10 - Electrons and Electronics

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Cambridge Physics - iGCSE

10 - Electrons and Electronics

6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6 – Exam Questions Page 227

10 – ELECTRONS & A grain weevil emerging from a

ELECTRONICS grain of wheat. This picture,
 ELECTRONIC which is 50 times actual size,
was produced by a scanning
electron microscope. The
instrument uses a narrow beam
of electrons, rather than light,
RECTIFICATION and the image is constructed by
 POTENTIAL DIVIDER a computer. Unlike a light
 ELECTRONIC microscope, an electron
SWITCHING microscope gives a three-
 LOGIC GATES dimensional image. However,
 ELECTRON BEAMS the colours are false, and
added by the computer.
10.01 – Electronic Essentials
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► Circuits with microchips and other semiconductor

devices are called electronic circuits. They include
the circuits in TV sets, computers, CD players, and
amplifiers. Most handle very low currents, although
they can control much more powerful circuits.
Essential ideas
Before working
through this section,
you need to
understand the basic
principles of circuits,
covered in spreads
10.01 – Electronic Essentials
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An electronic system
► The sound amplification system below is electronic. When
you speak into the microphone, the sound waves cause
tiny changes in the current in it. These changes are called
signals. They are amplified (magnified) by the amplifier so
that the loudspeaker gives out a louder version of the
original sound. The extra power needed comes from the
power supply.
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An electronic system
► The main features of an electronic system like this are shown in
the flow diagram above right. An input sensor (the microphone)
sends signals to a processor (the amplifier) which uses them to
control the flow of power to an output device (the loudspeaker).
There are some more examples of input sensors and output
devices on the opposite next.
► In the system below, the current varies continuously, just like the
incoming sound waves. Continuous variations like this are called
analogue signals.
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Analogue and digital signals

► But many systems use signals
of a different type. For example,
in the clock below, electronic
circuits create the number
▲ Integrated circuit (IC) package
display by switching strips on or with connecting pins.
off so that they light up in Components like this are used
different combinations. Here, in many electronic circuits.
the signals represent only two
states - on and off. They are
digital signals.
For more about analogue and
digital signals and their uses,
see spread 7.12.
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► Here are some of the components (parts) used in
electronic circuits:
► Resistors keep currents and voltages at the levels
needed for other components to work properly.
► Capacitors* store small amounts of electric charge. They
are used in smoothing circuits and time-delay circuits, in
the tuning circuits in radios and TVs, and for passing on
signals from one circuit to another.
► Diodes let current flow in one
direction only. Most are made
from specially treated crystals
of silicon, a semiconductor.
▲ Light-emitting diode (LED)
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► Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) glow
when a small current passes through
them. They are used as indicator
(on/off) lights and in some
▲ Light-emitting diode
alphanumeric (letter and number)
displays like those on digital clocks.
► Transistors* are used for amplifying
signals and for switching. Most are
made from specially treated crystals of
► Relays are electromagnetic switches.
With a relay, a high-power circuit can
be switched on (or off) by a tiny current
from an electronic circuit.
▲ Transistors
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► Integrated circuits (ICs)*, or ‘microchips’, contain many

complete circuits, with resistors, transistors, other
components, and connections all formed on a tiny chip of
silicon only a few millimetres square. Output devices
Input sensors examples LED (light-emitting diode)
pressure switch (switch operated by relay
pressing it) lamp
reed switch (switch operated by a magnet)
variable resistor electric heater
thermistor (temperature-dependent buzzer
LDR (light-dependent resistor) electric bell
microphone loudspeaker

These are all transducers - devices that convertelectric

electrical signals into
some other form, or vice versa.
10.01 – Electronic Essentials
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1. resistor relay diode transducer LED Q

Which of the above components

b. converts signals into a different form

c. lets current pass in one direction only
a. uses the small current from one circuit to switch a more powerful circuit

d. emits light when a small current flows in it?

