Lecture-7 Linecoding
Lecture-7 Linecoding
Lecture-7 Linecoding
These slides are partially based on slides assembled by B. A. Forouzan, with grateful acknowledgement of the many others who made their course materials freely available online.
Line coding
•How we can represent digital
data by using digital signals?
•The conversion involves three
• Line coding
• Block coding
• Scrambling
Signal Rate:- It refers the number of signal element sent per second.
Signal rate is also known as pulse rate or baud rate and represented
in baud.
Signal Rate (S)=
Average Signal Rate ()=
Assuming that the average value of c is 1/2 . The baud rate is
Signal Transmission Issues
In a digital transmission, the receiver clock is 0.1 percent faster than the
sender clock. How many extra bits per second does the receiver receive if the
data rate is
1 kbps? How many if the data rate is 1 Mbps?
At 1 kbps, the receiver receives 1001 bps instead of 1000
Polar RZ:- Return-to-zero (RZ) scheme uses three values: positive, negative, and zero.
• In RZ, the signal changes not between bits but during the bit also.
• No DC component problem.
• It occupies greater bandwidth.
• Complexity: RZ uses three levels of
voltage, which is more complex to
create and discern.
Polar Biphase: Manchester and
differential Manchester schemes
The idea of RZ (transition at the middle
of the bit) and the idea of NRZ-L are
combined into the Manchester scheme.
No DC component.
Commonly used for long-
distance communication
Synchronization problem
when a long sequence of 0s
is present in the data.
The desire to increase the data speed or
decrease the required bandwidth has resulted
Multilevel in the creation of many schemes. The goal is to
schemes increase the number of bits per baud by
encoding a pattern of m data elements into a
pattern of n signal elements.
Types of Multilevel scheme
In mBnL schemes, a pattern of m data elements 2B1Q scheme
is encoded as a pattern of n signal elements in 8B6T scheme
which 2m ≤ Ln. 4D-PAM5 scheme
Multilevel: • 2BIQ:- Two binary, one quaternary
• It uses data patterns of size 2 and encodes the
2B1Q scheme 2-bit patterns as one signal element belonging
to a four-level signal.
Multilevel: 8B6T scheme
• The block-coded stream does not have more that three consecutive 0s.
• At the receiver, the NRZ-I encoded digital signal is first decoded into a stream
of bits and then decoded to remove the redundancy
4B/5B mapping codes
Substitution in 4B/5B block coding
8B/10B block encoding • The most five significant bits of a 10-bit
block is fed into the 5B/6B encoder; the
least 3 significant bits is fed into a 3B/4B
• The split is done to simplify the mapping
• Disparity controller:-To prevent a long
run of consecutive 0s or 1s, the code
uses a disparity controller which keeps
track of excess 0s over 1s (or 1s over
• The coding has 2^10 – 2^8 =768
redundant groups that can be used for
disparity checking and error detection.
• It has better built-in error-checking
capability and better synchronization as
compared to 4B/5B scheme.
AMI used with scrambling
• A technique that does not increase the number
of bits and does provide synchronization is
• Scrambling technique substitutes long zero-level
pulses with a combination of other levels to
provide synchronization.
• Scrambling, as opposed to block coding, is done
at the same time as encoding. The system needs
to insert the required pulses based on the
defined scrambling rules.
• Two common scrambling techniques are
• 1) B8ZS 2) HDB3
Two cases of B8ZS scrambling technique