Cloud RAN Commercial Instructions v2

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Cloud RAN

Commercial Readiness:
Teams and Confluence
usage information

Kirsi Ellilä 23.2.2024 v1.0

Terhi Kiskonen 3.4.2024 v.2.0
© 2024 Nokia
This documents contain information about Teams and Confluence usage in testing camps.
Purpose of these tools is to ease up the camp control and follow up in daily work. These tools should be used commonly in all streams
to get the best results for overall success.

• Teams usage and Issue handling, link: Cloud RAN Commercial readiness Teams
• In General folder all needed common information like documents, links etc can be shared. Also Notes links, powerpoints,
excels and such can be shared in Teams.
• Main task for this Teams is the Issue handling. Issues will be created as own channels under this Teams. Channel should be
the only place to discuss and investigate this particular issue and only one issue per channel.
• Pre-screening channel established (limited # of members) if need to ask e.g. how something is working? is this known
issue? who should investigate?

• Confluence for camps and test lines:

• Every Stream should create own “Camp” page using template.
• All testlines need to be added to confluence under Test Line folder : Link

2 © 2024 Nokia
Teams channels
tcamp materi
General Boo
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3 © 2024 Nokia
Teams usage

4 © 2024 Nokia
Teams usage and Issue handling
Common Teams for Cloud RAN Commercial readiness has been created.
Link: Cloud RAN Commercial readiness Teams
Anyone in Nokia can join the Teams via this link. Also Owners can add any member who is needed into this Teams.
In General folder all needed common information like documents, links etc can be shared. Also Notes links, powerpoints, excels and such can be
shared in Teams.
Main task for this Teams is the Issue handling. Issues will be created as own channels under this Teams. Channel should be the only place to
discuss and investigate this particular issue and only one issue per channel.
For Clarity the Issue creation need to be agreed from the naming pov. To separate Issues made from different streams the used prefixes will be:
NETWM – Network Management
AUTOM - Automation (CNF Automation, Cloud Infra Automation)
SEOPR - Serviceability & Operability
TRBLS - Troubleshooting
CAPER - Capacity & Performance
SECVL - Security & Vulnerability
AVLRB - High Availability & robustness
INUPG - Installation & Upgrade

5 © 2024 Nokia
Teams usage and Issue handling
Common Teams for Cloud RAN Commercial readiness now contains example Issues for each streams:

These examples needs to be replaced by real items by each stream when starting. Channels are created from 3 dots seen above picture
by “Add Channel”.
Template is recommended to be used when creating new channel: Link to template

First Automation channel has template included: Link to channel

All Preinvestigation will be done under the channel and if Pronto will be created about the issue the Channel name will be updated to
correspond the Pronto number.

When agreed to close the issue channel can be closed by adding agreed closed tag e.g. [CL] in the beginning.

6 © 2024 Nokia
Teams usage and Issue handling
As Team is common for all streams it is easy to check what kind of issue are found already in different streams. And if needed also
contribution can be given from other streams to all issue when suitable.

Issues will be followed up daily. It is camp leads responsibility to make sure that discussion and investigation is ongoing and relevant
people are aware about ongoing activities.

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Confluence for camps and test lines

8 © 2024 Nokia
Confluence for Camp/Stream information
Confluence page has been created:
Every Stream should create own “Camp” page using template.
You can check examples from e.g. ASOG L3 camp

9 © 2024 Nokia
Confluence for Testline usage
All testlines need to be added to confluence under Test Line folder : Link
Test Line template to be used for creation.
Daily status need to be fulfilled by tester on daily basis.

10 © 2024 Nokia
Other information

• Bootcamp introduction
• Pronto tagging instructions

11 © 2024 Nokia
Bootcamp Setup
Owner: Soma Sarkar
Camp Leader: Suvi Pukkila, Technical Leader: Tuomas Niemela
Mentor: Juha Pekka Karjalainen
PDM: Jaska Sainio, NPI: Wolfgang Ulrich, Program: Veerendra Gangwar

Network Management & Management System with Automation

Sponsor: Merja Hemmi, Responsible: Markku Lukkarinen, Architect: Damian Nowak, PDM:
Eric Desorbay (Automation), Sami Jalonen (NM) Operability, UUF, HA+Robustness & Logging-Troubleshooting
Sponsor: Bindhya Tiwari, Responsible: Atul Pala, Architect: Tuomas
• Full testing of the Management System (NEAT, NADCM, MantaRay) Niemelä, Visagan Soundaram, PDM: Marcin Lipa
• Empty room deployments with full automation like customer would do including HW, eSW, OCP,
vCU and vDU installations. • RAN-NIC + h/w + eSW + BIOS + Drivers & linked areas (like RN-NIC
s/w controller, sync-operator)
• Operability + UUF (Deployment + Upgrade + Rollback + Back-up-
Restore + Scaling + FCAPS) + Operational KPIs
Capacity & Performance Sponsor: Soma Sarkar, Responsible: Enping
• High Availability & robustness (redundancy & failure recovery
Sponsor: Hannu Tammi, Lead: Timo Wu, Architect: Thierry Pernot, PDM: Risto
Harju mechanisms)
Komulainen, Architect: Tuomas Niemelä,
• Monitoring
Mikko Ollanketo, PDM: Marko M. Virtanen
• Application • Overall logging & troubleshooting. Specific focus to lower levels (RAN-
• Infra Solution (i.e., h/w, CaaS & Management NIC, NADCM & etc.)
• Benchmarking of Application & Cloud Infra
with LOAD System)

12 © 2024 Nokia Confidential

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