2. Give three examples of transducers.
3. When a door bell is rung, what is being used as
a. the input sensor b. the output device?
4. Electronic systems handle either analogue signals or digital ones. Which
type is used by each of these?
5. a. A simple sound amplification system, where you speak into a
microphone and a louder version of your voice comes out of a
b. A system which automatically opens a shop door when someone

Related topics: analogue and digital 7.12; resistors 8.06; resistor colour code
page 321; diodes 8.07 and 10.02; relay 9.04,10.02 and 10.03; transistors 10.03
10.02 – More on Components
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► Diodes allow current to flow in them in one
direction only. The circuits below show what
happens when a diode is connected into a circuit
one way round and then the other:

Circuit essentials
ode !
A.c. (alternating current) flows alternately backwards and
forwards. D.c. (direct current) flows one way only.
When resistors are in series, each has the same current in it.
The resistor with the highest resistance has the greatest p.d.
(voltage) across it.
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▲ When the diode is forward biased, ▲ When the diode is reverse

it has an extremely low resistance, biased, it has an extremely
so a current flows in it and the lamp high resistance and the
lights up. In this case, the lamp does not light. In
arrowhead in the symbol points the effect, the diode blocks the
same way as the conventional current.
(plus-to-minus) current direction.
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► Diodes can be used to change a.c. to d.c. This process is
called rectification. The diodes that do it are known as
rectifiers. A simple rectifier circuit is shown below. The
diode lets the forward parts of the alternating current
through, but blocks the backward parts.
► So the current in the resistor flows one way only. It has
become a rather jerky form of d.c.
► An oscilloscope can be used to show how the circuit
changes the a.c. input. The bottom
half of the output waveform
is missing. The current is
flowing in surges, with short
periods of no current between.
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► Smoothing* The pulsing current from a rectifier can be
smoothed by connecting a capacitor across the output. The
capacitor collects charge during the surges and releases it
when the current from the rectifier falls. This makes the
output more like the steady d.c. from a battery.
10.02 – More on Components
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Potential divider
► A potential divider is an arrangement that delivers only a
proportion of the voltage from a battery (or other source).
Circuit A shows the principle:

A In this potential divider, the B If one of the resistors is replaced by a

lower resistor has half the total variable resistor, the output voltage can
resistance of the two resistors, so be varied. Here, it can range from 0 to 3
V, depending on the setting on the
its share of the battery's voltage is
variable resistor.
also a half.
Circuit B could be used as a volume control in a radio.
10.02 – More on Components
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Potential divider
P.d. and voltage
► Some electronic circuits are Potential difference
designed to switch on when a (p.d.) is the
voltage reaches a set value. If the scientific name for
variable resistor in circuit B were voltage. It is
replaced by an LDR (light- measured in volts
dependent resistor), then the circuit (V). However, for
controlling a lamp could be switched convenience,
on when it got dark. engineers dealing
► Similarly, a fire alarm could be with electronic
switched on by a potential divider circuits tend to use
containing a the term voltage
thermistor rather than p.d.
dependent resistor).
10.02 – More on Components
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Reed switch
► A reed switch is operated by a magnetic field. In the
example on the right, the contacts close if a magnet is
brought near, then open again if it is moved away. Burglar
alarm circuits often contain reed switches. The magnets are
attached to the moving parts of windows and doors.
► With a coil round it, a reed switch becomes a reed relay.
The current in one circuit (through the coil) switches on
another circuit (through the contacts).

◄ A reed switch. When the

magnet is moved near, the
reeds become magnetized
and attract each other.
10.02 – More on Components
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1. What does a diode do? Q

2. What is the purpose of a rectifier?
3. Look at circuits X and Y on the right. In which one ?
a. does the lamp light up
b. does the diode have a very high resistance?
4. If, in circuit A above, the lower resistor were replaced
with one of 5 kΩ, how would this affect the output
voltage of the
potential divider?
5. * How would you
close the contacts in
a reed switch?
Related topics: current direction 8.04; resistance 8.06; relay 9.04 and
10.03; a.c. and d.c. 9.09; temperature-sensitive switches 10.04
10.03 – Electronic Switching
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► When you press a light switch, you close two contacts. This
completes a circuit and bring on the lights. The diagrams
below show another way of switching on a small lamp (or
an LED), using a transistor. Normally, a transistor blocks
current: it is like an open switch. But if a small voltage is
applied across two of its terminals (B and E) as shown, it
conducts and the lamp lights up.

