Bullet Proof Vests

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Carbons had been discovered in 1991. The nature of the bonding of a nano tube is describe by applied quantum chemistry,specifically,orbital hybridization. The chemical bonding of nano tubes are composed entirely of sp2 bonds, similar to those of graphite. Carbon nano tubes is super strong bullet proof vests.

Inherent property of elasticity is the main reason.

CARBON NANOTUBES is one of the main applications of nano technology. A carbon nano tubes is a one-atom thick sheet of graphite rolled up into a seamless cylinder with diameter on the order of a nanometer. They exhibit extraordinary strength and unique electrical properties. The inherent property of elasticity made them to show rebounding property.

The size of the nano tube is in the order of few nano meters, approximately 1/50000th of the width of a human hair.

Nano tubes naturally align themselves into "ropes held together by Vander Waals forces. The bonding in carbon nano tubes is sp, with each atom joined to three neighbors, as in graphite.

The current huge interest in carbon nano tubes is a direct consequence of the synthesis of buckminsterfullerene, C60. The search was given new importance when it was shown in 1990 that C60 could be produced in a simple arc-evaporation apparatus readily available in all laboratories. The tubes contained at least two layers, ranged in outer diameter from about 3 nm to 30 nm.

In 1993, a new class of carbon nano tube was discovered, with just a single layer. Recent research has focused on improving the quality of catalytically-produced nano tubes.

carbon nano tubes can also be made by passing a carboncontaining gas, such as a hydrocarbon, over a catalyst. The catalyst consists of nano-sized particles of metal, usually Fe, Co or Ni. It was shown in 1996 that single-walled nano tubes can also be produced catalytically.

The big advantage of catalytic synthesis over arcevaporation is that It can be scaled up for volume production.
The third important method for making carbon nano tubes involves using a powerful laser to vaporize a metal-graphite target.


Single-walled nano
Single-walled nano tubes are generally narrower with diameters typically in the range 1-2 nm, and tend to be curved rather than straight. These tubes are used to make super strong armour bodies.

They have elastic property and hence used to make bullet proof vests.


Multi-walled nano tubes consist of multiple layers of graphite rolled in on themselves to form a tube shape.
They combine very similar morphology and properties as compared to SWNT, while improving significantly the resistance to chemicals. This is especially important when fictionalization is required to add new properties to the CNT.

o Fullerites are the solid-state manifestation of
fullerenes and related compounds and materials.

oIt is comparable to diamond in terms of


oDue to the nano tubes intertwine, they don't have

the corresponding crystal lattice that makes it possible to cut diamonds neatly.

Carbon nano buds are a newly discovered material combining two previously discovered allotropes of carbon: carbon nano tubes and fullerenes. The new material fullerene-like "buds" are covalently bonded to the outer sidewalls of the underlying carbon nano tube. They have been found to be exceptionally good field emitters.

Among all types, bullet proof vests can be made from single walled nano tubes.

Bullet proof vests are woven by the carbon nano fibers which are made up of millions of tiny carbon nano tubes is starting to reveal exciting properties. Carbon nano tubes have great potential applications in making ballistic resistance materials. carbon nano tubes makes them an ideal candidate for reinforcing polymers and other materials, It could lead to applications such as bullet-proof vests as light as a T-shirt, shields, and explosion-proof blankets.

For these applications, thinner, lighter, and flexible materials with superior Conduct electricity as copper.

Carbon nano fibres are good at absorbing energy so they can
absorb the energy coming from the bullet.

The inherent property of elasticity makes the bullet to


When the bullet strikes the jacket, the fibre shows its elastic property and rebounds the bullet.
The fibres form a tight interlaced net which disperses the energy of the bullet reducing its speed until it stops. The most effective material used in body armour is Kevlar fibre. Soft bullet proof vests are formed from advanced woven fibres that can be sewn into vests and other soft clothing.

The use of nanotechnology in design means those in the line of fire can be shot without a flinch.
The fivers are usually twisted individually and the material covered by a double coat of resin and plastic. The second most used material is Vectran, which is two times stronger than Kevlar. New trends include spider web, feathers and carbon nano tubes.

Bulletproof jackets do not turn security guards, police officers and armed forces into Robocop, repelling the force of bullets in their stride.
New research in carbon nanotechnology however could give those in the line of fire materials which can bounce bullets without a trace of damage. A research paper published in the Institute of Physics Nano technology details how engineers from the Centre for Advanced Materials Technology at the University of Sydney have found a way to use the elasticity of carbon nanotubes to not only stop bullets penetrating material but actually rebound their force.

Bullet proof vests are designed to spread the energy laterally over the whole vest while deforming the bullet at the same time. When hard protective pieces are added, thebullets might be deflected instead of stopped, but in the case of soft body armor it is extremely difficult to deflect a bullet, it will be trapped by the material and stopped.

Most anti-ballistic materials, like bullet-proof jackets and explosion proof blankets, are currently made of multiple layers of Kevlar, Twaron or Dyneema fibers which stop bullets from penetrating by spreading the bullet's force. Scientists have used the elasticity of carbon nano tubes to not only stop bullets penetrating material but to actually rebound their force.

Clothing woven from the fibres that could store electrical energy, much like a battery, and be used to power various electrical devices. Distributed fibre sensors able to monitor the movement and health of first responders to emergencies A power source for spacecraft on long voyages through conversion of thermal energy to electrical energy using nanotube fibres.

It's a very thin fibre, weighing much less than a gram, they are trying to scale this up to make kilograms. The research is going on to prepare protective body suits.

Body amour for women personal.

Reinforced soft and hard body armour.

Helmet and body protective device.

Breathable garment to be woven to improve the comfort of the human body.

These bullet proof vests are very effective and essential for the coming generations.

As these are made from carbon nano fibers, which are readily available and less in cost, the coming generations will be benefited more. These are safe and protective than the bullet proofs which are used in these days.
A new generation of bullet-proof vests and anti-ballistic materials that are much more effective than those in use today.

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