address only 1 megabyte
Feature 3: Virtual Memory in
Protected Mode
• 80286 can treat external storage as it were
physical memory.
• Execute programs that are too large to be
contained in physical memory.
• Program can be upto 2^30 bytes.
Register organization of 80286
•The 80286 CPU contains almost the same set
of registers, as in 8086.
1. Eight 16-bit general purpose registers.
2. Four 16 bit segment registers.
3. Status and control register.
4. Instruction register.
Flag Registers
• The flag register bits D0, D2, D4, D6, D7 and D11 are modified
according to the result of the execution of logical and arithmetic
instructions. These are called status flag bits.
PE - Protection enable
• Protection enable flag places the 80286 in protected mode, if set.
This can only be cleared by resetting the CPU.
MP – Monitor processor extension
• flag allows WAIT instruction to generate a processor extension.
EM – Emulate processor extension flag
• if set, causes a processor extension absent exception and
permits the emulation of processor extension by CPU.
TS – Task switch
• if set this flag indicates the next instruction using extension will
generate exception 7, permitting the CPU to test whether the
current processor extension is for current task.
Machine Status Flag (MSW) :
•The machine status word consists of four
flags. These are –PE,MP,EM, and TS of the
four lower order bits D19 to D16 of the upper
word of the flag register.
•The LMSW and SMSW instructions are
available in the instruction set of 80286 to
write and read the MSW in real address mode.
Internal Block Diagram of 80286
• The CPU may be viewed to contain four functional
parts, viz.
(a) Address Unit (AU)
(b) Bus Unit (BU)
(c) Instruction Set (IU)
(d) Execution Unit (EU)
• The Address Unit (AU) is responsible for
calculating the physical address of instructions and
data that CPU wants to access.
• This physical address computed by the address unit
is handed over to the Bus Unit (BU) of the CPU.
• The address latches and drivers in the bus unit
transmit the physical address thus formed over the
address bus A0-A23.
• One of the major function of the bus unit is to fetch
instruction bytes from the memory.
• The Instruction Unit (IU) accepts
instructions from the prefetch queue and an
instruction decoder decodes them one by
• The output from the decoding circuit drives
a control circuit in the Execution Unit (EU)
is responsible for instructions received from
the decoded instruction queue, which sends
the data part of the instruction over the data
Salient Features of 80386X
•It supports 8/16/32 bit data operands
•It has 132 pins.
•It has 32-bit internal registers
•It supports 32-bit data bus and 32-bit non-multiplexed
address bus.
•It supports
Physical Address of 4GB
Maximum Segment size of 4GB
Virtual Address of 64TB(4GB seg. * 16, 384
3 Types of 80386
1. 80386DX(floating point capability.)
2. 80386SX(16-bit data bus)
3. 80386SL(several power management
It operates in 3 different modes
– Real
– Protected
– Virtual .
•MMU provides virtual memory, paging and 4
levels of protection
•Low cost & low power consumption.
•Clock Frequency : 20, 25 and 33MHz
Architecture of 80386
• Central Processing Unit
• Memory Management Unit
• Bus Control Unit
Central Processing Unit :
– The CPU is further divided into:
• Execution Unit
• Instruction Unit
Execution Unit:
•Execution unit has 8 General and Special purpose
registers, which are either used for handling data or
calculating offset addresses.
•The 64-bit barrel shifter increases the speed of all
shift, rotate.
•Multiply/divide logic implements the bit-shift rotate
algorithms to complete the operation in minimum
Instruction Unit:
•It decodes the opcode bytes received from the 16-
byte instruction code queue and arrange them into a
3-decoded instruction queue.
•After decoding it is passed to control section for
deriving necessary control signals
Memory Management Unit
•MMU consists of a segmentation unit and paging
•Segmentation Unit:
•Uses of two address components - segment and
offset – for relocability and sharing of data.
•It allows a maximum segment size of 4GB.
• Paging Unit
• It organizes physical memory in terms of pages of 4KB
• It works under the control of segmentation unit i.e.
each segment is divided into pages.
• It converts linear addresses into physical addresses.
• The control and attribute PLA checks privileges at
page level.
Bus Control Unit
• It has a prioritizer to resolve the priority of various
bus requests. This controls the access of the bus.
• The address driver drives the bus enable and address
signals A2 – A31.
Real Address Mode of 80386
• After reset, the 80386 starts from memory location
FFFFFFF0H under the real address mode. In the real
mode, 80386 works as a fast 8086 with 32-bit
registers and data types.
• In real mode, the default operand size is 16 bit but
32- bit operands and addressing modes may be used
with the help of override prefixes.
• The segment size in real mode is 64k, hence the 32-
bit effective addressing must be less than
0000FFFFFH. The real mode initializes the 80386
and prepares it for protected mode.
