The FINAL EXAM Will Cover All of CSS

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Course Final Exam (Mandatory)


Students who do not attend will be assigned a grade of F for this course.

Time: Tuesday Jun 3, Exam Period 1 Place: IPS8

 Students must bring their ID to enter the room to take the Exam.
 Students who are more than 20 min late will not be admitted.

The FINAL EXAM will cover all of CSS…

[1] CSS Basics:
(a) Style Rules and Style Rule Construction.
(b) Targeting elements by: Name, Class, ID, Context, State, etc
(c) Internal Style Sheets, etc.
[2] External Style Sheets, Alternate Sheets, and the Cascade
[3] Formatting with CSS:
(a) Font characteristics: font-families, sizes, etc.
(b) Text characteristics: text and background colors, spacing, etc.
[4] Layout with CSS:
(a) Basics, including the Flow, the Box Model, etc
(b) Absolute, Fixed, and Relative Positioning.
[5] XHTML: questions will assume appropriate XHTML knowledge.
Lecture 12 – Layout with Styles
 Over the previous 4 Lectures, we have discussed CSS:
 Lecture 8: Style Creation
 Targeting Elements via the Selector
 Lecture 9: Style Application
 via External and Internal Sheets, and Local Styles,
 And the Cascade.
 Lectures 10-11: Formatting with Styles
 Formatting Font Properties and CSS Colors (L10)
 Formatting Text Properties (L11)

 In this Lecture, we continue our discussion of CSS:

 Lecture 12: Layout with Styles
 Positioning elements in the Flow, and the Box Model…
 In the context of a detailed, step-by-step example:
 A simple DNA Computing Web-page.
Layout With Styles
 We have already seen several ‘old school’ layout methods:
 Layout with Tables
 Where we may create box-like layouts using Cells and Column Groups.
 Layout with Frames (not yet supported in XHTML 1.1)
 Where we place multiple html pages in a single organized Frameset…

 CSS also supports sophisticated layout-creation capabilities.

 Layout with Styles has several advantages:
1. Supports creation of Liquid layouts:
 Layouts that expand or contract smoothly, with the visitor’s monitor
2. Allows Global control and application of your layout:
 Layouts that can be quickly applied to an entire site, at once.
 Excellent maintenance, reusability, and portability.
3. Produces smaller total file sizes:
 Result: faster visitor viewing.
4. Is Required for Professional Web Designers:
 Since XHTML/CSS is the current standard…
 As well as a current modest disadvantage:
 Older Browsers do not support it (also, IE6 provides imperfect support…).
The Importance of Page Structuring
 Recall the main point of using XHTML/CSS:
 To separate formatting from content and structure…
 to achieve logical simplicity.
 This frees your page from rigid, local instructions.
 And gives you the freedom to organize simply and logically.

 CSS formatting thus begins with proper page structure:

 This is established prior to applying styles.
 Basically: A well-structured document is easy to format with CSS.

 Use the following guides, when you structure your pages:

1. Use div elements to divide your document into logical elements…
 So that each division is a logically-coherent section.
2. Define your divisions in a logical order…
 So that if CSS layout is NOT supported, you will degrade gracefully!
3. Use header elements consistently, to identify/prioritize information.
4. Provide comments to explain the meaning of each division
 (I will omit these in our example for space reasons)
XHTML Code for Examples
• We will be using the XHTML code shown below for examples:

• Note 1: The text (body) continues past the illustrated code....

• Note 2: All style rules used in this example:
• Will be placed in an internal style sheet, as applied;
• And thus, are in the document <head> (within a <style> element).
The Box Model
 To CSS, every element in an xhtml page is enclosed…
 by an invisible, multi-layered box:

 From the inside-out, these 4 properties are:

 Content: The central portion, which contains the element;
 Padding: The space surrounding the content;
 Border: The outside edge of the padding;
 Margin: The space surrounding the border.
 Together, these determine the size of an element.
 Note: We have seen this before, with table data cells…
 For each element, we can control the size and position of each
 And each of the 4 box properties (and parts of properties), individually.
 This gives us very nice control over a page’s layout.
 As we discussed earlier, there are two types of element boxes:
 Block-level: Elements which generate a new paragraph.
 In-line: Elements which do not.
 This trait governs a page’s initial (starting) layout…

 Initially, block-level elements in a page flow from top to bottom…

 in the order of appearance in the xhtml document (left-justified).
 With line breaks at the top/bottom of each Block-level element
 This default positioning is called the normal flow.