Essential ideas
Before reading this
spread, you need to
understand how a
potential divider
works (see 10.02).
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► Here are two examples of this idea in action. Each

uses a potential divider (see previous spread) to
put a proportion of the battery voltage across
terminals B and E. If the proportion is large
enough, the transistor will switch on.
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A light-sensitive switch
► The circuit below contains a light-dependent resistor
(LDR), a special type of resistor whose resistance falls
when light shines on it. When the LDR is put in the
dark, the lamp lights up. The principle is used in lamps
which come on automatically at night:
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A light-sensitive switch
► The LDR is part of a potential divider. In daylight,
the LDR has a low resistance, and a low share of
the battery voltage - too low to switch the transistor
► In darkness, the resistance of the LDR rises
considerably, and so does its share of the battery
voltage. Now, the voltage across the LDR is high
enough to switch the transistor on, so the lamp
lights up.
Practical switching circuits contain extra components, and !
often use an IC (integrated circuit) rather than a single
10.03 – Electronic Switching
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A temperature-sensitive switch The extra resistor next to

terminal B is to prevent too
► The circuit below contains a
large a current flowing in or
thermistor, a special type of out of the transistor.
resistor whose resistance falls The diode protects the
considerably when its temperature transistor from currents
rises. When the thermistor is generated (by
electromagnetic induction)
heated, the bell rings. The principle
when the relay coil is
is used in automatic fire alarms. switched on or off.
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A temperature-sensitive switch
► The thermistor is part of a potential
divider. At room temperature, the
thermistor has a high resistance and
the major share of the battery
► As a result, the voltage across the
lower resistor is not enough to
switch the transistor on. When the
thermistor is heated, its resistance
falls, and the lower resistor gets a lay
much larger share of the battery
voltage. So the transistor is switched How a Relay
on and the bell starts to ring. Works
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A temperature-sensitive switch
► In this circuit, the transistor does
not switch on the bell directly.
Instead it switches on a relay, and
that switches on the bell.
► As the current in the bell circuit
does not have to flow through the
transistor, a more powerful bell
can be used - or even a mains- ▲Re
operated bell in a completely lay
separate circuit. (A relay could
also have been used in the light- How a Relay
sensitive switch circuit.) Works
10.03 – Electronic Switching
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1. Give one practical use of Q

a. a light-sensitive switch circuit
b. a temperature-sensitive switch circuit.
2. Why is a relay often used with an electronic switch?
3. In the light-sensitive switch circuit on the opposite page,
what would be the effect of interchanging the LDR and the
10 kΩ resistor so that the LDR is at the bottom?
4. In the temperature-sensitive switch circuit above:
a. What would be the effect of replacing the 10 kΩ
resistor with one of lower value?
b. What change(s) would you make to the circuit so that
you could vary the temperature level at which the bell
Related topics: resistors 8.06; relay 9.04 and 10.02; electromagnetic
induction 9.07; diodes 10.02; potential divider 10.02
10.04 – Logic Gates (1)
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► Video recorders, security lamps, alarm systems, and

washing machines are just some of the things controlled
by electronic switches called logic gates.
► The diagram below shows a simple form of gate -
although this one is not electronic. It is just two ordinary
switches, A and B, in a box:
10.04 – Logic Gates (1)
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► There has to be an unbroken circuit for the lamp to light

up. So, if A and B are both on (closed), the lamp is on.
But if either A or B is off (open), the lamp is off. The truth
table gives the results of all the possible switch settings.
It uses two logic numbers: 0 for off and 1 for on.
► In practice, logic gates work
electronically, using tiny transistors
as switches. They are
manufactured as integrated circuits
(ICs), with each chip holding
several gates. The chip also needs
a d.c. power supply. Typically, this
▲You are using logic
is a 5 volt supply, with one terminal gates when you press
marked +5 V and the other 0 V. the buttons on a DVD
10.04 – Logic Gates (1)
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AND, OR, and NOT gates

