Staffing, Directing & Motivating - Unit 3

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Staffing, Directing and


Prof. Pratibha Singh

Topics Covered
Staffing Definition & Concept
Objective of staffing
Manpower planning
Directing: Concept
Techniques of directing and supervision.
Types of supervision.
Essential characteristics of supervisor
Motivation: Concept
Forms of employee motivation, Need for motivation.
Theories of motivation.

According to McFarland, “Staffing is the

function by which managers build an
CONCEPT organization through the recruitment,
selection, and development of individuals
Staffing can be defined as one as capable employees.”
of the most important functions
of management. It involves the
process of filling the vacant
position of the right personnel
at the right job, at the right
“filling and keeping the jobs filled with the
time. right persons for the jobs.”
Staffing helps in placing right
men at the right job. It can  To obtain qualified personnel for
be done effectively through different job positions in the
proper recruitment organization.
procedures and then finally
selecting the most suitable  To maximize productivity by choosing
candidate as per the job the right person for the right job.
 Promoting the optimum utilization of
human resources through various

 Ensuring better utilization of human


 Ensuring the continuity and growth of

the organization, through
development managers.
Manpower The first step towards staffing is planning of good manpower which will
requirements match the need of particular work.
The applications of concerned workers are entertained as per
invitations by company to the desired candidate.
After receiving applications from candidates, they are scanned as per
STA Selection
suitability of position and candidature.
FFI Orientation and After a job proposal is given to the candidate, the initial work is to
NG Placement make the candidate familiar with working style and environment.
Training is part of inducements which is provided to worker so as
PR Training and
to frame and grow as per the concern. It involves working
OC capability and scope.
ES Remuneration It depends on nature of job skilled or unskilled, physical or mental, etc.

S It is a method which will record candidate behaviour, attitudes and

Performance progress. It involves regular assessment based on reports from
Evaluation different departments.
Promotion and It involves transfer in job sector and level which depends on past
transfer performance of the candidate. It is non- monetary incentive.

Koontz and O’Donnel “Directing Directing involves, issuing orders and

is interpersonal aspect of instructions, overseeing of the subordinates
and supervising the work being performed
managing by which subordinates
are led to understood and
contribute effectively and by them.
efficiently to the attainment of
enterprises objectives.”

1. Consultative Direction
2. Free-Rein Direction
3. Autocratic Direction
4. Supervision
5. Motivation
6. Leadership
1. Consultative Direction
Superior takes decision by consulting with his subordinates. The superior wins
the cooperation of all the subordinates by taking their inputs into his decisions.

2. Free-Rein Direction
Subordinates are empowered to take decisions independently. The superior
limits himself to issuing guidelines. The execution of the entire task is left to
subordinates. The subordinates are held accountable for the results.

3. Autocratic Direction
Superior commands the subordinates to accomplish a set of goals. He does not
take into his decision-making the views, opinions and suggestions of
4. Supervision
Supervisor gives a precise, detailed and clear cut instruction to subordinates. The
quality of supervision depends on the strength of the subordinates working under
him. The lesser the strength of subordinates, the more effective is supervision vice

5. Motivation
Motivation is the process of stimulating such forces like desires, wishes and wants
that impel human beings to achieve the desired action. Motivation may be monetary
and non-monetary.

6. Leadership
Leadership is defined to be the ability of a manager to influence his subordinates to
accomplish the goals. A leader is supposed to possess certain qualities to exercise
effective leadership. A leader does many functions like formulation of objectives,
representing the undertaking, initiating action, influencing followers, etc.
The term supervision is the act or function of
overseeing something or somebody. It includes both
material things and human beings.

Terry and Franklin- “guiding Supervisor observes others work to ensure that the
and directing efforts of
employees and other work is being performed according to the
resources to accomplish requirements of the job.
stated work outputs.”

