Extra Corporeal Devices and Special Diagnostic Techniques
Extra Corporeal Devices and Special Diagnostic Techniques
Extra Corporeal Devices and Special Diagnostic Techniques
Topics to be covered
• Need for heart lung machine
• functioning of bubble, disc type and membrane type
• finger pump, roller pump, electronic monitoring of
functional parameters
• Hemo Dialyser unit
• Lithotripsy
• Principles of Cryogenic technique and application
• Endoscopy, Laproscopy,Otoscopes.
• Thermography – Recording and clinical application.
The Heart-lung machine is a device which is used to
provide blood circulation and oxygenation while
the heart is stopped during the open heart surgery.
Heart-lung machine consists of three main functional
units, the pump, the oxygenator and heat exchanger.
To function, the heart-lung machine must be to
connected the patient in a way that allows blood to be
removed, processed, and returned to the body.
The researchers searched mainly for a means to provide
oxygenated blood to organ preparations. They filtered the
blood through various screens and membranes and even
pumped it through the lungs of dogs or monkeys, but
problem was not to be their solved, though this may be
considered the beginning of research into a heart-lung
The first successful open heart procedure on a human
utilizing the heart lung machine was performed by John
Gibbon in 1953. He repaired an atrial septal defect in an
18-year-old woman.
Modified – Mayo Clinic (1955)
Present Day Machine
Purpose of Heart-lung machine:-
The heart-lung machine provides the benefit of a
motionless heart during open heart surgery.
The heart-lung machine is valuable during this
time since the patient is unable to maintain blood
flow to the lungs or the body.
Surgical procedures in which
Heart-lung machine is used:-
Coronary artery bypasses surgery.
Cardiac valve repair and/or replacement (aortic
valve, mitral valve, tricuspid valve, pulmonic valve)
Repair of large septum defects (atrial septum defect,
ventricular septum defect, atrioventricular septum
Transplantation (heart transplantation, lung
transplantation, heart–lung transplantation)
Implantation of heart.
Block diagram:-
Components of Heart-lung
Blood reservoir
Heparin Pump
Roller pumps/Centrifugal pump
Heat Exchanger
Heart-lung machine circuit consists of a separate circuit
for infusing a solution into the heart itself to
produce cardioplegia to stop the heart from beating, and
to provide myocardial protection (to prevent death of
heart tissue).
A venous cannula removes oxygen deprived blood from a
patient's body. An arterial cannula is sewn into a patient's
body and is used to infuse oxygen-rich blood.
A cardioplegia cannula is sewn into the heart to
deliver a cardioplegia solution to cause the heart to
stop beating
Blood reservoir
The blood reservoir serves as a receiving chamber for
venous return, facilitates a venous bubble trap, provides a
convenient place to add drugs, fluids, or blood, and adds
storage capacity for the perfusion system.
Reservoirs may be rigid (hard) plastic or soft, collapsible
plastic bags.
Heparin Pump
M e m b r a n e o x y g e n a t o r s i n t i m a t e t h e natural
lung by a thin membrane of either micro porous
polypropylene or silicone rubber between the gas and blood
• 3 components :
– Oxygenation chamber
– Defoamer
– Arterial reservoir
1.Oxygenation chamber
Manufacturing field
Medical field
Electronics field
Fuels research
• Cryosurgery (also called cryo therapy) is the use of extreme cold produced by liquid
nitrogen (or argon gas) to destroy abnormal tissue.
• Cryosurgery is used to treat external tumors, such as those on the skin.
• For internal tumors, liquid nitrogen is circulated through a hollow instrument called a
• Cryosurgery has been used for many years in the treatment of skin cancer
• Cryosurgery is very effective and is less expensive than other treatment. It can
be done in your health care provider’s office and an anesthesia is not necessary.
• The treatment can be safely repeated and may be used along with standard
treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, Harmon therapy and radiation.
• It can be used for patients who are not good candidates for conventional surgery
because of their age or other medical condition.
• It is used to treat skin lesions such as freckles (for cosmetic reasons),
hemorrhoids and some skin cancers
Cryotherapy, also called cryosurgery, cryoablation, percutaneous
cryotherapy or targeted cryoablation therapy, is a minimally
invasive treatment that uses extreme cold to freeze and destroy
diseased tissue, including cancer cells. Although cryotherapy and
cryoablation can be used interchangeably, the term "cryosurgery" is
best reserved for cryotherapy performed using an open, surgical
During cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen or high pressure argon gas flows
into a needle-like applicator (a cryoprobe) creating intense cold that
is placed in contact with diseased tissue. Physicians use image-
guidance techniques such as ultrasound, computed
tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR) to help guide the
cryoprobes to treatment sites located inside the body.
Cryotherapy can be applied topically (on the skin surface), percutaneously, or
surgically. Topical cryotherapy is used typically in the case of skin and eye lesions.
When the lesion is situated below the skin surface, a needle-like therapy probe
or applicator needs to be placed through the skin. Occasionally, a surgical
incision is required.
Cryotherapy is used to treat:
• skin tumors.
• pre-cancerous skin moles.
• nodules.
• skin tags.
• unsightly freckles.
• retinoblastomas, a childhood cancer of the retina.
prostate, liver, and cervical cancers, especially if surgical resection is not
Cryotherapy is also being used to treat tumors in other parts of the body, such as
the kidneys, bones (including the spine), lungs, and breasts (including benign
breast lumps called fibroadenomas). Although further research is needed to
determine its long term effectiveness, cryotherapy has been shown to be
effective in selected patients.
Endoscopy is a nonsurgical procedure used to examine a
person's digestive tract.
Using an endoscope, a flexible tube with a light and
camera attached to it, your doctor can view pictures
of your digestive tract on a color TV monitor.
Unlike many other medical imaging technique,
endoscopes are inserted directly into the organ.
Lasts 15 to 60 minutes.
Compared with other parts of the digestive tract, the
small intestine is difficult for doctors to access. While a
camera-tipped tube slipped down the throat can get
images of the stomach and a tube inserted at the other
end of the tract reveals the large intestine, no such
device reaches into most of the small intestine. So,
doctors rely on externally generated images
The main risks are infection, over-sedation, perforation,
or a tear of the stomach or esophagus lining and
bleeding. Although perforation generally requires
surgery, certain cases may be treated with antibiotics
and intravenous fluids.
Occasionally, the site of the sedative injection may
become inflamed and tender for a short time. This is
usually not serious and warm compresses for a few
days are usually helpful.
Investigation of symptoms
-nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, difficulty
swallowing and gastrointestinal bleeding
Conformation of diagnosis
-anemia, bleeding, inflammation and cancer of
the digestive system
Giving treatment
Endoscopy VR simulators
Disposable endoscopy
Capsule endoscopy
Augmented reality
Laparoscopy is also known as: -
Splenic disorders
Hernia Hernia
• Urinary output
• Skin integrity
• Presence of IV lines