WITHKSBASept21Introduction To Module

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Welcome to Module 3 Year 3

Leadership and Management and Improving Quality in Health Care
Learning Outcomes Assessment

L.O1: Critically appraise the importance of political awareness for nurses and the role Assessment 1
nurses play in influencing policy in relation to healthcare delivery

L.O2: Critically evaluate leadership theories, skills, practices, and the importance of Assessment 1
effective leadership in healthcare
L.O3: Critically analyse the concept of team working and identify a range of performance Assessment 1
strategies required for team effectiveness, ensuring risk aversion and effective risk

L.O4: Critically appraise the process of transitioning from student nurse to registered Assessment 1
healthcare professional and reflect on own development needs
L.O5: Work as part of a team to ensure the effective delivery of safe and effective nursing Assessment 2
care and demonstrate achievement of the required proficiency outcomes at the level of
expertise on the chosen field of practice

L.O6 : Demonstrate completion of ongoing record of achievement and all NMC Assessment 3
requirements for the role of the Nurse


K35: Understand the principles of health and safety legislation and regulations
K36: Understand the relationship between safe staffing levels, appropriate skill mix, safety and quality of care
K37: Understand how to identify, report and critically reflect on near misses, critical incidents, major incidents
and serious adverse events in order to learn from them and influence their future practice
K38: Understand the differences between risk aversion and risk management and how to avoid compromising
quality of care and health outcomes
K39: Understand and accept the need to accept and manage uncertainty, and demonstrate an understanding of
strategies that develop resilience in self and others
K40: Understand the role of registered nurses and other health and care professionals at different levels of
experience and seniority when managing and prioritising actions and care in the event of a major incident
K41: Understand the principles of quality improvement methodologies
K42: Understand how the quality and effectiveness of nursing care can be evaluated in practice, work with
people, their families, carers and colleagues to develop effective improvement strategies for quality and safety
K43: Understand the principles of partnership, collaboration and interagency working across all relevant sectors
K44: Understand health legislation and current health and social care policies, and the mechanisms involved in
influencing policy development and change, differentiating where appropriate between the devolved legislatures
of the United Kingdom
K45: Understand the principles of health economics and their relevance to resource allocation in health and social care
organisations and other agencies
K46: Understand how current health policy and future policy changes for nursing and other professions and understand
the impact of policy changes on the delivery and coordination of care
K47: Understand and recognise the need to respond to the challenges of providing safe, effective and person-centred
nursing care for people who have co-morbidities and complex care needs
K52: Understand the processes involved in developing a basic business case for additional care funding by applying
knowledge of finance, resources and safe staffing levels
K53: Understand the importance of exercising political awareness throughout their career, to maximise the influence and
effect of registered nursing on quality of care, patient safety and cost
K54: Understand the principles of effective leadership, management, group and organisational dynamics and culture and
apply these to team working and decision-making
K55: Understand the principles and application of processes for performance management and how these apply to the
nursing team
K56: Understand the roles, responsibilities and scope of practice of all members of the nursing and interdisciplinary team
and how to make best use of the contributions of others involved in providing care
K57: Understand and apply the principles of human factors, environmental factors and strength-based approaches when
working in teams
K58: Understand the mechanisms that can be used to influence organisational change and public policy, demonstrating
the development of political awareness and skills

S41: Maintain safe work and care environments

S42: Comply with local and national frameworks, legislation and regulations for assessing,
managing and reporting risks, ensuring the appropriate action is taken
S43: Recognise risks to public protection and quality of care, escalating concerns appropriately
S44: Accurately undertake risk assessments in a range of care settings, using a range of
contemporary assessment and improvement tools
S45: Identify the need to make improvements and proactively respond to potential hazards
that may affect the safety of people
S46: Participate in all stages of audit activity and identify appropriate quality improvement
S48: Share feedback and learning from positive outcomes and experiences, mistakes and
adverse outcomes and experiences
S51: Identify and manage risks and take proactive measures to improve the quality of care and
services when needed
S52: Safely and effectively lead and manage the nursing care of a group of people,
demonstrating appropriate prioritisation, delegation and assignment of care responsibilities to
others involved in providing care
S53: Guide, support and motivate individuals and interact confidently with other members of
the care team
S54: Monitor and evaluate the quality of care delivered by others in the team and lay carers
S55: Support and supervise students in the delivery of nursing care, promoting reflection and
providing constructive feedback, and evaluating and documenting their performance
S56: Challenge and provide feedback about care delivered by others in the team, and support them
to identify and agree individual learning needs
S57: Contributes to supervision and team reflection activities to promote improvements in practice
and services


B3: Be adaptable, reliable and consistent, show discretion, resilience and self-awareness
Module calendar

• 40 Credit module over 7 weeks

• Flipped Classroom – Wednesday
• Thursday all day – Face to Face on Campus
• Friday morning – Face to Face on Campus


•Formative Submissions 6th May 2024

•Formative tutorials 8th - 9th May 2024
•Essay 8th July 2024
•PAD 19th August 2024
•Portfolio 19th August 2024

Communication channels

• Moodle Site, Module team, UOB Email


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Organisational Nurse Leadership NHS Learning Hub Team Working Role Models
Am I a leader? Culture toolkit
What is Leadership?

