Demand For Money
Demand For Money
Demand For Money
Interdependence of variables
The various constituents of the transaction equation
like M, V, M’, V’ P and T are not interdependent
variables as assumed by the quantity theorists. They are
independent. Therefore, it is difficult to know what
affects what, and what the consequence of what is. If
there is an increase in the physical volume of
transactions (T), there is bound to be an increase in the
velocity of circulation of money (V). Therefore, T and
V are interdependent and rise or fall together.
Similarly, M may increase without any rise in P on
account of the fact that T may have increased.
will also vary with the level of his wealth, and with the
opportunity cost of holding money, the income foregone
by not holding other assets.
M = PKT or P = M/KT