The term respiration includes the following distinct processes
Pulmonary ventilation (breathing)
mechanical process, moves air into and out of lungs (expiration + inspiration)
Gas exchange (oxygen loading and carbon dioxide unloading) between :
air and blood in lungs which is called
external respiration
blood and tissue cells in systemic capillaries which is called
internal respiration
Oxygen utilization by tissues known as
cellular respiration.
is the corner stone of all energy producing chemical reactions in the body =>
One mechanical + three physiological processes
The respiratory system also has the following functions:
Regulation of blood PH
Contains receptors for the sense of smell
Filtration of inspired air
Production of sound
Excretion of some water and gets rid of heat in exhaled air
1.Nose 2.Pharynx (throat) 3.Larynx
(voice box)
4.Trachea (wind pipe)5.Bronchi, and 6.Lungs
Components of the Respiratory System