► There are different types of logic gate. Three of them are
shown in symbol form on the opposite page. To help you
remember which is which, the words AND, OR, and NOT
have been written inside the symbols.
► However, these words are not really
part of the symbols. For simplicity,
the input and output connections are
shown as single wires rather than
complete circuits.
Digital gates
! ▲A logic IC package.
Logic gates operate in only two Twelve of the 'pins'
make connections to the
states, OFF (0) and ON (1). So they
gates on the chip. The
are digital devices (see 10.01). other two are for the
power supply.
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AND, OR, and NOT gates

► Also, connections to the power supply have been omitted.
 Each input is made either high (for example, +5 V) or low
(0 V). As a result, the output is either high or low,
depending on the input state(s).
 In the truth tables, the output and input states are
represented by the logic numbers 1 (high) and 0 (low).
► Gates can be combined so that the output of one becomes the
input of another. The diagram below shows one example:
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This has two inputs

and one output.
For the output to be
high, both inputs must
be high.
In other words...
Output Q is high, if
inputs A AND B are

This has two inputs and

one output.
For the output to be
high, at least one of the
inputs must be high.
In other words...
Output Q is high if input
A OR B (or both) is
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This has one input and one output.

The output is high if
the input is low, and vice versa.
In other words...
Output Q is high if input A is NOT high
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Using a gate
► The diagram on the right shows one use for a logic gate.
The recorder will only start recording if the record’ and
play’ buttons are pressed together.
► For most practical applications, combinations of gates are
needed (see the next spread). Often, each input sensor
forms part of a potential divider, as in a transistor switch,
and the small output
current switches on
lamps, motors, and
other devices via a

Login Gates
10.04 – Logic Gates (1)
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1. Look at the simple two-switches-in-a-box gate on the Q

opposite page. Decide what type of gate it is.
2. The upper diagram on the right shows another two-
switches-in-a-box gate. Write a truth table for this gate and
decide what type of gate it is.
3. The lower diagram shows a combination of gates.
a. Write a truth table for this
combination, showing all
the possible states of
A, B, C, and Q.
b. What must the states of
inputs A and B be for the
output to be high?
Related topics: voltage (p.d.) 8.05; lamps and switches 8.09; relay 9.04
and 10.02; potential divider 10.02; transistor switches 10.03-10.04
10.05 – Logic Gates (2)
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Using a Combination of Gates

► The diagram above shows how sensors and logic gates can
be used to control a security lamp. The sensors and gates
have been connected so that, if it is dark and someone
approaches, the lamp comes on automatically.
► The last gate cannot provide enough power for the lamp, so
it switches on a relay instead. This switches on a separate
circuit with the lamp in it.
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Using a Combination of Gates

► To check that the combination behaves as intended, you

can write a truth table for it (see question 1).
► In this case, the light sensor’s output is low (0) in the dark;
the body heat sensor’s output is high (1) if someone
approaches; the final output Q must be high for the lamp to
come on.
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NAND and NOR gates

► Two more gates are shown below. These are
especially useful because all the other gates can
be made by connecting or combining NAND gates
(or alternatively NOR gates) in different ways.
logic 0 = low (OFF) logic 1 = high (ON)

This has two inputs and

one output.
It is equivalent to an
AND gate with its output
inverted by a NOT gate.
In other words...
Output Q is high if inputs
A AND B are NOT both
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This has two inputs and one output.

It is equivalent to an OR gate with its output inverted by a NOT
In other words...
Output Q is high if neither input A NOR input
B is high.
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Every type of logic gate can be formed by connecting NAND

(or NOR) gates in different combinations (see also question 2).
The combination of three NAND gates above left is equivalent
to an OR gate.
► The diagram above shows how thee NAND gates can be
connected to produce an OR gate.
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Gates, more gates, and computers

