Lecture 22 & 29 Seed Drill Calibration

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Lecture No.




• procedure of testing the seed drill for correct seed rate

• It is necessary to calibrate the seed drill before putting
it in actual use to find the desired seed rate.

1. Determine the nominal width (W) of drill.

W  M S
2.Find the length of a strip (L) having nominal width W necessary to cover 1/25 th of a

3.Det.the no. revolutions (N) the ground wheel has to make to cover the length of the strip (L).
4. Jack up the seed drill in such a way that the ground wheels turn freely. Make a
mark on the drive wheel and a corresponding mark at a convenient place on
the body of the drill to help in counting the revolutions of the drive wheel.

5.Put selected seed and fertilizer in the respective hoppers. Place a sack

or a container under each boot for seed and fertilizers.

6.Set the rate control adjustment for the seed and the fertilizer for maximum
drilling. Mark this position on the control for reference.
7.Engage the clutch/on off adjustment for the hoppers and rotate the drive wheel at
the speed N.
  D W
8.Weigh the quantity of seed and fertilizer, dropped from each opener and record
on the data sheet.
9.Calculate the seed and fertilizer, dropped in kg/hectare and record on the data
10.Repeat the process by suitable adjusting the rate control till desired rate of seed
and fertilizer drop is obtained.
Test for mechanical damage

Test for seed uniformity

•Sticky belt method

•Sand bed method
Lecture No.29

Calculation of field capacities and field

efficiencies of sowing equipment.
1. Calculate the cost of sowing one hectare of land with a bullock drawn seed
drill of size 5 x 22 cm. The speed of bullocks is 3 km/hr. Hire charge for
bullocks is Rs.100/- per pair/ day, hire charge for seed drill is Rs.50 /- per
day and wages for operator is Rs.100/- per day of 8 hours.

Width of seed drill = 5x22 = 110 cm = 1.1 m

Area covered, FCT =

Time taken to cover one hectare = 1/FCT = 1/0.33 = 3.03 hrs.

Cost of sowing / ha =

= Rs.94.70
2.The following results were obtained while calibrating a seed drill. Calculate the
seed rate per hectare. (i) No. of furrows = 10 (ii) Spacing between furrows = 20
cm (iii) Diameter of drive wheel = 1.5 meter (iv) Revolutions of ground wheel
rotated for seed delivery = 500 (v) seed collected = 20 kg.

width of seed drill = 10 x 20 cm = 2 m

Circumference of drive wheel = ∏ x D= 3.14x1.5 = 47.1 m

Area covered in one revolution = 47.1x 2 = 94 m 2

Area covered in 500 revolution = 94.2x 500 = 4710m2

Seed dropped for 500 revolutions = 20 kg

20 x 10000
= 42.46 kg / ha
Seed delivery rate = 4710
3. Calculate the time required for sowing 1.6 hectares of land by a
five furrow seed drill working at 12.5 cm deep. The speed of
seed drill is 3.2 km/hr and pressure exerted by the soil on the
seed drill is 0.42 kg/cm2 . The space between furrow openers is
10 cm and time loss in turning is 10%.

width of sowing = 5 x 10 cm = 0. 50 m

Actual Field capacity FCA = = 0.144 ha/h

0.44 ha-----1 h
1.6 ha----?

Time needed for sowing 1.6 ha = 1.6 /0.144 = 11.1 h

4. Calculate the seed rate of a 7 x 17 cm seed drill whose main drive
wheel diameter is 124 cm and total weight of grain collected in 20
revolutions is 0.423 kg.

Width of operation = 7 x 17 = 119 cm = 1.19 m

Circumference of main drive wheel = ∏ x 1.24 = 3.90 m

Area covered per revolution = 1.19 x 3.9 = 4.64 m

No. of revolutions/ha = 2155 revolutions

Seed collected in 20 revolutions = 0.423 kg

Seed required for 2155 rev. =

Seed rate = 45.58 kg/ha
5.A flutted feed seed drill has 8 furrow openers of single disc type.
The furrow openers are spaced 25 cm apart and the main drive
wheel has a diameter of 120 cm. How many turns of main drive
wheel would occur when the seed drill has covered 1.0 ha of land.

Circumference of drive wheel = ∏ x 120 =376.8 cm

Width of seed drill = 25x8 cm = 200 cm

Area covered in per revolution = 376.8x200 cm 2 = 7.5 m2

No. of turns/ha = 10000/7.5 = 1333.3= 1333

A fluted feed seed drill has 8 furrow openers of single disc type. The furrow openers are
spaced 30cm apart & the main drive wheel has a diameter of 110cm. How many turns
of main drive wheel would occur when the seed drill has covered 1ha of area.

– Circumference of drive wheel = π x 110cm = 345.7 cm – Total width of seed drill. W =

8opener x 30cm = 240 cm – Area covered per revolution = 345.7cm x 240cm = 82,968
cm² = 8.29 m² – No. of turns, Rev./ha = 10,000 m² / 8.29 m² = 1206.3 rev./ha
The following results were obtained while calibrating a seed drill. Calculate the seed
rate per hectare (kg/ha). – No. of furrow openers – 8 – Spacing between furrows – 15
cm – Diameter of drive wheel – 1.5 m – RPM of the drive wheel – 600 – Seed collected
– 25 kg.

– Effective width of seed drill, W = 8opener ×15cm = 120 cm = 1.2 m – Circumference

of drive wheel = π x 1.5 m = = 4.713 m – Area covered in one revolution = 4.713m x
1.2m =5.66 m² – Area covered in 600 revolutions = 5.66 m² ×600 = 3396 m² – Seed
dropped for 3396 m² = 25 kg – Seed dropped/ha = (25kg/ 3396 m²) x (10 000 m²/ha) =
73.6 kg/ha – Seed rate = 73.6 kg/ha
1. A fluted feed seed drill has 8 furrow openers of single disc type. The
furrow openers are spaced 30cm apart & the main drive wheel has a
diameter of 110cm. How many turns of main drive wheel would occur
when the seed drill has covered 1ha of area.
2. The following results were obtained while calibrating a seed drill.
Calculate the seed rate per hectare (kg/ha). – No. of furrow openers –
8 – Spacing between furrows – 15 cm – Diameter of drive wheel – 1.5
m – RPM of the drive wheel – 600 – Seed collected – 25 kg.

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