 In our example, all block-level elements are displayed in Flow.

 One by one, left-aligned, and from top to bottom…
Positioning Elements in the Flow
 There are 4 ways to actively position an element box:
1. Static Positioning (default):
 Leaving the box in the normal Flow;
2. Absolute Positioning:
 Removing the box from normal Flow;
 Specifying the box’s position relative to its parent element;

3. Fixed Positioning:
 Removing the box from normal Flow;
 Specifying the box’s position relative to the browser window;

4. Relative Positioning:
 Removing the box from normal Flow:
 Specifying the box’s position relative to its normal in-flow position.

 After positioning all elements, some boxes may overlap…

 If so, the order of overlap should be specified:
 The z-index (since this is 3-D).

 The properties of each box may be individually controlled…

 Space properties: alignment, padding, border, margin;
 Appearance: e.g., Overall size, alignment, color, etc
Positioning 1: Displaying/Hiding Elements
 You may preferentially hide or display particular elements:
 Using the display property:

#navigation a{display:block}

 The display property can take a variety of values:

 none: hides the targeted element (and its descendants):
 No space will remain where the element would have been.
 To keep the space, use: visibility:hidden instead   (default val.:
 block: displays the element as block-level (new paragraph)…
 However, empty space above and below the elements is not provided.
 Above, we display all links in the #navigation division at block-level.
 inline: displays the element as inline (no new paragraph);
 list-item: displays the element as if the li tag had been used.

 Interesting point:
 As we noted earlier, Netscape places extra space under images in Table
 This can be eliminated by displaying the images as block-level.
Positioning 2: Absolute Positioning
 You may remove an element from the normal flow…
 And position it relative to its parent element:
 Using the property-value pair, position:absolute …

#bg {position:absolute; top: 250px; left:2% }

#content{position:absolute; top:0px; left:30% }
#navigation{position:absolute; top:10px; left:2% }
#navigation a{display:block}

 This is called ‘Absolute Positioning’.

 One or more attribute:value pairs follow, to specify the absolute position.
 For each, first type: top, bottom, left, or right…
 Then, type :v, the desired offset distance from the indicated edge of the
target element’s parent:
 Expressed as an absolute (e.g., 10px) or relative (e.g., 1em) value;
 Or, as a percentage of the parent element (used for liquid designs).
 We position the #bg, #content, and #navigation divisions relative to the body.

Thus, for positioning, several property-value pairs work together.

 Abs. Positioning not inherited (but, parents/descendents do move together.)
Positioning 3: Affixing an Element
 You may remove an element from the normal flow…
 And position it relative to the browser window:
 Using the property-value pair, position:fixed …

#bg {position:fixed; top: 250px; left:2% }

#content{position:absolute; top:0px; left:30% }
#navigation{position:fixed; top:10px; left:2% }
#navigation a{display:block}

 This is called ‘Fixed Positioning’.

 Again, attribute:value pairs follow, to specify the fixed position.
 For each, first type the window side: top, bottom, left, or right …
 Then, type :v, the desired offset distance from the browser window:
 Expressed as an absolute (e.g., 10px) or relative (e.g., 1em) value;
 Or, as a percentage of the browser window (used for liquid designs).
 Here, we switch the #bg and #navigation divisions to fixed positioning.
 Again, for positioning, several property-value pairs work together.
 This provides the ideal replacement for Frames…
 Unfortunately, IE7 supports fixed positioning, but not IE6.
 Again, not inherited (but parents/descendants do move together.)
Positioning 4: Offsetting Elements
 You may offset an element within the natural flow…
 And position it relative to its original location
 (i.e., from where it used to be in the normal flow):
 Using the property-value pair, position:relative …