► To process data and images a computer must first convert
them into binary form - long strings of 0's and 1's. To hold
this data, a typical microprocessor might contain more than
100 million microscopic logic
gates, all formed with other
components on a tiny chip of
► The gates are formed from
different combinations of
NAND or NOR gates. And
those gates are themselves
formed by linking
microscopic transistors in ▲A microprocessor like this
different combinations. contains over 100 million logic
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1. Look at the security lamp Q

system on the right,
a. Write a truth table
for the system, showing
all the possible states
of A, B, C, and Q.
b. From your table, work out the state of Q when it is dark
and someone is approaching the sensors.
2. NAND gates can be used to make other types of gate. There
are two examples on the right.
a. Write a truth table for each
arrangement, showing all the
possible states of A, (B, C), and Q.
b. Decide what type of gate each is
equivalent to.
Related topics: binary numbers 7.12 sensors 10.01; use of relay 9-04,10.02, and 10.03
10.06 – Electron Beams
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► Given enough energy, electrons can escape from a

conductor and move through a vacuum (empty
space) or through a gas at low pressure.

Charge and current essentials

In a circuit, the current is a flow of tiny, charged particles
called electrons, which come from atoms.
Electrons have a negative (-) charge. If a material loses
electrons, it is left with a positive (+) charge.
Like charges repel, unlike charges attract.
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Thermionic emission*
► If a tungsten filament is heated to about 2000 °C, some of the
electrons in the white hot metal gain enough energy to escape
from its surface. The effect is called thermionic emission and it
occurs in other metals and metal oxides as well. The diagram
below shows an experiment to demonstrate the effect.

The vacuum tube shown on the right is

called a thermionic diode
Electrons can pass from the hot cathode
to the anode, but not the other way, so the tube acts as a one-way valve for current.
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Low energy lamps*

► With these changes, the tube in the above experiment behaves
like a lamp:
 Putting a small amount of gas (mercury vapour) in the tube.
 Increasing the voltage. This makes the electrons move faster.
When they collide with mercury atoms, ultraviolet radiation is
emitted. (Also, more electrons are freed, so
the filament doesn’t then need to be heated.)
 Coating the inside of the tube with suitable
phosphors. Although ultraviolet is invisible, it
makes the phosphors fluoresce (see spread
7.11): they give off visible light - the tube
glows white.
► The features above are used in fluorescent
▲ Compact
tubes and in compact fluorescent lamps
(CFLs) - commonly known as low energy lamps. lamp (CFL)
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Low energy lamps*

► A typical CFL is shown on
the left. The tube has a
spiral shape to keep it
► In the base of the lamp,
there are electronic circuits
to start and maintain the
flow of electrons, produce
the required voltage, and
provide ‘ballast’ - rather like
resistance - to restrict the ▲ Compact fluorescent
current in the gas. lamp (CFL)
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X-ray tube*
► When very fast electrons are suddenly stopped, most of
their kinetic energy is changed into thermal energy (heat).
However, X-rays are also produced.
► This principle is used in the X-ray tube shown on the right,
where X-rays are emitted from a tungsten target when
electrons strike it. (Tungsten
is used because of its high
melting point.)
► The higher the accelerating
voltage between cathode
and anode, the shorter the
wavelength of the X-rays
and the more penetrating
they are. ▲ X-ray tube
10.06 – Electron Beams
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Deflection tube*

► The properties of a beam of electrons can be investigated

using the deflection tube above. The electron gun
produces a narrow beam of electrons. The screen is
coated with a fluorescent material which glows when
electrons strike it. It shows the path of the beam.
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Deflection tube*
► Electric deflection* Above and below the beam, there are
two metal plates. When a voltage is applied across these,
the beam is deflected (bent) towards the positive (+) plate.
► Magnetic deflection The beam can
also be deflected by a magnetic
field, produced by passing a current
in a pair of coils as on the right. The
direction of the force is given by
Fleming’s left-hand rule
(remembering that the conventional
current direction is opposite to that of
the electron flow).
► If the field direction is reversed, the
force direction is also reversed. ▲ Magnetic deflection
10.06 – Electron Beams
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1. Look at the experiment with Q

the deflection tube right:
a. Why is the screen coated
with a fluorescent material?
b. What type of charge do
electrons have, - or +?
c. * Why is the beam of
electrons deflected
2. The diagram on the right shows a beam of
electrons about to pass between the poles of a
a. What is the conventional current direction in
this case?
b. Use Fleming's left-hand rule (see spread 9.05) to work out which
way the electron beam will be deflected.
Related topics: ultraviolet, fluorescence, X-rays 7.11; charge and electrons 8.01; voltage
8.05; magnetic fields and Fleming's left-hana rule 9.05
10.06 – Electron Beams
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1. In the circuit above, the

processor (a transistor) is
switched on when the voltage
between terminals E and B is
more than 0.6 V. This means that
a current can then flow between
E and C, so the lamp will light up.
a. The circuit includes a thermistor. If there is an increase in ?
temperature, what effect does this have on the thermistor?