• 5000 word assignment

• The essay should critically analyse the contribution of leadership relating to a change identified
in clinical practice
• The identified change in practice is to guide your discussions within your assignment.
• Identify a challenging area of care or a new method of service delivery within practice. You are
focusing on the nurse leader’s role in implementing the change in practice.
• Examples: DNAR wristband, Team based champion role, e.g. mouthcare, hand hygiene etc,
SBAR handovers, ‘Do not disturb’ tabards for medication rounds, Safety huddles

LO1: Critically appraise importance of political awareness for nurses and the role nurse play in
influencing policy in relation to healthcare delivery
• Why do nurse’s need to be politically aware? Consider the barriers they may need to overcome to be politically
• Consider the nurse’s role in implementing and influencing policy – Are nurse’s involved? If not, why not? What
needs to change?
• Identify a relevant policy in relation to your chosen change – critically discuss this policy. Is it fit for purpose? Is
it up to date? Are there any criticisms of it? What needs to be taken into consideration for future practice?
• Do politics and ethics influence leadership?
• Evidence based approach to practice – relate to your chosen change.

LO2: Critically evaluate leadership theories skills and practice and the importance of
effective leadership in healthcare
• Introduce the concept of leadership
• Critically evaluate 2-3 leadership theories and/or styles – apply these to your chosen change. Which
one would be best suited to implementing your change in practice? Why?
• Consider how a change management model could be used during the change process. E.g. Lewin’s,
Kotter’s or NHS Change model.
• Explore the Myers-Briggs personality test – what is your personality? How would this help/ hinder
the change process? How reliable is the Myers-Briggs tool?

LO3: Critically analyse the concept of team working and identify range of performance strategies
required for team effectiveness ensuring risk aversion and effective risk management
• Consider the importance of effective teamworking during the change process.
• Analyse the performance strategies used by the leader to improve teamwork. How does the leader support the
team during the change process?
• Does the leader’s behaviour influence team effectiveness?
• Appraise Belbin’s approach – how reliable is this? What is your own team role and how does this help/ hinder the
change process?
• Critically explore how the leader manages risk during the change process. What are some of the strategies that can
be used to avert and manage risk? How successful are these strategies?
• Analyse the NHS Leadership Model – are there any criticisms of this model? Can it be used during the change
LO4: Critically appraise process of transitioning from student to registered nurse and
reflect on own development need
• What are some of the challenges Newly Qualified Nurse’s face during the first 12 months?
• Does the preceptorship programme help the process of transition? Be critical.
• Reality shock – what are some of the strategies to overcome this? E.g. reflection, building resilience. Why
are these strategies important during the transition period?
• Critically consider the importance of continuing professional development? It is an NMC requirement to
revalidate and supervise students. How do these help us develop professionally? E.g. being self-aware
• Reflect on your own development needs to ensure you are an effective leader. Refer to your PDP and
SWOT analysis as appendices.
85%-100% 70%- 84% Excellent 60-69% Very Good 50-59% Good 40-49% Satisfactory35-39% Borderline Less than 34% Fail
Exceptional Fail
Argument Makes exceptional Makes creative use of Uses sound Presents largely Presents basic Limited argument, Inadequate arguments
and use of appropriate appropriate arguments arguments or coherent arguments. arguments, but focus which is descriptive and no analysis.
analysis arguments and/or and/or theoretical theoretical models. Evidence of and consistency or narrative in style Descriptive or
theoretical models. models. Demonstrates Presents a sound attempted analysis lacking in places. with little evidence of narrative in style with
Presents an some distinctive or critical evaluation of and critical Issues are vaguely analysis. Conclusions no evidence of
exceptional critical independent thinking. the material resulting evaluation, with stated. Descriptive or are neither clear nor critique. Conclusions
evaluation of the Presents an excellent in clear and logical some descriptive or narrative passages logical. are sparse.
material results in critical evaluation of conclusions. narrative passages. evident which lack
clear, logical and the material results in Conclusions are clear purpose.
insightful clear, logical and fairly clear and Conclusions are not
conclusions. illuminating logical. always clear or
Demonstrates conclusions. logical.
distinctive or

Full Rubrik available in Module Handbook

• Plagiarism is the representation of another person’s work, without acknowledgement of the source, as the student’s
own for the purposes of satisfying assessment requirements.
• This includes;
• Information taken from the internet
• Published works
• Other students’ work

• Examples of plagiarism are: -

• Copying the work of another person (including a fellow student) without acknowledging the source through the appropriate form
of citation – although you may support each other with your assignments, you may not paraphrase and cite another student’s work.
• The summarising of another person’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without
• The use of ideas or intellectual data, or the submission or presentation of work of another person as if it were the student’s own
without acknowledgement of the sources

• Collusion is where two or more students collaborate to produce a piece of work which is then submitted as though
it were an individual student’s own work
• Plagiarism/collusion are considered serious academic misconduct at this level. (University of Bolton, 2021)
• Reference properly •
• It is illegal - breaking copyright
• Don’t copy and paste, use your own words
• If you need to copy other peoples work you are • After you have written a point in your assignment, ask yourself: Is this
not demonstrating your own thoughts and my own idea? Who has influenced my thinking Are these my own
• Good time management; take the time to check work through; enough
• It is cheating and it potentially penalises honest time to do the assignment properly without copying or cutting corners or
making poor choices under pressure such as buying an assignment.
• Keep track of your sources, even at the note-making stage, so that you
• It is serious academic misconduct and could lead can keep track of where you got ideas and quotes from – especially page
to disciplinary action such as repeating
• Use LEAP Online University of Bolton resources
assignments or even suspension
• Learn how to paraphrase effectively – decide when you must quote or
• It penalises the authors of the original work – paraphrase.

would you like it if someone used your work as • Avoid accidental paraphrasing by reading back through your work

if it was theirs? • Use the Originality Report function on Turnitin

• Ask for help if you are unsure

• It raises questions of honesty and integrity (University of Bolton, LEAP Online)
• On campus/online teaching;
 Group work
 Debates
 Developing presentations
 Self assessments
 Sharing
 Learning independently and together
 Questioning and critically evaluating
 Feedback

• Flipped classroom
• 1:1 tutorials
• Library resources
• Moodle resources

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