#bg {position:fixed; top: 250px; left:2% }

#content{position:absolute; top:0px; left:30% }
#navigation{position:fixed; top:10px; left:2% }
#navigation a{display:block}
h2,h3{position:relative; left:-15px}
 This is called ‘Relative Positioning’.
 Again, attribute:value pairs follow, to specify the offset.
 For each, first type: top, bottom, left, or right …
 Then, type :v, the desired offset distance from the normal, in-flow position.
 Again, from the indicate edge, and…
 Expressed as an absolute (e.g., 10px) or relative (e.g., 1em) value;
 Here, we offset the h2 and h3 elements via relative positioning.
 Note: surrounding elements are NOT affected AT ALL.
 Again, not inherited (but parents/descendants do move together.)
Format 1: Setting Background Color
 As we saw last time, any element’s background color may be set:
 Using the background-color property:
body{background-color:#fff} /** Note the abbreviation: #xxyyzz = #xyz **/
#bg {position:fixed; top: 250px; left:2%; background-color:black}
#content{position:absolute; top:0px; left:30%; background-color:#fff }
#navigation{position:fixed; top:10px; left:2% }
#navigation a{display:block; text-decoration:none}
#navigation a:link.current,#navigation a:visited.current{background-color:#ff9}
#navigation a:hover{background-color:#fff}
#navigation a:hover.current{background-color:transparent}
 To change the background color
 type the predefined color (e.g., navy), or the color code (#000080)
 To specify No color, use the value, transparent (default value).

 We also discussed using a background image …

 Last time, our example was a small chess-board, set with:
background-image: url(../Pictures/chessboard.jpeg);
background-position: top right; background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
 Note: The background-color property is not inherited.
Format 2: Setting Foreground Color
 As we also saw last time, any element’s foreground color may be set:
 Using the color property:
body{background-color:#fff; color:#000}
#bg {position:fixed; top: 250px; left:2%; background-color:black}
#content{position:absolute; top:0px; left:30%; background-color:#fff}
#navigation{position:fixed; top:10px; left:2%; color:white}
#navigation a{display:block; text-decoration:none}
#navigation a:link.current,#navigation a:visited.current{background-color:#ff9}
#navigation a:hover{background-color:#fff;color:#339}
#navigation a:hover.current{background-color:transparent; color:#ff9}
h1{background-color:#339; color:#fff}

 The color value can be specified using an RGB color, as we saw


 Note: The color property is inherited.

Layout 1: Choosing the Cursor
 CSS also lets you choose which cursor is displayed (and when):
 Using the cursor property:

body{background-color:#fff; color:#000}
#bg {position:fixed; top: 250px; left:2%; background-color:black}
#content{position:absolute; top:0px; left:30%; background-color:#fff}
#navigation{position:fixed; top:10px; left:2%; color:white}
#navigation a{display:block; text-decoration:none}
#navigation a:link.current,#navigation a:visited.current{background-color:#ff9}
#navigation a:hover{background-color:#fff;color:#339}
#navigation a:hover.current{background-color:transparent;
color:#ff9; cursor:default}
h1{background-color:#339; color:#fff}

 The cursor property can take a number of values:

 pointer specifies a hand-cursor, which is normal for a link ( )
 default specifies an arrow ( )
 Others: crosshair ( ), move ( ), wait ( ), and help ( );
 auto: specifies using the usual cursor for the situation.
 In this Lecture, we have discussed Layout with Styles:
1. The Box Model of element structure…
 And the position of elements the natural flow.
2. Removing elements from the flow, and re-positioning via:
 Absolute positioning (relative to the parent element);
 Fixed positioning (relative to the browser window);
 Relative positioning (relative to the normal position in the flow).

3. Setting element background color and foreground color…

4. Cursor selection.
 In the next Lecture, we continue our treatment of CSS Layout:
 Setting element box properties:
 Border, Padding, and Margin widths;
 Setting element size (height and width)
 Positioning elements in 3D
 Via the z-index.
 Controlling Overflow
 Making elements Float
 in a ‘sea of text’.
Course Final Exam (Mandatory)
Students who do not attend will be assigned a grade of F for this course.

Time: Tuesday Jun 3, Exam Period 1 Place: IPS8

 Students must bring their ID to enter the room to take the Exam.
 Students who are more than 20 min late will not be admitted.

The FINAL EXAM will cover all of CSS…

[1] CSS Basics:
(a) Style Rules and Style Rule Construction.
(b) Targeting elements by: Name, Class, ID, Context, State, etc
(c) Internal Style Sheets, etc.
[2] External Style Sheets, Alternate Sheets, and the Cascade
[3] Formatting with CSS:
(a) Font characteristics: font-families, sizes, etc.
(b) Text characteristics: text and background colors, spacing, etc.
[4] Layout with CSS:
(a) Basics, including the Flow, the Box Model, etc
(b) Absolute, Fixed, and Relative Positioning.
[5] XHTML: questions will assume appropriate XHTML knowledge.

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