b. The thermistor and the 10 kΩ resistor form a potential divider.
What is the purpose of a potential divider?

c. If there is an increase in temperature, how does this affect the
voltage between E and B, and what happens as a result?
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Select from the above list:

a. an input device which detects changes in light

b. an output device which produces a sound

c. a processing device which only gives an output
when both inputs are high.
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b. The block diagram below shows an electronic system that
can be used as a burglar alarm.
A, B and D are the inputs. The processor contains logic
gates X and Y. The alarm is the output device. The truth
table for the circuit is shown at the top of the next column
i. Use a truth table to identify the
logic gates. [2]
ii. State an input, A, B or D which
could be connected to a sensor
in order to detect a burglar. [1]
iii. Name a suitable device which
could be used as an input
processor. [1]
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4. A truck is fitted with a security device. To start the truck, two keys
are needed. The first key operates a 'hidden’ switch, the second key
operates the ignition switch.
If the ‘hidden’ switch and the ignition switch are both on, the engine
will start. Turning the ignition switch without operating the ‘hidden’

switch will not allow the engine to start and will activate an alarm.
A, B and C are the three
gates needed for the
design of the logic block,
a. a Identify gate
i. A ‘ [1]
ii. B [1]
iii. C [1]
b. Copy the diagram and show how the inputs and logic gates are
connected together.

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5. The diagram below

shows part of an ?
electronic circuit.

a. What is component Z called? What does it do?

b. Give two ways in which the output of the circuit is
different from the input.
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6. The devices below

are all used in
electronic circuits.

Which of the above is best described by each of the

following statements? ?
a. * Glows when a small current flows in it.

b. Links two circuits so that a small current in one can
switch on or off a larger current in the other.
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7. The diagram shows a circuit for a temperature

The temperature of the thermistor rises,
a. What happens to the resistance of the

b. What happens to the voltage across resistor R?

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8. A simple burglar alarm has two sensors:

 A heat source, which gives a high output
when someone is nearby.
 A light sensor, which gives a high output
when light shines on it.
A thermistor is used in the heat sensor, ?
a. What happens to the thermistor to cause
a change in the sensor output?

b. Suggest a suitable component for the
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Diagrams X and Y above show the symbols for two
logic gates.
a. Which symbol represents an AND gate?

b. With an AND gate, if one input is 1 (high) and the
other is 0 (low), what is the output state?

c. What would be the effect of connecting a NOT
gate to the output of the AND gate?
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10. A deflection tube is placed

between the poles of an
electromagnet. A beam of
electrons travels through the
tube in the direction shown in
the diagram,
a. Which of the following
statements most accurately
describes what happens to
the beam when the electromagnet is switched on?

A It is deflected (bent) towards one of the poles.
B It is deflected upwards or downwards,
b. The direction of deflection can be found using Fleming's left-
hand rule. To use it, you need to know the conventional current
direction. How is that related to the direction of electron flow?
10 – Revision Summary
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Use the list below when you revise for your IGCSE
examination. You can either photocopy it or print it
from the file on the CD accompanying this book.
The spread number, in brackets, tells you where to
find more information.
Core Level
 Examples and uses of transducers.

 The action of a potential divider.

 The action of a thermistor.
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Extended Level
As for Core Level, plus the following:
 The difference between analogue and digital signals.

(7.12 and 10.01)

 The action of a diode.

 Using a diode as a rectifier for changing a.c. to d.c.

 Using circuit diagrams and symbols, including the diode.

(10.02-10.03 and page 321)

 Using an LDR in a light-sensitive switch.

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