Unit 1

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Subject: Environmental Studies

Unit- I
 The Multidisciplinary Nature of
Environmental Studies.
 Definition, scope and importance.

 Need for public awareness.

Definition of Environment
Environment is derived from the French word Environner
which means to encircle or surround.

According to Environment (Protection)Act, 1986

environment is defined as “ the sum total of water, air
and land and the inter- relationships that exit among
them and with the human beings, other living organisms
and materials.”

Definition of Environmental Studies

Environmental studies deals with every issue

affects a living organism. It deals with working
of earth, its life support systems, its interactions,
influences, its problems and solutions
How is Environmental Studies Multi-
Disciplinary in Nature?

Life Sciences Physical Sciences

(Biology, Microbiology etc ) (Physics, Chemistry,
Earth Science etc)

Mathematics, Environmental Civil Engineering

Statistics Studies Chemical Engg.
Computer science etc

Economics, Politics, Law, Management

Mass communication
Scope of Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies has a wide scope and it
include large number of areas like:

• Natural Resources
• Ecology and biodiversity
• Environmental pollution and control
• Social Issues in relation to development and
• Human population and environment
In the recent years the scope of environmental studies
has expanded a lot all over the world and several career
opportunities have emerged in this field which can be
categorized as:

i) Research & Development in environment

ii) Green advocacy
iii) Green marketing
iv) Green media
v) Environmental consultancy
Importance of Environmental Studies
Some important dates related to environment

• World Wetland Day February 2 nd

• World Forest Day March 21
• World Day for Water March 22
• Earth Day April 22
• World Environment Day June 5 th
• World Population Day July 11
• Ozone Week Sept.16-23
• Wildlife Week Oct. 1-7
Importance of Environment
Environment belongs to all, influences all and is
important to all.

Environmental values
1. Direct value
2. Indirect value
3. Optional value
1. Direct value
a) Consumptive use e.g. food, medicines, fisheries
b) Productive use e.g. timber, fuel wood etc

2. Indirect value
c) Aesthetic value
d) Bequest value for future generations

3. Option value
wetlands as flood buffers, forests as carbon sinks
Environmental services
Global Regional Local

• Photosynthesis Prevent soil erosion Consumptive

• Maintain natural Flood control use by local
cycles people
• Prevent greenhouse Micro- climate Wildlife
effect control tourism
Importance of Environmental Studies

Identify the problem and find their solution is the

basic aim of environmental studies.
• Hazardous impacts of modern agriculture practices can be
explained and people will be made aware of these impacts.
• Aspects of mining operations will be studied
• Various global problems can be discussed like global warming ,acid
rain etc
• Impacts of deforestation will be discussed
• Study of renewable and non renewable energy resources
Need for Public Awareness

What is the need for public awareness?

• Rapidly changing technologies lead to abandoned

• Our fast and energy demanding life style pollutes
the environment
• Crazy consumerism leads to environmental
• The earth has a definite capacity to tolerate
pollutants and sustain populations.
Public awareness can be done by:

• Mass media such as newspapers, radio and television

strongly influence public opinion.
• NGOs
• Skits, posters etc
• Practice and promote good civic sense and hygiene
• Practice and promote issues such as saving water, saving
paper, reducing the use of plastices
Institutions in Environment
1. BNHS(Bombay Natural History Society)
• Major contribution in the field of wildlife research.
• Publishes magazine Hornbill.

2. Botanical Survey of India

• Survey and exploration of plant resources
• Listing of endangered plants.
• Nomenclature of plants
3. Central Pollution Control Board
• Emission norms for controlling ail pollution
• Monitoring of ambient air and water quality.

4.Centre for Science and Environment

• Organizing campaigns ,workshops and conferences
• Environment- related publications
• Publish magazine Down to Earth

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