The Book of Amos

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(765-75 0 B C )

• Author
• Date Written
• Setting
• Key Verse
• Key people
• Audience
• Key Places
• Purpose
• Special Features
• The name Amos means “burden”. may referred
to as unwelcome birth or may referred to the
future ministry describe the burden heart over
Judah and Israel’s sin.
• He was born from the little town of Tekoa, 5
miles from Bethlehem and Judea.
• He was a herdsman(1:1; 7:14; 15) and gatherer
of Sycamore fruit
• He had not graduated from the school of the
prophets, but he was called by God to become a
layman evangelist.
• He was called to become a prophet to the whole
house of Jacob (3:1; 1:3) but chiefly t the
Northern Kingdom (7:14; 15) at the main
Sanctuary at Bethel (7:10)
• He ministered during the time of Uzziah ( King
of Judah) and Jeroboam II (King of Israel)
• Beginning his ministry some two before a
mighty earthquake struck the Palestine.
• At the time Amos’ ministry, Israel under King
Jeroboam II was its zenith of success, but along
with the nation’s prosperity had come religious
The Book of Amos
• Original Audience- The people of Israel the
Northern Kingdom.
• Date Written - Approximately 760-750 BC;
During the reign of Jeroboam II of Israel
and King Uzziah f Judah.
• Key Verse - Amos 5:24
• key People -Amos, Amaziah, Jeroboam II
• Key Places - Bethel and Samaria

• To pronounce God’s judgement upon Israel,

the Northern Kingdom for their
complacency, idolatry and oppression of the
• Announcement of
The BluePrint Judgement (1:1-2:16)-
Amos spoke with frankness
about denouncing their sin,
he was not intimidated by
the priest or king.
• Reasons for judgement
• Visions of judgement (7:1-
• Accountability to God
• Complacency
• Oppressing the Poor
• Superficial Religion
• The nation often harassed
Israel., especially under
Ben-hadad I and King 8 Nations
Hazael Denounced (1-6)
• God would thus;
• Burned down the palace of
Syria- Capital City
the capital city
• Breakdown their
Damascus (1:1-5)
• Cause many Syrians to die
and others to be carried
• Capital City, Gaza (1:6-8)
• 4 Chief Cities in Philistia
• They were judged because
of they sold Israel into • Gaza
slavery to Edom (2
Chronicles 21:16-17; Joel • Ashdod
3:4-8) • Ashkelon
• Ekron
• Capital city, Tyre (1:9-10)
• They had broken their covenant to their
brotherhood to the Israel (referring to the
agreement David and Solomon had made 1
Kings 9:13)
• Israel has been attacked by Tyre and its
citizens led into slavery to Edom. (Joel 3:4-
• God would burn down the forts and palaces
of Tyre
• Teman was located
southeast of Petra, Bozrah
was in the North Central of
• Because Israel suffered
grievously at the hands of

the Edom- God caused
their destruction
• Their strongholds would
thus be burn
• Capital City, Teman and
Bozrah (1:11-12)
had committed cruel AMMON
es such as ripping
pregnant women with
ng their expansion Capital City: Rabbah
in Gilead • Descendants of Lot’s
youngest daughter. (1:13-
would destroy their 15)
s and re-enslave their
• Desecrated tombs of the
King of Edom (King 3:26-
• They would be defeated in a
• Capital City: Kirioth (2:1-
• Descendants of Lot’s older
y rejected the word of Judah
, and disobeyed God’s
y had hardened their Capital City: Jerusalem
ts as their father had
• Capital City Samaria (2:6:16)
• They perverted justice by accepting BECAUSE OF
bribes. ALL THIS
• They had sold the poor from slavery, GOD WOULD:
trading them for a pair of shoes. • Make them
• They are lounging in stole clothing groan
from their debtors at the religious • Cause their
feast swiftest
• They had offered sacrifices f wine in warriors to
the temple, purchased by the stolen stumble in the
money. battle.
• Unthankful for past blessings.
• They caused Nazarites to sin by
House of Jacob (Both Israel and
• Jacob’s punishment must equal to her past privileges (3:1-
• God was issuing one final warning through his prophets.
• Jacob’s enemy are called upon to attest to her wickedness.
a. Her women become cruel and demanding. (4:1-3)
b. Her formal and empty religious ceremony has become
insults to divine holiness. (4:4-5; 5:21-26)
c. They surrounded themselves with gross luxury. (6:4)
d. They thought more of the worldly music than their own
Messiah. (6:5)
House of Jacob (Both Israel and
• God had tried everything to bring his people to their
senses. (4:6-13)
• One final invitation is extended by God. (5:4-15)
• This invitation is rejected, and judgment would fall.
a. Jacob would be consumed as a lion devour a sheep.
b. They would be crying in the streets and every road.
c. In that day they would be like man who escaped from a
lion, only to meet a bear. (5:19)
d. 90% of their soldiers would fall on the battle.
I. The locust plagued (7:1-3)
a. Vision revealed to Amos Five Visions
his intention to destroy al Announced (7-9)
the main crops that
sprang up after the first
b. Amos interceed for Israel
and a merciful God
changed his coursed of
II. The vision of great fire.
(7:4-6) Five Visions
a. Amos saw a destructive Announced (7-9)
fire that consumed the
water of Palestine.
b. The prophet pled for
mercy, and again God set
aside this deserved
III. The vision of plumb
line. (7:7-16) Five Visions
a. Amos viewed the Lord as Announced (7-9)
he stood beside the
plumb line to see if it
was straight.
b. God informed Amos:
1. He would continue to test
Israel. Five Visions
2. That he would no longer Announced (7-9)
turn away from
3. That he would destroy
the dynasty of Jeroboam
II by the sword.
c. Amos confronted by
Amaziah, the chairman Five Visions
of the Bethel Announced (7-9)
Ministerial Association, who
quickly issued 2
1. One was to King
Jeroboam II, warning him
against the Bible banging
activity of Amos
Most Terrifying
a. Amaziah’s wife would
become a Bethel street
Prophesies ever
prostitute. pronounced upon
b. His son and daughter a human being,
would be killed. because of false
c. His land and possession
would be divided up.
priest trying to
d. He would die as a captive silence the God’s
in a heathen land. true prophet
IV. The vision of the basket
summer fruit Five Visions
a. The meaning of the Announced (7-9)
vision: It symbolizes that
Israel is now ripe for
b. The reason for judgment
vision: The cruel and
materialisltic merchants of
the Northern Kingdom had:
1. Robbed the poor (by
selling them moldy food.) Five Visions
2. Longed for Sabbath to Announced (7-9)
end and various religious
holidays to be over that
they could, once again
start cheating.
3. Made slaves of the poor,
buying their debt of a
piece of silver or a pair
c. The results of this
judgment vision:
1. The riotous singing in the Five Visions
temple would turn unto Announced (7-9)
2. Dead bodies would be
scattered everywhere.
3. Fearful heavenly sign
would occur.
4. There would be no
comforting words from
V. The vision of the Lord at
the Altar: (9:1-15)
1. The condemnation of Five Visions
Israel’s transgressors. Announced (7-9)
2. The restoration of David
Tabernacle. (9:11-15)
a. The Davidic Monarchy
b. The blessing of the
restored monarchy.
1. The harvest time will
scarcely end before the Five Visions
farmer starts again to
sow another crop.
Announced (7-9)
2. The terraces of grapes
upon the hills of Israel
will drip sweet wine.
3. Israel’s faithful will have
their fortunes restored
and be permanently
regathered in the glorious

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