Lecture 3mesuring Input

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Measuring of input size & running


Lecture #3
Analysis of algorithms

 Issues:
• correctness
• time efficiency
• space efficiency
• optimality

 Approaches:
• theoretical analysis
• empirical analysis
Theoretical analysis of time efficiency

Time efficiency is analyzed by determining the number of

repetitions of the basic operation as a function of input size

 Basic operation: the operation that contributes most towards

the running time of the algorithm
input size

T(n) ≈ copC(n)
running time execution time Number of times
for basic operation basic operation is
Empirical analysis of time efficiency

 Select a specific (typical) sample of inputs

 Use physical unit of time (e.g., milliseconds)

Count actual number of basic operation’s executions

 Analyze the empirical data

Best-case, average-case, worst-case

For some algorithms efficiency depends on form of input:

 Worst case: Cworst(n) – maximum over inputs of size n

 Best case: Cbest(n) – minimum over inputs of size n

 Average case: Cavg(n) – “average” over inputs of size n

• Number of times the basic operation will be executed on typical input
• NOT the average of worst and best case
• Expected number of basic operations considered as a random variable
under some assumption about the probability distribution of all possible
Example: Sequential search

 Worst case

 Best case

 Average case

Let’s consider again sequential search. The standard assumptions

are that (a) the probability of a successful search is equal to p
(0 ≤ p ≤ 1) and (b) the probability of the first match occurring
in the ith position of the list is the same for every i.
we can find the average number of key comparisons Cavg(n) as
follows. In the case of a successful search, the probability of
the first match occurring in the ith position of the list is p/n for
every i, and the number of comparisons made by the algorithm
in such a situation is obviously i. In the case of an unsuccessful
search, the number of comparisons will be n with the
probability of such a search being (1− p). Therefore,
Types of formulas for basic operation’s count

 Exact formula
e.g., C(n) = n(n-1)/2

 Formula indicating order of growth with specific multiplicative

e.g., C(n) ≈ 0.5 n2

 Formula indicating order of growth with unknown

multiplicative constant
e.g., C(n) ≈ cn2
Order of growth

 Most important: Order of growth within a constant multiple as


 Example:
• How much faster will algorithm run on computer that is twice
as fast?

• How much longer does it take to solve problem of double

input size?
Values of some important functions as n  

• The efficiency analysis framework concentrates on the order of growth of

an algorithm’s basic operation count as the principal indicator of the
• To compare and rank such orders of growth, computer scientists use three
notations:(big oh), (big omega), and (big theta)efficiency
The efficiency analysis framework concentrates
on the order of growth of an algorithm’s basic operation count as
the principal indicator of the algorithm’s

To compare and rank such orders of growth, computer scientists

use three notations:(big oh), (big omega), and
(big theta)efficiency

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