Role of Hydrology and Hydraulics in Water Resource111

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Role of Hydrology and

Hydraulics in Water
Resource Engineering
Hydrology and Water Resource

 Hydrology is the study of the movement,

distribution, and quality of water throughout earth,
and thus addresses both the HYDROLOGIC
CYCLE and water resources.
 Measurement is fundamental for assessing water
resources . Research in this field provides a better
understanding of the processes involved in the
hydrologic cycle, and insight for environmental
engineering, policy and planning. Particularly
noteworthy for the department are our research
achievements in numerical and physical models for
water and sediment flow in rivers and reservoirs

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic

cycle or the H2O cycle, describes the continuous
movement of water on, above and below the surface of
the Earth.
 The mass of water on Earth remains fairly constant
over time but the partitioning of the water into the
major reservoirs such as
 ice
 fresh water
 saline water
 atmospheric water
Physical Processes

 Evaporation
 Condensation
 Precipitation
 Infiltration
 Runoff
The hydrological Cycle is the central
concept of hydrology.
theproblem is that the flux through the
hydrological cycle is not distributed evenly in
time and space. This is the main concerns of
hydrology and of water resource.
The basic role of hydrology, which is
fundamental for water resource management, is
the accurate definition and understanding of the
water balance for different space and time
The general water balance equation is:

P = Q + E + Delta S

P is precipitation
Q is runoff
E is evapotranspiration
Delta S is the change in storage (in soil or the bedrock)
the problem is in its application, because
number of aspects which are not fully
understood and because some basic variables
and parameters are poorly measured or not
estimated accurately.
 The determination of the catchment boundaries and
the catchment areas is the starting point.
. karst terrain are sometimes difficult and complex task, which is
often left unsolved.
Next is determining the amount and distribution of
precipitation with respect to time and space.



1)Arithmetic Mean - This technique calculates areal

precipitation using the arithmetic mean of all the point or areal
measurements considered in the analysis.
2) Isohyetal Analysis - This is a graphical technique which involves
drawing estimated lines of equal rainfall over an area based on point

3) Thiessen Polygon - This is another graphical technique which

calculates station weights based on the relative areas of each
measurement station in the Thiessen polygon network.
4) Distance Weighting/Gridded - This is another station
weighting technique. A grid of point estimates is made based
`distance from the grid point in question.

5) MAPX - Areal runoff zone precipitation estimates are made

using the 4 x 4 km WSR-88D 1-hourly gridded precipitation

6) Index Stations - pre-determined station weights based on

climatology are used to compute basin average precipitation.
Evapotranspiration is the combine consumptive-
evaporative process in which water is released to the
atmosphere through vegetation and from a free water

Penman equation are used to

estimate evaporation from water, and land.
Specifically the Penman-Monteith equation refines
weather based potential evapotranspiration
The equation for evaporation given by Penman is:


m = Slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve (Pa K−1)

Rn = Net irradiance (W m−2)
ρa = density of air (kg m−3)
cp = heat capacity of air (J kg−1 K−1)
ga = momentum surface aerodynamic conductance (m s−1)
δe = vapor pressure deficit (Pa)
λv = latent heat of vaporization (J kg−1)
γ = psychrometric constant (Pa K−1)
Applications of Engineering
 Hydrology is used to find out maximum probable flood at
proposed sites e.g. Dams.

 Uses of Hydrology The variation of water production

from catchments can be calculated and described by

 Uses of Hydrology Engineering hydrology enables us to

find out the relationship between a catchment's surface
water and groundwater resources

Uses of Hydrology It helps us to know the required
reservoir capacity to assure adequate water for irrigation
or municipal water supply in droughts condition.

 Uses of Hydrology it tells us what hydrologic

hardware (e.g. rain gauges, stream gauges etc) and
software (computer models) are needed for real-time
flood forecasting

 Uses of Hydrology Used in connection with design and

operations of hydraulic structure
•Determining the water balance of a region.

•Determining the agricultural water balance.

•Mitigating and predicting flood, landslide and

drought risk.

•Real-time flood forecasting and flood warning.

Designing irrigation schemes and managing agricultural
relating to wetlands adjacent to rivers and streams
•Designing sewers and urban drainage system.

•Providing drinking water.

•Analyzing the impacts of antecedent moisture on

sanitary sewer systems.
•Predictinggeomorphologic changes, such as erosion or

•Assessingthe impacts of natural and anthropogenic

environmental change on water resources.

•Assessingcontaminant transport risk and establishing

environmental policy guideline
Uses & Applications of Hydrology in
 In hydrology we apply scientific knowledge and
mathematical principles to solve water-related
problems in society: problems of quantity, quality
and availability. Mathematical models of all
Hydrological phenomena are made.
 They may be concerned with finding water
supplies for cities or irrigated farms, or controlling
river flooding or soil erosion. Or, they may work in
environmental protection: preventing or cleaning
up pollution or locating sites for safe disposal of
hazardous wastes.
 Hydraulic consists of the application of fluid mechanics to
water flowing in an isolated environment (pipe, pump) or in
an open channel (river, lake, ocean). Civil engineers are
primarily concerned with open channel flow, which is
governed by the interdependent interaction between the
water and the channel.
Applications include the design of hydraulic
 sewage conduits
 Dams

 Breakwaters
 Management of waterways, such as erosion protection and
flood protection.

 Environmental management, such as prediction of the

mixing and transport of pollutants in surface water.

 Hydroelectric-power development, water supply, irrigation

and navigation are some familiar applications of water
resources engineering.
 Utilizationof water for beneficial purposes.Concern for
preserving our natural environment and meeting the needs
of developing countries has increased the importance of
water resources engineering.

 Civilengineers play a vital role in the optimal planning,

design and operation of water resource systems

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