It is done through, leading, coordinating, and

directing the work of others which stands as support
to attain the pre-determined goals of organization
1. Autocratic or Authoritarian supervision
The supervisor wields absolute power and wants complete obedience from his
subordinates. He wants everything to be done strictly according to his instructions and
never likes any intervention from his subordinates.

2. Laissez-faire or free-rein supervision

This is also known as independent supervision.
Maximum freedom is allowed to the subordinates. The supervisor never interferes in
the work of the subordinates. Full freedom is given to workers to do their jobs.
Subordinates are encouraged to solve their problems themselves.
3. Democratic supervision
Supervisor acts according to the mutual consent and discussion or in other words
he consults subordinates in the process of decision making. This is also known as
participative or consultative supervision.

4. Bureaucratic supervision
A system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state
officials rather than by elected representatives.
Certain working rules and regulations are laid down by the govt officials and all the
subordinates are required to follow these rules and regulations very strictly. A
serious note of the violation of these rules and regulations is taken by the state
officials .
1. Supervision is based on mutual trust and respect.

2. Supervisees are offered a choice of supervisor to secure a good match

on a personal level, an expertise match and to meet cultural needs.

3. Both supervisors and supervisees have a shared understanding of the

purpose of the supervisory sessions.

4. Supervision focuses on sharing and enhancing knowledge and skills

to support professional development and improving service delivery.

5. Supervision is regular and based on the needs of the individual, and

ad hoc supervision is provided in cases of need.
6. Supervisory models are based on the needs of the individual, such as one-to-
one, group, internal or external or distance.

7. The employer creates protected time, supervisor training and private space to
facilitate the supervisory session.

8. Training and feedback is provided for supervisors.

9. Supervision is delivered using a flexible timetable, to ensure all staff have

access to sessions, regardless of working patterns.

10. Different types of supervision, including practice, professional and

managerial supervision is delivered by different supervisors.
Motivation is a force that makes people act, set goals, and achieve them. It is
a psychophysiological process that controls human behaviour, as well as sets
its direction, actions, and constancy.

A motive is an inner state that encourages, activates or moves and that

directs behavior towards goals.

Motivation is psychological force within an individual that sets a person in

motion for the achievement of certain goals or satisfaction of certain needs.
Intrinsic motivation is most easily defined as those things
that motivate a person with the aim of being rewarded
Intrinsic Motivation This is any activity based on personal gratification or just for
the fun of it without expecting external praise.

Example :gym, learning new skills, playing games or sports,

or helping someone cross the road.

Extrinsic motivation stands for all the things that serve as an

Extrinsic Motivation external drive, which is classified into two categories:
compensation and punishment.
For compensation, it can be salary, bonuses, goods, money,
and an appraisal.

Punishment might include fines, blame, judgment, and many


• Increase your efficiency as you work toward your goals.

• Drive you to take action.
• Encourage you to engage in health-oriented behaviours.
• Help you avoid unhealthy or maladaptive behaviours, such as risk-
taking and addiction.
• Help you feel more in control of your life.
• Improve your overall well-being and happiness.

1. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of Motivation.

2. Meclelland’s Needs theory of Motivation.
3. Herzberg’s Motivation Hygiene theory.
4. Reinforcement theory of Motivation.
5. Equity Theory of Motivation.
6. Vroom’s Expectancy theory of Motivation.
Abraham Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of Motivation.
Physiological Needs
The physiological needs are those things that keep the body alive and reasonably healthy. Examples are
food, clothing and shelter.

People need to feel physically safe in their environment. IT means safety from assault or safety from harmful
equipment and harmful chemicals.

Social Needs
This need involves connections with other people and includes family, group belongingness and friendship,
intimacy etc.

Esteem Needs
Self Esteem includes honest achievement, feeling adequate to face the world, confidence, independence
and freedom. Esteem from others involves reputation, respect, attention and recognition.

Self Fulfilment (Self-Actualization) Needs

At this stage, all individuals try to become the best version of themselves. Also known as Self
David MeClelland’s Needs theory of Motivation.

