4th Quarter Performance Task

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Target Date of
Culminating Performance Performance Task Target Skills to
Standard (Output) Develop
Prepare a poster on a ■Infographic/Magazine ■Critical Thinking May 15, 2024
specific application of ■Creativity
one of the following: ■Collaboration
A. Acid-base equilibrium ■Communication
B. Electrochemistry ■Productivity
Include in the poster the ■Flexibility
concepts, principles, and (Experimental)
chemical reactions involved,
and diagrams of processes and
other relevant materials.
Goal To showcase day-to-day applications of Acid-Base equilibrium,
Electrochemistry, and the concepts and principles behind them.
Role Creative editor of the Sci-Roads Online Magazine
Audience Netizens/Teachers
Situation/Scenario As a creative editor of the Sci-Roads Online Magazine, it is the first
time for the company to release an infographic which you are tasked
to design. It must showcase day-to-day applications of Acid-Base
Equilibrium, Electrochemistry, and the concepts and principles
behind them. Reflections and insights on the social, cultural,
environmental, and economic aspects of the topics must also be
included. The infographic will be released to the netizens.

Product/ Design an infographic showcasing day-to-day applications of Acid-

Performance Base Equilibrium and Electrochemistry.
Standards The output to be published online should be rated according to
message clarity, scientific concepts, grammar and mechanics,
references, and visually appealing.
Needs Improvement
Criteria Weight Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2)
The content is
The majority of content The content is
The content is accurate, inaccurate or
is accurate and somewhat accurate and The content is highly
comprehensive, and incomplete, indicating
Content 60%
demonstrates a deep
comprehensive, with comprehensive, but
a limited
inaccurate or irrelevant
minor omissions or lacks depth or contains to the topic.
understanding. understanding of the
inaccuracies. notable inaccuracies.
subject matter.

The layout is visually

appealing, engaging, and
effectively captures the The layout is visually The layout is somewhat The layout is visually
The layout is distracting
audience’s attention. appealing and well- visually appealing but unappealing, cluttered,
Design/ or confusing, detracting
30% Graphic colors, and designed, with some may lack consistency, or disorganized,
Layout from the overall
typography are room for improvement organization, or hindering
creatively used to in creativity or cohesion. creativity. comprehension.
enhance understanding
and flow.

Typography is carefully Typography, media,

Typography, media,
chosen, media elements accessibility, or Typography, media,
accessibility, and Typography, media,
are integrated effectively, functionality elements accessibility, and
functionality elements accessibility, and
accessibility show room for functionality elements
TMAF 10%
considerations are
are mostly well-
improvement, with are poorly executed,
functionality elements
executed, with minor are entirely neglected or
addressed, and several issues significantly detracting
issues in one or two implemented incorrectly.
functionality enhances impacting user from user experience.
user experience. experience.
TOTAL 100%

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