Lecture 3 - Chap - 4

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Threads, SMP, and

Chapter 4
 Operating system supports multiple threads of execution within a single

UNIX Linux, Windows, Solaris, Mach, O/S2

Single-threaded Multithreaded
Each thread in a process has
– an execution state (running, ready, etc.)
– saved thread context when not running
– an execution stack
– some per-thread static storage for local variables
– access to the memory and resources of its process
• all threads of a process share this
► Thread control block containing register values, priority and other
state information.
Benefits of Threads
Takes less time to create a new thread than a new
Take less time to terminate a thread
Take less time to switch between two threads within
the same process
Since threads within the same process share
memory and files, they can communicate with each
other without invoking the kernel
Drawbacks of Threads
Requires careful design (shared variables)
Hard to debug because the interaction between
threads very hard to control.
Uses of threads in a single-user multiprocessing
 Foreground and background work, example: one thread
could display menus and read user input, another thread
executes user commands
 Asynchronous processing: a thread to backup data
 Speed of execution: on a multiprocessor system, multiple
threads can execute simultaneously
 Modular program structure: programs with many activities
or input and output can implement using threads


Spell &
 checking

Auto saving

Word processor


Dispatcher accepts new request and passes it to an idle worker.

Worker tries to get the page from cache, if not in cache, read from disk

Suspending a process involves suspending all
threads of the process since all threads share the
same address space
Termination of a process, terminates all threads
within the process
Thread States
States associated with a change in thread state
– Spawn
• A thread within a process may spawn another thread
– Block
– Unblock
– Finish
• De-allocate register context and stacks

Issue: Does blocking a thread results in blocking of

the entire process?
Remote Procedure Call (Single Thread)
An RPC is a technique by which two programs, which may execute on
different machines, interact using procedure call/return syntax. RPCs are
often used for client/server applications.

In a single-threaded program, the results in the above RPCs are obtained
in sequence, so that the program has to wait for a response from each
server in turn.
Remote Procedure Call Using Threads

In a dual-threaded program on a uniprocessor, the requests must

be generated sequentially, and the results processed in sequence.
However, the program waits concurrently for the two replies, hence
reduced waiting time significantly.

Multiprogramming on Uniprocessor

On a uniprocessor, multiprogramming enables the interleaving of multiple

threads within multiple processes.
2 categories of thread implementation:
– User-level threads (ULT)
– Kernel-level threads (KLT)
User-Level Threads

► All thread management is done by the

► The kernel is not aware of the existence of
threads (schedule on process basis &
assign single process state)
► Applications can be programmed to be
multithreaded using threads library that
contains code for
• creating and destroying threads
• passing messages and data between
• scheduling thread execution
• saving and restoring thread contexts
ULT States vs. Process States

► Suppose thread 2 in process B is executing

► 3 possible cases/occurrence:
ULT States vs. Process States

► Possible occurrence 1:
 Application in thread 2 makes a I/O call that blocks
process B, the kernel switches to another process.
Although thread 2 is perceived in Running state by the
thread library, it is not actually executed on a processor.
ULT States vs. Process States

► Possible occurrence 2:
 Process B exhausted its time slice and is placed in Ready
state, but the data structure managed by thread library
shows that thread 2 is still in running state. Again, Thread
2 is not actually executed on a processor.
ULT States vs. Process States

► Possible occurrence 3:
 Thread 2 needs some actions performed by thread 1.
Thread 2 is blocked and thread 1 is executing. Process B
still remains in Running state.
Advantages of ULTs

► Thread switching does not require kernel mode

privileges  save the overhead of mode switches
► Scheduling algorithm can be tailored to application
without disturbing OS scheduler.
► Can run on any OS. Threads library is a set of
application-level utilities.
Disadvantages of ULTs

► When a ULT makes a system call, all of the threads in

the process are blocked because the entire process is
blocked and taken out of run queue.
► Multithreaded application cannot take advantage of
multiprocessing in a pure ULT strategy  one process
is assigned to one processor  only one thread can
execute at a time.
Kernel-Level Threads
 Thread management done by the
 Windows is an example of this
 No thread management code in
application area, only application
programming interface (API) to the
kernel thread facility.
 Kernel maintains context information
for the process and the threads
 Scheduling is done on a thread basis
Advantages of KLT
The kernel can simultaneously schedule multiple
threads from a process on multiple processors.
If the thread is blocked, the kernel can schedule
another thread from the same process.
The kernel themselves can be multithreaded.
Disadvantage of KLT
The transfer of control to another thread in the
same process requires a mode switch to the kernel.
This introduces additional latencies.
Combined Approaches
 Example is Solaris
 Thread creation done in the user space
 Scheduling and synchronization of
threads within application
 ULTs from an application are mapped
onto KLTs.
 Multiple threads can run concurrently
on multiple processors
 A blocking system call need not block
the entire process.
Symmetric Multiprocessing
Flynn’s taxonomy:
– Single Instruction Single Data (SISD) stream
• Single processor executes a single instruction stream to operate
on data stored in a single memory
– Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) stream
• Each instruction is executed on a different set of data by the
different processors
– Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD)
• A set of processors simultaneously execute different instruction
sequences on different data sets
– Multiple Instruction Single Data (MISD)
• A sequence of data is transmitted to a set of processors, each
executes a different instruction sequence. Never implemented
Symmetric Multiprocessing
Tightly Coupled vs Loosely Coupled Characteristics

Tightly Coupled Loosely Coupled

Close proximity to processors Physically separated processors
High-bandwidth communication Low-bandwidth message-based
(memory bus) via shared memory communication
Single copy of OS Independent OS
Master / Slave Architecture
Kernel always run on a particular processor, the
The master handles process management and
– The failure of the master brings down the whole system
– The master can become a performance bottleneck
Symmetric Multiprocessor
Kernel can execute on any processor
Typically each processor does self-scheduling from
the pool of available processes or threads
Must ensure that 2 processors do not choose the
same process
SMP Organization


 A multiprocessor system with shared memory (tightly coupled system).