Protected Mode of 80386:
•All the capabilities of 80386 are available for utilization in
its protected mode of operation.
•The 80386 in protected mode support all the software
written for 80286 and 8086 to be executed under the
control of memory management and protection abilities of
•The protected mode allows the use of additional
instruction, addressing modes and capabilities of 80386.
•Descriptor tables: These descriptor tables and
registers are manipulated by the operating system to
ensure the correct operation of the processor, and
hence the correct execution of the program.
•Three types of the 80386 descriptor tables are
listed as follows:
• Descriptors: The 80386 descriptors have a 20-bit
segment limit and 32-bit segment address. The
descriptor of 80386 are 8-byte quantities access right
or attribute bits along with the base and limit of the
• Descriptor Attribute Bits: The A (accessed)
attributed bit indicates whether the segment has been
accessed by the CPU or not.
• The TYPE field decides the descriptor type and hence
the segment type.
• The S bit decides whether it is a system descriptor
(S=0) or code/data segment descriptor ( S=1).
• The DPL field specifies the descriptor privilege level.
• The D bit specifies the code segment operation size. If
D=1, the segment is a 32-bit operand segment, else, it
is a 16-bit operand segment.
• The P bit (present) signifies whether the segment is
present in the physical memory or not. If P=1, the
segment is present in the physical memory.
• The G (granularity) bit indicates whether the segment
is page addressable. The zero bit must remain zero for
compatibility with future process.
• The AVL (available) field specifies whether the
descriptor is for user or for operating system.
• Paging Unit: The paging unit of 80386 uses a two
level table mechanism to convert a linear address
provided by segmentation unit into physical
The paging unit converts the complete map of a task
into pages, each of size 4K. The task is further handled
in terms of its page, rather than segments.
The paging unit handles every task in terms of three
components namely page directory, page tables and
page itself.
• Page Directory : This is at the most 4Kbytes in size. Each
directory entry is of 4 bytes, thus a total of 1024 entries
are allowed in a directory. The upper 10 bits of the linear
address are used as an index to the corresponding page
directory entry. The page directory entries point to page
• Page Tables: Each page table is of 4Kbytes in size and
many contain a maximum of 1024 entries. The page table
entries contain the starting address of the page and the
statistical information about the page.
• The upper 20 bit page frame address is combined with
the lower 12 bit of the linear address. The address bits
A12 - A21 are used to select the 1024 page table entries.
The page table can be shared between the tasks.
Intel Pentium

Introduced in 1993
Similar to 80386 but with 64 bit data bus
memory size is 4 gb
• CD cache disable controls the internal cache. If CD=1 ,
the cache will not fill with new data . If CD=0 misses
will cause the cache to fill with new data
• NW Not write through selects the mode of operation
for the data cache. If NW=1, the data cache is inhibited
from cache write though
• AM Alignment mask enables alignment checking when
set, it only occurs for protected mode
• WP write protect protects user level pages against
supervisor level write operations. When WP=1, the
supervisor can write to user level segments
• NE numeric error enables standard numeric
coprocessor error detection.
Intel Pentium Pro
•Pipeline is divided in 3 sections. Fetch and decode
unit, dispatch and execution unit and retire unit.
•Intel Pentium Pro microprocessor takes Cisc
instructions and converts them into Risc micro-
Internal Structure Of Pentium Pro
Internal Structure Of Pentium Pro
•The system bus connects to L2 cache.
•BIU controls system bus access via L2 cache.
•L2 cache is integrated in Intel Pentium Pro.
•BIU generates control signals and memory address.
•BIU fetches or passes data or instruction via L1 cache.
•The IFDU can decode three instructions
simultaneously, and passes it to instruction pool.
•The IFDU has branch prediction logic.
•The DEU then executes the instructions.
• DEU contains three execution units. Two for
processing integer instruction and one for
processing floating point instruction
• Lastly RU checks the instruction pool and removes
decoded instructions that have been executed.
• RU can remove three decoded instructions per
clock pulse.
Drawbacks of Intel Pentium Pro Microprocessor
•As Intel Pentium Pro uses RISC approach the first
drawback is converting instructions from CISC to
RISC. It takes time to do so.
•So Pentium pro inevitably takes performance hit
when processing instructions.
•Second is that out of order design can be
particularly affected by 16 bit code resulting in
eventual stop of process.
•ECC scheme causes additional cost of SDRAM that is
72 bits wide.
Differences Between Intel Pentium and
Intel Pentium Pro
•Level-2 cache is integrated in Intel Pentium Pro and
not in Pentium microprocessor. This speeds up
processing and reduces number of components.
•In Pentium unified cache holds both instructions
and data, but in Pentium Pro separate cache is used
for instruction and data which speeds up
•Pentium microprocessor doesn’t have jump
execution unit or address generation unit as Pentium
Pro has. It’s one of the major changes.

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