Need for achievement is the urge to excel, to

accomplish in relation to a set of standards, to
struggle to achieve success.

Need for affiliation is a need for open and sociable

interpersonal relationships. In other words, it is a desire for
relationship based on co-operation and mutual

Need for power is the desire to influence other individual’s

behaviour as per your wish. In other words, it is the desire to
have control over others and to be influential.
Herzberg’s Motivation Hygiene theory.

The two-factor motivation theory is

known as Herzberg’s motivation-
hygiene theory or dual-factor theory,
argues that there are separate sets of
mutually exclusive factors in the
workplace that either cause job
satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Factors encouraging job satisfaction

relate to self-growth and self-
actualization and hygiene factors are
related to “the need to avoid
Reinforcement theory of Motivation-B.F.
• Reinforcement Theory of motivation aims at achieving the desired level of motivation among the employees
by means of reinforcement, punishment and extinction.

• Reinforcement approach, which can be both positive and negative, is used to reinforce the desired behavior.

• Punishment acts as a deterrent to undesirable behaviors of the employees. Extinction refers to diminishing
the probability of undesirable behavior.

• This theory is based on the concept of “Law of Effect”, i.e., the behavior of individual towards positive
consequences tends to repeat, but the behavior of individual towards negative consequences tends not to

• Skinner said, “Behavior which is reinforced tends to be repeated; behavior which is not reinforced tends to
die out or be extinguished”.
Types Of Reinforcement In Organizational Behaviour
1.Positive Reinforcement
You positively react to someone’s behaviour because it benefits your team and the
organization. This also assures the individual to repeat their behaviour and continue
producing desirable outcomes.

Example: you can reward an employee for reaching office early.

2.Negative Reinforcement
Negative reinforcement refers to removing obstacles so that others can respond
positively and perform the way that they’re expected to.

Example: if someone from your team wraps up early because of a long commute back
home, you can ask them to take some projects home and allow them some flexibility.
3.Punishment Reinforcement
You impose a negative consequence or remove positive consequences to prevent
someone from repeating undesirable behaviours.

Example: Suspending an employee for violating work rules.

4.Extinction Reinforcement
It refers to the absence of reinforcements often used by managers to stop learned
behaviour. You withhold positive reinforcements or rewards that encouraged the
behaviour in the first place.

Example: Project hours allowances.

Equity Theory of Motivation- J. Stacy Adams.

This theory says employee’s motivation

depends on their perception of how fair is
the compensation and treatment for their
work input.

Equity Theory states that the employees

perceive what they get from a job situation
(outcomes) about what they put into
it( inputs) and then compare their inputs-
outcomes ratio with the inputs- outcomes
ratios of others.

Individuals make contributions (inputs) Individuals decide whether or not a

for which they expect certain outcomes particular exchange is satisfactory, by
(rewards). Inputs include such things as comparing their inputs and outcomes to
the person’s past training and those of others, in the form of a ratio.
experience, special knowledge, personal Equity exists when an individual concludes
characteristics, etc. Outcomes include that his/her own outcome/input ratio is
pay, recognition, promotion, prestige, equal to that of other people.
fringe benefits, etc.
The three situations of Equity Theory
Expectancy theory of Motivation-
Victor Harold Vroom.
• It works on the assumption that people will choose to
maximise pleasure and minimise pain.

• This means that people will behave in a way that

results in the best outcome or reward.

• To make the connection between motivation, effort

and performance, Expectancy Theory has three
1. Expectancy
2. Instrumentality
3. Valence.
It is the belief that increased effort will lead to increased performance.
Example- A company offering quarterly bonuses for sales employees who exceed
their quota.

It is the belief that if you perform well that a valued outcome will be received. The
degree to which a first level outcome will lead to the second level outcome.
Example- if I do a good job, there is something good in it for me.

It is the importance that the individual places upon the expected outcome.
Example- if someone is mainly motivated by money, he or she might not value
offers of additional time off.

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