 Due to symmetric access of all processor to all memory modules ->
Symmetrical Multi-Processing (SMP)
Cluster Architecture

Parallel Applications
Sequential Applications Parallel Programming Environments

Cluster Middleware
PC/Workstation PC/ Workstation PC/ Workstation PC/ Workstation PC/ Workstation
Local SW
memory Comm.
Local SW
memory Comm.
Local SW
memory Comm.
Local SW
memory Comm.
Local SW

Network Network Network Network Network

Interface HW Interface HW Interface HW Interface HW Interface HW

High Speed Network / Switch

• Each processor has its local memory with the address space
available only for this processor.
• Processors can exchange data through the interconnection network
by means of communication through the message passing.
Examples of Cluster

Quartz CTS-1 Cluster

Examples of Cluster

Multiprocessor OS Design Considerations

 Simultaneous concurrent processes or threads: allow

several processors to execute the same kernel code
simultaneously, at the same time, avoid deadlock or invalid
 Scheduling: may be performed by any processor, conflicts
must be avoided.
 Synchronization: active processes may access to shared
address spaces or I/O resources.
 Memory management
 Reliability and fault tolerance: OS must be able to recognize
the loss of a processor and restructure management tables
Small operating system core
Contains only essential core operating systems
Many services traditionally included in the operating
system are now external subsystems
– Device drivers
– File systems
– Virtual memory manager
– Windowing system
– Security services
Microkernel Architecture

ted as

or monolithic
Benefits of Microkernel Organization

 Uniform interface on request made by a process

– Don’t distinguish between kernel-level and user-level services (all
services are provided by means of message passing)
 Extensibility
– Allows the addition of new services without building a new kernel.
 Flexibility
– New features can be added
– Existing features can be subtracted
 Portability
– Changes needed to port the system to a new processor are fewer
(changed in the microkernel)
Benefits of Microkernel Organization
– Modular design
– Small microkernel can be rigorously tested
Distributed system support
– Message are sent without knowing what the target
machine is (if all processes and services in distributed
system have unique identifiers  single system image)
Support for Object-oriented operating system
– Components are objects with clearly defined interfaces
that can be interconnected to form software
Microkernel Design
Must include functions that depend directly on the
hardware and functions needed to support the
servers and applications operating in user mode
– Low-level memory management
– Interprocess communication
– I/O and interrupt management
Microkernel Design
Low-level memory management
– Mapping each virtual page to a physical page frame
– Protection of address space, page replacement algorithm
and other paging logic are implemented outside the
Microkernel Design
Low-level memory management (example)
– When an application references to a page not in main
memory  page fault occurs and execution traps to
kernel  kernel sends a message to pager  the pager
allocate a page frame and load that page  pager sends
a resume message to the application.
Microkernel Design
Interprocess communication
– Processes / threads communicate by passing messages
I/O and interrupt management
– It is possible to handle interrupts as messages.
– Microkernel recognize interrupts and generates a
message for the user-level process that associated with
the interrupt  microkernel does not handle interrupts
 The system is structured in 4 layers

User User User

4 Init …
process process process
Process File Info Network
3 …
manager system system server
Disk TTY Ethernet
2 …
driver driver driver
Kernel Clock System
task task
Layer 1
– Kernel mode
– Schedule execution of processes
– Handles IPC (inter process communication)
– Clock task – device driver that interacts with hardware
that generates timing signals
– System task provides kernel calls for reading & writing
I/O ports, copying data between address spaces
Reincarnation server
– starts / restarts device drivers that are not loaded at the
same time as kernel
– starts a fresh copy of driver that fails during operation

** Device drivers typically comprise 70% of the OS

Monolithic Kernels

Case Studies of threads and SMP for monolithic

– Windows
– Linux
Different Approaches to Processes

Differences between different OS’s support of

processes include
– How processes are named
– Whether threads are provided
– How processes are represented
– How process resources are protected
– What mechanisms are used for inter-process
communication and synchronization
– How processes are related to each other
Windows Processes

Processes and services provided by the

Windows Kernel are relatively simple and
general purpose
– Implemented as objects
– An executable process may contain one or more
– Both processes and thread objects have built-in
synchronization capabilities
Windows Process Object
Windows Thread Object
Thread States
Windows SMP Support

 Threads can run on any processor

– But an application can restrict affinity
 Soft Affinity
– The dispatcher tries to assign a ready thread to the same
processor it last ran on.
– This helps reuse data still in that processor’s memory caches
from the previous execution of the thread.
 Hard Affinity
– An application restricts threads to certain processor
Linux Tasks

Task (which can be process or thread*) in Linux

is represented by a task_struct data structure
This contains a number of categories including:
– State
– Scheduling information
– Identifiers
– Interprocess communication
– And others

* Linux does not really differentiate process and thread from kernel point of
view. The kernel just views thread as another process with shared
Linux Process/Thread Model

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