Steps To Successful Digital Content Creation With Tips and Tricks FINAL

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Steps to Successful Digital

Content Creation
Determine the purpose
By determining the purpose at the
beginning of the content creation
process, you can improve the
likelihood that your content will
achieve the desired results.

Create useful, quality
In digital content creation, the rule
of thumb is that every piece
content you create must be useful
and relevant to the target audience.

Utilize photos and
Supplement your written content
with photos, infographics and

Implement an SEO
A strong SEO program helps you
discover the most searched,
valuable terms for your location
and industry.

Track and analyze content
Ideally, your analytics program
should go beyond simple page
views to evaluate the online
behaviors of the individuals who
are viewing specific pieces of
digital content.

Some Tools for Creating Social
Media Content
For editing content
○ Canva
For editing photos
○ Snapseed
○ Lightroom CC
○ Pixelcut for removing backgrounds
on photos
For editing videos
○ CapCut
Tips and Tricks
Social media post ideas for businesses that practically
guarantee engagement 8
Create Memes
People love memes! Specially
Millennials and Gen Zs. Create
a meme that would relate to
your company to create more
Tell Stories
People remember stories! The
reason why stories work is because
it's personal and your fans will
probably have similar story or
situations that they are doing
through. This allows you to connect
with them on a personal level.
Post at the Right Time
12:00 NN , 6:00 PM, and 9:00 PM
○ Usually, these are the best times to post on
your social media.
○ Every study will show a different results
because the best time to post varies based
on industry and demographic.
○ Use Facebook Insights to determine when
your fans are online
Post About Trending Topics
Facebook news feed algorithm will reward posts
that are about topics trending on Facebook.
What you can do is find potential topics that
your customer will be talking about. For
example, if you know your customers will be
watching the football match, you can post
content around this, and ask which team they'll
be supporting. It's a fun way to interact with
your fans.
Post Behind-the-Scenes Shots of
Your Business
Behind-the-scenes photos humanize your
business & help you stand out from the
competition. Today transparency is what
fans want. More businesses are opened to
this idea and are seeing great results in
terms of engagement from posting these
type of posts.
Ask Fans About Business Decisions

Trying to decide on some new

product features? Ask your
followers, you can gain ideas
from them while boosting your
presence in the site.
Post Questions & Fill-in-the-Blanks

Fill-in-the-blanks & questions will get

your fans responding every time. Trust
me, people love this type of content.

Warning! This type of post will get you

a lot of responses. It's just fun!
Act Human
○ Beep beep! Nobody wants to
interact with a bot!
○ We're all human -- even on
Facebook. Act that way! Ignore all
the advices on being professional.
Show your real side and just be you.
Act like how you are in real life.
Write Creative Descriptions for
Your Posts
A witty description is often more effective than
sharing a headline from a link. A mistake many
pages make is they simply reuse headlines of the
blog instead. That's the wrong way of
approaching it.

Tease people if you must but don't use headlines,

it's too robotic and looks lazy in the eyes of your

Pro tip: Use

Post Videos
○ Behind the scenes
• You and your team
• How to use your product/services
• Just say hello
• Your fun side
• and more
Brand Posts with Logo & Colors
○ Brand images with your
logo whenever possible so people
easily recognize your posts & page.
This way, fans can easily recognize
your content when they are swiping
down their phones.
○ Choose a color for your brand and just
stick with it.
Spotlight Fans

Post about your fans & customers. And

reward them with weekly prizes that you
give away on your page. This is the best
way to build credibility and trust.
Potential customers will purchase from
you and customers will be more loyal to
your business when they see their photo
get featured on your Facebook page.
Be Consistent
This is one of the most important advice I
can give you. Be consistent. Don't post
something then disappear. It's bad form! This
will affect your reach and engagement when
you come back in the future.

Regardless of how often you post -- make

sure you're consistent.
Thank you!
If you have any questions, you can email me at
[email protected]
Or message me on Messenger at


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